J t WAYNE-WESTLAND A eANNETT COMPANY PRICE: $1 • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2013 • hom etow nlife.com Bee-bound Eighth-grader Kate- Repair costs force early lynn Toloday is mov­ ing bn to the regional spelling bee in Detroit after outspelling the competition at St. Da­ purchase of new fire tru^k mian Catholic School. The spelling bee was held Jan. 29 for fifth- By LeAnne Rogers new budget started (on Ju ly 1) truck for $345,618 from Sutphen. tear,” said Reddy. through eighth-graders staff Writer was that it was going to cost us It wasn’t the lowest bid but actu­ The problem with the niimber at the school. By win­ $20,000 to $40,000 to diagnose ally the third lowest bid coming two bid was that the fire t^Tick ning the bee, Katelyn Rather than put money into the problem with the pump,” in about $800 over the No. 2 bid- wouldn’t be delivered for ht least has earned a return trip trying to-repair a fire truck that said F ire Chief M ichael Ked- °der. 270 days. The concern with that to the regional spelling was due to be replaced soon, the dy. “That was too much money - 'The low bid was fo r a fire delay in deliver was that it would bee that will be held Wayne-Westland Fire Depart­ to-spend on a vehicle that was truck that had been used as a require repairs on the existing March 2 at the Charles ment w ill be getting a new vehi­ going be used as a backup (onc% demonstration model and that truck to keep it in servicej H. Wright Museum cle. A e new truck was p u re b red ).” wasn’t recommended. “You can Due a 10-foot header in me of African American “The only reason we bumped The Westland cojimcil approved have a lot of miles on a demo History in Detroit. She up the purchase before the purchasing the new pumper fire model and a lot of w ear and Please see TR U 0(,A 2 also won the school be in 2011. Forty-two school winners will be competing for a chance to attend the Scripps Compromise National Spelling Bee in W ashin^on, D.C., May 26 through June 1. Placing second in reachec^ the school bee was seventh-grader Jacob Slevin, while there was on water, a tie for third place be­ tween seventh-grader Kevin Pham and sixth- grader Maria Tran. sewer rates By LeAnne Rogers Dinner time s ta ff W rite r The Wayne Masonic , Westland residents will like­ Lodge is holding an all- ly see a 4.4 percent w ater rate you-can-eat spaghetti increase but most won’t gei the dinner 4-8 p.m. Friday, full impact of fixed rate cost hikes Feb. 8, at the lodge, from the Detroit Water and Sewer­ 37137 Palmer, between age Department. Wayne Road and But thanks to a compromise Newburgh, Westland. reached among council mem­ The dinner costs $5 for PHOTOS BY STEPHEN CANl RELLI STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER bers, residential water custom­ adults and less for chil­ Aliyah Leight of Garden City makes a cotton snowman as part of Take Your Child to the Library Saturday at ers. would see a $2.50 increase in dren. It includes salad the William P. Faust Public Library in Westiand. the fixed rate cost added to their and dessert. Proceeds water bills, rather than the $5 per will help fund food bill hike coming from DWSD. That baskets for the needy would take the fixed charge to $27 in the community. W estland lib rary joins on water b ills which are seht out every two months. (Commercial and industrial would see an increase in tbe fixed national kids day event rate cost with a sw itch to assess­ Lenten ing the charge based on m^er size, rather than the flat fee. Fish Fry By Sue Mason Some council members Imd First United Method­ Staff Writer supported the recommendation ist Church of Wayne is of Mayor Vi^am VWld whjch holding a fish fry 4: 30- It’s not the time of year woulcto’t have passed any fixed 7 p.m. starting Friday, you’d expect to see bunnies, rate charge to residents. T^at Feb. 15, through Friday, but there were plenty of them option did include the new formula M arch 22. at the W illiam R Faust Pub­ charging nonresidential customers Dinners includes lic Lib rary Saturday as young­ higher fixed rate charges. The 4.4 baked or fried fish, sters and their parents cele­ percent water rate increase— an baked potato or french brated 'Ibke Your Child to the tmusually low increase that is not fries, vegetable, cole Library Day. lik ely to be repeated — was includ- slaw and a roll. A child's T h is is the first year the ed in the mayor’s recommended m eal is. aiso availab le Westland library participated option. - nuggets or one piece in the event, held on the first Supporting passing alon^ the of fish, french fries, Saturday in February. full fixed charge to residents, vegetable, cole slaw “Oh, my God, we had so much along with using the meter size for and a roll. The cost is fun,” said Can Fry, the chil­ charging businesses, was (Counr $9 for adults and $4 dren’s associate who organized cil President James Godbbut, not­ for the child's meal. the event. “We had almost ing the need to fund watertsew- Home made pies are 200 bunny hunters who came er infrastructure projects] By not also available for $1.00 and visited and helped search passing along all of the increases, a slice. for bunnies in the children’s he said the increase would higher The church is at 3 department.” next year., Town Square across 'D iis is the second year that “You know I’m kind of bashful from the Wayne Post Take Your Child to the Lib rary and shy but I ’ll remind you peo­ Office. The church is Day has been held. It was orga­ Children's Librarian Claire Mueller hands out prizes to Chloe Nelson of ple next year when the rates go up handicap accessible. For nized in 2012 by several librar­ Westland and her sister Emma. that we’re getting a big hit because more information, call ians in Connecticut to offer we didn’t pass it along now,” said (734)721-4801. something for children to do this,” said Fry. “I think we artwork for Ib ke Your Child Godbout. “You can pay mb now or when it’s cold. Libraries in were one of a few lib raries in to the Lib rary Day, provided pay me later.” more than 34 states and’Ger- Michigan who did this year, but by children’s authordUustrator Supporting the comproniise of a many sign on to the celebration I think it’ll catch on.” Nancy Elizabeth Wallace, who half increase in the fixed costs for INDEX this year. The theme for the day was “lid s is our first time doing bunnies and centered around Please see LIBRARY, A2 B u s in e s s.................. A8 Please see RATES, Az Crossword Puzzle ....B11 Entertainm ent........ B6 F o o d .................................... B 8 Hom«......................BIO W estland m an gets probation in sexual assault incident Jo bs...................................... B11 O b itu a rie s ........................ B5 Opinion.."........... .....A12 By LeAnne Rogers al conduct, was dismissed when young children. Services.............................BIO had happened, leading tjie moth­ Sports................... "...B1 staff W riter the plea was entered Jan. 31 in The mother told police that er to call police. The gir} told W h e e ls .............................. B12 Wayne Coimty Circuit Court. she had become acquainted with police she had gone to bed in A Westland man has been sen­ In addition to five years pro­ Petrini and his wife earlier in the Petrini’s bedroom about mid­ © The Observer & Eccentric tenced to five years probation bation, P etrini was ordered to year while attending a>mmunity night The ^ 1 reported that Volume 48 • Number 75 after pleading guilty to a charge do 100 hours of community ser­ college. Since then, the mother Petrini got into bed with her of sexuaUy molesting an 11-year- vice and credited with 39 days said the fam ilies had visited each while fully clothed, pressed Home IteDuery; old autistic girl. he served in the Wayne Coun­ othei^s home several times. against her, then began kissing (866) 887-2737 Joseph Petrini, 27, entered a ty Jail. On the date of the incident, the and fondling her, having pulled guilty plea to one charged of sec­ The girl’s mother had contact­ mother said she had dropped her Return Address: down her pants. 41304 Concept Dr. ond-degree criminal sexual con­ ed police to report the Ju ly 26, daughter off at the Petrini apart­ Nymouth Ml 48170 duct involving someone under 2012, incident which occurred in ment for a visit. [email protected] 13 years. A second charge, also the Westland apartment Petri­ Following the visit, the g irl (313)222-5428 second-degree criminal sexu­ ni shared with his wife and two talked to her mother about what Twitter. ©LRogersObsetyer I I A 2 (W) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, February 7,2 0 13 L O C A L N E W S online at hometownlife.com City engineer says water, sewer infrastructure needs a lot of work By LeAnne Rogers lion and $1.8 m illion per 10 years.
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