March 1, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E431 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING JARRETT MUCK FOR most notable achievements of the IGY, the nexus of the Federal Government’s biosurveil- ACHIEVING THE RANK OF EAGLE discovery of belts of trapped, charged particles lance efforts. The NBIC will serve as a central- SCOUT in the Earth’s upper atmosphere by the late ized system for consolidating data from bio- Dr. James Van Allen of Iowa. logical surveillance systems and will be staffed HON. SAM GRAVES Yet the discovery of the Van Allen belts is by an interagency group of biosurveillance ex- OF MISSOURI just one of the significant scientific achieve- perts. Relevant data feeds will be brought to- ments of the IGY. Indeed, scientists around gether and analyzed to monitor any unusual IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the world continue to build on the impressive health activity, including human, animal, agri- Thursday, March 1, 2007 research legacy left to them by their prede- cultural, food, and environmental health prob- Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly cessors fifty years ago. Equally importantly, lems. This analysis will enable federal, State, pause to recognize Jarrett Muck, a very spe- the IGY has been a shining example of the and local governments, and private sector en- cial young man who has exemplified the finest benefits of international cooperation in sci- tities, to quickly detect and respond to a bio- qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- entific endeavors. The coordination of global logical attack or an outbreak of any natural ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- interdisciplinary observations by researchers disease. ica, Troop 376, and in earning the most pres- from multiple nations during a time of geo- My legislation requires the Director to de- tigious award of Eagle Scout. political tensions continues to be an inspiration velop, maintain and operate the NBIC and en- Jarrett has been very active with his troop, and a model for those who recognize the sig- sure data is integrated from relevant surveil- participating in many scout activities. Over the nificant contributions that can be achieved lance systems to identify and characterize bio- many years Jarrett has been involved with when nations come together in the peaceful logical events in as near real-time as possible. scouting, he has not only earned numerous pursuit of scientific knowledge. This bill will also ensure that the Director con- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- I introduced a similar resolution in the 108th tinually enhances the NBIC’s performance by ily, peers, and community. Congress, which passed the House, to honor regularly adding new data feeds, improving Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join the IGY and to encourage the celebration of statistical and analytical tools, establishing me in commending Jarrett Muck for his ac- its 50th anniversary throughout the country procedures for reporting suspicious events, complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- and the globe. This commemoration serves to and providing technical assistance to State ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the not only remember the great scientific work and local Governments and private entities. highest distinction of Eagle Scout. that was done during the IGY, but also to in- This legislation will now give us the capa- f spire the next generation of scientists and en- bility to integrate data from biosurveillance gineers, who will be critical to our continued systems with other intelligence information to INTRODUCING A CONCURRENT progress and economic well being. In that re- provide a comprehensive and timely picture of RESOLUTION HONORING THE gard, I encourage the public and in particular all existing biological threats. Information as- 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE our young people to participate in celebrations sembled within the NBIC, such as incident or INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL planned for the IGY anniversary year and to situational awareness reports, will be shared YEAR (IGY) embrace challenging goals for future research with the heads of other agencies via informa- in Earth and space science, so that we will be tion sharing networks. HON. MARK UDALL able to look back, 50 years from now, on The NBIC is designed to be a beacon of OF COLORADO equally exciting accomplishments and discov- interagency partnering. Participating agencies will integrate biosurveillance information IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eries. Madam Speaker, I think that it is fitting that through the NBIC, provide timely information Thursday, March 1, 2007 this Congress take the time to recognize and and connectivity of data systems, detail per- Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Madam Speaker, honor the fiftieth anniversary of the Inter- sonnel to the NBIC, and participate in shaping today I am introducing a resolution to mark the national Geophysical Year, and I hope that the NBIC’s operating practices. In addition, the 50th anniversary of the International Geo- this concurrent resolution will be speedily Director may invite officials of other govern- physical Year (IGY), honoring its contributions adopted by the House. ment agencies, including interagency partners, to participate in a working group to advise and to space research, and looking forward to fu- f ture accomplishments. I am pleased that sev- steer the activities of the NBIC. eral of my colleagues from the Science and BIOSURVEILLANCE ENHANCEMENT Situational awareness and early detection Technology Committee have joined me as ACT OF 2007 can mean the difference between an outbreak original cosponsors and would like to thank and an epidemic, or between a foiled and a Chairman GORDON, Space and Aeronautics HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN successful biological attack. A strong bio- surveillance capability will help protect our citi- Subcommittee Ranking Member CALVERT, and OF RHODE ISLAND zens and will enable us to more effectively re- Research and Science Education Sub- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES committee Chairman BAIRD for their support. spond to the worst-case scenarios. I urge my The International Geophysical Year of Thursday, March 1, 2007 colleagues to join me in supporting this legis- 1957–1958 was a highly successful inter- Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, I rise lation. national effort to coordinate global observa- today to introduce the Biosurveillance En- f tions and measurements of the solid Earth, hancement Act of 2007. A TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF MRS. oceans, the atmosphere, and the near-Earth Biointelligence and biosurveillance provide VERNA DUTY space environment. It was truly a global effort, the early warning systems necessary to detect involving thousands of scientists from 67 na- the spread of disease, whether natural or in- tions who came together—in the midst of the tentional. To date, these systems have not yet HON. JIM COSTA OF CALIFORNIA Cold War—to plan and carry out this ambi- been adequately developed, although IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tious cooperative scientific initiative. progress is being made. The Biosurveillance As we pause to honor the accomplishments Enhancement Act of 2007 will further their de- Thursday, March 1, 2007 of the IGY, it is worth remembering that the velopment by building upon past efforts in Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to IGY marked the dawn of the Space Age. The order to provide the United States with a truly honor the life of Mrs. Verna Duty. Mrs. Duty successful launches of the first artificial sat- effective biosurveillance capability. passed away peacefully on Saturday, Feb- ellites, Sputnik 1 by the former Soviet Union The legislation I am introducing today au- ruary 24, 2007. She was 83 years old. and Explorer 1 by the United States, opened thorizes the National Biosurveillance Integra- Ms. Duty lived a life of dedication and sin- new areas of research and enabled one of the tion Center (NBIC), which will be the primary cere loyalty to those she cared for and fulfilled ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:07 Mar 02, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01MR8.001 E01MRPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC60 with REMARKS E432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 1, 2007 the philosophy by which she lived her life of current president, Joseph W. Luquire, for his NEW PUNJAB CHIEF MINISTER ‘‘leaving it better than you found it.’’ dynamic leadership and for the excellent rep- URGED TO WORK FOR SIKH SOV- Verna Viola Brown was born on September utation of the club. EREIGNTY 18, 1923 in Keota, Oklahoma. Ms. Duty relo- Madam Speaker, in closing, I congratulate cated to California and became a lifelong resi- Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club on its contin- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS dent of Riverdale, California a small farming ued success and contributions to their commu- OF NEW YORK community in the San Joaquin Valley. nity and Nation. On the occasion of their 30th IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES She was the wife of the late Mr. Joe Duty, anniversary, I ask my colleagues to join me in a farm worker and she gained a deep appre- Thursday, March 1, 2007 acknowledging this outstanding and distin- ciation and love for those who labored in the Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, recently guished organization. fields. Her pride and joy was being the mother elections were held in Punjab. The voters of my dear friend Mayor Alan Autry of the City turned out the Congress Party government f of Fresno. They shared a special bond and and restored the Shiromani Akali Dal to she was his biggest supporter as a mother, IN HONOR OF SYNOVUS BEING power.
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