SOUTHERN ELEVENS FAIL 11 INVASION 01F NORTH--A. L HEAD CALI S CLEVELAND MEETING 'LOYAL FIVE'r I >_ J)F GOL1ATHSO F GRIDIRON | AND THEN HE T<30K UP GOLF By BRlGGSl JOHNSON'S (:ohorts ' REFUSE TO 1"AKECOUNT 9 Jj TO DISCU.ss 'threat' |V\ Goitre - ti when <s£ntl» lfr HARO NOT OM CLOUDY JDAYS . -*i 0 . DROPS BEGAN oVj -*KLC5jy) lT PouReo \xa JcoP/swoize He tookV) Davids at Loss Without To FALL *.--"i, He KNtvj. \ r*v hsalth chance Will Decide Whether to 2 OF GRIFF'S STARS « .Nor IF v He FEARED MRS. WARNER MAKES or Brass >.<AVM="UL J or Slingshots » 0 To GO "to I A K THC 5ncote Fight Ultimatum Take ARE STILL 'WORKING* ' GOLF PLAY Knucks.-. Has WORK WMt. RM* I AMD COU6K UNUSUAL Centre & I . Part in & OR NOT Jj^'yK-rr--^ HE'D BUNDLE A ' Proposed Plainfleld. N. J.. Oct. 24..A 11^ Mrs. L. H. Warner, of the to Be Proud of team of major and minor league ///, UP t n Country Club, pulled the of National Right tossers, with A1 Schacht, of the ( I HOPE Columbia Reorganization ; EV'R^ thing. I feature play of the season In Washington American League >1 DOM T local golf circles last week whet, Game. Shovying. club, pitching, and Picinich, of MK| SET she the third hole of the same club, catching, defeated negotiated Pneumonia the Bannorklurn course in two. Oct. By JAC*K *YE. the Pond Tool Works nine, 4 to Mrs. Warner drove her tee shot Chicago 24..Ban Johnson's in an here followers In It's a beautiful this one of 3. exhibition game -to within two of the the American League j story, yarda cup today prepared for a session in David and Goliath but times have today. on this hole and sank the putt Kid Tony Denny, a local pitcher, Cleveland during the coming week 4 changed since the Hebrew held the to hits for a two. The hole is about S00 to decide the stand the five in leaguers eight \\ arner loyal toppled the alien heavy-weight and fanned nine men. A muffed yards long and Mrs. s club owners will take less than one round. was a shot regarding pop fly with two men on and drive beautiful for of baseball reorganization The mora] to be gleaned from this practically the entire length. but it two out robbed Denny of They have been givengovernrrent.until classic bit of history is plain, Jack Martin, former Newvictory. a week from tomorrow to join the doesn't apply to football. Cold facts York other three clubs, and the American shortstop, played and the eight figures indicate that good with Ponds. League owners, who threaten man of National little had better fight shy formation of a twelve-club the good biff one. league of Owners of the St. Louis. Detroit, Centre College was the David Washington and the gridiron when it journeyed to NAVY-YARDERS [Cleveland. American Saturday, but League clubsPhiladelphiawill Cambridge {decide In the meeting whether a the modern football rules don't baseball war unfortunatelyin shall result from the provide for packing a slingshot REXMENSTOP reorganization maneuver or whether the hip pocket for emergency use ' AGAIN TRIUMPH they will abrogate the national Eleven pair* of b^ass knucks would . v^'»-«- 1 and indorse the have been handler, but they. too. -AND-THEN HE TOO < // i^S frie^i ^§», .//[lMlS lagreement Lacker .// \ hfc Hev i ('&*} * HOMDRtD plan. are under the ban in polite circles. /y8 Johnson delayed action until Phti And so Goliath won. FAST UP^ C^ZZS I VC#if-S Jo OU#i QUAKERS ^ L Ball, owner of the St. Louis Browns, Good Day for f.ollaths. _/ GOLF Fast Pennsylvania Team 'returned from the Pacific Tale, whose strength is probably said today he dl«l notCoastjJohnson underestimated because it lost to Unable to Score on a baseball war would resultbelieve Boston College, did a clog dance on Ewing A. C. of Philadelphia 'from the present situation. the frame of West Virginia, and Local The eleven club owners who have Princeton, meeting: a stronger foe in Trimmed Local Boys. pacted in concert for a change in the Navy team, put on a little extra by Boys, * baseball will reassemble here speed and| finished ahead under The navy yard eleven added S to complete plane forXo|vembera wraps. 13-0. victory lo its string yester-another!joint meetlnp with minor leaguers In Pittsburgh the Panthers were dav afternoon, trouncing /he Wheel- 'in session in Kansas City November forced to light their hardest to best t. 19 and II. The Athletic of ing Athletic Club, of Philadelphia. the powerful Georgia Tech team by Ewing Club, 20 to 0. at American League Park a 10-to-3 score, but they did It for that held .the Rex Chicago. Oct. 24..Completion of the third Philadelphia, The visitors put jjp a stubborn the into baseball consecutive year. a battle and the ball witluh investigation It would be flattering the Club to scoreless tie Athieticlast pushed Icrookedness today awaited the of Pennsylvania team-to"Univeraltyseason, was administered 'a hard scoring distance in the opening val here of Joe Gedeon. second arrl1 class it but the navy held for downsperiod. of the St. Louis Afnerican team among the "giants" this defeat by the Rexmen yesterday at at this stage and maintained an* baseman year. They were once great, but Union Park the count of 13 to 0. Gedeon. on summon* by Ban the resourceful Heisman f by offensive thereafter strong enougli son. president of the American Johnny to the aggrega "JohnI comes along to put them back on Brilliant offensive work of Georgie keep Quaker City League was en route here todsy the map and they immediately Beyers, half back, who took the tlon on the Jump. 'from his home In Sacramento. Calif. Jy McBridc Intercepted a pass and That heavy, fast and well injured Dowrick's place, stood out ^ He was expected to arrive ©arly coached V. M. I. team gave themfllvver*.an carried It to the visitors' 1-yard ITuesday, when the investigation m ill awful drubbing, the only Southern in the locals' victory. He fairly // line, from where Kussell went over resumed. Further details of the representative that turned the shined with end runs, and also for the first touchdown early In plot to fix the ltlt world series trick. went through the line for good the secon.1 quarter. A perfect pass. Chicago White Sox and between Despite the' decisive defeat by! gains. -Scholleld to Snow, gave the navy cinnati will be given in GedeonCinS* Harvard, the "Praying Colonels" Geibel and Baldwin did some fine eleven the second marker. Snow testimony, it was Relieved. The have a right to feel proud of their work on both the defensive and of- kicking the goal. A 3S - yard j Brown player has Information showing In Cambridge. After fensive for the Rexmen. Beyers! run by Langer in the third quarter garding attempts to throw there1 Harvard In action, experts1seeingcarried the ball over for the first resulted in the final counter. eighth game of the series, agreed that the team will rank touchdown in the third period, after MOHAWKSWIN W.A.C.TOSTAGE taking the ball over from MrBridethe to Johnson. accordling with the greatest that institution he had recovered a blocked drop 10-yard line. Blair kicked the The grand Jurors expected to vote has turned out in the past ten kick of Litkus. The sis other joints locals showed good team work.B°a>Theany new indictments necessary and were The years. That's some great. added % by Carney, quarter ,»nd well deserved the victory. i'seturn true bills against eight For the first time this year the! back, who intercepted a forward miGHT line-up and summary: Phrmer White Sox players. two Harvard goal line has been crossed. pass in the last period and ran FROM GLASSY SHOW: Sary Yard. Pelt,.®. gambler*. Abe AttelL former boxfnc QUENTINS mi, L. E To prove that it wasn't a fluke, the 50 yards through a broken field GrantlandRice w"If champion and Hal Chase and Bill Colonels came back and did it to the goal line. lay,<'r u T 'Burns, former ball ' T players, For From tkr Port of Play. * 380, his qualities of leadership were A. Urarleae I-.fiWhat*' Considering the strength of the Ewing eleven, Full Back @^S|( at " ' Gedeon's evidence. tneJf CrimsonJV.. Out from the Port of Play, supreme every turn. Tower. eater following defense, that's quite a Moore and Half Back Simcox earned Score of * « One of the witnesses will Indians Make « Over Local Promoters cum. v. stunt. Tb quote Walter Camp, the much credit. They were Only j the Sea of Dreams, Boxing be Arnold Rothstein. New York big From the Harbor of Childhood's More and more reports come in. « T prnblably Harvard defense, once it gets down in the offense of their team.factors Bay, I from those who know him well, nurrity K. B VmU' gambler and millionaire "man of business. Is "a terriblA thing." The latter made the lone first down Game Line Out vrtere the white foam gleams, Martin and fr+naeM Q- » mystery. Hartley Replogle by Straight I sent afar. singing the praises of William H. Sign _And~ the season has gone into of the visitors in the opening pe- my Ship of the Pacific McRrMe »- H distant State's attorney. today historyVhen it will be see Where the great-walled cities McCarthy, president " ani interesting to riod when he tore off a 45-yard Coast League.
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