The Goodland Star-News / Tuesday, July 24, 2007 5 Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have FUN BY THE NUMBERS you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, col- umn and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! ANSWER TO FRIDAY’S TUESDAY EVENING JULY 24, 2007 WEDNESDAY EVENING JULY 25, 2007 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 E S E = Eagle Cable S = S&T Telephone E S E = Eagle Cable S = S&T Telephone Dog Bounty Dog Bounty Dog Bounty Dog Bnty Mindfreak Criss Angel Criss Angel Criss Angel Dog Bounty Dog Bounty CSI: Miami: Slow Burn CSI: Miami: Stalkerazzi The Sopranos (TVMA) Dog Bounty Dog Bounty CSI: Miami: Slow Burn 36 47 A&E (R) (R) (R) (TVPG) (TVPG) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) 36 47 A&E (TV14) (HD) (TV14) (HD) (HD) (R) (R) (TV14) (HD) Home Videos Just for Shaq’s Big Challenge (N) Primetime: Family Se- KAKE News (:35) Nightline (:05) Jimmy Kimmel Live Next Best Thing The first American Inventor The six finalists try to complete KAKE News (:35) Nightline (:05) Jimmy Kimmel Live 4 6 ABC (R) Laughs (N) crets (N) at 10 (N) (TV14) (N) 4 6 ABC season ends (N) their prototype (N) at 10 (N) (TV14) (N) Wild Kingdom: Borneo’s Natural World: Message in Animal Precinct: A New Most Ex- Nature (TV Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Planet Earth: Jungles (TV Planet Earth: Fresh Wa- Animal Precinct: Three Dog Most Ex- Nature (TV Planet Earth: Jungles (TV 26 54 ANPL Pygmy Elephants the Waves (N) Diet (TV G) (R) treme (R) G) (R) Kingdom (R) 26 54 ANPL G) ter (TV G) Day (TV G) (R) treme (R) G) (R) G) (R) Kathy Griffin: My Life on Kathy Griffin: My Life on Kathy Griffin: My Life on the Flipping (N) Kathy Griffin: My Life on Kathy Griffin Top Chef: Cooking by Top Chef: Latin Lunch Per- Top Chef: Watch What Top Chef: Watch What To Be Announced Info 63 67 BRAVO the D-List (R) the D-List (R) D-List (TV14) the D-List (R) (R) 63 67 BRAVO Numbers (TV14) (R) fect piecrusts. (R) Happens (N) Happens (R) unavailable. NCIS: Friends and Lovers Big Brother 8 (N) Pirate Master: 24 Hour News (N) (:35) Late Show With David Ferguson King of King of Criminal Minds: The Af- CSI: NY (TV14) (R) (HD) News (N) (:35) Late Show With David Ferguson 7 11 CBS (TVPG) (R) (HD) Party Pirates (N) Letterman (HD) (TV14) 7 11 CBS Queens (R) Queens (R) termath (R) (HD) Letterman (HD) (TV14) Scrubs Friends Gilmore Girls (R) (HD) Beauty and the Geek (R) News2 at Nine (N) Scrubs Will-Grace Scrubs Friends America’s Next Top America’s Next Top News2 at Nine (N) Scrubs Will-Grace 12 3 CW (TV14) (TVPG) (TV14) 12 3 CW (TV14) (TVPG) Model (TV14) (R) Model (TV14) (R) (TV14) Dirty Jobs: Well Digger Dirty Jobs: Dirtiest Ma- Build it Bigger: World’s Tall- Man vs. Wild: Scotland Dirty Jobs: Well Digger Really Big Things: Bellagio MythBusters: Anti-Gravity Cash Cab Cash Cab MythBusters: Hindenburg Really Big Things: Bellagio 55 42 DISC (TV14) (R) chines on the Planet est Skyscraper (TVPG) (R) (TV14) (R) 55 42 DISC Fountains (N) Device (TVPG) (R) (R) (TV G) Mystery (R) Fountains (R) Hannah Mon. Hannah Mon. Zack & Cody Zack & Cody Hannah Mon. Zack & Cody “Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board” (‘07) Zack & Cody Zack & Cody Hannah Mon. Hannah Mon. Hannah Mon. Zack & Cody “An Extremely Goofy Movie” (‘00) Replace- 33 56 DISN (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) Snowboarder visits Hawaii for wedding. (R) 33 56 DISN (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) aac Goofy gets schooled. (G) (R) ments (R) 49 66 E!TV E! True Story (R) E! True Story (R) Camp (R) Camp (R) E! News C. Lately Daily 10 Girls (R) 49 66 E!TV The E! True Hollywood Story (R) The Soup Sunset Sunset E! News C. Lately Daily 10 Girls (R) 22 28 ESPN Ultimate Nascar (HD) Ultimate Nascar (HD) Bronx Burning (HD) SportsCenter (HD) Bronx Burning (R) 22 28 ESPN Ultimate Nascar (HD) Ultimate Nascar (HD) Baseball Tonight (HD) SportsCenter (HD) Baseball NFL Live 23 29 ESPN2 A WNBA Game (Live) A WNBA Game (Live) Baseball NFL Live 23 29 ESPN2 @ MLB Baseball: Teams TBA (Live) (HD) Bronx Burning (R) Nascar Now (HD) 32 58 FAM “Ice Princess” (‘05) “Ice Princess” (‘05) ac Girl learns to skate (G) The 700 Club (TV G) Kyle XY (R) (HD) 32 58 FAM “Greek Wedding” “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” Family upset. The 700 Club (TV G) Smallville (HD) 35 - FMC “M*A*S*H” (‘70, Comedy) Donald Sutherland. “The Fabulous Baker Boys” (‘89) aaa (R) “Tough Enough” aa 35 - FMC “The Omen” (‘76, Horror) aaa Gregory Peck. “Alien Resurrection” (‘97, Sci-fi) aa (R) “Rising Sun” (‘93) aa Good Eats Dinner (TV Throwdown Glutton Ace of Cakes Ace of Cakes Good Eats Unwrapped Throwdown Glutton (R) Good Eats Good Eats Food Challenge: Simpson’s Dinner (TV Dinner (TV Good Eats Unwrapped Food Network Challenge 53 45 FOOD (R) G) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) 53 45 FOOD (R) (R) Movie Cakes G) (R) G) (R) (R) (R) (TV G) (R) Daily Show Colbert Re- Chappelle’s South Park Rodney Carrington: Live at Daily Show Colbert Rodney Carrington: Live at Daily Show Colbert Re- Chappelle’s South Park South Park Lil’ Bush Daily Show Colbert Lil’ Bush South Park 37 73 CMDY (R) port (R) (R) (R) the Majestic (R) (TV14) (TV14) (N) the Majestic (R) 37 73 CMDY (R) port (R) (R) (R) (R) (TV14) (N) (TV14) (TV14) (N) (TV14) (R) (R) 27 25 FX “Independence Day” (‘96) aa Will Smith. Alien fleet invades the Earth. “Flightplan” (‘05, Thriller) aac Child vanishes. 27 25 FX “Flightplan” (‘05, Thriller) aac Child vanishes. “The Last Samurai” (‘03) aaa American embraces Samurai culture. 30 27 FXSP Dbl. Play FSN Live MLB Game San Diego Padres at Colorado Rockies from Coors Field FSN Live FSN 30 27 FXSP In Focus Wild Undr Light Poker (Taped) Best Damn Show Wild Undr Light FSN - 60 HALL Walker (TVPG) “The Last Cowboy” aac Rancher & daughter. Murder (TVPG) Murder (TVPG) - 60 HALL Walker: Safe House “The Trail to Hope Rose” (‘04, Western) Murder (TVPG) Murder (TVPG) Dodgers “The Island” (‘05, Science Fiction) Two people escape holding “Little Miss Sunshine” (‘06) A dys- (:45) HBO 1st (5:45) “King Kong” (‘05, Adventure) aaac Naomi Watts. A filmmaker’s ex- Bill Maher: The Decider Flight Entourage 5 - HBO (TVPG) (R) facility to expose truth behind Utopian society. (HD) functional family hits the road. (R) Lk (N) 5 - HBO pedition seeks the legendary giant gorilla named Kong. (HD) (TVMA) (R) Conchord (R) (R) (HD) 62 44 HGTV Designed Buy Me Dec.Cent 24 Design Hse Hunt Spice Up Worth (R) Potential Designed Buy Me 62 44 HGTV Designed Buy Me Design Design Hse Hunt Worth (R) Junk Bros. House? Designed Buy Me Mega Disasters: Mega The Universe: Saturn: Lord Ice Road Truckers: Driving Modern Marvels: Pacific Mega Disasters: Mega Modern Marvels: Drilling Modern Marvels: Gold Modern Marvels: Alumi- UFO Files: Texas’ Modern Marvels: Drilling 58 48 HIST Freeze (TVPG) (R) of the Rings (N) on Thin Ice (R) Coast Highway (R) Freeze (TVPG) (R) 58 48 HIST (TVPG) (R) Mines (TVPG) (R) num (TVPG) (N) Roswell (TVPG) (TVPG) (R) Raymond Raymond Engvall (N) Friends MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at San Francisco Giants from AT&T Park (Live) Raymond Raymond Payne Payne MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at San Francisco Giants from AT&T Park (Live) 25 38 IND (TVPG) (TVPG) (TV14) @ 25 38 IND (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) @ 18 63 LIFE Reba Reba “The Promise” (‘99) aa Escaping the cycle. Will Will Frasier Frasier 18 63 LIFE Reba Reba “Above Suspicion” (‘00) aa Mobster husband. Will Will Frasier Frasier 54 74 MTV Next Top Model (HD) Next Top Model (HD) Ride (R) Trick It Room 401 Scarred Jackass Scarred 54 74 MTV Next Top Model (HD) Next Top Model (HD) Making the Band (R) Engaged Engaged Engaged Engaged News at 6 ET (TV G) America’s Got Talent: Performance SingBee Law & Order: Special Vic- 9 News (N) (:35) Jay News at 6 ET (TV G) Outrageous Outrageous Last Comic Standing: Dateline NBC (N) 9 News (N) (:35) Jay 3 9 NBC (N) (HD) Ep. #2 (TVPG) (N) (TVPG) (N) tims Unit (R) (HD) (HD) Leno (HD) 3 9 NBC (N) (HD) (R) (R) Semi-finals #2 (TV14) (HD) Leno (HD) America’s Got Talent: Performance SingBee Law & Order: Special Vic- KSN News at Tonight Show With Jay (:35) Late Outrageous Outrageous Last Comic Standing: Dateline NBC (N) KSN News at Tonight Show With Jay (:35) Late 8 8 NBC Ep. #2 (TVPG) (N) (TVPG) (N) tims Unit (R) (HD) 10 Leno (TV14) (N) (HD) Night (R) 8 8 NBC (R) (R) Semi-finals #2 (TV14) 10 Leno (TV14) (N) (HD) Night (R) 34 55 NICK Drake (R) Sponge Home Vid Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby 34 55 NICK Drake (R) Sponge Home Vid Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Dr on Call Opinion Nova: Nova scienceNow Wide Angle: The Sand BBC World Last Wine Charlie Rose (N) HairWorld: The Pursuit of American Masters Ten Tenors: Larger Than BBC World Goes By Charlie Rose (N) 2 2 PBS (TVPG) (TV G) (N) Castle (N) News (TV G) 2 2 PBS Excellence (HD) (TVPG) (N) (HD) Life (TV G) News 38 71 SCIFI Calling: Star Crossed Eureka (R) ! ECW Wrestling (Live) Painkiller Jane (TV14) Eureka (R) 38 71 SCIFI Ghost Hunters (R) “Ghost Adventures” (Science Fiction) “Village of the Damned” (‘95) aa (R) 61 72 SPK Voyager: Mortal Coil CSI: Crime (HD) CSI: Crime (HD) CSI: Crime (HD) CSI: Crime (HD) 61 72 SPK Voyager (TVPG) CSI: Crime (HD) CSI: Crime (HD) CSI: Crime (HD) CSI: Crime (HD) Moving Up: Mortgage May- Flip That Flip That Hard Shine: Deuce Deuce American Chopper: Intel Miami Ink: Garver gets Moving Up: Operation Ren- Flip That Flip That We’re Killing the Kids!: A World’s Tallest Man Over Diagnosis X: Pilot Unex- 39 43 TLC hem (TV G) (R) House (R) House (R) Two deadlines.
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