2016 salt lake symposium JULY 27-30 University of Utah Olpin Student Union 200 S. Central Campus Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84112 many mormonisms and the mormon movement OFFICIAL PROGRAM INDEX OF PARTICIPANTS GUIDE TO NUMBERING: WEDNESDAY = 000’S, THURSDAY = 100’S, FRIDAY = 200’S, SATURDAY = 300’S ADERHOLD, JONATHAN 324 EASTMAN, ALAN 91 LINKHART, ROBIN 91 ROBERTS, BRYNDIS 311, 331, 342 AIKEN, ALICIA 173, 225, 327 ENGLAND, CHARLOTTE 276 LONG, MATT 337, 357 ROSKY, CLIFFORD 123 ALLGOOD, NECA 278 ERICKSON, SARA CARRUTH 273 LOPEZ, LAURA 231 ROSS, NANCY 111, 135, 161, 211, 273, ALLRED, JANICE 335, 374 FALES, STEVEN 227 LOWTHER, STEVE 371 331 ANDERON, LAVINDA FIELDING 133 FARR, AMANDA 151, 238, 322 MACNAUGHTON, G. CAMPBELL 367 ROWLEY, SCOTT 357 ANDERSON, KIMBERLY 166 FERGUSON, MICHAEL ADAM 223 MAGEE, MERRY 171 RUSSELL, WILLIAM D. 267 ANDERSON, SETH 111, 223, 264 FERRE, ROB 161, 212, 263 MALAN, PAUL 122, 234, 363 RYAN, CAITLIN 372 ANSAH-ANTWI, ROSE 358 FIRMAGE, SALLY E. 234 MANDELIN, NATALIE SPERRY 261 SADDLER, CONNIE 165 ARCHIBALD, CHELSI BARNARD 274, FITT, MELYNDA 153, 262, 314 MARQUARDT, H. MICHAEL 215 SAINE, MANUEL 173 312, 325 FOSTER, CHRIS 264 MAYNE, MITCH 372 SAMUELSEN, ERIC 251 ASLAN, REZA 191 FOSTER, MCKENZIE STEEL 171 MCAFFEE, THOMAS B. 112, 323 SANDVIK, ALEXANDRA 151 BARLOW, EDITH 131 FREEMAN, JUDITH 191, 341 MCCALL, KIM 91 SAUNDERS, SHAWN 171 BARLOW, ELISE 131 FROST, JAKE 242, 357, 366 MCCLEARY, PATRICK C. 221 SCHMIDT, ROY 134, 164, 214, 233 BARNES, MARK 151, 311 FURR, KELLY 134 MCCLUSKEY, NATHAN 212, 371 SCOTT, BROOKE 227, 265, 363 BARRUS, CLAIR 215, 232, 331 GALVEZ, SAMY 151, 228, 332, 342 MCCONKIE, THOMAS 216, 241, 274, SCOTT, CRYSTAL 301, 321 BASQUIAT, JENNIFER HUSS 162, GARDNER, BRANT A. 351 371 SHEPP, STAN 376 174, 376 GAULTNEY, KARA 151 MCGREGOR, MURIEL 225 SHIELDS, CHELSEA 131, 166, 232, BENALLY, MORONI 362 GLENN, TYLER 381 MCGRIGGS, MICA 91, 111, 191, 224, 242, 362 BENNION, KRISTIN 126 GOLDEN, ELIZABETH 171 231, 272 SHIELDS, STEVEN L. 162 BIGELOW, CHRISTOPHER KIMBALL GOMEZ, FERNANDO R. 224, 291 MCLACHLAN, CARRIE 132 SILES, ALI 155 328 GONZALEZ, JENNIFER 342 MCLACHLAN, JAMES 124 SMITH, CHRISTOPHER C. 272, 351 BLACKMORE, DOLLIE 131 GOURLEY, ANALYN 174 MCLEMORE, PHILIP 313 SMITH, NATASHA 175, 311, 342 BLACKMORE, ELSIE 131 HAGLUND, KRISTINE 352 MCPECK-STRINGHAM, MARISA 314, SNUFFER, DENVER C. 271 BLACKMORE, HANNA 131 HALFORD, ALISON 266 364, 375 SPEER, BILL 233, 265 BLACKMORE, MARY 131 HALLETT, ALICE PETERSEN 327 MECHAM, SHELLI 316 SPURLOCK, JAKE 366 BLACKMORE, WINSTON 261 HAMER, JOHN 315, 357 MIKESELL, SUSAN 235, 335 STEENBLIK, RACHEL HUNT 275 BOKOVOY, DAVID 351 HAMMOND, JOHN J. 241, 338 MOHLMAN, LAURIE 124, 201, 267 STEVENS, MICHAEL J. 152, 271, 313, BRADFORD, CHRISTOPHER 163 HANKS, JULIE DE AZEVEDO 112, 152 MONEY, KRISTY 216 337, 353 BRADLEY-EVANS, MARTHA 276 HANKS, MAXINE 151, 262 MONTGOMERY, WENDY 278 STEVENSON, RUSSELL 111, 142 BRINGHURST, NEWELL G. 232 HANSEN, ABBY 228 MOSS, RANDY 312 STOKES, CATHY 291 BROOKS, JOANNA 275 HANSEN, ALLEN 375 MOULTON, JEFF 175 STOLAKIS, KRISTINE 228 BRUNO, CHERYL 375 HANSEN, BILL 355 MOULTON, WHITNEY 154, 367 STONE, DANIEL 356 BURLINGAME, SARA 91, 125, 163, 213 HANSEN, JODY ENGLAND 121, 172, MURPHY, JIM 91, 191, 29, 381 STONE, EMMA TUELLER 151 BURT, DOREE 214 201 NEAL, JOSHUA 324 STROMBERG, LORIE WINDER 291, 311 BURTON, D. JEFF 236 HANSEN, LISA 164, 355 NEWEL, L. JACKSON “JACK” 276 SWICK III, JOE STEVE 221 BUSH, LAURIE SHIPP 336 HANSEN, NADINE 273, 331 NEWELL, LINDA KING 374 TANNER, SANDRA 351, 371 BUSHMAN-CARLTON, MARILYN 165 HARDY, DESTRY PIXTON 176, 226 NICHOLSON, BRENDA 176, 316 TENNEY, KRISTINA OLERGÅRD 277 BUTTERWORTH, LISA 161 HARRIS, KAREN 171, 236 NICKOLAISEN, MICAH 126, 316, 328 THOMAS, MARK 122, 262, 351 BUZBEE, HEATHER 174 HARWELL, JERRI A. 251 NIELSEN, JOHN 332 TIBBITTS, LORENZO E. (LON) 221 CARLSON, APRIL 368 HATCH, JOHN 172 OGDEN, JON 333 TILTON, DEANN 368 CARTER, STEPHEN 236, 252, 328, HEATON, TIM 358 OLSEN, SYDNIE CAZIER 251 TONGA, KALANI 342 377 HICKEN, CHELSEA 151 ORCUTT, DIANNE 322 TOSCANO, MARGARET 374 CHADWICK, TYLER 213, 365 HOOPES, ASHLEY 155, 336 OSMOND, RUSS 325 TOSCANO, PAUL 353 CHAMBERLAIN, CALEB 225 HUESER, SARAH ADIA 175 OSTLUND, GLENN 327, 357 TURNER, JOHN G. 91 CHATWIN, ANDREW 176 JENNING, DUANE 133, 341 PACE, DAVID G. 341 URBAN, EMILY FAY 174 CLARKE, MARY ANN URBAN 373 JENSEN, EMILY W. 352 PALMER, GRANT 371 URIBE, AZUL 231 CLEMENTS, DERRICK 338, 365, 371 JENSEN, JOE 154 PARK, LINDSAY HANSEN 361, 381 VANEL, CHRYSTAL 323 COLLETT, SARAH 354 JENSON, DEBRA 161, 311 PARKER, NATASHA HELFER 126, VENKATAPATHY, SARITA 368 COLVIN, GINA 212, 274, 342, 354, 371 JENSON, PAM 316 216, 238, 263 WALKER, BRADLEY 358 COMPTON, GEORGE R. 235 JOHNSON, FLIP 165, 222, 357 PARMENTER, AUBRI 368 WALRATH, BROOKE OVESON 237, CRAGUN, RYAN T. 272 JOHNSON, G. WESLEY “WES” 276 PAUL, CHARLES RANDALL 326 333, 354 CRAM, SARA WILLDEN 121, 334 JOHNSON, MELVIN C. 226 PEARSON, CAROL LYNN 291, 361, WARD, EMILY 135 CRANNEY. STEPHEN 272 JONES, KATHRYN 368 372 WATKINS, NAOMI 322 CRAW, HEATHER 357 JONES, MATT 277 PERRY, TOM 357 WHEELWRIGHT, HANNAH 266, 275, CUSTUDIO, OLIVIA 171 JONES, SARAH HANCOCK 172 PETERSEN, BOYD JAY 221, 334, 352 315, 366 DAUGHTREY, DOE 355 JONES, SHAUNA 278 PETERSON, F. ROSS 276 WHITE, JENNIFER 263 DECKER, KRISTYN 316 KAPP, KEVIN PERRY 277 “POLLY” 376 WILCOX, RICHIE 324 DEHLIN, JOHN 272, 371 KELAIDIS, KATHERINE 237 PUGSLEY, MARK 123, 278, 352 WILLIAMS, BRADY 321 DELTON, MELANIE 278 KELLY, DONNA 368, 273 QUINN, D. MICHAEL 122, 332, 356 WILLIAMS, TROY 123 DIAZ, AGUSTIN “TINO” 231 KELLY, KATE 228 RASMUSSEN, DEVIN 264 WOTHERSPOON, DAN 132, 172, 221, DILLARD, BIANCA MORRISON 252, KIRBY, ROBERT 291 RECTOR, JOHN M. 211 251, 277, 355 377 KNOLL, BENJAMIN 153 REED, MICHAEL G. 375 YOUNG-OTTERSTROM, CRYSTAL 151 DILLARD, DAVEY MORRISON 252, KOLDEWYN, KERSTIN 311, 356 REEL, BILL 251, 354, 373 YOUNG, MELISSA 354 377 KRAMER, AARON 171 REES, ROBERT A. 216, 276, 301, 358, DOCKSTADER, JOSEPH 376 KRAMER, BRAD 111 364, 372 DOCKSTADER, LORINE 376 LEAVITT, PETER 125 REES, ROBERT S. 216 DOXEY, HEIDI 322 LINDSEY, LUNA 175, 222 RENSHAW, JERALEE 277 2 | SUNSTONE 2016 | SALT LAKE SYMPOSIUM 2016 SALT LAKE We recognize that the search for things that are, have been, and are to come is a sifting process in which much chaff must be carefully inspected and threshed before the wheat can be harvested. SUNSTONE FAITH. Hear words that inspire Christian living by exploring SYMPOSIUM gospel truths, sharing spiritual journeys, and facing difficult challenges head on. COMMUNITY. Meet old friends and make new ones—fellow Many Mormonisms seekers whose thoughts and experiences inform your own. and the Mormon Movement KNOWLEDGE. Gain insights that can come only from rigorous examination of Mormon doctrine and culture from insider and WELCOME outsider perspectives. Welcome to the 2016 Salt Lake Sunstone Symposium! We’re FUN. Find your people at Sunstone! Come enjoy a excited to explore “Many Mormonisms” with you! community of diverse scholars, intellectuals and thinkers who celebrate the wide spectrum of Mormonism in a variety of ways. Enjoy the uniqueness of the Mormon community SYMPOSIUM PURPOSE with friends. Browse and purchase interesting books and Mormon crafts. The Salt Lake Sunstone Symposium is an annual gathering of Latter-day Saints, scholars, and others interested in the diversity and richness of Mormon thought and experience who SYMPOSIUM CODE OF CONDUCT enjoy pondering the past, present, and future of the unfolding We welcome the honest ponderings of all individuals and Restoration. The Symposium is a public conference based on the expect that everyone speaking at or attending the symposium principles of an “open forum,” meaning that we invite rigorous will approach every issue—no matter how difficult—with inquiry and thoughtful, respectful participation, trusting that both intelligence, respect, and good will. We expect speakers to the cause of truth and the society of the Saints are best served engage in rigorous inquiry and thoughtful participation that is by free and open exploration and discussion. respectful of what others hold sacred. This symposium is dedicated to the idea that the truths of the If you express disagreement, please do so without personal gospel of Jesus Christ are better understood, and, as a result, attacks on the character, religious observance, or intelligence better lived when they are freely and frankly explored. of other parties. We strongly discourage the use of profanity. SUBSCRIBE AT SUNSTONE.ORG | 3 4 | SUNSTONE 2016 | SALT LAKE SYMPOSIUM POINTS TO NOTE the Student Union. Attendees may pay to park in the Visitor Lot directly east of the Union Building. This lot charges by the Sunstone offers a diverse selection of topics, formats, and hour with a maximum of $20 per day and is the closest lot to perspectives. Be excited to hear views that coincide with the Union. For those requiring handicapped parking, spaces are your own, but also prepare to hear presentations that offer available in the Visitor Lot at the normal parking rate. A better a different perspective. As Elder Hugh B. Brown told BYU option is the handicapped parking directly in front of the Union students in 1958, “I have mentioned freedom to express Building; these spots are FREE with a handicap placard. your thoughts, but I caution you that your thoughts must meet competition in the marketplace of thought, and in that Attendees who are staying at the Hampton Inn can park free in the competition truth will emerge triumphant. Only error needs hotel’s parking lot and take the free shuttle to the Student Union. fear freedom of expression.” DINING ON AND OFF CAMPUS FINANCIAL SUPPORT To promote their new book Island Adventures, Signature Books is As a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, all contributions to the generously providing a complimentary continental breakfast Thursday, Sunstone Education Foundation are tax deductible to the extent Friday and Saturday in the Ballroom from 8:30 am to 9:00 am.
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