Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1980-90 The iH lltop Digital Archive 10-2-1987 The iH lltop 10-2-1987 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 10-2-1987" (1987). The Hilltop: 1980-90. 181. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090/181 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1980-90 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' • " • I ' ' Volume 71, Number 5 The MotiJn•s Largest .Black Collegiate Newspaper • Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059 October 2. 1987 • • ·omecom1ng activities not . finalized ' , Chairman.'s poor management style hinders progress, sources say • Policy Board a 14-member board -has no approved· logo they might be. tor and fashion coord.inator have 8)· Alonza Rob!ertson that reviews all the steering commit­ -has not sent a proposal and cost He refused to comment on the lack been replaced. Gibson maintains he Hilltop Staff Repor1er tee's· actions are worried this year's estimate for the homecoming float to of a Greek Show coordinator. [Font is not understaffed. homecoming may turn out to be an Kraft Corp. who has offered to pay 12], The Hilltop, (font 11) has learn­ ''Everything is being ·taken care I Amid a flurry of ;staff firi ngs, event Ho\vard students will want to the expenses ed Gibson's nominee fort-he position of," he said.' resignations and pri\'.ale critiscms of -has asked for and received a $2500 was not approved by the policy One member of the·homecqming I ,/ forget. • J1is management sty le , the Homecom­ According to sources and policy raise for himself and the committtee's board. steering committee, who asked to re- ing Steering Committee c;: hairman board documents. Gibson: Executive Treasurer William Jones On Aug. 24 Gibson ·fired Toya main unidentified questioned the Joe Gibson said Wi;dnesday plans for without bringing any of the projected Watts, director of operations and move. ~ . th is year's affair ar, ''right on -has yet to con'tract with a major revenues special projects, and Deon Lev­ ''Administratively, it doesn't make schedule." II · ' entertainer for the pop or gospel Gibson was asked about these con­ ingston, director.of public relation s~ much sense to fi re people when you. • ''The homecoming committee is concert' . cerns and other budget-relatcCt items ... On Sept. 14 Secretary Keea Wesley don't have anybody to replace doing all in their po\ver to present a -has no Greek Show coordinator, during the interview. He gave no was also terminated. At the beginn­ them,'' the source said. l101nccoming lik.e no ot her in \vhose job it is to organize and stage response to inany of tl\e inquiries an,d ing of the fall semester, Fashion show Hon;iecoming Policy Board Chair­ l'h1110 h• i\1rrri111:111 Kin-·i: HO\\'ard's history," said Gibson, a the step show failed to acknowledge that questions Coordinator Arthur Walker stepped man Jennifer Providence said Gibson senior cl1emisrry major from -has fired three members of the were even asked. down. never told the board -of the firings. Chicago. committee and accepted one resigna­ Gibson said the committee is in Gibson offered..-no comment when Only after Gibson petitioned the Homecoming Steering C·ommittee Ho,vever many sources on the tion, making multiple duties go negotiation with entertainers for the questioned about the motive for the Chairman Joe Gibson. cornmittce and the Homecoming unassigned concerts, b~t declined to say who changes. Only the operations, direc- Continued on page 3 • ' •' $5 mil awarded for Social Work • I h .d ' marks 50th science res arc a1 ' ~iP_ . 1 )'I sc1en11sts e11gin,eers. Tanya Alexander j ·i 8}' \Lauren Cooper a ~ d ''At the erd of. th~ su~port -~~ Hilltop Staff R:eporter f-lill1o p S1aff Rcportt'r , criods,l Ho\vard Un1yers1ty \v 1ll be able to de1non1trate its cajJability to - ''Breaking the Barriers.in Pursuit Ho\vard U11iversit)' \Viii receive $5 ~1ilize coope~ate funding," said ~ of Excellence-- A Force for Change'' n1il\ion frotn tl1e Natio11al Science ~heek. , is the theme of the School of Social Foundation {NSF) to establisl1 a l\1ichael G. Spencer, professor of Work's 50th anniversary celebration Minority Research Ccnter1 for Ex­ electrical engineering, is director of which will tke "Place October 2-4 in cel lence, accorcling to an annou11cc­ tlie project. Hesaid 1hc NSF a\vard the Armour J. Blackburn Center. ment made Sept. 29 by universit )' ''n1ai-ks an oppor1u11ily for Howard The celebration at Ho,vard invites President Ja111es Check and Eri c Universit.Y to graduate into the all st udents, alumni, fac ulty , and Bloch, director of NSF. sc iences." friends to take part in two days of HO\\ard and Mel1arry Medical A.11 outline f son1e of Spencer's workshops and seminars all revolv­ College in Nashville are the firs! goals for the roject include: expan­ ing around social iss~es of toda)': schools 10 recei,·e the Minorit)' di11g the kno'v edge base in electronic There will be seminars. on topics Researcl1 Ce111er for Excellence n1aterials for JVgh pov.•er application, such as·, Children's Lives Under (MRCE) a\\1ard. becoming fully competitive with Apartheid and Welfare. Al so an ex­ Tl1e five-)•car !'vtRCE project v.·i\1 01t1er 11a1ior1a research centers and hibit will be on display on the second be a di visio 11 of Ho'''ard's School of i1)crcasi11g tl1c numbers of minority floor of Blackbur11 in the H.illtop Engineeri 11g and approxi111at el)' SI . 5 gfadliates i11 e11gineering at the Lounge. million of the $5 1nillion alloted for gradl1are and u11dergu.aduate level. ''It is an important occas1011.for us the progran1 '"il! be 1na,le a\ailable Co-directo of the project, Dr .. as we reflect on the past 50 ;·ears of f<)r the fir:i t 18 1110111h s of, \1RCE' <.. a1y L Har[is a11d Or. Keith H . , social work education at Howard,'' institt11io1l. rl ck sun, l1a\c made; research ad­ said Dean Ri chard English who is ''Howard Uni\·ersit)' is a11 ap­ v ~ 11ce111cnt s pcogni zed by industry beginning his third year as dean of propriate recipient of the t'irst MllCI:'.. and profcssi 11al jou~11al s. • - - the Scl1ool of Social work. · a\\'ard. It is the leadi11g produ..:e r of Researcl1 a Howard's MRCE \\•ill Photo by Franscino ·Crowelle Jr. '' It is also an occcasior\ to reflect black doctoral sc ien tists and 1 fdcus on irhpf0\1ed 11 \gh pO\\'Cr clec- Site of $4 million hospital expansioD project. on the next 50 years ot' social \VOrk engi11cers in the cot111tr);." said Bloc!,. 1rb11ic a11d elc tro-optic devices. Elec­ education in changing Soc ie.r:y, "said ' ' \Vit/1 the MRCE pr()gran1, NSFG trb11ic 1nateri ls research is a ct1rrent English. , • see ks to i111prove the quality of both stre11gth al l-t\vard, according to the According to English, the si minars research a11d 1rai11ing at minorit)' 111 - school's Uni crsity Relatio11s depart­ Hospital undergoes expansion and v.'orkshops are designed to bring s1i1utions like 1-IO\\'ard. '' n1ent . It is pplicable 10 telecom­ • 0 students, alumni and. facult y. toge1her l 'hc sc ie11ce fol111datio11 t1ope<; 10 n1~11icatio 1 1 s ,I na1 ional defense and 8}· Shelia Maxwell 'fhe building's radiographic of four hospitals and the only black to addresss social issues. One of thesei ' i11crea:ie the number of 1ninorities syst ems will include one university in Washington approved othc:r ir1dus1dial applications. Hilltop Staff Reporter issues ,,: is ho\v we are going to present in sc ic11 ce and engineeri11g, .According o Jeffrey Norris, public sultrasonagraphy system and one by the Federal Drug Administration prepare highly qualified social w'?rk · added Bloch. The fou11da1ion realizes afl'airs spccia ist for NSF, institutions Howard University Hospital is cur­ nucleai: medicine facility. The suite to use the system, according to Kerry leadership to meet ever changing tl1at tl1e ''large n1inori1y population are selected to receive the MRCE rently undergoing a'$4 million expan­ will also have a dark, room, a reading Watson, department adminstrators huinan meeds in this society'."said is an untapped l1uman resource," he a\yard by ' 'p re re\•icw." A panel of sion project that will l1ouse a room, a waiting room and other of radiolqgy. English. - . said. scien1ist and experts in the field ex­ radiolog)' suite and five radiographic necessary research areas. ''It is a great advantage to our The Anniversary of ~ h e Sch.col of ''lhc black a11 d other mi11ori!y Phase One, a single floor, 6,000 sq. radiology.staff,'' said Watson. ''It is amine the quality and resources systems. • Social Work actually began \v1th the , '-.. J)O!)lllatio11:. in tl1i~ countr~· provide available and the administ rative skills Phase one of Howard Universi1y ft. systefn, will hold the Magnetic an advantage to our patient popula­ 1985 dedicatio11 of the school to ln­ art opportunit) ... '''e ca~11ot afford a d dc1noi1stration o'f conim'itt inent. Tower, the first J1alf of the 163 sq. Reso°'ance Imaging System (MRI), a tion to have one of the few [MRls] abel Burns Lindsay, the schools fir.st to 1niss. Our n1 01ivc is no\ altruistic, 'i·te MRCE program was i11itiated ''state of the art x-ray that can see.in­ available to the physicians to use in dean who retired in 1967.
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