H7412 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2011 gunman opened fire on him. Shots were FARENTHOLD) that the House suspend Mr. CARTER. I thank the gentleman exchanged, and the gunman was killed. the rules and pass the bill, S. 1412. for yielding. Unfortunately, Officer Maguire was The question was taken. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong shot four times in the torso and was The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the support of H.R. 298, a bill that would transported to a local trauma center, opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being designate the United States Post Office where it was announced, unfortu- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. located at 500 East Whitestone Boule- nately, that he had passed away. Mr. FARENTHOLD. Madam Speaker, vard in Cedar Park, Texas, as the Army Officer Maguire paid the ultimate on that I demand the yeas and nays. Specialist Matthew Troy Morris Post price protecting the citizens of The yeas and nays were ordered. Office Building. Woburn. We are incredibly grateful for The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. Speaker, I have the high honor of his selfless acts that day, which capped ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- representing the brave men and women 34 years of outstanding dedication to ceedings on this question will be post- of Fort Hood, Texas, the largest mili- the safety of the people of Woburn. poned. tary installation in the world. Every On June 26, 1977, Officer Maguire f day that I have the opportunity to began his career by being sworn in by serve in Congress, I do so knowing that ARMY SPECIALIST MATTHEW his father, Police Chief Thomas my number one responsibility is to TROY MORRIS POST OFFICE Maguire, a longtime friend of mine, give our men and women in uniform BUILDING and he was so proud to follow in his fa- the support and resources they need to ther’s footsteps. On December 26, 2010, Mr. FARENTHOLD. Madam Speaker, be successful. Each time I visit Fort he died wearing badge 23, which had I move to suspend the rules and pass Hood, I see America’s finest—the sol- been his own father’s badge number. the bill (H.R. 298) to designate the fa- diers who put it all on the line to allow Just days before his death, he had cele- cility of the United States Postal Serv- us to live in the greatest country on brated his 60th birthday and given no- ice located at 500 East Whitestone Bou- Earth. Only 3 days ago, we celebrated tice of his intention to retire in Octo- levard in Cedar Park, Texas, as the Veterans Day, a somber reminder that ber of 2011. ‘‘Army Specialist Matthew Troy Mor- freedom is not free. And today, here on A devoted husband and caring father, ris Post Office Building’’. the House floor, we remember those Officer Maguire is survived by his wife, The Clerk read the title of the bill. who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our Desiree, and children Bryan, Tara, and The text of the bill is as follows: country, another reminder to all of us Sean. Officer Maguire died protecting H.R. 298 that freedom is not free. the residents of Woburn from an armed Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Representing Fort Hood, Texas, also gunman. He was the first officer killed resentatives of the United States of America in comes with the sober reminder of the in the line of duty from the Woburn Congress assembled, sacrifice that our young men and Police Department since its inception SECTION 1. ARMY SPECIALIST MATTHEW TROY women in the military and their fami- in 1847. It was a tragedy for his family, MORRIS POST OFFICE BUILDING. lies make to the cause of freedom. for the Woburn Police Department, and (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the Since September 11, 2001, 384 Army sol- United States Postal Service located at 500 the Commonwealth of Massachusetts East Whitestone Boulevard in Cedar Park, diers have been killed in action from to have lost such an honorable father, Texas, shall be known and designated as the the 31st District in Texas, the highest a courageous cop, and a hometown ‘‘Army Specialist Matthew Troy Morris Post number of any congressional district in hero. Office Building’’. the country. Central Texans and their That is why, at the request of Mayor (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, families have sacrificed much and Scott Galvin of Woburn, Police Chief map, regulation, document, paper, or other know that freedom is not free. Richard Kelly, and former Police Chief record of the United States to the facility re- Today, we celebrate the life and re- Phillip Mahoney of the Woburn Police ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to member one of those patriots who Department, I introduced H.R. 2640 to be a reference to the ‘‘Army Specialist Mat- thew Troy Morris Post Office Building’’. served our country and gave his all, rename the Woburn Post Office in the Army Specialist Matthew Troy Morris. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- memory of Officer John ‘‘Jack’’ Matthew Morris was born on July 16, ant to the rule, the gentleman from Maguire. Renaming the post office lo- 1984, in Fairfax, Virginia. He attended Texas (Mr. FARENTHOLD) and the gen- cated at 462 Washington Street—just a Fishburne Military School in Waynes- tleman from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) few hundred yards across the street boro, Virginia, where he earned an each will control 20 minutes. from where Officer Maguire was shot ROTC leadership award. He later at- The Chair recognizes the gentleman and killed—in his honor is the least tended Cedar Park High School in from Texas. that we can do to pay tribute to this Cedar Park, Texas, and went on to brave, dedicated first responder. We GENERAL LEAVE score in the 90th percentile on each honor his service and sacrifice. We Mr. FARENTHOLD. I ask unanimous section of the General Education De- honor his life and his legacy. And we consent that all Members may have 5 velopment test. honor police officers everywhere who legislative days within which to revise Specialist Morris enlisted in the go to work every day to protect the and extend their remarks and include United States Army in December 2005 safety and security of all citizens. extraneous materials on the bill under and attended basic combat training at Today, we are considering an iden- consideration. Fort Jackson, South Carolina, followed tical bill that was introduced by my The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there by advanced individual training at Ab- colleagues Senator KERRY and Senator objection to the request of the gen- erdeen Proving Ground in Maryland. BROWN. I urge adoption of this bill, a tleman from Texas? He graduated from AIT in June of 2006 bill to designate the facility of the There was no objection. as a power generation equipment me- United States Postal Service located at Mr. FARENTHOLD. Madam Speaker, chanic and was assigned to Howitzer 462 Washington Street, Woburn, Massa- I yield myself such time as I may con- Battery, 2nd Squadron, and the 3rd Ar- chusetts, as the ‘‘Officer John Maguire sume. mored Cavalry Regiment at Fort Hood, Post Office’’ to honor the legacy of a With the observance of Veterans Day Texas. true hometown hero. this past Friday, it is timely and fit- Mr. CUMMINGS. I have no further ting that we name this post office in b 1710 requests for time, and I yield back the Cedar Park for Army Specialist Mat- Specialist Morris served with the 3rd balance of my time. thew Troy Morris, a Texan and a true Armored Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cav- Mr. FARENTHOLD. Madam Speaker, American hero who gave his life coura- alry Division in Balad. Despite the dan- I urge all Members to support the pas- geously defending freedom. gerous nature of this work, he re- sage of Senate 1412, and I yield back I would now like to yield such time mained devoted to his mission; and the the balance of my time. as he may consume to my distin- heroism he demonstrated in Iraq The SPEAKER pro tempore. The guished colleague and friend from the earned him the Bronze Star, Purple question is on the motion offered by great State of Texas, the sponsor of Heart, Army Good Conduct Medal, Na- the gentleman from Texas (Mr. this legislation, Mr. CARTER. tional Defense Service Medal, Iraq VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:49 Nov 15, 2011 Jkt 019006 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.017 H14NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE November 14, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7413 Campaign Medal, Global War on Ter- Matthew Morris joined the Army im- SERGEANT ANGEL MENDEZ POST rorism Service Medal, Army Service mediately after high school and was as- OFFICE Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, and signed to the 2nd Squadron of the 3rd Mr. FARENTHOLD. Mr. Speaker, I Combat Action Ribbon. Armored Cavalry Regiment based in move to suspend the rules and pass the Matthew Troy Morris was killed on Fort Hood, Texas. While serving in bill (H.R. 2422) to designate the facility April 6, 2008, when his vehicle encoun- Iraq, he earned the Bronze Star, the of the United States Postal Service lo- tered a makeshift bomb in Balad, Iraq. Purple Heart, the National Service De- cated at 45 Bay Street, Suite 2, in Stat- Matthew was only 23 years old. He is fense Medal, and several other decora- en Island, New York, as the ‘‘Sergeant the oldest of four children, leaving be- tions for heroism.
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