i.nf m.y Ji,.i»»3 THE INDEPENDENT— P«g» 2 1 KUC »T» KICA 7*0 UU me KWKW-14W KH • MP KHJ *M «QZ IMO KVOI 141 Television Radio KMK 110 KIWI tlO KMC 1MB KK>1 154* Ml* /40 KNX 1070 KOK 1»*0 KMPO 1«0* THURSDAY, MAT 28,1958 Showdoim Due on A.F. Fund Cut THUKSDAY, MAY 28,195S mmmtt M rupwulMlfrr f«r «*«ij». mmt» fcr Mttau. WASHINGTON—tff). The public who has come under heavy fire as a policy meeting to appeal to Eis- • KECA (7)—Al Jtrrtl • feud over a proposal a cut Air a result.of the'proposal, conferred enhower- for a new public explana- 8:00 A. M. • KHJ (»)-^LucJty O-- 8:00 P.M. Force funds brought on a round of today with Sen. Margaret Chase tion of the reasons behind the de- KNBH (4)— Ask Wain- KHJ—C«drl« Fo«t«r I XGEn—Amer. Soul Clinic 3:45 . KNXT- (21—B1K Town - secret, high-level c on £ e r c n c e s Smith' (R,-Me.) and asked for a cision. 7:00 A. M. KNX—Billion Home KTLA'(5)—Newi: Police KXKH (4)—Groucbo Man 4—The Air Force Association, a KLAC— Newi; D. Hivntl- KFOX—Newi KFI—Out- of'tne' Weit ENBH «)—itn. n. B. A. KECA (")—Action Flih- Wednesday as the fight moved chance to give a public explana- KFI — Johnnl* L*« Wills KGEP.—World Newi K1IPC—N«*» . 4:00 P.M. IHK. Mac llcCllntocle tion of the reasons behind the de- group of Air Force veterans, called kMPC— Clock Watcher KECA—Elnier Davli KHJ is,—Tin ..uevers toward the showdown stage. KfCA— Paul Maitenon 11 Xt fcy TERRY VER-NON 9:00 A.M. KNXT (2)—Afternoon cision to curtail the air force funds Eisenhower's defense budget "at KLAO-470 C1UD (to 4:00) KUJ—Mutual Newiretl (4)—Star Salon Show: "Girl Reporter" KTTV (ID—IB Our Times The issue probably "\\iill. be dis- KMJ— Trank Hemlnrwar KK1—Pepper Younz KFWB—Mark "colt SporU KNBH «)—Jack McElroy "Circus Garden," and goals. • ' ,-'".. best an open invitation for Russia KTWB— Bill Leyden KECA-Jaclc Owens «how Several weeks ago Harry Ful- j . -taw KTLA (5)—Movl. Th'ter: Ocean Park cussed anew today when: fa) KNX-Bob FerH,. n«wl KHJ—Uuilt KFI—Eddie "cantor Show tori T e 1 a t e d in his column the (3)—One in Every . "V»B(eanca Ta Mice." KLAC U3>—Dinner Th'tre President Eisenhower holds a. news In other developments on the to pursue its long-range plan o£ FCFOX — News; alusie KFWB—News. G Runnlon KMPC—ftaci Kecrentloitx Family, Dean Miller Valentine Dyall fBr.'i 7 Air-Force front: conquest. At worst, it is a tempt- K3-*AC — Coffee Concert KNX—Art Llnkletter . KECA—Gird in of Eden story of Jim and June'Doherty ;of KKBU (4)—Dln» Dom KECA (•)—Play Thll KHJ ' (!>)—Baseball: L. A. conference and (2) Adrn. Arthvu KGEB— Chiiit^Faltn M'l'n KFOX—Blx Top Ten KHJ—Behind Lhi Story 1500 -Walnut Way, . Long, Beach, School . KHJ 0>—Stai ; rimf, .. vi, Hollywood. '1—Eisenhower met for move ing challenge for the Soviet to get JCGKR—Lunch Serenade1' W. Radford, Eisenhower's choice KTI— FlMtwood Lawton KFWB— America Dances and how they picked up'a neat KLAC a3J—Fjlm Short • Gen* Norman' than t\vo' hours with his top de- the job done quickly .with an all- KXPC — >Ntwa 11:45 K.NX—Blnj Crojny. with KTTV (ID— Rlt» La ROT KNXT «)—"Lu* v,de« for chairman of the Joint- Chiefs of KHJ— Breakfast Gan« KFI—El;nt to Happiness • LlntUav Cro»by S2800 on the "You Bet Your-Life" i^,.\<: il3t —Dick Haynes • m.eater: "Tunnel Job." fense strategy advisers, .the Na- out atomic attack on the United KFOX—Memory P-oora 10:00 A.M; IStaff, goes before a congressional KNX— Ralph Btori- KTSVB— Bill Anson (to 4) 4:15 J Biian Dnnlevy • tional Security "Council. No one States.'.' ' , KTOX— Voice of China KFAC—DIcK Jov. News KFAO—Muiic Mlltitonej Groucho Marx Show. •' KNXT O—Newj: Morn- KTTV (11>— Movleland KNBH • <4>—T-Men In I committee. KGER— Aubrrj Lee KGER—Back to the Bible Jim hasn't-been able to work inK Show: "Fijhtinjt Mat,: "Three on a • . Action 1 would say what was discussed, but 1:00 P. M. i:45 •Rookie." Jack LaRut Ttckdt," -Huirti Beau- KTLA W—L.B. Wrtltilnl . What will be the effect on this K3n— CtbnaMS and Kln« KECA—Dinner Mmlc 'or more trmri a year, ,ever. since KNBH (41—Cinema carni- mont ~ He vi. Leone nation's • security of the1 adminis- the' Air Force squabble may. have j™PC— Clock Watcher Kyi—BacksUie Wife KMJ—S. Kayei: B. Henry val: "Unit of Diljon," (7)—Chance, of a received an airing. KECA— News KECA—Bill PJnr Show ie broke his spine in a fall, and Eric von Stroheim . 4:3(1 Lifetime. Dennis James tration's plan to cut Air Force O Per Service Call KNX— Trank Oosn KHJ—Jack Klrkwood 7:00 P.M. June.'has been, working at th<; KLAC -(131—Dept. - Store KECA'(7)—Al Jarvu KTTV (lit—Before 7<mr 2—The President made his first KFOX— Chanel Hour KNX—Wendell Noble • of.tha Air. Herb Alien Journal of TV Talent Eyei: "Cal. Nat'l G'rd" funds five billion dollars in the visit to the. Pentagon.since taking J Includu Compltt* KFOX—Texas Tiny (to 3) KKt—Judv canova Miss .Universe office, . 4:45 KLAC (13)—SucctMSu: fiscal year beginning July 1? KFI— Knox Mannlni KFAC—L.A. Medical Assn. KMPC—Bill Stewart 8no» KECA1 (")— Vld«o VKwi KNBH (4)—^Jafibv Haye» • Hooie* office'last January. He was Wil- «»lnip«ctjon & AdjuitmtmU KECA— Maittnon: New« KGER—Vincent Loses KECA— Silver Eaile Since' the Groucho Marx sfi'ow K1AC (131—Dr. Emeu C. Secretary of Defense Wilson, KHJ— Barn H»ve»; N«w» KHJ—Flamond Cnm* Fllei is • filmed 'way in , advance they Wlljrm f4:S«> 9:00 P. M. son's guest at a luncheon with the KJi— H.ri-r Bubbltt KM— gt«la Dallas KNX—Horace Held! have had ample time to spend the KECA (")— Video Vltwj present joint chiefs and the four TV CLINIC tCGER— W. B. Record) KECA—Bill Davidson KFOX—Variety in Review 10:t» 5:00 P. M. KNXT (2)—Amos 'n' KNX—Mr. Information: It KFAO— Miutc at Seven KECA. (7)^-Ch«'rtej> KNXT <:j—nm McCor Aidy men he has' chosen to replace 4678 L. B. Blvd. Ph. 20-6685 8:00 A. M. Hanpeni £ver* Day KCER—family Bml» Hnur Clifton Show . KNBH (41—Jr. Croiiroadi KNE.H (M—Oratr.net KZCA—Les Grtffltbf7:23i KTLA (51— Playcrafteri KECA ("J—Feature Movie. T. V. SERVICE them. K1.AC— New«: Btockl KFAC—Adv. with Book! "It's That Man Again," Crr-Johnny Murray ):M 1:3(1 11:00 A. M. KLAC (131— Webittr Tommy Handtey 3—Republican leaders decided at CMPC— World News KFI—yni Wldder Brown KFI—Truth. Consequence! K-NXT <:>>— Freedom Webfoot KTTV (11)—Flshmi Facu CECA— Breakfast Club KHJ—Lucky U KECA—Time Capzule Rlqii. John Bui 1:19 KLAC 03)—£hort %lory CHJ— Cecil Brown KHJ—Enchanted Hour KNBH (D—Pet BhowcaM CFWB— Newi! Sporti KNX—Philip Norrnan ICLAC (13)— Mlk« Roy , v:30 KFAC—Concert Matinee KFWB—*tinll!» Ntw« : , ' ft^lO CNX— Ralph Story KCER~-Mirln« Cores KNX—Carroll Alcott: Sec. KNXT (!)—Spac» Funnlei CNXT (21—My'Little C>oX— Chrtrtun Book! Sinclair Week] (7:35) KNXT (2)— Art UnKUtUr llaraie, Ga!e Storm CFAC— Stock Market KKBH (II— Foodi for KNBH (4>—Howdr Doody KFI—Woman. IB Mv H'al K>'OA—ceorre MCL*JJ> Thoaxht, L. Kinxitoo KTLA (5>—Dr»w It,. J£NBH ft)—Ford Theater CGEK— Mlspsh KOER—Garden School KFAC^-Kchoei A Gneorts ^'The Jewel.'^Paul Hen- THURSDAY PRODUCE SPECIAL KGER—Helen Mirkhim Frank Webb . r.ld. Marjorie Lam KLAC— S. Baiter: ' Havne« 12:00 NOON KECA (")— Ladlei Mat- • KTTV (11)—Jackion'i Ma- r-MPC—^nsinesi: Sport. 2:00 P. M. 7:4J . tree. Jack Rourkt jor Movie, "Sportinn ANYTIME (CHJ— News: G. Heatttr KFl—Just Plain Bill KFWB—Kosarv hour KNXT (2)— BU 'Piyoff KTTV (ID—Sheriff John Chance," Jane Randolph IcjTVB— Bill J-eVden KMPC—Johnnv Grant to S KFOX—Newi KNBH <U— Brtlk th» KLAC (131—Telrventure KSX— Dav« Vali-. new. KECA—Betty Crocker: Art Bank. BDd Collyer KLAC - (13)—V. I. P.,, fcFOX— Famny Devotlonl and Dottle Todd (2:0!!) • 8:00 P. M. KTTV (1D— Norm* 6:00 P. M. Freeman Lusk, C. "M. KFAC— Sportn: JJUllcal KHJ—S.ifebrush Jamboree GllcHrUt Show KNXT (2)—Laurel *JUrdy Christie Day —Nite —Sundays 11:31 KNX—N>ws: Geo Fi*h*r KLAC—New.i; Sam Baiter 12:15 KNBH (41—Peanut Cttcat 1:45. KFI—One Man'» Family KECA (7)— News: Noon . KLAC (33)—Film Short ICPI— P«t Bishop. N«-"« KGER—Lone; Beach Band KirPC—News and Sporte Movie: "Capt. Calami- KTLA (3)— COwbovThTlIlI-' KMPC— Norman NMbltt 1:11 KKCA—Heritage: "Hlstorj- ty," Gtorgt Huston • KECA (7)—Paul Price - KHJ — Haven of Rest KFI—Front Pase Farrell KHJ 191— Action Theater: 10:00 P. M. Holidays KNX— Grand Slam «£ th* Coronation,." Basil 1!:30 "Demon for Trouble," KFOX— Words of I-l.f" KNX—Robert Q. Lewis Rathbone . KNXT (2)— Mtrcldo Bate* KNXT <2J—Harry Owens KFAC— Dick Jov. Newi Z:3> KHJ —Crime Flcht»*» KNBH m— Weicumt Tra- Bob Steele • KNBH MI—Mania Kane, KGER— Volr« of China KFJ—Lorenzo Jones .
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