GOLD PRICE PLACED AT $31.36 AN OUNCE Puts It 27 Cents H i^ r ELABORATE RITES F«ii|«r Held Of CkiM tu ik Driren h Slate Dafy Than Opening Quotation AT CONSECRATION M u That Ceatnet For Geneva Hears Report On World Markets; Little jiBCIm O k iia ii B f YeaHy Bi te r- Troddig Firai Phtott Reacfion In Wall Street Rector Of Cadiolic Uniyersi- Oeoeva, SwitZerland. Oct 26 Scommlttse will be held tmnorrow Palrol ffiflinTc Eterw! ty Becomes Bishop Of after tbs sessiOB of the oonferenoe Washington, Oct. 26 — (AP) — (AP)- 7The steering oommlttee WRmngton, Oct 26—(AP)— wfaito will pass upon toe taoom- President Roosevelt’s unprecedented retamroeaded today that the dis- Strikers Arretted h Wa­ bei4rk. Wlggln, former ehalrman mendation made today. plan for controlling the American Titular See Of Modra. arhaamsat conference be sdjoximed The committee expects to of ^ Chase National bank today tmtU Dec. 4 as reports circulated value of gold In the expectation of suggsstkms to to tos bsat way to terbary — S ta n Called vduhtarlly gave up hii oontract that Germany would submit pro­ carry on tos work during tos re­ raising commodity prices was put Washington, Oct 26.—(AP) — wltlythat InStltutian giving him re- posals under which she could re­ cess, eithsr prlvats conversations in operation today with an offer to turn to the parley and the League purchase newly mined gold at Elaborate ceremonies were arrang­ tirdd pay et $100,000 a year for or by toe snorts of a spaoial com ­ By Leaden Becaaie Cob- o f Nations. m ittee. $31.36 an ounce, 27 cents higher ed fo r the consecration today* o f These reports, orlrtnating in (^tor- The sense of toe meeting as anm- than the day's opening quotations the Most Reverend James Hugh i*fff|ifnand Pecom, . oounSd for TiTJi circles, said toe R ein’s posi­ panes Refaie To Recof* on wotid naarkets. mariZed by one of the partidpsats Ryan, rector of Catholic University, to^ committee, mich disclosed tion would be set forth after toe was that the oonferenoe should con­ Announcing the price, Jesse H. I ’s retired salary, gave out a plebiscite elections of Nov. 12, call­ Jones, RFC chairman, said the as bishop of the ’Titular See of tinue snd should not in any way ta aize Dnoo. from.. the banker to thC board ed for when the nation’s intention used to place Germany In as unfair {Reaming metal would be paid for in Modra. to withdraw from both assemblages of the bank rtvlng up position. the corporation’s ninety-day de­ was ajuumuced. The apostolic delegate, thirty-five because a public ’The steering committee, was given bentures, which he added could be ’The recommendation was made By Aataejated Preoo easily converted into cash. arch'^blshops and bishc^s, eighty the power and the responsifaUlty to monsignori, and more than 200 with the understanding that the The courts became theI battle- Government fiscal experts were ’'Ben' parley began on that date if Presi­ carry on its w<»k during toe recess. members of the clergy bad places in Norman H. Davis, Amsrloaa ground at the truck strike ob working out a plan whreby the de­ ^At the t l^ of the agreement to dent Arthur Henderson, and the hi C - bentures can be discount^ at a the reUglous pageantry in the Na­ representative, has, not decided on nectieut today as truck drivers, in tional shrine on jthe university cam­ pay me an Anual compeniuttioD of committee is convinced sufficient rate which will bring their holders $1M,000, it was bedieved to be In the progress has been made in the his immediate plans, but thinks tos defiance of an injunction obtshisd the full purchase price for their pus. committee work likely win ta' im­ b^st interests of the tank. As the meantime Euid it would be useful to by ths trucking cesapsjniss, left gold. Fifty members of the diplomatic portant to the conference in toe corps, two members of President in spite of the new police regulations in BronxvUle, N. Y., forbidding amemsnt hai been criticised, I tbra convene. Executive Order any kissing that delays traffic, husbands of this patrician New Another meeting of the steering future. their wheels •nd*plekstsd en ths Roosevelt’s Cabinet, and many uni­ York beg to request that it be terminat­ An executive order from the suburb Insist on giving their wives their usual morning feurewell ed,^ highways; versity presidents were guee^ in White House and regulations from smack, even though it may mean a summons. Here a tr^ ic police­ Eleven strtksrs ware arrestsd for the great assemblage which gather' .’there was fio indication whether the treasury department will be man warns one couple to “make it snappy.” Wiggin’e aotidiil had been am>roved breach of ths peace in Waterbuxy, ed for the consecration by the most Issued later in the day, outhning by toe bank. / where the motor patrol was doubltai the procedure by which the mining Rev. Joseph Chartrand, bishop of Peaiton for life and police cars wore furnished with, companies will transfer their gold Indianapolis, the city where Bishop MAY KEEP WAGES DOWN riot gu 1. Officers said ths striksra Testimony before the committee to the corporation. Ryan was bom. disclosed thi^ Wiggin was given a were stopping other truckmen. The price set was an increase ’nie ceremony included a proces- contract for |100,000 a year for life Maanalhile Frank E. Cbowtber, of $1.66 an ounce over the world slcmal from nave to crypt, centered “ MYSTERY SHIP” CAUSED stoen he retired January 1, this buslneas agent of the tZuckera . price of yesterday as annoimced at TO HELP CONSTRUCTION first about a minor altar once xued year. union, which was enjoined from the treasury. by the first bishop of Baltimore, and calling a strike or causing acts-of President Roosevelt was reported Re had received during his active then continuing to a magnificent service a salary of $260,000 a year violsncs, said union leeUtors plaansd gratified with the public response to CRUISER-TANKER CRASH modem maitto altar. to ask for s diasolution of the in- his gold move. As to Wail street in addition to bonuses up to $100,- SigatCoant DetaOi 000 and additional compensation NRA Plans Program To In­ HITLER’S CAMPAIGN junetloiL reaction, it was remarked he will Signifleant was each detalL For Among the truckmen themselves keep his future intentions to him­ from outside companies. Bishop Cbartrand’s use in the cere- Pecora handed the Wiggin letter duce Capita] To Inyest In there was confusion. After launch­ self. mogay was a gold chalice studded ^m rihiesses Say Croiaer MANKIND’S CRADLE to newspapermen after the morning ing .their second strike within ia ’This authoritative comment ap­ with jewels, a cherished treasure IS IN F U E SWING month last iright, soma returnsd to parently was evoked by inquiries session of the committee bearing. of the university. For Bishop Ryan work when informed of the Injone- rising from New York as to what Tried To AroiA One Colli- Wiggin, standing nearby, said ne Boildings — Parley On to wear at his elevation was a had nothiDg further to say. tlon, while others continued to was to come. THOUGHT IN RUSSIA strike snd picket His informal reply was that be chasuble of brocade on a base of ’The heavy set banker had been gold made in 1660 for the Arcb- sioD Wlien Odier Occnr- watching toe hearings during the Snkject Tomorrow. ChanceDor Starts Ob Whirl- tajmietton Hgned was working for an objective, and ’The Injimorton wad signed by that while New York would pro­ bish(9 Capponi of Pisa, Italy, the last two or three days from an ob­ mitre was a gift ofi the itndsxvecre- scure seat fkr from the committee Judge Alfred C. Baldwin of Superi­ bably like to have a schedule of rei^ Three Officer's KOIei wind AirplaBe Toor Of or court late last night shortly ho* sixty days or a year ahead, it would tary of state of the Vatiqsi^ Tbe Dr. Roy Qiapmaii Andrews ta b le.; Washington, Oct. 26.— (AP)— pectoral cross was g gift id Risbop 4 Members of toe investlgnting fore the strike was to tawe heeoSM not be given. ■ - S'* ‘'Mf •ought by labor on ton* ntahjlght. It was oh- > Mr. Roosevelt ta.*r^'’';ived jrv'* Ryan tn m Jdfi fkcuKy; t&v'V'vter |i Te Caatiniie within NRA te hsq^ C a p tn . than two thousand tel^am s of fbom 'hlii''iiutdlfi; the episcopal ring, gin’ Frtiiclactf. Oct.- 28.—(AP)— comment on his SHundAy^peech. its central jewel a sapphire sar­ Taids of A mystery ship in the fog wageq 'o f eonstmetton industries It was stated at the White House, down for a year as w taducememt tfts about Pdtnt Sur, 110 miles south tions In T b t Cowitry. ^'Beriln, Odl- 26^(A P)~Tlifi Nkkt T tH m s th rs ,__ ________ ______ that two telegrams on the monetary (Oonttnued ea Page B ^ t) of here, and death to three officers to capital to stimulate building, was postponed today when depu­ eiampaign for votes in the all-impor­ Ohd ’BelpsZs <ff(Altactok otal lit phase of the speech were not favor­ that came in the crash of the U. 8. SAR RAtrriS ASKED tant Noveitajer 12 pleblscits was able. One WEM from a man in New ties reportod the master construc­ agents from iiiiiflftiHhg %• strike 8, Chicago and the British freight­ New York, Oct.
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