fc- '.iensBBBnao • • V * • B g i s J 3 M i J l ' n m i —MEB O H B im m ■ zzT^ffoidTinimr-iiing~-: E F W S p O ®Hdentlree f l ^ t T O ■' -Today’s forecac a s t : - --------- - )n 6 y eairs in chaains ^ ; Editor’s note: AP ChicTCh Middle Hast | D H Partly cloudy withvitli west w inds 10 to 20 Correspondent Terry'ry Anderson was Afiderson poer>em -'A3 mph and highs in the mid-60s. kidnapped, b y . ShiiteSh Muslim ---------, P a g » A 2 - - - —- ~-fund:mcntnIists'scycnycI ycHrsapMondayr ^ ^ 9 was left al gunpoint, standin, He iKJs released last Dcc.?cc. 4. Since tlien, he M f c H M iding at my cnr as- ' . has been vacationingg inii privacy in ihe my unshaven young caploiplo rs shoved tiie . into their car. Caribbean, .where.he remains.rer These are his thoughts on tltc anniviniveisary. It would be alinost seven/cn years bcibre I • would be a free man again.iin. In that time, f — -^Anrcxplosive-sl »-sltoadon — . - -^a.s,mnvtMLJn niifiriyy :20 pliiars --------------- J - T w in P alls c rimn'e t lab investigators arc Tlic Associated Press et 'hiBm s iiiiiees;— —— L ■ trying to figure out if an obJect'fpund even ordinary apartmeniients bul with 3 • hidden unacr a T , windows covered wilh she i Twin Falls County I should have know•vn n better. After 2^ sheet metal - in -1 S h e r i f f s D epartm Beirul. Souih Lebanon, theiePekaaVallev..-. D ___ =r =ricarMiv-I^banon.r^you-|>u-get-to-be-ab!eHt>-'{^^| — ■ — ind ced n bomb:-------- -L ik e nil the hostages, I s| smell, donger. Unforturlunatel^^my nose 1 speru much of P a g e B I went numb. nVtime blindfolded andd chained.cl Some ■ • werc'bttaten. Som e were: psychologicallyps; The (lay before they goig o t m e, four m e n in abused. Several d fed /if sicknickncss or neglect Highbopcs ricd to kidnap m e .a s - . .^ ^ H -m urdcrJust the same. I drove back to w ork: frofn m lun c h in m y Q Idaho wildlife: biologistsbi who have - The physical_and verbal :j ... ...seasideapartm ent.... lal abuse was, of g • been (racJfffrg-thc-1fir endangered North' " " • .course, hard to take. Bul Thpy screeched past3t mn e at a turn and But it was. less • B American trumpetpeter swan foJ^ two- difficult for me than for'or some of the - .......... • tried to force my car:ar to the-curb. I I .............dccadeshopeitisriiariiaking a comeback". oJhers. Six years in tlic Mari:-larine Corps and whipped my car aroundmd theirs and kept sB nR P a g e B I 15 knocking around the worlworld for the AP going. They chascd mene and; Iried again, - Asia, Africa, the Middlei i l c East -Tiacl__________ ^ha^-J-^ght ^urn > ^°L _.>aut;l» me to take w n n lcrver v ^ cnmir iilofni _____ APpJntt goodJ or bad. The fffst tim■ne e I1 was beaten, neared a Lebanese an nychebkpoint. y cl ' Newly 1 y freed U.S. hostage Terr> - by t\yo armed and viciouss guards,gu as T lay ______ The.nextdayJ just-gotgoLupas usual and - - n f i- ny,Anderson greets reporporters at a news . ^ chained by both handss ahda; feel and f rSunsBlnes on a went to keep a 7 a.m. Icnitennis date with AP Jrence iQ'Pam ascus, Syri{fria, on Dec. 6,1991, In thhthis artist’s Illustration, .j _blindfoldcd. 1. offered no rcsisuuice.-Just.resi ------- phorographBr'D.on~MelIIc in T d o n ’tT n o w It’dldrtdh’U a s tr'~~ . V \ n)^ni_anned_with.jllLPJslQlSi.ie.'vpcd.out a n d _■JellinBJnysclf.ov.er.and.Qver .t ver "Do nolhini*. ■ ------- w ny. M'a y sd m o »m'Iiy ny m iatioiii! , ,..Aii.i.J Patrick’s Run/Wall/alk at Malad Gorge a lter «nc yunitec open myn^tar door oclore 1 eoulU li-ignimg back is useless. Thejrhey'll get tired. successfully had made me too siire of my game at his apartmeni a few hundrc)Ired yards move. -u_ _ State Patic'draw'354)4 fparticipants. ___ -------safety.—------------------------- _—Ihe-hu^liatJon-bf-suelHriHftabTTcntT-and ------- ^------- -------fm m .m i :^-llii;_M dLivasJuclti , ~ •Page'PI ' — cky. They-wanted -me.- Hc—--------- —- P fe a s e ^ e e -A NkNDERS0N/A3 D ---------- -- “ T ■ South High to0 South£ Idaho The College o)f f! Southern Idaho’s suiprising Baltimonlore Connection paid dividends quickly for the G olden Eagles.' H isp ainics i P a g e P 3 _____ _ eper•feet ( eowfci> o y -ta k e qtu i est I HHaa— Celebrate s t PiPatrick’s Pay ' A 1 ' ■ I • The C^egans, whcvho Just moved here Jives the p;part for : ^ for-clinim t I " " P a tr ic k ’s Day.' P a g e C I beer commercial n ncisco ___ ^___L __ B y Terrell W illi^ . , to co mirt : __ Timcs-Mcvi-scornrspondcnidem- •------------------------------ vcyrhavrprDnouHC(*d~ ~ — ------------------------------ - rrg rr- ~ByDn™ DcSilvcr la - San Frgncisco the: NN( o;! tourist city in... _ _ JEROME - CalvJn AmylsAm family.has_ ' Times-News \yriter __ ^ in—- -Hhe-worId;--Some~ic~of*1k c-faral 11 n-r-------- givefiTilmin InAaii iw^Halflfofw.!*— [y__^ landmar^tS'ore the GcGolden Gate Bridge, "He’s got so much horslorse sense," Dixie ' "r BOISE - Up until now,no the phrase ' M ~~A1carriiz.aud wortti uiuukeU ■ — md. “Iiu njA b u ll.. “Hispanic-political powerwer" has been, in i sircct,Totfib'ard Street•eel. and raised with them." ~Idulm. u miiiJ;idiaiuu.iu.tcnn P a g e C I Calvin, of Jerome, wasas_the first choice But a coalition of Hisp;ispanic groups is • of a beer companyy thati recently '• ' seeking to change tliat. ■ interviewed more than^50(.500 men, looking_________‘.-J for a perfcct cowboy as one o f two stars in -hm ; Fastest gro«rowing their Anrifieuser-Busch coicommercials shot ____ rccemlvJDJdaho. population groiro u p -B I ------- fceaming^ehahard wav H----------A nd-in-his-duGty block It arsiies-tiut-u.'ith4Iispanipanics-becoming-^---------- SeVCfalTdfiHolcKc^'ool'aistricts.spent.. T7 —lcathcrvcsrrThis~5^c?Qi:?.oi-9rT6orpounaz - larger proportion o f th e stai S400.0001O learhWhai^hat tiie state Supreme native of the Uttle Lostst RiverF Valley i.SJ ' *•!> ■] state’s population • and more of them movnovirig- inlo the • .Court already saidid in: 1975, today’s perfcct for the part. main.-aream..of society, politit)litical clout should* 3------- — dilorKfl'Vaygl^-litt!lln}e--b'ettcr t tf^jearch ---------••Pve-roae^m ■ cc-I-w aa-li r — T-might have'sawslTloflofofinoncy. said with a sm ile that deservesdcsi lo be on ,i Ils vehicle is a planned leJ P a g e A G television. "If you can't do it on'a horse, it I legal challenge to • ain’t wonli doing.” the recently passed legislali'lalive redislrieting- plan. The Idaho Hispanic:ic C( aucus, which _____Leyel playing ficfield? „ _ As.a child oiThis parcnirents' remote A- • --Heart-Raneh-north-of-M;-MackayrCalvtn— organizations, claims the J A U.S. coi^panyy competingc with a sometimes rode a horse to hisI small grade - he plan illegally dilutes llicir potential influenC'lence. j J a p a n e s e c o u n terpart rp a has a special school before hc rode a busbu; 75 miles one ; disadvantage, one writvritcr says. Instead of way to go lo junjorjin^d senii:eniorhighschool^_ - “W e’re not asking for- a handout."I says Humberto Fucnlcs, executive ^ ■ x o in p etin g w ith 'l singlesin, company, the His grandfather,"Jesse: Amy,Ai hiid raised - ”3": live direclor of the , Idaho Migrant Council, onene oc f the groups in i . U.S, competitor musilust facc a group of _ horsM_pnjhe_Losi_RivcLxa:uaQge.wh(lrc.Iiis ____ .ir. "thc-caucusr-We'rvonlyaskin ~ '■ 'Inlerlockrng qom panrdiFcs. ' ' . h aifiozen bands totalledi 5005C to 600 head. skingTor”Jlir’riglils —tlie right to participate inn theth public life o f ------PagoAT ------------- —Me-Amy-also r a i^ ’herdsjrds-of-horses a n d - irnrar.s what this ' his son, Calvin, grew up'hP'herding horses, ...■! - ly: -thiTccmmunityr Aiter-alir tT -counuy is b.%«d on: everyoneone participating.” • - - - BB— ~~s^^bmoi^nga^h^*wl^'ife conlcnds "Half u f-iite-a ’disirln ing----------^ horse." challenge, il is.clear lhal, HispanicsHi: - long slereotypcd as migrant farmarm workers who - - At ago six, he-started:cd-what-wQs-to ------ -♦t - “ cntCTTd-and'lefrthc-stalc wit! ■ • For the ages become an impressive collc<illcction o f U-ophy v C J O ^ belt buckles from kid rodeos o f tlie,agricultural seasonsi - h3\I e become a ................A' T w in Falls busincsincssman is making - ■ly prnmm>>nt_pr,r1 - • l” ^.'.‘aJ all- i.„Lji J ' ----------- mi a ll ovorPOr'lhit Mflgic"VaIlcy----------- -Iofldaholife. - . state champion in Idaho-ani-and was nmncr- ___ — ..... .. .________ . -■ -MnqMtKESALSBORmNi-IVnM-ftow. - ■ ^ _______ - w riting on tombstone:anes; ' • • _______ _ _ —■ *nit>-1990-Censua-clettrly-be up lu ihrall^rouiidTiaiioiial'Tial-chomplon: -------- HaVirIg riddenrl( a horse 'slnco.l was li^bejtri ihn^DUtrln'---------- P a g e E l 'as little teeny,' Calvin Arnynybaatoutmore ; .1980,i the fi^it-yea^tht^G«t»u;iMus-Bunnra-brobr --------- ----------RIease-see-Ce.C0WB0Y/A2 -Jthan 500 i Oothors to earn a part In'ar'an upcoming Annheus'er-Bir*Busch commercial.— --t--them out as a-separatc groigroup,-it-counted _____ l. .PJease see(HISPANICS/A2 Hi: • l ! n ..... 'g* 'if’l l #^11 g QlyirlcvJkw I vw M i Hlli m m >.nm .ita™— .
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