Michael Gleissner Companies, trademarks, and domains To search: press Ctrl+F and type your search term Trademarks owned by companies linked to Gleissner Source: Data from TMview As of October 2020; trademarks filed by companies owned by (or linked to) Michael Gleissner Trademark office Trademark Filing date Applicant name Goods and Services Trademark type Application number Trademark status Albania FASHION ONE 17/10/2013 Fashion One Television LLC 38, 41 Word AL/T/2013/000630 Registered Albania FASHION TELEVISION 18/12/2014 Fashion Television International Limited 38, 41 Combined AL/T/2014/000874 Registered Albania FASHION TV 15/08/2013 Fashion Tele Settlement Corporation Limited 38 Combined AL/T/2013/000522 Registered Argentina FASHION 4K 08/08/2018 Fashion One Television LLC 38 Word 3731930 Filed Argentina FASHION ONE 08/08/2018 Fashion One Television LLC 9 Combined 3731971 Registered Argentina FASHION ONE 08/08/2018 Fashion One Television LLC 25 Combined 3731972 Registered Argentina FASHION ONE 12/07/2013 Fashion One Television LLC 38 Word 3263495 Filed Argentina FASHION ONE 08/08/2018 Fashion One Television LLC 38 Combined 3731973 Filed Argentina FASHION ONE 08/08/2018 Fashion One Television LLC 41 Combined 3731974 Filed Argentina FASHION ONE 22/10/2013 Fashion One Television LLC 41 Word 3285903 Registered Argentina ONE FASHION 31/07/2017 Fashion One Television LLC 38 Combined 3629433 Registered Argentina ONE FASHION 31/07/2017 Fashion One Television LLC 41 Combined 3629432 Registered ARIPO FASHION NOW 11/07/2013 Fashion One Television LLC 38 Figurative AP/M/2013/001770 Registered ARIPO FASHION ONE 11/07/2013 Fashion One Television LLC 38 Figurative AP/M/2013/001771 Registered ARIPO FASHION ONE 22/10/2013 Fashion One Television LLC 38, 41 Word AP/M/2013/001856 Registered ARIPO FASHION TELEVISION 16/12/2014 Fashion Television International Limited 38, 41 Figurative AP/M/2014/002267 Registered Australia BIGFOOT 11/09/2014 Bigfoot Entertainment Limited 38 Figurative 1646497 Registered Australia F FASHION 4K 05/10/2015 Fashion One Television LLC 35, 38, 41 Figurative 1725717 Registered Australia F FASHION NOW 16/08/2013 Fashion Now Television Limited 38 Figurative 1575310 Registered Australia FASHION CAFE 16/01/2015 Fashion One Television Limited 43 Word 1669478 Registered Australia FASHION HOTEL 31/03/2015 Fashion Hotel Hospitality Management Limited 43 Figurative 1684723 Registered Australia FASHION ONE 11/06/2013 Fashion One Television LLC 38 Word 1561929 Ended Australia FASHION ONE 14/10/2013 Fashion One Television LLC 38, 41 Word 1585719 Registered Australia FASHIONONE 06/05/2015 Fashion One Television LLC 38, 41 Word 1691943 Registered Australia FASHIONONE 21/03/2015 Fashion One Television LLC 38, 41 Word 1682418 Ended Australia HOTZONE 13/11/2014 Hotzone International Ltd 38 Word 1658329 Registered Australia KEYTRACK 18/05/2004 Keytrack International Limited 42 Word 1002686 Registered Australia POYNTER 05/10/2010 Bym International Limited 25 Word 1386895 Ended Australia TANUKI 28/08/2013 Tanuki Holdings Ltd 25 Figurative 1577069 Registered Australia TAO 11/02/2014 Tao Internet Services Limited 15 Word 1605235 Registered Austria BOB.COM 31/08/2016 Bob Fleet Management Limited 9, 25, 38 Word 52367/2016 Registered Austria FALCO 31/08/2016 Falco International Limited 25 Word 52366/2016 Ended Austria FASHION ONE 28/04/2014 Fashion One Television Limited 38, 41 Word 51043/2014 Ended Austria FASHION ONE 16/07/2013 Fashion One Television LLC 38 Combined 50074/2013 Registered Austria FASHION ONE 08/10/2019 Fashion TV Broadcasting Limited 32, 33, 38, 41 Combined 12095/2019 Registered Austria FASHION TV 20/08/2013 Fashion Tele Settlement Corporation Limited 38 Combined 50297/2013 Registered Austria HALP 28/08/2019 Brandster International Limited 9, 35, 38 Word 11754/2019 Filed Austria MUSIC 25/10/2016 Music Partners Limited 9 Word 52858/2016 Ended Austria SHERLOCK 08/10/2019 Sherlock Technologies Limited 9, 38, 41 Word 12096/2019 Registered Benelux [FIGURATIVE] 01/11/2018 Fashion One (Europe) Nv 25, 38, 41 Figurative 1384297 Registered Benelux A.V.H. 01/08/2017 Ckl Holdings Nv 18, 25, 35 Word 1358520 Registered Benelux AAB 01/08/2016 Aab International Limited 3, 9, 14, 16, 25, 26, 38, 41 Word 1336973 Registered Benelux ABBY 14/11/2016 Ckl Holdings Nv 14, 26, 38 Word 1342764 Registered Benelux ABRAMS 28/02/2018 Ckl Holdings Nv 9, 38 Word 1370809 Registered Benelux ACUBATE 18/08/2015 Ckl Holdings Nv 9, 41, 42 Word 1315544 Registered Benelux ADDACUS 13/10/2015 Ckl Holdings Nv 9, 16, 41 Word 1318765 Registered Benelux ADORIA 13/10/2015 Ckl Holdings Nv 9, 36, 45 Word 1318760 Registered Benelux AFCO 11/02/2016 Obf Finance Limited 11, 35, 37 Word 1326539 Registered Benelux AFM 24/07/2015 American Franchise Marketing Limited 16, 35, 41 Word 1307594 Registered Benelux AGB 08/07/2016 Agb International Limited 6, 9, 20 Word 1335776 Registered Benelux AGB CONNECT 08/07/2016 Agb International Limited 35, 42, 45 Word 1335780 Registered Benelux AGK 23/03/2016 Dvu Digital Video Technologies Limited 9, 11, 21 Word 1329188 Registered Benelux AGRE 11/02/2016 Obf Finance Limited 36, 37, 42 Word 1326538 Registered Benelux AIC 23/09/2016 Greenball Sports Ltd 38, 39, 45 Word 1339798 Registered Benelux AIRDOG 08/06/2017 Ebony International Limited 9, 12, 28 Word 1353133 Registered Benelux ALEC 07/02/2017 Fashionza International Ltd 3, 18, 20, 25 Word 1348067 Registered Benelux ALEXANDER 20/10/2015 Ckl Holdings Nv 18, 20, 25 Word 1319328 Registered Benelux ALICE.COM 23/03/2016 Cwn Technologies Limited 18, 25, 35 Word 1329191 Registered Benelux ALISSA 10/03/2016 Bnu Textiles Limited 20, 25, 35 Word 1328339 Registered Benelux ALLGON 23/12/2015 Upo Furniture Limited 9, 37, 38 Word 1323684 Registered Benelux ALLISON 06/01/2017 Fashionza International Ltd 3, 20, 25 Word 1346133 Registered Benelux ALLISON 10/01/2017 Fashionza International Ltd 3, 18, 20, 25 Word 1346291 Registered Benelux ALLYSIN 03/08/2017 Ebony International Limited 3, 18, 20, 25 Word 1358632 Registered Benelux ALMOND 18/04/2017 Almond International Limited 16, 26, 38, 41 Word 1352241 Registered Benelux ALONDRA 16/02/2017 Fashionza International Ltd 3, 18, 25 Word 1348677 Registered Benelux ALPHA 11/03/2016 Alpha Communications (Europe) Limited 9, 38, 41 Word 1328448 Registered Benelux AMBER.COM 23/03/2016 Cwn Technologies Limited 20, 25, 43 Word 1329194 Registered Benelux AMBIANCE 15/09/2016 Ckl Holdings Nv 14, 26, 28 Word 1339304 Registered Benelux AMBROSIA 15/11/2016 Ckl Holdings Nv 25, 26, 38 Word 1342882 Registered Benelux ANDER 11/05/2016 Ander International Limited 3, 9, 14, 16, 25, 26, 35, 38, 41 Word 1332148 Registered Benelux ANDREAS 21/10/2015 Ckl Holdings Nv 18, 25, 43 Word 1319424 Registered Benelux ANGELA 19/10/2015 Ckl Holdings Nv 3, 20, 25 Word 1319241 Filed Benelux ANGELIA 14/01/2016 Obf Finance Limited 18, 25, 35 Word 1324762 Registered Benelux ANGLE.COM 11/05/2016 Angle International Limited 3, 9, 14, 16, 25, 26, 35, 38, 41 Word 1332154 Registered Benelux ANNA 15/05/2015 Ckl Holdings Nv 30, 38, 41 Word 1310467 Registered Benelux ANTACO 15/08/2017 Ckl Holdings Nv 4, 9, 25, 38 Word 1359282 Registered Benelux APEXA 23/08/2016 Ckl Holdings Nv 3, 14, 16, 25, 26 Word 1338050 Registered Benelux APLYXAR 23/12/2015 Upo Furniture Limited 5, 38, 41 Word 1323685 Registered Benelux APRICOT 14/11/2016 Ckl Holdings Nv 16, 26, 38, 41 Word 1342802 Registered Benelux APRIL 08/02/2017 Endeavor International Limited 3, 18, 20 Word 1348155 Registered Benelux AQUA ZORB 27/07/2017 Ckl Holdings Nv 25, 28, 35, 38 Word 1358291 Registered Benelux ARCHIMEDES 08/07/2016 Ckl Holdings Nv 9, 16, 41 Word 1335779 Registered Benelux ARDOREA 28/10/2015 Ckl Holdings Nv 3, 25, 35 Word 1319996 Registered Benelux ARGO 16/11/2016 Ckl Holdings Nv 14, 25, 26, 38 Word 1343042 Registered Benelux ARIANNA 02/08/2017 Ckl Holdings Nv 24, 25, 41 Word 1358537 Registered Benelux ARIE 23/03/2016 Dvu Digital Video Technologies Limited 9, 37, 42 Word 1329189 Registered Benelux ARISA 11/04/2017 Kiddo TV International Ltd 9, 16, 25, 28, 38, 41 Combined 1351936 Registered Benelux ARLETTE 11/02/2016 Obf Finance Limited 18, 25, 28 Word 1326540 Registered Benelux ARMADA 14/11/2016 Ckl Holdings Nv 16, 25, 26, 38, 41 Word 1342805 Registered Benelux ARMAGARD 13/11/2015 Eaf Marketing Limited 6, 37, 42 Word 1321096 Registered Benelux ARRIVAL 17/02/2016 Bnu Textiles Limited 16, 41, 44 Word 1326909 Registered Benelux ARTGO 13/10/2015 Ckl Holdings Nv 35, 38, 41 Word 1318719 Registered Benelux ASAT 23/12/2016 Ckl Holdings Nv 35, 36, 41, 42, 45 Word 1345434 Registered Benelux ASCENTIS 02/08/2017 Ckl Holdings Nv 3, 25, 39 Word 1358550 Registered Benelux ASHLEY 27/10/2015 Ckl Holdings Nv 3, 18, 25 Word 1319832 Registered Benelux ASHLYN 03/08/2017 Ebony International Limited 3, 9, 18, 20 Word 1358745 Registered Benelux ASPERO 17/02/2016 Bnu Textiles Limited 18, 25, 28 Word 1326911 Registered Benelux ASTRA 14/11/2016 Ckl Holdings Nv 14, 25, 26 Word 1342809 Registered Benelux ASTROMO 10/08/2016 Ckl Holdings Nv 3, 9, 14, 16, 25, 26, 35, 38, 41 Word 1337487 Registered Benelux ATIRANA 25/05/2017 Ckl Holdings Nv 25, 38, 41 Word 1354575 Registered Benelux ATMOSPHERE 05/07/2017 Atmosphere Holdings Ltd 26, 38, 41 Word 1357051 Registered Benelux AURIC 15/01/2016 Obf Finance Limited 9, 16, 35 Word 1324858 Registered Benelux AURINIO 22/12/2016 Ckl Holdings Nv 9, 25, 38 Word 1345403 Registered Benelux AURIO 13/10/2015 Ckl Holdings Nv 9, 36, 41 Word 1318723 Registered Benelux AUSTER 02/08/2017 Ckl Holdings Nv 9, 38, 41 Word 1358561 Registered Benelux
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