The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1897 and became a national organization through the Board of Directors efforts of the presidents of three state universities. Its Paul J. Ferlazzo, PhD primary objective has been from the first the recogni- National President tion and encouragement of superior scholarship in Northern Arizona University all fields of study. Good character is an essential sup- Dept. of English, Box 6032 porting attribute for those elected to membership. The Flagstaff, AZ 86011 motto of the Society is philosophia krateit¯o ph¯o t¯o n, Robert B. Rogow, CPA, PhD which is freely translated as “Let the love of learning National President-Elect Phi Kappa Phi Forum Staff rule humanity.” Eastern Kentucky University College of Business and Technology Editor: 317 Combs Building Richmond, KY 40475 JAMES P. KAETZ Associate Editors: Phi Kappa Phi encourages and recognizes aca- Donna Clark Schubert National Vice President STEPHANIE J. BOND demic excellence through several national pro- Troy University grams. Through its awards and grants programs, 101-C Wallace Hall LAURA J. KLOBERG the Society each triennium distributes more than Troy, AL 36082 Copy Editor: $1,300,000 to deserving students and faculty to promote academic excellence. These programs Wendell H. McKenzie, PhD JAMES T. BARRS Past President include its flagship National Fellowship program for Dept. of Genetics Poetry Editors: students entering their first year of graduate study, Box 7614 NC State University Promotion of Excellence grants for faculty-led proj- Raleigh, NC 27695 LOIS ROMA-DEELEY ects, Study Abroad grants for undergraduates, and RANDY PHILLIS Literacy Initiative service grants. For more informa- Gilbert L. Fowler, PhD tion about how to contribute to the Phi Kappa Phi Vice President, South Central Foundation and support these programs, please write Region Arkansas State University Honors Perry A. Snyder, PhD, Executive Director, The Honor College Phi Kappa Phi Forum Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Box 16000, Louisiana State P.O. Box 2889 Mission Statement University, Baton Rouge, LA 70893 or go to the Phi State University, AR 72467-2889 Kappa Phi web page at www.phikappaphi.org. The purpose of the Phi Kappa Phi Ronald E. Johnson, PhD Forum is to enhance the image of the ViceVice President, Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi and Northeastern Region promote the pursuit of academic excel- Old Dominion University lence in all fields through a quality, Dept. of Ocean, Earth & intellectually stimulating publication Atmos. Sciences Norfolk, VA 23529 for its membership. Phi Kappa Phi Forum (ISSN 1538-5914) is published Sandra W. Holt, PhD four times a year — winter, spring, summer, and Vice President, fall — by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Box Southeastern Region 16000, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA Tennessee State University 3500 John Merritt Blvd., Box 9545 70893. Printed at R.R. Donnelley, 1600 N. Main, Nashville, TN 37209-1561 The views expressed in this Pontiac, IL 61764. ©The Honor Society of Phi publication are not necessarily Kappa Phi, 2004. All rights reserved. Nonmember Terry Mathias, PhD those of the staff of Phi Kappa subscriptions $25.00 per year. Single copies $6.25 ViceVice President, Phi Forum or the Board of each. Periodicals postage paid at Baton Rouge, LA North Central Region Directors of The Honor Society and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send 130 Sasamac Road Carbondale, Il 62901 of Phi Kappa Phi. address changes to The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Box 16000, Louisiana State University, Baton Penny L. Wright, PhD Rouge, LA 70893. Material intended for publication ViceVice President, Phi Kappa Phi Forum is indexed in PAIS should be addressed to James P. Kaetz, Editor, Phi Western Region Bulletin, Current Index to Journals in Kappa Phi Forum, 129 Quad Center, Mell Street, 13844 Avenida de la Luna Education, Sociological Abstracts, Book Auburn University, AL 36849-5306. Jamul, CA 91935 Review Index, Management Contents, America: History and Life, SIRS, and Nancy H. Blattner, PhD Magazine Index. It is also available on Regent Fontbonne University microfiche from University Microfilms 6800 Wydown Blvd. International and Bell & Howell Micro St. Louis, MO 63105 Photo Division and in print from UMI The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Mission Statement: Article Clearinghouse, Ann Arbor, MI. Marya M. Free, PhD Reprint Permission: Written permission Recognizing and Promoting Academic Excellence Director of Fellowships to reprint articles may be obtained 185 Oakland Way by mail or FAX to the following: in All Fields of Higher Education Athens, GA 30606 Permissions Department, Phi Kappa Phi and Engaging the Community of Scholars Forum, 129 Quad Center, Mell Street, in Service to Others Perry A. Snyder, PhD Auburn University, AL 36849-5306; Executive Director FAX: 334/844-5994. Copying for other The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi than personal or internal reference use P.O. Box 16000 — LSU without permission of Phi Kappa Phi Baton Rouge, LA 70893 Forum is prohibited. Back Issues* Number of Copies Winter 2001 When Technology Fails _________ Spring 2001 Film and History _________ Summer 2001 Art Matters _________ Fall 2001 Teachers Teaching _________ Winter 2002 Crime and Punishment _________ Spring 2002 Terrorism _________ Summer 2002 Food & Culture _________ Fall 2002 Big Space/Little Space _________ Winter 2003 Cancer Research _________ Spring 2003 Professional Ethics _________ Summer 2003 Architecture _________ Fall 2003 Globalization _________ Winter 2004 Is Democracy in Danger? _________ Spring 2004 Literacy _________ Summer 2004 Sequential Art: The Comics _________ Fall 2004 Professors Professing: Higher Education Speaks Out _________ Please send me ____ copies of back issues of Phi Kappa Phi Forum checked above at $6.25 each for nonmembers and $2.75 each for members** $__________ Please enter my nonmember subscription to Phi Kappa Phi Forum at $25.00 per year.*** $__________ TOTAL AMOUNT: $__________ NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Check, money order, or purchase order only. Please make checks payable to PHI KAPPA PHI FORUM and return to: Subscriptions, Phi Kappa Phi Forum, The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Box 16000, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70893. * A complete list of past issues is available on Phi Kappa Phi Forum’s World Wide Web page (http://www.auburn.edu/natforum) or by request. ** Ten or more copies of the same issue are available for $5.00 each for nonmembers and $1.65 each for members. *** Members of Phi Kappa Phi receive Phi Kappa Phi Forum as a benefit of membership. To renew your membership, please contact The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi at the above address. ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED NOTE TO PHI KAPPA PHI MEMBERS AND NONMEMBER SUBSCRIBERS Please check the space below for “MEMBER” oror “NONMEMBER SUBSCRIBER”and list your old address, current address, and I.D. number (if you are a member). On your mailing label, your member I.D. number is the first multi-digit number from the left immediately above your name. Then return this form to: The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Box 16000, Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70893. JOURNALS THAT ARE NOT DELIVERED BECAUSE OF FAILURE TO NOTIFY THE NATIONAL OFFICE OF A CHANGE OF ADDRESS CANNOT BE REPLACED FREE OF CHARGE. Change of Address Form Please check one: ________ MEMBER ________ NONMEMBER SUBSCRIBER Name: _______________________________________________ I.D. Number (members only):___________________________ Old Address: _________________________________________ New Address:________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ISSN 1538-5914 PROFESSORS Fall PROFESSING: Higher Education 2004 PHI KAPPA PHI FORUM, Volume 84, Number 4 Speaks Out Columns: ATHLETICS: IS THE TAIL WAGGING THE DOG? 10 Ashley B. Benjamin (10), John Knorr (11), Ronald L. 2 A Note from the Editor Baker (12), Martin W. Schoppmeyer (13), Liana Valente 3 Forum on Education (14) & Academics (Andrea Ickes-Dunbar) ADJUNCTS, PERMATEMPS, AND PART-TIMERS 15 4 Forum on Business & Economics (Larry John Knox (15), James G. Todd (17), Joseph M. Chambers) Schneider (18), Annabelle Boehm (19), Anonymous 6 Forum on Science & (20), Michelle Elizabeth Tusan (21), Andrew L. Gerhart Technology (Devlin M. (21), Michael Latta (22) Gualtieri) 8 Forum on the Arts ISSUES IN THE ACADEMY 23 (David Thurmaier) Grade Inflation: James David Ballard (23), Ronna Vanderslice (24), J.D. Coleman (25) Assessing Students: Dallas Brozik (25), Tamara Kay Poetry: “Mediterraneum Baldwin (26), Stokes Schwartz (27) Café, Berkeley” by Marc Elihu Role(s) of the Professoriate: David R. Stronck (28), Hofstadter (60); “Weather Juanita Manning-Walsh (29), Ruth N. Henry (30), Update” by Susan Thomas (63) Michael W. Brough (31), Mary Lynn Colosimo (32), Letters to the Editor: 62 James Tackach (33), Audrey J. Jaeger and Courtney H. Thornton (34), Jagdeep S. Chhokar (36), Susan Berry Brill de Ramírez (36), Norman B. Sigband and John A. Biles (37), Diane G. Smathers (38), Sheryl T. Smikle (39), Hermann J. Donnert (40) Distance Education: Karie Hollerbach (40), R. Zachary Finney (41) Shared Governance: Lynne Burris Butler (43), Michael G. Murphy (44) The Curriculum: Dawn J. Dekle (45), Lea
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