\ COMRADE ENVER HOXHA AMONG THE WORKERS OF THE Vi Comrade Enver Hoxha, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, among workers of the «Rinia» State Farm a Comrade Enver Hoxha, First Secretary of sands of them turned out into the big bou­ the Central Committee of the Party of La­ levard. They greeted comrade Enver with bour. of Albania paid a visit to the Vlora di­ enthusiastic applause and cheering. strict. He held a meeting with the Party Comrade Enver Hoxha also paid a visit activists of the district, including the secre­ to the hills of Jonufer which the volunteers taries of the Party basic organizations of the of the younger generation of Albania have economic enterprises, the agricultural coope­ terraced and planted in recent years. Among ratives, cultural institutions, and the army, the terraces green with olive, orange, lemon, and cadres of the Party, the Government, the and a variety of other fruit trees, the be­ RA DISTRICT mass organizations and the military detach­ loved leader of the Party and people was ments. welcomed with cheers and ethusiastic ap­ The First Secretary of the district Party plause by a group of workers of the «Rinia» Committee, Gaqo Nesho, informed him of the State Farm, by members of the Dukat-Tra­ members of the Dukat-Tragjas Agricultural Cooperative. tireless work which the patriotic and hard­ gjas Agricultural Cooperative, and specia­ working people of the district have done and lists and leading cadres of these economies. are doing, with the communists in the lead, Comrade Enver Hoxha warmly shook to carry out the tasks set by the 7th Con­ hands with and embraced many of those pre­ gress of the Party of Labour of Albania. sent. The Manager of the <*Rinia» State Farm, Comrade Enver Hoxha greeted those pre­ Gogo Vjero, arid Secretary of the Bureau of sent and congratulated them, and through the Party of the Dukat-Tragjas Agricultural them, the communists, the working class, the Cooperative, Hasan Gjoni, informed comrade cooperative peasants and the Vlora workers, on Enver Hoxha about the work, life, and achie­ s s i-la r the important successes they have achieved vements of the workers and cooperativists, ■ in all sectors of production and political and as well as about the great prospects which social life. He spoke to the participants in the 6th five-year plan opens before these the meeting about the brilliant prospects agricultural economies. which the decisions of the 7th Party Comrade Enver Hoxha told the workers, Congress, have opened up for all our people, cooperative members and cadres of his great as well as about the great tasks which 'face satisfaction in being in this region of which the Party, the State organs, the mass,orga­ he has indelible memories from the stormy nizations and all the working people of the years of the Anti-fascist National-Liberation district in the fields of the development of War. industry and agriculture, culture, defence While admiring the flourishing beauty of and so on. the hills of Jonufer, embellished by the toil, Speaking about a number of problems of sweat, and intelligence of our heroic youth, the international political situation and the the leader of the Party highly praised the Marxist-Leninist movement in the world, good work which they have done on these comrade Enver Hoxha said that the whole now blooming hills. This, he said, reflects capitalist-revisionist world is in the grip of the great strength of our youth, which is in­ a grave, complex, economic, political, finan­ spired and multiplied by the correctness of cial and social crisis, and that the situation the line of the Party, a line which has as its in the world, in general, is not calm. This objective the freedom and independence of means that it is our duty to see that our the homeland, the happiness of the people country is always vigilant towards the deve­ and their well-being and prosperity. All the lopment of events, towards the schemes successes scored in our country, pointed out which the imperialists, social-imperialists,1 comrade Enver Hoxha, are due, above all, revisionists, and other reactionaries are hat­ to the fact that the Party, knew right from ching up against the peoples, against the the start, that it had to m'ake its line clear cause of the revolution and socialism. to the people, both during the war as well Comrade Enver Hoxha stressed the im­ as today, in the great work who has to be portance of a proper understanding of the done to build socialism, the work which has slogan «work, live and fight as under transformed the appearance of Albania. But siege» and the great principle of self-reliance, whenever we think and speak about these so as to break any imperialist-revisionist en­ major transformations, we should first of all circlement and blockade against our coun­ see the changes that have come about in try. On the economic front, this blockade is the spiritual world of our capable and hard­ broken by enhancing our efforts to increase working people, who are the Decisive »actor production, by turning out goods of high qua­ in attaining all these victories. lity and at lower cost, by decreasing imports and increasing exports. Op the ideological Having spoken about the successes which and political front, the Party has never main­ have been achieved, and certain tasks con­ tained a passive stand towards events. Gui­ nected with the patriotic socialist education ding our people along the correct road of of our youth, as well as about some problems socialism, on the basis of the principles of of the application of agro-technical science, Marxism-Leninism, it has always acted with comrade Enver Hoxha continued: The deci­ determination and vigour. This is how it sive thing in this struggle and work for the acted against Yugoslav revisionism, against allround strengthening of our socialist home­ Soviet revisionism, as well as against all land in order to smash the imperialist-revi­ trends of modern revisionists and opportu­ sionist encirclement, is the education of peo­ nists of every shade. And this always correct ple with our ideology of Marxism-Leninism. and consistent line of the Party has made it This is not simply a slogan. This ideplogy has possible to cope successfully with any blocka­ been transfused like life-giving blood into de. It is precisely due to this correct struggle the arteries of the body of our Party and it and this principled Marxist-Leninist stand always fights to keep it pure, as the only that the Party has won the sympathy, respect guarantee of success in the advance towards and trust, not only of the Marxist-Leninists a classless society, towards communism. and of the genuine revolutionaries, but also At the close of this meeting, while again of progressive people throughout the world. wishing them success in work and in life, This, comrade Enver Hoxha • emphasized, is comrade Enver Hoxha embraced the wor­ the explanation for the wide echo that the kers of the «Rinia» State Farm and the mem­ proceedings and decisions of the 7th Congress bers of the Dukat-Tragjas cooperative, and of the Party had in the outside world. having prised for a photograph with them, As soon as the residents of the city learn­ was seen off amid the joy and enthusiasm ed of-comrade Enver Hoxha’s arrival, thou­ of all those present. GJIROKASTRA A CITY OF STONE WITH A OF FIRE HALIM STOLIA MEDIN COLLAiM Views of the city of Gjirokastra. These pictures were taken during the days of the National Folklore Festiv Gjirokastra is one of those cities which, once you have got to know it, you can in the middle of the valley and at a key junction never forget. The .image of the castle of the suburbs spreading over the ridges oj which links a number of districts: the district the Mali i Gjere (Broad Mountain), the characteristic buildings, the narrow cobbled of Kurvelesh to the north and northwest, the districts of Zagoria and Lunxheria to the east, streets, the inhabitants who go so easily up and down these steep streets — this image Libohova and Pogon to the southeast and Dro- can never be confused with that of any other city. ■'■'The city of two thousand steps**, pulli to the south. The city itself, with its cha­ «fascinating city** some have dubbed it, while others have described it as «a city like racteristic streets, has a radial construction which no other city**. is evidence of this linking. At Market Pass, which is the epicentre of this Museum City five cobbled streets come together. They run from the above* mentioned districts, pass through the suburbs of the city and meet at this spot. There are cities in our country like Shko- logical excavations, it turns out that the rich From a perusal of historical documents it dra, Berat, Kruja, and others, whose history valley of the small river Drino, between Lun- is woven into legend. There are others like Lac, xheria and Mali j Gjere in southern Albania, turns out that during the second half of the Memaliaj, Prrenjas and Kurbnesh whose exis­ was densely populated in ancient times. In re­ 14th century, Gjirokastra became the centre of tence is measured in years or, at most, in de­ cent years our archaeologists have discovered the feudal domain of the Zenebishis. In 1419 cades. Gjirokastra is of the former category. the site of the ancient Illyrian city of Antigonea. the city fell into the hands of the Ottoman ar­ Legend says: «.
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