VOLUME 42, NUMBER 5 OCTOBER 26, 1939 CORNELL HOSTS A Guide to Comfortable Hotels and Restaurants Where Cornellians and Their Friends Will Find a Hearty Cornell Welcome ITHACA CENTRAL NEW YORK Sbφt 's DINE AT DRUMLINS N. TOWNSEND ALLISON '28 Pittsburgh GILLETTE'S CAFETERIA ERNEST TERW1LLIGER '28 Detroit At Syracuse, N.Y. B. F. COPP '29 Cleveland On College Avenue OPEN ALL YEAR AROUND R.W.STEINBERG '29 New York L.W. MAXSON '30 New York Where Georgia's Dog Used to Be CAFETERIA DINING ROOM TAP ROOM H.GLENN HERB *31 New York W. C. BLANKINSHIP '31 Cleveland Air Conditioned the Year 'Round GOLF TENNIS WINTER SPORTS J. W. GAINEY '32 Cleveland R.C. TIFFANY '36 New York L WIARD '30 R. S. BURLINGAME '05 J. WHEELER '38 New York Restaurant Manager Owner CARL J. GILLEΠE '28, Propr. SOUTH HARVEY'S NEW YORK AND VICINITY ROUTE 33, BATAVIA, N.Y. HOTEL Open April 1st - November 30th GOOD FOOD — ROOMS MARY WRIGHT HARVEY, Proprietor CAVALIER BEACH CLUB John P. Masterson, '33, Asst. Manager CAVALIER COUNTRY CLUB VIRGINIA BEACH. VA. PARK AVE 51st ϊfl 52nd STS HEW YORK ROLAND BATON'27. M NEW ENGLAND CORNELLIANS will b particularly welcome at Stop at the... WASHINGTON, D. C. The Stratford Arms Hotel 117 WEST 70TH STREET HOTEL ELTON CORNELL HEADQUARTERS IN WASHINGTON TRαfαlgαr 7-9400 NEW YORK WATERBURY, CONN. Thirty Minutes From The World's Fair "A New England Landmark" THE LEE HOUSE (Write (or reservations) Bud Jennings '25, Proprietor ROBERT C. TRIER, Jr. 32, Resident Manager Fifteenth & L Streets, N.W. KENNETH W. BAKER '29, Manager BERMUDA WiMΓam H. Horned, '35, Assistant Manager OFFICIAL HEADQUARTERS THE CORNELL CLUB OF NEW ENGLAND Glnftttvin CORAL ISLAND CLUB PARKER HOUSE 1715 G Street, Northwes^Washingto^D.C BERMUDA'S BEST Boston's Most Famous Hotel 122 E. 42nd St. New York City Cornell Luncheon Every Monday at 12:30 J. S. FASSETT '36 A. C. HILL »37 CARMEN M. JOHNSON '22, - Manager MANAGED BY JACK BATTEN '37 HELEN J. ROGERS '38, - Asst. Manager The Bill of Rights ESTABROOK & CO. Hemphill, Noyes C& Co. deserves a place in every real American Members of the New York and Members New York Stock Exchange home, office and school. You can now get Boston Stock Exchange 15 Broad Street . New York copies for yourself and your friends. Beauti- INVESTMENT SECURITIES fully printed in blue, red and black on vellum Sound Investments Investment Counsel and Jansen Noyβs '10 Stantoπ Griff is '10 paper, 12x16 ready for framing. Send $1.00 Supervision L M. Blancke '15 Willard I. Emerson '19 each for as many copies as you want, to Roger H. Williams '95 BRANCH OFFICES THE CAYUGA PRESS Resident Partner New York Office Albany, Chicago, Harrίsbυrg, Indianapolis, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Trenton, 113 E. Green St., Ithαco, N.Y. 40 Wall Street Washington Please mention the NEWS ELL ALU I NEWS Subscription price $4 a year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August VOL. XLII, NO. 5 ITHACA, NEW YORK, OCTOBER 2.6, 1939 PRICE, 15 CENTS AWARD MOAKLEY CUPS Moakley Cups were presented to James SENIOR SOCIETIES ELECT New Trophy Presented B. Pender '39, for most outstanding work; Fifteen From Class of '40 I. Reeve Swezey, III '41 of Huntington, Track and cross country activity Fall elections to the Senior societies, 100-yard dash; Alexander E. Walker, opened publicly October 17 with the an- announced October 18, brought eleven Jr. '41 of Pittsburgh, Pa., 440-yard run; nual "track get-together" sponsored by new members to Sphinx Head and four George M. Walker '40 of Somerville, Spiked Shoe. About 150 track enthusiasts to Quill and Dagger, to complete their Mass., and Willard C. Schmidt '41 of gathered in the Willard Straight Me-, chapters for this year. The following Rochester, 880-yard run; Matty L. morial Room for the presentation by members of the Class of '40 were elected: Urbanowitz '41 of Buffalo and Nathaniel Coach Moakley of the Moakley Cups E. White '41 of Wenonah, N. J., mile Sphinx Head donated by Cornell Clubs for members of H. Lyford Cobb, Bronxville; Arts; run; James S. Hall '40 of Groton and last year's track team who showed the chairman of the Willard Straight Hall George E. Ranney '40 of Ithaca, two- best spirit and attitude in their several board of managers; Psi Upsilon. mile run; W. Harry Johns, Jr. '39 of Great events. William Dixon, Plainfield, N. J.; Me- Neck, high jump; Kirk Hershey '41 of A new trophy, given in memory of chanical Engineering; manager soccer; Philadelphia, Pa. (and this year's foot- Junius T. Auerbach '90 by his two sons Atmos; Phi Kappa Psi. ball team), broad jump; Frederic W. for competition in cross country among Francis C. Everts, Glens Falls; Arts; West, Jr. '41 of Lansdowne, Pa. (also of members of the Heptagonal Games As- player-manager 150-pound football; the football team), shot put; John W. sociation, was formally presented by Sigma Phi Sigma.. Borhman, Jr. '41 of Harrisburgh, Pa. R. W. Sailor '07, editor-in-chief of the Nixon Griffis, son of Stanton Griffis (substitute back this year), javelin ALUMNI NEWS. Auerbach was an ardent Ίo, New Canaan, Conn.; Arts; Varsity throw; Mervin G. Olinger '39, pole follower of Cornell sports, a founder of boxing; assistant editor Sun; Dramatic vault. the Cornell Club of New England, and Club; Book and Bowl, Sigma Delta Chi, for many years until his death in 1917 a Cornell Clubs which to last week had Psi Upsilon. successful lawyer in Boston, Mass. For participated by providing cups were Henry M. Jewett, son of Guernsey R. several years beginning in 1906 he gave those of Atlanta, Ga., Delaware, Elmira, Jewett '99, White Plains; Hotel Ad- a cup each year to the winner of the New England, Southern Ohio, Phila- ministration; managing director Hotel 1' Auerbach race'' of ten-and-a-half miles delphia, Western Pennsylvania, and Ezra Cornell; Scarab, Phi Gamma Delta. Washington, D. C. It is expected that from Dryden which was a feature of the Richard T. Meister, Gates Mills, Ohio; other Clubs will take part in these fall sports season. His sons, the donors Agriculture; associate editor Sun; Varsity awards, as they have in former years. of the new Junius Auerbach Trophy, are golf; Scarab, Sigma Delta Chi, Chi Psi. both graduates of the University of New William C. Mogk, Jr., Brooklyn; Hampshire, Eugene K. Auerbach, alumni KANSAS CITY WOMEN Hotel Administration; Varsity baseball, secretary there, and Richard D. Auer- First meeting this season of the Cornell Junior-varsity football, Junior-varsity bach, secretary to U. S. Senator H. Styles Women's Club of Greater Kansas City basketball; Scarab, Phi Kappa Psi. Bridges. was a tea October 7, at the home of Paul C. Stark, Jr., son of Paul C. Stark First competition for the new trophy Gladys Beck, Grad '2.0. Bessie Gay Ίx, Louisiana, Mo.; Agriculture; 150- will be the new cross country race be- Secrest Ίx presided. Mrs. Ellsworth L. pound crew; president Ho-Nun-de-Kah tween Cornell, Columbia, Dartmouth, Filby (Marion C. Fisher) '19 reported on and Ag-Domecon Association; Psi Up- Harvard, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and the meeting of the Federation of Cornell silon. Yale, in Van Cortland Park, New York Women's Clubs in Ithaca last June, to Charles T. Stewart, son of Mrs. Wil- City, November 11. First to win it three which she was a delegate, and Margaret liam D. Stewart (Margaret Thorp) Ίz, times will have permanent possession. M. Gist '40, now employed in Kansas Edgewood, Pa.; Arts; manager basket- City, spoke on undergraduate life of the Emery G. Wingerter '40 of Red Bank, ball; Theta Delta Chi. Campus. Mrs. N. R. Beagle (Hermione V. N. J., cross country captain, and Walter James N. Trousdell, Glen Cove; Arts; Jones) '12. was appointed Club chairman W. Zittel, Jr. '40 of Buffalo, track Varsity wrestling, football; Beta Theta for the Federation Scholarship Fund. captain, presided at the Willard Straight Pi. gathering. The Moakley Cups were pre- Peter T. Wood, son of Walter D. Wood sented to Coach Moakley on behalf of '09, Summit, N. J.; Arts; manager the Cornell Clubs by Walter C. Heasley, wrestling and minor sports representa- Jr. '30, executive secretary of the Alumni tive on Athletic Advisory Council; Beth Fund and former Varsity hurdler, and L Amed, Chi Psi. Moakley made the awards. Sailor pre- Quill and Dagger sented the Auerbach Trophy to Robert Warren W. Hawley, III, son of Warren J. Kane '34, Assistant Director of Ath- W. Hawley, Jr. '14, Batavia; Agriculture; letics, former Varsity sprinter and as- Student Council; Scabbard and Blade, sistant track coach, who accepted it for Acacia. the Heptagonal Games Association. Nicholas S. LaCorte, Elizabeth, N. J.; Other speakers were Professor Bristow Arts; 150-pound football; formerly Stu- Adams, Agriculture Publications, Faculty dent Council; Seal and Serpent. track adviser; Professor John R. Bangs, Arnold Nye, Bronxville; Architecture; Jr. '2.1, Administrative Engineering and captain skiing; LΌgive, Delta Upsilon. assistant track coach; and Edward G. James R. Riley, Jr., Hopewell, N. J.; Ratkoski '35, assistant coach. Motion Mechanical Engineering; Varsity la- pictures were shown of last year's meet crosse, manager cross country; Atmos, with Princeton. CAMPUS LIGHT AND SHADOW Seal and Serpent. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS WAR AND FOOTBALL Rarely does a team score directly by Cornell Club of Cleveland at its regular recovering a fumbled ball in mid-air. luncheon October 2.0 had as speaker Tell About Cornell scored its first two touchdowns Berna Ίz, general manager, National in that fashion as Harold F.
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