& GAZE GHANA 一 Published by Authority No. 24 FRIDAY, 16th MAY 2003 CONTENTS Page Notice of Publication of a Bill 118 Notice of Publication of Official Bulletins 118 The National Weekly Lotto Results .. .. .. .. 118 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages—Public Place of Worship (Ref. Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Akanteng) 118 Licence for the Celebration of Mamages—Public Place of Worship (Ref. Ablaze Christian Centre, Accra-New-Town) 118 Change of Names .. 118 Change of Dale of Birlhs 120 118 GHANA GAZETTE. 9th MAY, 2003 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF A BILL The following Bill is published today: Gaming Act, 2003 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF OFFICIAL BULLETINS COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL No. 15 is published today SUMMARY OF CONTENT Trade Marks Page Application for Registration of Trade Marks 122 LOCAL GOVERNMENT No. 11 is published today SUMMARY OF CONTENT General Page Fee-Fixing Resolution. 2003—Tcma Municipal Assembly .. 115 THE NATIONAL WEEKLY LOTTO RESULTS It is hereby certified that a National二一: Weekly, Lotto Draw \ 一二二“〜3。 with lhe provisions of the National Weekly I was held on Saturday. 10th May, 2003 in accordance - ----------- - ••wniy Lotto Act. 1961 and the Rcmilations followingwic” 七 numbers— --were二 drawn… in successive on!<»r-order: .l- r» 3 published thereunder and that the 63 - 73 - 55- 86 - 6 SIGNED Director of Nalioncil Lotteries i m 建时记 place OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION °F MARRIAGES Under the provision of scclion 8. , Dirccsr. O离源章言:斜哭2,£雄“任件平 Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended. I, Sylvester Ackaa Manu, Dirccior. Office o place of worship「 for the cclcbratii- -Jon of Marriage] ,or •matingmating Council, do hereby license the following public Presbyterian Church of Gha A 1- • iana Akanteng. Given under my hand al the ol'llcc Dccernber. 2(X)2 M the Eastern Regional Co-ordinating Council, Koforidua this 9th day of S A. MANU Regional Co-ordinating Director PUBLIC PLACE LICENCE FOR THETH I : CELEBRATOF WORSHIPION Under lhe provisionpru\isit»n of scclionsection 8. subsectionsuhseclion ((I)of the Marn ' OF MARRIAGES Regional Co ordmaiing Director, OH; f :二 G,cul Of I ice of lhe i(kealer vi inc Marriages Accra Regional Ordinance Co-ordinating (Cap. 127) •(hel- - rfol n losing public' ' place! of worship lor lhe celcbratu Jis “mended. 1,1< T. N;irtcy, hin fnr ti»…''_.,()n of Marriages: Council, do hereby license Ablaze Christian ( ent» re Accra-New-low n. Gi\en under my hand at the(川心 March. 2003. of ,he Grca心 Accra Regional Co-ordinating Council, Accra this 13山 day of I-. T. NA RTE Y Regional( '(> ordinal in /)〃*'"” Cl IA、(;],: 497. Miss SusanuSusanaAg>cgdone< Agjegdont, a ()F NAMES SDV. Takoradi.—L uzhet 、t<» he know 、* ”krv.iih5 ¥V m j Kt"R bearing her former name EeV茄邪 culled Mrsf 项心()/M of)f IK '( !•l: W-Winneba,W-Winneh;L P.O. Box 25,Winncba25,Winneba and困? 「 妙 …亶 name arc still valid. Susana Bi]|u •i wnh effect from 25th July, 1995. All document E ............. J Teacher .. .5 i\cg. n(). 498 Miss CliriMiana------- (ivanili-• J MB111 1, . RYpV 336. I/..EC..Kuinasi,: wishest to .he • knownu,* d '沙y, N? 1888/88()| documents心 bearing her' former..... w.r name arcmd siill culled Mi s. Christia 1 s A. J.S.S., SoulJj Sunlrcso, P.O JC slillvalid.| .... ma Boahen'^iih cflcci from I 3ih Seplcinber,Scplcinber, 200°2000. AAl, GHANA GAZETTE. 9th MAY. 2003119 CHANGE OF NAMES—com/ 499. Miss Mary I.aiigmann Mensah, a Hairdresser of House No. C366/7, Conicam Cresem. Kokomlemle and ol P.O Box 7810. Accra-North, wishes lo be known and called Mrs. Mary Langmann Sarkodie will】 effcci troni 3rd February 2001. All documcnis bearing her fonner name arc still valid. 500. Miss Juliana Kutorkor Kotcy, a Typisi of Ministry of Health (NPOC), P.O. Box M.44. Accra, wishes io be known and called Mrs. Juliana Kutorkor Ampanfroli with effect from 28th Augusi, 1993. All documenls bearing her lormer name arc slill valid. 501. Miss Vida Aba Pan ford, a Teacher \vhh Reg. No. 2486/94 of Abosscy Okiii Uniicd Primary School. P.O Box 91. Kaneshie and of P O. Box 239. Mamprobi, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Vida Ofori Darko with effect I'rom 3rd September, 1995 z\!l documenls bearing her former name arc still valid. 503. Miss Christiana Anyorkor Tsakley, a Teacher with Reg. No. 2206/81 of Ada Training College and of P.O. Box 16791. Accra-North, wishes lo be known and called Mrs. Christiana Anyorkor Hayes with effect from 3rd May. 1986. All documents bearing her former name arc sliil valid. 504. Miss Serapliine Esi Owusti, a Nurse with Reg. No. SRN 12890 of 37 Military Hospital. Accra and of P.O. Box 5602. Accra-Noiih, wishes lo be known and called Mrs. Seraphine Esi Addison with cffeci from 15th February. 2003 All documenls bearing her former name arc slill valid. 505. Miss Comfort Evelyn Akosua Avua, a Teacher wilh Reg. No. 2989/83 of Vc Kolocnu E.P. Primary School, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Comfort Evelyn Akosua Nkornu with effect from 24th February. 2003. All documents bearing her former name arc slill valid. 506 Miss Alberta Adiyiah, a Public Servant of Electoral Commission. Kumasi and of Electoral Commission. P O Box 193, Kolbridua. wishes lo be known and called Mrs. A Iberia Mcnsah-Bonsu wilh clTeci from 21 si December. 2002. All documenls bearing her former name arc slill valid. 507 Miss Gifty Adisatu Maluima, a Civil Servant of Ministry of Lands and Eorc si ry. P.O. Box M2I2, Accra, wishes lo be known and called Ihijia Gifty /Xdislielu Iddrisu Biyira wilh effcci from 14th February, 1999. All documenls bearing her former name are still valid 508 Miss Jessie Oparebea Boateng, a Sludcnl of T.3S. Effia Kuma and of P.O. Box MC980. Takoradi. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Jessie Operabea De-Veer with cllcci Irom 21 st July, 2001. All documents bearing her fonner name are still valid. 509 Miss Judith Benyarko Arhin, a Teacher with Reg. No. 3163/93 of Kpone Methodist Junior Secondary School and of P O. Box GP 4993. Accra, wishes io be known and called Mrs. Jiidith Benyarko Asantc with effect from 2nd January, 1999. All documenls healing her former name arc slill valid. 510 Miss Merev Asiedu, a Civil Servani of Burma Camp (Ministry of Defence). Accra and of P.O. Box TN 1475. Tesliic/Nunuua Rstalcs. Accra, wishes io be known and called Mrs. Mercy A(iw(»a Nachindi with elTccl liom 17山 April、2003. ?...All documenls— bearing her former name are still valid. 511. Miss Anita Aboagye,* •…. a-t Nurse wilh Reg. No. 14264 of 37 Military Hospilai and ol' Communiiy Eleven. P.O. Box 86/rcina* washes be known and called Miss Anita Kumi Ahoagye with effect from 5ih May, 2003. All documenls bearing her I'oi•, nicir name are slill valid. 512. Miss Margaret ICugenia Eshun, a Civil Servant ol'Ceniial Regional Development Commission. P.O. Box ELM. I-Jmiiia, wishes io be known and called Mrs. 1'wura Adwoa Ewusic wilh elTccl Irom I7ih Kebruary. 2001 All docunicnis bearing her lormer name arc Will valid. 513. Miss Joyce Yawa Aliadzi, a Secreiary ()f Tcshic-NungiKi Dercs Salen/Blk. 86. E3 and()「P.O. Box 01415. Osu. Accra, wishes lo be I、...............and culled Mrs. Joyce Yau a Ainoah with cllcci from I5ih 2003. All documents bearing her former name.. are■■•••? slill valid. 514. Miss Gertrude Quayc. a:i ILand,•… l-'conoinist of Lands Commission, Accra and of P.O. Box 396. Dansoman. Accra, wishes lo be known and called Mrs. (Jertrude Sackcy wilh elTccl from 26ih May. 2001. All documents bearing her Ibnnei name are mil valid. 515 Miss LydiaI v(li i Pokuaa Donkor.i)onk<»\ ‘a (';i山也叩her ⑴ Lands Coinmissioii Sccielanal and of P.O. Box, LA 260. L扁h. Accra, wishes io be known and called Mrs. Lydia Pokuaa Adu Kesse with elTccl Iroin 7lh August. 1998. All documenls bcuring her I'oiiucr iKimr arc slill valid. 516 Miss Nancy Araba Denni、 rciicher wilh Reg. No. ol A k waiia /\ ng I lean \Jt\ Primary A & B and of P.O. Box 01322. Osu. Accra, w islics lo he known and called Mrs. Nancy Araba Manful with ci feel from 29ih Apiil. 1978. All 山»qur)icnls bearingI hci fonner name are slill valid. Miss 1 knvabu Abdi山ii,:,"i Teacher wilh Reg. No. 6648/93 of Abuagyc Primary. Pakoracli and of House SI7 *, Wishes io be known and called Mrs. Mavis Ilawabu Kooinson \vi(h effect from No. B87/24, Darkuman lOlh Seplcnihcr. 190(). All docuincnis 'bearing her lormer lumiu me slill valid. 518. Miss l elicia Sofo-Ali, a Radio Operator八 , i of Regional ('ooidinaiion Council and of Oil ice of the Presidcnl. P.O Bok 1627. ('aslle Annex. Accra, v.wishes 'I d be known and called Mis. Felicia wilh died liom 24lh All d(Kiunen(s bearing her former namc;p still valid. I cbruary. 2001 /............. 120 GHANA GAZETTE、9th MAY、2003 CHANGE OF NAMES—cw〃以 519 Miss Esther Adwoa Afosah Akurang, a Teacher of Si. Monica's Junior Secondary. P.O. Box 51. Ashanti Mampong. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Esther Adwoa Afosah-Addo wiih effect from 25th July, 2001. All documents bearing her former name arc still valid. 520. Miss Estella Efua Koomson, a Teacher with Reg. No. 5030/2002 of Apam Methodist Primary School, P.O. Box 94. Apam, wishes io be known and called Mrs. Estella Efua Walters with effect from 30th December, 2000 All documents bearing her former name are slill valid 521.
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