ISLAMIC LEGAL REFORM IN TWENTKETH CENTURY INDONESIA: A STUDY OF HAZAIRIN'S THOUGHT by S ukiati Sugiono A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in Partial Fulnltmmt of Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts Institute of Islamic Studies McGill University Montreal Canada Natiarial Library Bibliothèque nationale I*u ofCamda du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services senrices bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rus WsWington OiCawaON K1AW ûüawaON K1AW Canade Canade The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence ailowing the exclusive permettant a la Naîional Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, 10- distribute or sell reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. ia forme de microfichelfilm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur fonnat électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur consene la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the &oit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. ABSTRACT Author : Sukiati Sugiono Title : Islamic Legal Reform in Twentieth Century Indonesia: A Study of Hazairin's Thought. Department : Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University Degree : Master of Ares (M.A.) The conflict between Bdat law and Islamic Iaw is stili a cumnt issue in today's Indonesia. It is rendered even more controversial because it deais with the sphms of farnily law, marriage law and the inheritance system in particular. This is exacerbated by the fact that Indonesia is home to such a wide variety of social systerns. Family structurr patterns range hpatriarchy to matriarchy and every shade between, with each systcm king supported by a nexus of indigenous or ad& laws. To complete the confusion, there is the residual infiuence of Dutch policy. Of the many attempts that have been made to resolve the situation, the contribution of Hazairin (1 906-1 975) deserves particular attention. Realidng that 8q6 or Islamic law is the product of another place and tirne, he sought to accommodate it more to the reaüties of Indonesian Muslim society. For him this meant abandoning the Dutch legacy of privileging ad& law over Islamic law, and replacing it with what he calied a "bilateral system," based primarily on the Qur7àaand 48dli. This refiected his primary concem to introduce bilateral inheritance (kewan'sm bilata@ into Indonesian law, which he saw as fundamental to the entire social system. To achieve this, he formulated the concept of a comprehensive understanding of the Qur'b and hadité, which he termed "neo- #ti&&$' seeing it as leading to "an authentic t&. "Hezairin also contributed, in other ways, to the development of jurisprudence on fdylaw. He is for instance most famous for his cail for a "National ma&aù" or an indigenous school of Islamic law. Ultimately, his goal was to hornogenize Indonesian law for Muslims and to develop a concept of m&@a with Indonesian charactaistics. However, given the complexity of Indonesian society, Islamic legal reform in Indonesia is stiii far nom complete. RÉsm Auteur : Sulàati Sugïono Titre :La réforme légale islamique au sein de l'Indonésie du vingtième siécle: Une étude de la pensée de Hezairin. Département :Institut des Études Isluniques, Université McGîIl Diplôme :Maitrise ès Arts (M.A.) Le connit entre la loi a& et la loi islamique demeure toujours une question d'actualité en Indonésie d'aujourd'hui. Elle est d'autant plus contreversée puisqu'efle implique tour particuliérement la loi de la famille, le mariage et le système de l'héritage. Le probléme est ex& du hit que I'indonésic inclut une &rancie vari& de systèmes sociaux. Les structures familiales vont du patriarcat au matriarcat, chaque systéme étant appuyé par iin réseau de lois indigènes, dites riciet. Pour compl6îer la confision, il existe une influence rkiiduellt: des politiques néerlandaises. Parmi les nombreuses tentative efléctuées pour résoudre le probléme, la contribution de Hazairin (1906-1 975) mérite une attention particutib. Réalisant que le iTgb, ou loi islamique, est le produit d'un autre endroit et d'une autre époque, Hnzairin a tenté de mieux l'accommoder avec les réalit& de la sociétt musulmane indonésienne. Pour l'auteur, cela signifiait qu'il faait abandonner l'héritage néerimdais qui privilégiait la loi rsdat aux dépens de la loi isiamique et la remplacer par ce que Hazairin appelait sy~rèmebilarw, fmdé sur le Qur'h et les Hadiths. Ce qui reflétait son int- pour introduire l'héritage bilatérai (kewansan bilateral) au sein & la loi indonésienne qu'il qualimait de ''newijtilrd pouvant mezm B un "t&authantique**. Hazairin a aussi contribué, en d'autres fiiçons, au développement de la jurisprudence de la loi de la fmiüe. il est par exemple cél6bre pour son -1 en faveur d'un ''rn~&rrb ~atiunsl'~autrement dit une école Iégde islamique indigéne. Son bu ultime fut de rendre homogène la loi iiidonésienae pour les musulmans et de développer un concept de mqfaha avcc des caractéristiques indonésiennes. Toutefois, étant donné la cornplexité de la société indonésienne, les réformes légales islamiques dans se pays ne sont pas p&es d'être complétées. iii NOTE ON TRANSLWRATION In the tmslitcration of Arabic names end Isl-c tenns, we use the system of Arabic transüteration employed by the Instit rite of Islamic St udia, McGilI University. The following is a transliteration table for the Arabic alphabet: Short vowels: L = a, L = u, ,= i. The definite arîide J 1 is always written d-, regardlcss of whether it is followed by a The te' mhuta (Z, 2) is traasliterated as "a" rather than "ahw, for exampie, shmn"a rather than Sbad'&, *aga&? rather than ''abab, except it is the first element in a Indonesian terms are written according to the E&m Babase Irdonesia ymg Di~~lllpcullakan(EyD) 1972, but the original spelling of names and the tit les of books md articles will be retained when they are quoted. First of ail, praise and thanks are due to Almighty Allah. 1 would like to express my very deepest gratitude to Professor Howard M. Fedenpiel and Wael B. Haiiaq for jointly supervishg the writing of this work. They were very generous in giving me their time and advice throughout, and were a major factor in the completion of the thesis. 1 was aiso fortune to have Dr. Haiiaq as my academic adviser during the 19974998 academic years. At the same time 1 would also like to acknowledge the assistance of Prof. A Üner Turgay, Dkctor of the Institute of Islamic Studies, the Facuity of the Institute, and the office staff. Their help in academic and administrative matters was invaluable. 1 am grateful to CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) for having given me the opportunity to attend McGili University by proviâing me with a scholarship. I am also very pleased to thank the staff of the McGill-Indonesia IAIN Roject for working miracles in organizing the project gencrally and for assisting me in particular. Those deserving especial mention are Wendy Ailen, Joanna Gacek, Lon Novak and Susy Ricciardeiii in Montreal and Phi1 Williams and Anni Yoesoef in Jakarta. 1 am also grateful to the Department of Religious Affairs of Indonesia. the Rector of IAIN SU Medan and the Dean of the Faculty of Shari'a for giving me alI necessary assistance. Nevertheless, I would also like to express my thanks to Prof. M. Yasir Nasution. the former dean of the Facuity of ShG'a for having given me the encouragement and drive 1needed to pursue my studies. My thanks are also due to the staff of the Islamic Studies Library, McGiU University, for facilitating my research on this thesis. 1 would especiaily like to mention the contributions of Salwa Ferahian and Wayne St Thomas. They made the library a pleasant place to work. Nor can 1 forget to thank Stephen Millier for his editorial assistance in comection with this thesis. A special note of thanks must be addressed to ail my fiiends, most of whom, of course, 1 cannot mention here aii by name, for their support and encouragement in helping me and making my dream to study abroad corne tme. 1 also benefited a great deal fiom discussions with fnends pursuing their Ph.D.s. Without their help, none of this would have been possible. 1 wodd, however, especiaily iike to thank Harjuni Leho Tallei for lending me support when 1 needed it, to Miftahul Huda for giving his assistance in fmding data and sources in Indonesia and to Euis Nurladawati for providing information fkom Leiden University. My deepest thanks and gratitude are due to my mother and father, who have always given me inspiration and spirit, and who have contributed immeasurably to my appreciation for the meanhg of Me. Their continued support hes made it possible for me to spend this time et McGiil. This work is dedicated to them. AU are now beyond the reach of my th&, but my indebtedness to them remains. Montreal, June 1999. Sukiati Sugiono TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract ........................................................................................... ü Résumé .......................................................................................iii Transliteration ............................ ..................................................... iv Aclcnowledgements ............................................................................
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