Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan WYOMING Department of Transportation Statewide LLONGONG-R-RANGEANGE TRTRANSPORANSPORTTAATIONTION PLANPLAN August 2005 1 Wyoming Department of Transportation 2 Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan August 2005 Statewide LONG-RANGE Wyoming TRANSPORTATION Department of PLAN Transportation Table of Contents PREFACE 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 CHAPTER 1: Public Involvement 13 CHAPTER 2: Transportation and Socio-Economics 19 CHAPTER 3: Funding 25 CHAPTER 4: Highway System 33 CHAPTER 5: Aeronautics 45 CHAPTER 6: Non-Motorized Transportation 49 CHAPTER 7: Rail Transportation 53 CHAPTER 8: Other Transportation Issues 55 CHAPTER 9: Highway Patrol 61 CHAPTER 10: Management Systems 65 CHAPTER 11: State Transportation Improvement Program 69 CHAPTER 12: Public Transit 73 CHAPTER 13: Environmental Compliance 77 GLOSSARY 81 3 Wyoming Department of Transportation 4 Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan Statewide LONG-RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN PREFACE The history of transportation development in Wyoming has its simple beginnings etched in the trails of the early fur trappers and carved in the wheel ruts of the wagon trains of the mid-19th century. In the 1840s, thousands of settlers traversed The Wyoming Transportation Department recognizes Wyoming Territory on their journey to Oregon. Their the importance of long-range transportation planning as route paralleled the North Platte River and utilized South a tool or process to be utilized in the development of a Pass to cross the Continental Divide. Later, the same responsive multi-modal transportation system to route was used by the stream of settlers headed West to provide for the safe and efficient movement of people make their fortune during the height of the California and goods. From its inception, WYDOT’s primary goal gold rush, by the Mormon handcart migration in the has been to plan, develop, construct, operate and 1850s and again by the Pony Express. Together with maintain a highway network connecting Wyoming stage coach routes, such as the Cheyenne-Deadwood communities. The highway network is now provided on Stage Road, the Overland Stage Route and the Black the basis of travel demand, safety, energy conservation, Hills Wagon Road, these historical trails represent the and protection and preservation of the environment. A beginnings of an organized transportation network properly managed state highway network can be within the territory. instrumental in facilitating the growth and development The Wyoming State Highway Department was of Wyoming’s communities and support commercial, created by an act of the Wyoming Legislature in 1917. In industrial and recreational growth. Proper management 1991, the State Highway Department became the of the state highway network is accomplished through Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT). principles of sound highway planning, programming Since that time, the focus of the Department has and involvement of the public. broadened to include all modes of transportation. 5 Wyoming Department of Transportation and their respective responsibilities. WYDOT works WYDOT’s MISSION with local officials to provide effective communication To provide a safe, high quality, and and coordination through its planning efforts. efficient transportation system. GOALS WYDOT has expanded its public information and This Long-Range plan will outline the priorities and outreach efforts. TransPlan, the Department’s public actions necessary to accomplish WYDOT’s primary involvement process, was developed to gather input goals: from the public. Statewide planning and public Pursue adequate funding to accomplish the involvement have been emphasized in the past two Department’s mission. federal highway funding bills. WYDOT has continued Enhance safety on the transportation system. to refine and enhance the TransPlan process to improve Preserve the quality of the existing public participation in its planning and programing transportation system. activities. Provide for the efficient transportation of This update of WYDOT’s Statewide Long-Range people and goods in Wyoming. Plan was developed through a comprehensive public Provide transportation mode choices to the involvement process that included numerous meetings people of Wyoming. with transportation stakeholder groups and consultation Fairly and equitably fulfill our regulatory with local officials. This policy plan is intended to guide and revenue generating responsibilities. WYDOT’s activities over at least the next five years. The Department is in a period of some uncertainty as PURPOSE Congress prepares the next federal funding authorization The primary purpose of the Statewide Long-Range bill. It is understood that adjustments may have to be Transportation Plan is to provide direction to WYDOT made in priorities and programs in response to in the pursuit of its mission over a 20-year horizon. In an provisions in the new federal law. ever changing world, the Department must anticipate It is hoped that this publication also will be an aid to and respond to the transportation needs of those the citizens of Wyoming and enhance their traveling in Wyoming. The Department’s 2005 comprehension of transportation construction, Statewide Long-Range Plan update process included maintenance and planning activities needed to provide a several phases of work. The Systems Planning Unit safe and efficient transportation system. WYDOT reviewed a number of other states’ plans to aid in the welcomes and solicits comments as we move forward in process of identifying current practices, challenges, the 21st century. trends and national/regional issues. In order to be useful, In order to achieve the goals of this mission, the the plan necessarily involved communication with the Wyoming Department of Transportation has created a public and stakeholders to identify key transportation detailed planning process that includes the continual issues affecting WYDOT’s customers. Finally, those updating of this document, the Statewide Long-Range issues and concerns were evaluated to determine how Transportation Plan. WYDOT should respond in order to effectively fulfill its Transportation Planning, as is true of planning for mission and achieve its goals. any public expenditure, must be related to the goals of the geographical or political area concerned. It must be based on the existing and anticipated economic structure PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT of the area and it must be realistic in light of the resources The public involvement process for the update began available to meet the desired goals. Effective statewide with a number of stakeholder group meetings across the planning must recognize other governmental entities state. Stakeholder groups included the Wyoming Trucking Association, the Aeronautics Commission, the 6 Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan Board of Agriculture, bicyclists, the Wyoming Lodging Providing an efficient multi-modal transportation Association, Wyoming SafeKids, the Wyoming system to facilitate economic growth and development Association of County Engineers and Road continues to be a priority for many stakeholders. Superintendents (WACERS) and other interested The plan attempts to provide direction for a balanced groups. Also, in 2002 and 2004, the Department transportation system. In addition to the road and contracted with the University of Wyoming to conduct highway network, other modes provide for the customer satisfaction surveys. The public involvement movement of people and goods in Wyoming. Aviation, process will be completed when the Long-Range Plan is rail and pipelines are critical components of the presented to the public through WYDOT’s TransPlan transportation system. The planning process has process. evaluated the contributions of these and additional Input from the public and the stakeholders has been modes of transportation, such as transit, bicycling and used to produce a broad-based Statewide Long-Range walking. Plan to guide transportation planning and programming The recommendations in the plan reflect the policy in the direction desired by WYDOT’s customers. The direction that WYDOT should pursue over the next 20 plan recognizes trends in factors affecting the years. In many areas, the plan recommends that current transportation system, such as shifting demographics, activities be continued. However, in some areas, new land use, commuting patterns, freight volumes, and directions are called for to prepare for emerging changes in technology. Fortunately, congestion and air challenges. An update of the Long-Range Plan will be quality are not critical issues for WYDOT at this time. completed on approximately a five-year cycle. Important WYDOT is concerned about safety, corridor preservation, issues identified in the plan may be revisited more funding issues, environmental stewardship and frequently with update summaries provided by the streamlining of the environmental review process. Planning Program. 7 Wyoming Department of Transportation 8 Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan Statewide LONG-RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan Legislature. The study found a very significant gap provides policy guidance to the Department in fulfilling between roadway needs and available funding. The it’s mission and the allocation of resources. The Long- State Legislature has not adequately addressed the need Range Plan is the product of a comprehensive public for additional funding. Federal-aid funding has not
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