the Township Committee of the Town-' ment, afld by doing the necessary grad paker Street, aiwf Bank Street f^om ment U FIFTEEN THOUSAND Coe Avenue to Fairbanks Street, from ship of Hillside shall make or cause ing and by the construction of con­ THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS (*15,- both sides of the present sewer, gas the said connections to be made and sno.), and there shall be and hereby crete curbs, being approximately 6 44 pay the expense and ooet thereof Is appropriated for $ald improvement lineal feet of curb, and by the con­ and water mains to the curb line. which expense And cost shall be jum- the sum of Fifteen Thousand Three struction of headers In concrete, along ' SECTION IV. That the owner or iy and equitably assessed against the Hundred Dollars ($16,300.), or as both sides of Bank Street from Coe owners of land fronting on both Sides land beneflttad In the manner and to much thereof as may be necessary for Avenue to Fairbanks Street, and by of Morris Place from Mertz Avenue the extent, and in the proportion pro­ the purpose. the relaying of sidewalks and the In­ northerly to its present terminus, Look vided by law’i SECTION 1 (d)' That Silver Ave- stallation of any necessary basins and or Street from* North Broad Street to SE C T IO N T he total amount ap­ TTOcr-frCTtt-W M te 10 R a k er fllr ai a von lie. Fairbanks Street from propriated for the's-yarloua Improve^ the Township of Hillside, County of cidentul to said imprpvement accord­ ;\UINorth 111 Broadin vnu Street- - - to-- ——Salem------ ,Avenue ments in this ordinance^amounting tQ Union, State of New Jersey, a distance ing to the Township Standard Speci­ Silver Avenue from White Street to the sum of EIGHTY-THfrBIO^ous of approximately 1265 feel, shall be fications. Baker Street, and Bank Street from AND NINE HUNDRED **3* * improved by constructing pavement The estimated cost of said improve- Coe Avenue to Fairbanks Street, be­ ($83,900.), shall be raised 1 thereon thirty (30) feet wide of six tn- m e n t is S E V E N TH O U SA N D F IV E ing the lines of thetproposed Improve­ A bonds issued in accordance witfTThe •h concrete base and three-inch asph­ HUNDRED DOLLARS ($7,5 00.00), ments, are hereby ordered and direct­ requirements of existing statutes, prior altic concrete top. being approximately ed to make the necessary connections io the issuance of said bonds said sum 1216 square yards of pavement, and and there shall be and hereby is ap­ propriated for the said improvement for all of their lands with the sewer, may be temporarily financed by bor­ by doing the necessary grading, and by rowing money and issuing from time T^r'T'?mwnrctloiT-"olMdt»^o«e-^«eb»v- of Seven Thousand Five gas and vyater mains in said streets Hundred T^pflarsTor as“mucTr‘TTT6TiBtiT TroYTT"UYFHBaffllatar-m --g a» -tm 4 --w-at a r- tQ^imft,tomiM>iary-_iioteg.L which nnfQ< being approximately 1836 lineal mnins-to both curb lines of the said may be payable on demand or may’ of curb, and by the construction of asTifiiay bP n ec e ssa ry fo r th e p u r p o s e SECTION II. That the cost and ex­ streets for all land not already con- mature In not exceeding six yean headers’ In concrete, along both sides ted with said sewer, gas and from I he date when the purpose for of Silver Avenue from White Street pense of said improvements and legal and other expenses connected mains. Any lot or par- which they have been issued has been to Baker Street, and by the re-Iaylng l 'hr land owned by any person carried ouv, and may be subject to 1 7 sidewalks and the installation of therewith shall, as near as m ay be, be justly and equitably assessed- against" or~so\e ra! peracnTST'otlncti-reiy, hav ing earlier call fur. payment and shall bear my necessary basins and manhole interest at a rate not exceeding six per Ticaiis vvh. b rfqIJlTUtl..o r -incidental 'to Llie. abutting property owners in pro­ .t.widuli of foi ly feet or less, shall have portion to the pee u I lar be nett t, aiL-_ connedtio.us_coi)sm a (kd Theta.to from centum annum; othar matter* with said improvement according to the respect thereto shall be determined by Township Standard Specifications. vantage or increase in value w hich the •satd—sqw-er, gas and water mains and any lotior parcel of land so owned hav­ the Chairman of the Township Com. The estimated cost of said improve­ respective lots or parcels of land and real estate shall be deemed to -recelve ing a Lidtli of more than forty feet m iltee a n d th e T o w n sh ip C le rk , who ment is TWENTY FOUR THOUSAND are hereby authorized to execute such SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS ($24,600.) by reason of such improvement, and shall /have connections constructed tln-n/o lor each portion of said lot or notes on behalf of the Township of ind there shall be and hereby is ap­ the difference, if any, between the cost having a width of forty feet, H illside. propriated for the said timprovement of such improvement and the amount to be assessed shall be paid by the for any portion of said lot or par- SECTION VI. All ordinances in. the sum of Twenty-foUr Thonaand.Six consistent herewith are hereby repeal- Hundred Dollars, or as much thereof TownsTrlp of Hillside in the G ouajy of f loss-41wu»~a-widLh....afJCftfifcy f e e t as may vbe necessary for th e ‘purpose../ Union at large. T|ie owner or owners of any and all of lands shall make the necessary SECTION VII. This ordinance shall SECTION 1 (e) That Bank Street % That there shall be take effect immediately. in the Township of Hillside, County of constructed house sewer, gas and wat- actions to said sewer, gas and r mains in said streets within A dopted: Union, State of New Jersey, from Coe cr fionnectionjJalong both sides of Mor A p proved: Avenue to Fairbanks Street,-a distance rfs Tlace from Mertz Avenue north­ thirty days after the passage of this of approximately 375 feet, shall be im erly to its present terminus, Looker ordinance, and in case any sewer, gas Street, from North Broad Street to and vSVer connections with said.sewer Chairman of the Township Committee proved l>y constructing pavement A ttest: * thereon thirty (30) feet wide, of seven Salem Avenue, Fairbanks Street from gas anoKaier mains shall not be made North Broad Street to Salem Avenue, by said owher or owners as herein (pro­ inch reinforced concrete, being ap­ Township Olerk. proximately 1233 square yards of pave Silver Avenue from White Street to vided, w itbi\the said period of time. Electricity W ill Lighten the Oil .Pune 13. n( .Atlanta* City . a fully cquipixD Slmblxiker Commander Roadster, ilriveil entirely bj* wo- Heaviest Household Task men. -traveled 5(H) miles in 3SS c o in 'ci live miimies. ma n mining* an axeruge speed of 77.21 miles per hour.. Tlie large illustration slums The C om m andiliding the Hack at an HO-niile < lip. Inserts slums four of the women w ho d ro v e th is a n d o th e r Sludehakei*.t a i s a l th e s|>eed\vay................................. t Allanta, eighth. Other cities re- M arch 7614 GRAHAM-PA1GE AGENCY *d similar high standings, and dis- April 8275 iitors in many districts reported M ay S 511 OPENS NE w i-ucurd's..far. { - - J u n e 8829. Production by the Graham-Paige To maintain production, night shltfiia A fine d isp la y of tin* m*w Oral" Motors Corporation ii\ June, -for the are at work ini half a dozen depart­ Paige m o to r c a rs m ay be seen :it tip* fourth month in succession, exceeded ments, and thelnupiber of employees recently opened agency of Fred lvnoth all previous records in eighteen years' has reached a new peak, witn 3940 in A Go., located at Salem and Vluixhall history of the factory with a total of the main factory and 1250 in the W ay­ $1 0 5 Cash Roads, just past the Salem Dam, in •s2!i ears, an increase of 318 over May. ne bod y plant, m a k in g a to ta l o.f 5190 Union. The showrooms and service Shipping also set a new record with not including the office forces. p a y s f o r station of this organization is but n ■'s 77 cars, a gain o f 317 iQver M ay. 'few m inutes ride from almost any part At the end oi June, not quite six Joseph Betz. Hillside avenue, re­ of Hillside. A visit entails no obliga­ cently returned from Maine where he THOR months altei the now line of cars was tion, and will demonstrate the splendid spent the past twio weeks touring. introduced (January 7.) total produc­ appearance and rugged durability of Thomas Donnelly, Ryan street, ac- tion had attained 38,745, more than Washer these new cars. cornpained* him. hree tines the total of 11,449 for the While the Graham-Paige factory lii St- six m on ths of 1927.
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