Page 1 of 17 Search: Angelfire Web by Go! QM 2 Transatlantic Sale Celebrity Family Trees Julius Caesar Movie Find - Cleopatra costume Balcony $699 Apr. 22, 28, View family trees of Great deals on Julius Caesar From $25.99 always at May 4 Includes Free 3 Day celebrities, royalty and other Movie Shop on eBay and SHOP.COM! bonus vacation! famous families. Save! SHOP.COM www.Moments-Notice.com genealogy.com www.eBay.com Build an Online Photo Album Try Blogging for FREE empire2britain: five descent-lines of Queen Elizabeth of Britain from JULIA, sister of JULIUS CAESAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LINE A: 00. JULIA (d52BC) [sister of JULIUS CAESAR, triumvir 60BC, sole consul 49BC, dictator 46BC, "imperator" & "pontifex-maximus" 45BC; assassinated on the day the Senate was to offer him the title "rex" 44BC; founded a new world-order; deified 42BC]; = M. Atius Balbus (d51BC) 01. Atia (d43BC); =1 C. Octavius (d59BC) 02. OCTAVIUS AUGUSTUS, RE 27BC-AD14; 2=2 Scribonia (div 39BC), daughter of M. Drusus Libo & Cornelia, daughter of Cornelius Cinna & Pompeia Minor, daughter of Pompey "The Great", triumvir with JULIUS CAESAR & Crassus 03. Julia (dAD14); =1 Marcellus (d23BC); 2=2 Agrippa (d12BC); 2=3 TIBERIUS, RE AD14-37;&, bore of 2nd [or 1st] marriage: 04. Julia (dAD28); = Lucius Aemilius Paulus (dAD14) 05. Julia; = C. Oct. Laenas (d33) 06. C. Oct. Laenas (d38) = Rubellia Bassa, daughter of Rubellius Blandus (d38) & Julia (d48) [her 3rd =], daughter of Drusus (d23), son of TIBERIUS, RE AD14-37, & 1st wife, Vipsania, daughter of Agrippa (d12BC) & 1st wife, Pomponia Caecille, daughter of Pompeius [son of Licinus, son of Crassus, triumvir] & Pomponia, daughter of Titus Pomponius Atticus 07. Octavia; = Curtilius Mancia 08. Curtilia; = Domitius Lucanus 09. Domitia Lucilla [I]; = Calvisius Tullus Ruso (d109) http://www.angelfire.com/ego/et_deo/empire2britain.wps.htm 4/18/2005 Page 2 of 17 10. Domitia Lucilla [II]; = M. Annius Verus (d130), son of M. Annius Verus & Rupilia, daughter of Rupilius Libo Frugi & Matidia [I] [her 2nd =], daughter of Salonius Matidius (d112) & Marciana, sister of TRAJAN, RE 98-117 11. MARCUS AURELIUS, RE 161-180; = Faustina [II] (d175), daughter of ANTONINUS PIUS, RE 138-141 & Faustina [I] (d141), daughter of M. Annius Verus & Rupilia, daughter of Rupilius Libo Frugi (above) 12. Annia Lucilla (d183); = LUCIUS VERUS, co-ruler 161-169 13. Aurelia; = Pompeianus Quintianus (d183) 14. Commodus Pompeian (d209); = Mariana Minor, daughter of C.J. Marius & Pedania, daughter of Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus & Ummidia Cornificia Antonia, daughter of C. Ummidius Quadratus (d146) & Annia, daughter of M. Annius Verus (d130) & [# 10] Domitia Lucilla [II] (above) 15. Aurelia; = Flavius Crispus, brother of CLAUDIUS II "GOTHICUS", RE 268-270, & QUINTILLUS, RE 270, sons of Flavius Numerius, a Greek prince, &, wife, Claudia, daughter of Claudius Apellinus & Bassina, daughter of SEVERUS, RE 197-211, son of Publius Septimus Geta & Fulvia Pia, daughter of Fulvius Pius & Laelia Major, daughter of Q. Laelius & Matidia [II], daughter of L. Vibius Sabinus (d97), 1st husband of Matidia [I], son of Flavius Sabinus & Julia (d91), daughter of TITUS, RE 79-81, son of VESPASIAN, RE 69- 79 16. Claudia; = Eutropius, son of [name] of the "Forum Iulii" & Gordiana [sister of GORDIAN [III], RE 238- 244], daughter of Junius Licinius Balbus & Maecia Faustina [sister of GORDIAN [II], RE 238], daughter of GORDIAN [I], RE 238, &, wife, Fabia Orestilla, daughter of M. Annius Severus & Silvana, daughter of Plautius Silvanus (d145) & Aurelia Fadilla (d134), daughter of ANTONINUS PIUS, RE 138-141 17. CONSTANTIUS I "CHLORUS", RE 305-306; =2 Theodora, daughter of Afranius Hanibalian of Syria (d292) & Eutropia, daughter of Flavius Crispus & [# 15] Aurelia (above) 18. Constantius (d337), half-brother of CONSTANTINE I "THE GREAT", RE 312/324-337; = Neratia 19. Galla, sister of JULIAN "THE APOSTATE", RE 361-363; = Vettius Justus (d361) 20. Juliana (d387); =1 MAGNENTIUS, RE 350-353; 2=2 VALENTINIAN I, RE 364-375; bore of 2nd husband: 21. Galla (d394), sister of VALENTINIAN II, RE [W] 383/388-392; 2= THEODOSIUS I "THE GREAT", RE [E] 379-395; [W] 394-395; 22. Galla Placidia (d450); =2 CONSTANTIUS III, RE 421; 23. VALENTINIAN III, RE [W] 425-455; = Licinia Eudoxia (d462) [her 1st =], daughter of THEODOSIUS II, RE [E] 408-450, son of ARCADIUS, RE [E] 395-408, brother of HONORIUS, RE [W] 395-423, sons of THEODOSIUS I "THE GREAT" (above) 24. Placidia (d478); = OLYBRIUS, RE 472 25. Juliana (d524); = Areobindus (d506) 26. Olybrius (d524); = Irene, daughter of Paulus, brother of ANASTASIUS I, BYZ-E 491-518, son of Pompeius [descendant of Pompey "The Great"] & Anastasia, a Manichee 27. Proba; = Probus (d525), son of Probus (d518) [brother of Anastasius & Magnus], &, wife, Anastasia (d511), daughter of ANASTASIUS, BYZ-E 491-518, &, 1st wife 28. Juliana; = Anastasius (d571) [his 2nd =], son of Anastasius (d517) & Theodora, [illegitimate] daughter http://www.angelfire.com/ego/et_deo/empire2britain.wps.htm 4/18/2005 Page 3 of 17 of Empress THEODORA (d548), wife of JUSTINIAN I "THE GREAT", BYZ-E 527-565 [her 2nd =], of her 1st husband [or paramour], Helebolus, a Syrian noble 29. Areobindus; = Georgia, daughter of Johannes (d571) & Georgia, daughter of Pompeius (d532) & Antipatra, daughter of Pompeius (d532) [whose wife was a Mamikonian princess], son of Secundinus (d511) & Caesara, sister of ANASTASIUS, BYZ-E 491-518 30. Flavia Juliana [widow of Theodosius (d602), son of MAURICIUS, BYZ-E 578-582]; =2 Atanagildo, V- Goth Prince of Spain [note: another genealogy makes Flavia Juliana the daughter of Pedro Augusto of Arabisso & his wife Anastasia Areobinda, sister of # 29 (above) Areobindus] 31. Ardebasto; = […]goto, daughter of Guillebaud II [Willibald] of Burgundy (d642) 32. Ervigio, King of Spain 680-687; = Liubigotona 33. Aupais [sister of Pedro, Duke of Cantabria, &, Cixila, wife of Argica, King of Spain 687-701] = Pepin [II] of Heristal, Major Domo of France (d714) [his 2nd =] [note: Aupais is not to be confused with Chalpaida [Elphide], 3rd wife of Pepin [II] of Heristal, &, daughter of the Merovingian prince Childebrand, son of Chilperic (d632), son of King Caribert II of France] 34. Charles "Martel", Duke of France 737-741; = Rotrude (d724), daughter of either (a) St. Lievin, Bishop of Treves, or (b) Rupert I, Count of Wormsgau, or (c) Roger, Duke of Le Mans, (d) Robert of Burgundy, or (e) Lambert, Count of Hesbaye 34. Pepin "Le Korte", King of France 751-768; = Bertha "The White Lady" [or "Big-Foot"] (d783), daughter of Caribert, Count of Laon (d747), &, wife, Bertha (d735), sister of Clothaire IV, King of France 35. CHARLEMAGNE, HRE 800-814 = Hildegarde, daughter of Gerold, Duke of Allemannia (d783) 36. Pepin, King of Italy (d810) = Bertha of Toulouse 37. Bernard, King of Italy (d818); = Kunigunde of Austrasia (d835) 38. Pepin, Seigneur of Peronne & St. Quentin (d852); = Rothaide of Vermandois 39. Heribert I, Count of Vermandois (d902); = Beatrice of Morvois 40. Heribert II, Count of Vermandois (d943); = Liegarde [Alice], daughter of Robert I, King of France 41. Robert, Count of Troyes (d967/975); = Adelaide de Challons 42. Adelaide (d978/982); =2 Geoffrey I, Count of Anjou (d987) 43. Ermengarde (d992); = Conan I "Le Tort", Duke of Brittany (d994) 44. Judith (d1017); = Richard II, Duke of Normandy (d1027) 45. Robert "Diablo", Duke of Normandy (d1035); =1 Herleve (Arlotte), daughter of Fulbert of Falaise; wife of Herluin, Count of Conteville; =2 Estrith (d1034) [her 2nd =], half-sister of King Canute "The Great" of England; of 1st = begot 46. WILLIAM "THE CONQUEROR", King of England 1066 (d1087); = Matilda (d1083), daughter of Baldwin V, Count of Flanders 47. HENRY I “BEAUCLERC”, King of England 1100-1135 [brother of WILLIAM II “RUFUS“], =[his 1st] http://www.angelfire.com/ego/et_deo/empire2britain.wps.htm 4/18/2005 Page 4 of 17 Matilda, daughter of Malcolm III of Scotland & St. Margaret of England, sister of ex-king EDGAR II “AETHELING” 48. MATILDA, Lady/Queen of England 1141 [cousin of King STEPHEN], =[her 2nd] Geoffrey V “Plantagenet”, Count of Anjou, Touraine, & Maine 49. HENRY II, King of England 1154-1189, Lord of Ireland 1175-1189, = Eleanor of Aquitaine 50. JOHN “LANDLESS”, King of England & Lord of Ireland 1199-1216 [brother of RICHARD I “LION- HEART“], =[his 2nd] Isabelle of Angouleme 51. HENRY III, King of England & Lord of Ireland 1216-1272, = Eleanor of Provence 52. EDWARD I “LONG-SHANKS”, King of England, Lord of Ireland 1272-1307, Lord of Scotland 1290-2 & 1296-1306 =[his 1st] Eleanor of Castile-Leon 53. EDWARD II, Prince of Wales 1284/1301, King of England & Lord of Ireland 1307-1327, = Isabelle “The She-Wolf” of France [the French heiress] 54. EDWARD III, King of England & Lord of Ireland 1327-1377; styled self King of France from 1328 [via through mother] ; = Philippa of Hainault 55. Edmund of Langley, Duke of York [uncle of RICHARD II & younger brother of HENRY IV], = Isabel of Castile 56. Richard, Earl of Cambridge, =[his 1st] Anne Mortimer, the heiress of the Clarence line [senior-line by primogeniture] 57. Richard, Duke of York, claimant, = Cecily Neville 58. EDWARD IV, King of England, titular-king of France, & Lord of Ireland 1461-1483, = Elizabeth Wydeville 59. Elizabeth, the Yorkist heiress, = HENRY VII, King of England, titular-king of France, & Lord of Ireland 1485-1509 [son of Edmund Tudor, a Welsh prince [the Welsh heir], & Margaret, the Lancastrian heiress] 60. Margaret Tudor [sister of King HENRY VIII of England, France, & Ireland] =[her 2nd] Archibald Douglas, Earl of Angus 61. Margaret Douglas = Matthew Stuart, Earl of Lennox [for the genealogy of the royal Stuarts from THE HOLY FAMILY see http://www.angelfire.com/ego/et_deo/davidicdynasty.wps.htm] 62. Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, =[her 2nd] Mary, Queen of Scots [the Scottish heiress] 63. JAMES I [VI of Scotland], King of Britain, France, & Ireland 1603-1625, = Anne of Denmark 64.
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