THECOPYBIOHT, 1889, BY Till SPOBTINO Lire PUILISHIHO CO. SPORTING LIFEENTERED « PHILA. POST Orrici AS SECOND CLASS MATTE*. VOLUME U, NO. 5. PHILADELPHIA, PA., NOVEMBER 6, 1889. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. and this alone ought to be some inducement to one or players from plavlng with other dabs next season," two of the team, although nearly every man has saved says Anson, "I don't believe that any of them feel money during the past sea»on. Robinson will very safe. More than that, I think that a good many LATE NEWS. of tbe boys are of the opinion that tho FOREIGN NEWS. likely remain right here during tbe winter. He has a very sore hand and he proposes to take good care of League can enjoin them. Brotherhood clubs himself until he gets well. JOB FRITCHAED. would be In a pretty bad box, if, with grounds all r«ady for the playing of their first scheduled fames, SECRETARY KEEFE TALKS. the courts would issue an injunction In favor of the Alleged Detailsof the League clubs. Well, we'll all wait and see juat whut Base Ball Established in The New Players' League Sure to be Or­ does happen. The League knows just where It stands and is strengthening its position every day." Players' League. ganized. Neither Williameon nor Burns will sign a contract England. Special to SPORTING LIFB. of any kind until after the League meeting. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Secretary Keefe, of the Mark Baldwin and Jack Crocks pofsed thorugh the Secretary Keefe's Views Co- Brotherhood, was interviewed last night and ex­ ;ity to-day, en route for the Wisconsin prairies.w fit re hey will eojoy a fortnight's goose and chicken shoot- A Review of Its First Season pressed himself pretty freely, so much so as to nf[, HARRY PALUI:B. miskey Makes a Denial- leave the impression that no compromise with the League is possible. "The Brotherhood will TOLEDO'S FUTURE, There The Organization Sporting News From not appoint a committee to meet the League,' said he, "but even if it does it will only be for Wliat Manager Morion Says of the Out­ of a League, Etc. All Points. the purpose of notifying the magnates that they look For Next Season. have decided to go ahead on their own account." TOLEDO, Get. 31. Charley Morion, the genial "Then it has been settled that tho Brother­ manager of the Toledo?, is in the city fixing LONDON, Oct. 16. Editor SPOBTINO LIFE: himself up snugly with his family for winter THE PLAYERS' ORGANIZATION. hood League will be started without doubt?" Long before you approached the end of your "I don't see why not; we are all ready to go quarters in Akron. Charley seems sanguine of you wero The Latest "Authentic" Details About the ahpad." getting together a pennant winning team for neck-and-neck League race, and while Proposed New League. "Where will the grounds be?" next season. "This," said Mr. Morton "is our yet in the thickest of the Association squabbles, Special to SPORTixt; Lirx. "The catcher's position will be ngainst the intention, and we will await the action of the the base ball season in England very quietly NEW YORK, Nov. 2. The name of the new centre field fence of the present Polo Grounds. International League meeting at Detroit on the enJed. How odd it seems to speak of a "base base ball organization is the Players' National The new ground will be bounded by One Hun­ 20th of November, to see where we will go for ball season in England." I wonder my pen did League. It will surely have a club in Brook­ dred and Fifty-seventh and One Uundrod and Fifty- next year. There are many things to bo consid­ not shy at the phrase and refuse to indite it. lyn next year. John M. Ward will be the cap­ ninth streets and Eighth Avenue. The lease, as far ered before leaving one association and joining tain. The other cities to be represented in this I know, has been signed, and as icon as everything We have bad a season, however, and a memor­ bus befcn settled, the contract for the fences and another. I think we could draw more money I able one. For the first time in the world's his­ League are New York, Boston, Philadelphia, grand stand will be given out." in the Western, but our distances would be Piltsburg, Buffalo, Cleveland ani Chicago. "Who will le in the team?" greater, while In the Intornatloaal we lead almost any tory a number of base bill matches between In the Ball Players' Brotherhood there are . "OU, that remains to be decided afterward, but the city in attendance, but do not realize as we tmouid. I Englishmen have been played on Englrsh soil. eight chapters, each chapter representing a men will no d<>ubt remain as they are now, with the am not here to state where we wilt play," continued What is better and much more to the purpose, exception of tho Washington and PiUsburg clubs, and Mr. Moiton, "but I will giro you a friendly tip that these matches have been thoroughly enjoyed by club. The delegates to the meeting of the they will be transferred to Brooklyn and Buffalo." wherever we go wo are going In to win. Y»s, I have Brotherhood, which will be held in the Fifth Ave­ "Why Buffalo? Could not a better place be found?" heard of poor Alvord's misfortunes and we all sympa­ those who participated in thorn and by a large nue Hotel next Monday, are: O'Rourke, New *'\Ve have made a carefnl study of the drawing thize with him. Toledo people thought for a tnno he number of people who witnessed ,-them. And Yorkj Brouthere, Boston; Pfeffer, Chicago; qualities of that city, and find that it will be as good waa off color here, but there was something behind all what is even better still, a great deal has been Irwin, Woehingtou; Builintou, Philadelphia; Andrews, its any in the new league, except, perhaps, New York this that neither you nor I can explain. I hoar from accomplished by these games in the way of get­ Indianapolis; Stricker, Cleveland, and Sunday, Pitts- and Boetou." the boys occasionally. AU seem anxious to return to ting people to talk about base ball and the news­ burg. John M. Ward will preside and T. J. Keefowill Keete also said that the new league would not Toledo and still call it home. Clubman's arm is com­ Interfere with any of the players outside of the Na­ BROTJTHERS, ing out grandly and ho is sought aftor by many other papers to write about it. Thus a great deal of act as secretary Rt this meeting. Other prominent prejudice has been overcome and some very meat beta will be present, but these men will do the tional League, and that in order to secure players the The Champion Batsman of the Boston Club and of the clubs, but I think Ed will siay with us. Sage is at business. Any other list la incorrect. They will National League must break the lamoua National hU borne at Hock Island and recently visited at honest expressions of distrust and contempt Ignore the Nutional League, and proceed to eut*»r into Agreement and take their players from tne minor Des Moines, where we played together for two years. have been changed into astonishment at the National League. He sends regards to all Toledo friends. Perry Weriien business with, a body of well-known capitalists. On league clubs. This, of course will break up the strides this despised gome has made within a smaller leagues, but still the Brotherhood can stand is lu St. Louis, Van Dyke is in Floridn, and Arthur Wednesday there will be a joint meeting of pluyers few weeks past. And now that the elements and backers, when new contracts will be signed, rules it. At the meeting of business men and the backers Sunday wears a Mexican sombrero in Chihuahm. Wo of the Brotherhood on Wednesday next, the president CHICAGO GLEANINGS. will organize early next season and arrange for a and forces favorable to base ball have adopted and officers elected. This will be the really WESTERN AFFAIRS. non­ inipt'riant meeting of the week. of the organization will be elected. No one would Southern series to gaio for the regular. I am been organized into the "National Base Ball The plan of the new league is only partly co-ope­ say who the men were who wanted this choice posi­ A New Secretary For the Western Asso­ Some Things Now Made Clear—Pfeffer's committal as to what association we will enter. We League of Great Britain" I think we have a right to rative. The moTement is really but little more than tion, but it will probaMy be one of the moneyed men ciation Determined Upon—Chas. Chase, Position in Chicago—Rosy Views of Un­ shall be in the one that shows up best and will give aak our American friends to join with us ID a e< rt of a change of employers with more privileges and liber­ at the back < f the Brotherhood. best ball for Toledo. Don't t ickle me on Brotherhood international lovefeftst.* Had any one last spring epo- The grounds for the Brooklyn Club hare baen se­ ol Oshkosli, the Man—Denver's Peril- sophisticated Players — Spalding Ready businet-s. I am out of that row, and like yourself a ties accorded to the plaj erg.
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