John's Books on the shelves, not including books in boxes or laying flat in some areas. 1988 Antique Aust mag LR6/3 1988 Australian family album dj B2 1993-4 NSW burrning lands LR7e A Perishers 1981 H3 A 2000AD 1984 H3 A Action 1979 H3 A Battle action force 1985, 1986 H3 A Battle picture weekly 1981, 1982 H3 A Ben casey yellow sp B3 A Beryl the peril B3 A Beverly hills 90210 B3 A Billy Bunters HA 1967 H3 A Billy Bunters Own x 4 red, HB 1979 H3 A Blackie boys annual footer, cricket, aviator, plaque B3 A Blackies girls annual girl picking flowers B3 A Blakes 7 1980 B3 A Blue Peter 15 B3 A Bonanza yellow sp B3 A Boyfriend 1963 H3 A Boys annual Collins jet B3 A Boys big Christmas annual nk B3 A Boys world 1964,5,6,7 H3 A Buffalo bill annual 1955 no.6 B3 A Buffalo Bill wild west annual no.11 dj Dean B3 A Calling Nurse Abbott 1963 H3 A Champion 1956 H3 A Champion the wonder horse B3 A Cheeky 1978 B3 A Collins film book dj Just williams luck B3 A Collins schoolboys annual cream footer B3 A Collins schoolboys annual orange rugger cricket B3 A Countdown 1972 B3 A Dads Army 1973,4,5,6,7,8, H3 A Dan Dare 1979 B3 A Danger man B3 A Dean’s favourite annual for boys motor racing B3 A Dennis the Menace 1983 H3 A Diana for girls 1982 B3 A Dr Kildare B3 A Dreamer 1984 B3 A Eagle sorts annual 4 B3 A Eagle x 7 others elsewhere B3 A Emergency 1979 B3 A Empire youth annual 1948 Gawthorn B3 A Every boys hobby 1930 H3 a Express super colour annual 1984 B3 a Fab 1984 B3 A Film review 64/5 B3 A Fireball xl5 x2 B3 A Girl 1964 H3 A Girl 1984 B3 A Girl 7 H3 A Girl film and television annual 5, and 3 dj on 5 B3 A Girl television and film annual 1965 lam B3 A Girls Crystal 1963 H3 A Grange hill 1984 B3 A HB Greyfriars Holiday a 1974,5,6,7,8,9,80-6 djs H3 A HB Summer 1977, Easter 1978 djs H3 A Heartbeat 1984 B3 A Herbert Strang’s Annual 1912 H&S Henry Frowde B3 A Herbert Strang’s annual 1926 (19th) OUP B3 A Hurricane c1972 H3 A Hurricane B3 A ITV 1964 H3 A Judge Dregg 1985 B3 a Judy for girls B3 A June 1963 B3 a June book B3 A Just William 1979 B3 A Kit Carson 1954 B3 A Knockout 1961,2 H3 A Leisure book for boys Dean blue, sailing B3 A Lion 1954,8,60,62,3, 68,69,,c1975,82, Great conquerors,Speed,War adventures 1962 H3 A Little folks V103,v113 1926,31 same boards H3 a Logans run B3 a Look-in Television annual 1988 B3 A Matchbox H3 a Mates 1984 B3 a Minder 1985 B3 a Misty B3 A Mrs Strang’s annual for children 13 dj H3 A Nelsons jolly book for boys B3 a Our boys Cowboy annual yellow sp B3 A Our darling’s first book c1922 Blackie B3 A PC49 dj blue, another orange bricks B3 A Picturegoer film annual 1953/4,54/5,55/6,56/7,58/9, 60/1,61/2 NFS B3 a Pink 1982 B3 a Pixie B3 a Planet of the apes B3 a Popswop 1976 B3 A Preview 51dj,53,54dj,55,56dj,57-9djs,61 B3 a Princess gift book for girls B3 A Radio fun 1950 (later), 1952,48,49,51 H3 a Return of the jedi B3 A Riders of the range no.4 B3 A Riders on the range dj blue, another orange B3 A Rupert 1954, c1955, 1958 B3 A Rupert 1975 B3 A School stories for boys Dean green dj B3 A Schoolfriend 1933 H3 a Schoolfriend 1962,65,66 B3 A Sgt Bilko B3 a Shiver and Shake 1979 B3 A Sooties 1,2,3,4,6 H3 a Space 1999 B3 a Star trek 1986 B3 a Star trek next gen B3 a Star wrs B3 a Starburst B3 a Starsky and hutch B3 A Stingray B3 A Super book for boys Dean lam yellow B3 a Superadventure annual B3 A Superb book for boys Dean lam red B3 A Swift 1961 H3 A Tales of wells fargo B3 A Tarzan yellow sp B3 a Television favourites comic annual yellow sp B3 a Tell me why annual B3 a Temple houston yellow sp B3 A The A tem B3 A The Australasian boys annual 1914 Cassell B3 A The Beano book 1971 plus 3 others B3 A The beezer book x 4 B3 A The best of Magnet and Gem pb H3 A The big book for boys OUP sailor B3 A The big book of school stories for boys OUP blazer B3 A The Bill H3 A The bionic woman B3 A The birthday book for boys B3 A The boys all-round book Nelson cricket B3 A The boys book of school stories Blackie B3 A The boys own book Milford OUP B3 A The Bumper budget Nelson girl punting B3 A The daily mirror book for boys and girls 1981 B3 A The Dandy book x 4 B3 A The equaliser 1987 B3 A The flintstones B3 A The football assoc book for boys 2? 1949? Naldrett Press B3 A The golden annual for girls 1925 AP B3 A The great book of school stories for boys OUP footer B3 A The great bookj for boys OUP boxing B3 A The hotspur book for boys x3 B3 a The man from UNCLE B3 A The OK annual of adventure stories dj B3 A The Oxford annual for boys 22nd (1929), 24,25,26,28,29,30 B3 A The pleasure book for girls Warne tennis B3 a The professionals 1983 B3 A The real ghostbusters annual B3 a The sunshine book for girls B3 a The Sweeney x2 B3 a The topper book x2 B3 A The Triumph annual 1937 AP B3 A The western film annual c1953 and c1954 B3 A Tiger 1957,64,86 H3 A Tom Merry’s, 1, The Tom Merry’s Own 5 djs H3 A Tornado 1981 H3 A TV Century 21 c1965,c1972 H3 A TV Express 1962 H3 a V 1986 B3 A Valiant 1967,82 H3 a Van der valk B3 A Victor 1972 H3 a Walt Disneys mickey mouse club annual x2 B3 A War picture library 1980,81 H3 A Warlord 1977,8,9,84 H3 a Whizzer and chips B3 a Worzel gummidge B3 A Young England V48 H3 a Z cars B3 a Zane Grey’s western annual yellow sp B3 A&C Black Writers & Artists Yearbook 1952 45th ed LR1/1 A&R Australian Encyclopaedia 2Vol. LR7e Aaa aaa paperbacks not listed in B3 Aaaaa LR=living room, 1=bookshelves from L (south) only books upright generally, on shelves AAL Sequels V1 Adult dj lacks ffep ex-lib 1982 LR1/1 AAL Sequels V2 Children’s dj ex-lib 1988 LR1/1 Abbey Press Golden Age of Booksellers, The dj 1981 1st LR1/1 Abbott, G Tortures of the tower of London pb H1 ABC ? The search for the golden boomerang LR7w ABC Biggles bibliography cc 2000 6th ed B3 ABC Dealers directory 1992 cc B3 Abeele ed Automobile year book of models 2 (1983) dj LR5/3 Ackerman & Strickland A Ref Guide to American SF Films V1 sgn FJA 1981 LR1/3 Ackerman World of Science Fiction dj LR6/2 Ackerman George Eastman reboarded LR7w Ackroyd Dickens dj LR7w Ackroyd Ships of the world dj LR7w Adair, J The man from Steamtown pb LR7w Adam Smith, P Goodbye girlie dj LR7e Adam Smith, P The shearers dj LR7e Adams The girl in a swing dj LR7 Adams, R Watership down dj ex-lib H1 Adamson Australian Film Posters 1906-60 tall pb LR5/1 Adamson, J Living free pb TV Adler, P A house is not a home dj H1 Adrian, W Speed: Cinema of motion dj LR2/2 AFI Century of Aust cinema, A pb LR6/1 AGNSW The Sydney Harbour Bridge 1932-82 dj LR6/3 Albert The story of English literature dj LR3/1 Alcott / Dean Good wives lam LR3/5 Aldington Lawrence of Arabia dj LR7w Aldington, R Wellington dj H1 Aldiss Science fiction Art tall pb LR5/1 All above may be combined on BC file but need to be updated due to changes Allen Japan: The years of Triumph pb 20th century LR7w Allen Railways past, present and future dj ex-lib LRH Allen, C J Railway marvels picture LR7e Allen, K S The world’s greatest sea disasters dj H Allen, P The 91 before Lindberg dj LR9e Alley & Brown Murphy Brown / Anatomy of a sitcom pb 1990 LR2/3 Allingham, M The mysterious Mr Campion omnibus dj H2 Allsop, K Hard travellin’ / The hobo and his history dj ex-lib H1 Alsa The Last Days of M*A*S*H pb LR5/1 Ambler Here lies Eric ambler dj LR7w Amer Herit The Twenties pb LR6/3 Amis & Conquest Spectrum ex-lib Futirian Soc KLR Andersen The fairy tale of my life dj LR7w Andersen, C An affair to remember dj LR2/2 Andersen, H C It’s absolutely true! Chooks board LR3/2 Anderson, J The railway book dj LR7w Andrews, M The perfect tribute tdj H1 Andrist American century dj LR5/3 Anger Hollywood babylon gb 1st LR7w Anglo, Michael Penny Dreadfuls and other Victorian Horrors dj 1977 LR1/2 Annual type The Modern Boys New Book of aircraft LR4/2 Annual Enid Blyton’s annual dj clown helping boy out of plane LR7e Annual ? The new woder book of knowledge 1944 USA LR7w Annual facs HB Greyfriars holiday annual 1920,21,25,27,28,35,41 dj H2 Annual type Abba gift book B3 Annual type Daily Express Adventure book with games 1934? LR7w Annual type For your eyes only B3 Annual type Helen Shapiro’s new book for girls lam B3 Annual type Indiana jones and the temple of doom B3 Annual type Indiana jones and the temple of doom B3 Annual type John Martin’s big book for little folk US LR7e annual type Mike and the modelmakers Matchbox B3 annual type Raiders of the lost arc B3 Annual type Storyland for boys x 2 Warne LR7e Annual type Str wars return of the jedi storybook B3 Annual type The boys book of everyday science Charles Ray LR4/2 Annual type The boys book of wonder and invention Charles Ray LR4/2 Annual type The boys book of wonder and invention Charles Ray LR4/2 Annual type The chummy book c1925 LR7e Annual type The Modern Boys Book of motoors, Ships and Englines LR4/2 Annual type The Modern Boys Book of true adventure LR4/2 Annual type The New Nature Book for boys and girls LR4/2 Annual type The violet book for children c1924 LR7e annual EAGLE various x 18 B2 Annual PALS V1,V2,V3,V4,V6 B2 Annual Boy’s Own v2 79/80, v.16 93/4, v19 1896/96, v.22 99/00, v.25 02/03, v.26 1903/04, v.27 1904/05, v.28 1905/06, v.29 1906/07, v.30 1907/08, v.33 1910/11, v.36 1913/14, v.37 1914/15, v.38 1915/16, v.40 1917/18, v.42 1919/20, v.43 1920/21, v.44 1921/22 x2, v.48 x 2, v.50, v.51, v.52 x2, v.53, v.54, v.56, v.57, v.58 in dam dj, v.59, v.60, v.61, v.62 KLR Annual 2000AD annual 1978 LR7e Annual All Stars / Sunday Pictorial spiral / bag LR6/2 Annual ATV Show Book - David Leader - Adprint 1959 canonball, highway p LR5/1 Annual ATV Show Book #1 LR5/1 Annual Automobile Year 1979-80 ex-lib recased
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