© [Regd. No. TN/CCN/467/2012-14. GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU [R. Dis. No. 197/2009. 2016 [Price: Rs. 28.80 Paise. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 3] CHENNAI, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2016 Thai 6, Manmadha, Thiruvalluvar Aandu – 2047 Part II—Section 2 Notifications or Orders of interest to a section of the public issued by Secretariat Departments. NOTIFICATIONS BY GOVERNMENT CONTENTS Pages. HIGHWAYS AND MINOR PORTS Pages. ªî£Nô£÷˜ ñŸÁ‹ «õ¬ôõ£ŒŠ¹ˆ ¶¬ø DEPARTMENT Industrial Tribunal for Adjudication .. .. .. Acquisition of Lands .. .. .. 22-45 62-64 HOME DEPARTMENT Labour Courts for Adjudication .. .. .. 64-66 Tamil Nadu Protection of Interests of Depositors (in Financial Establishments) Act.- Messers Susi Award of the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister's Emu Farms (India) Private Limited and other Constabulary Medal on the occasion of Pongal, Sister Concerns, Erode District, etc. .. 45-61 2016, etc. .. .. .. .. 67-92 HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act.— Exemption from the Provisions of Development Regulation of Second Master Plan for Chennai Metropolitan Area relating to the Non-Multi- Storeyed Building Blocks of the additional Construction at T. Nagar, Chennai-17. .. 62 D.T.P.—II-2 (3)—1 [ 21 ] 22 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Part II—Sec. 2 NOTIFICATIONS BY GOVERNMENT HIGHWAYS AND MINOR PORTS DEPARTMENT notice is issued under sub-section (1) of Section 15 of the Tamil Nadu Highways Act, 2001 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 2002). Acquisition of Lands NOTICE [G.O. Ms. No. 160, Highways and Minor Ports (HS1), Under sub-section (1) of Section 15 of the Tamil Nadu 29th D ecem ber 2015, ñ£˜èN 13, ñ¡ñî, F¼õœÀõ˜ Highways Act, 2001 (Tamil Nadu Act 34 of 2002) the Governor ݇´-2046.] of Tamil Nadu hereby acquires the lands specified in the No. II(2)/HWMP/36/2016.—The Governor of Tamil Nadu schedule below measuring to an extent of 21050 Square having been satisfied that the lands specified in the schedule Metres of Ryotwari dry lands in Suriyampalayam Village below and situated in Suriyampalayam have to be acquired of Erode Taluk, Erode District to the same, a little more or for Public purpose to wit for the formation of Bhavani less are needed for public purpose, to wit for the formation Byepass for Bhavani Town and it having already been of Bhavani Byepass for Bhavani Town. decided that the entire amount of compensation to be awarded The Plan of the lands are kept in the office of the District for the lands is to be paid out of the funds, controlled and Collector, Erode and may be inspected at any time during managed by the District Revenue Officer, Erode. The following office hours. SCHEDULE Erode District, Erode Taluk, 9 A Suriyampalayam Village. Sl. No. R.S. No. Extent Classification & Owner/Person interested Details of Trees, under Description Wells, Structures/ acquisition Others (in hectares) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 10/2A2 0.00.65 Ryot Punjai Paramanandh No Buildings & Trees North-S.F.No.11 East-S.F.No.10/3AA1 South-S.F.No.10/3AA2 West-S.F.No.10/2A1 2 10/3AA1 0.07.50 Ryot Punjai Paramanandh No Buildings & Trees North S.F.No.11 East S.F.No.8 South S.F.No.10/3AA2 West S.F.No.10/2A2 3 12/5A2 0.45.50 Ryot Punjai P.Kolanthaisamy-1 Well-1 North S.F.No.12/5A1 C.Thangarasu-2 Bath room-1 East S.F.No.11 C.Dhanabackiyam-3 Coconut Tree-2 South S.F.No.12/5A3, Amutha-4 Neem Tree-2 12/5B1, 5A4 P.Velusamy-5 West S.F.No. 19 Subbulakshmi-6 Karuppayammal-7 Gokulraj- 8 Vasuki-9 R.Loganathan-10 R.Kolanthaisamy-11 P.Palanisamy-12 A.Ramasamy-13 P.A.Subramaniyam-14 K.M.Kanthasamy-15 L.Saraswathy-16 L.Jehannathan-17 L.Shanmugam-18 Selvaraj-19 K.M.Ramasamy Goundar-20 Jan. 20, 2016] TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 23 Sl. No. R.S. No. Extent Classification & Owner/Person interested Details of Trees, under Description Wells, Structures/ acquisition Others (in hectares) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 4 12/5B1 0.01.10 Ryot Punjai P.Kolanthaisamy-1 Coconut tree -2 North S.F.No.12/5A2 C.Thangarasu-2 Palmyrah tree-2 East S.F.No.12/5A2, 5A4 C.Dhanabackiyam-3 South S.F.No.12/5B2 Amutha-4 West S.F.No.12/5A2 P.Velusamy-5 Subbulakshmi-6 Karuppayammal-7 Gokulraj - 8 Vasuki-9 R.Loganathan-10 R.Kolanthaisamy-11 P.Palanisamy-12 A.Ramasamy-13 P.A.Subramaniyam-14 K.M.Kanthasamy-15 L.Saraswathy-16 L.Jehannathan-17 L.Shanmugam-18 Selvaraj-19 K.M.Ramasamy Goundar-20 5 15/1B 0.02.40 Ryot Punjai Perumayee-1 No Buildings & Trees North S.F.No.15/1A, Selvaraj - 2 Mettunasuvam Nirmaladevi-3 Palayam Village A.Sivagami -4 East S.F.No.15/1A, 2A South S.F.No.15/2B West Mettunasuvam Palayam Village 6 15/2B 0.10.35 Ryot Punjai A.Ramasamy -1 No Buildings & Trees North S.F.No.15/1B P.A.Subramaniyam-2 East S.F.No.15/3B K.M.Kandhasamy-3 South S.F.No.17 A.Arumugam-4 West. Mettunasuvam Palayam Village 7 15/3B 0.11.50 Ryot Punjai L.Saraswathy-1 No Buildings & Trees North S.F.No.15/3A L.Jehannathan-2 East S.F.No.15/4B L.Shanmugam-3 South S.F.No.15/3C Ramasamy Gounder-4 West S.F.No.15/2B 8 15/4B 0.07.90 Ryot Punjai A.Ramasamy -1 No Buildings & Trees North S.F.No.15/4A P.A.Subramaniyam-2 East S.F.No.15/5B K.M.Kandhasamy-3 South S.F.No.15/4C A.Arumugam-4 West S.F.No.15/3B 9 15/5B 0.14.00 Ryot Punjai L.Saraswathy-1 Palmyrah Tree-3 North S.F.No.15/5A L.Jehannathan-2 East S.F.No.15/6B L.Shanmugam-3 South S.F.No.15/5C Ramasamy Gounder-4 West S.F.No.15/4B 24 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Part II—Sec. 2 Sl. No. R.S. No. Extent Classification & Owner/Person interested Details of Trees, under Description Wells, Structures/ acquisition Others (in hectares) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 10 15/6B 0.07.20 Ryot Punjai A.Ramasamy -1 No Buildings & Trees North S.F.No.15/6A P.A.Subramaniyam -2 East S.F.No.15/10B,11A K.M.Kandhasamy-3 South S.F.No.17,18 A.Arumugam-4 West S.F.No.15/5B 11 15/10B 0.00.10 Ryot Punjai P.Palaniyappan-1 No Buildings & Trees North S.F.No.15/10A P.Nanjappan-2 East S.F.No.15/11B S.Sumathi-3 South S.F.No.15/11A S.Priya-4 West S.F.No.15/6B S.Priyanga-5 12 15/11A 0.01.30 Ryot Punjai Perumayee-1 No Buildings & Trees North S.F.No.15/11B, 10B Selvaraj -2 East S.F.No.15/11B Nirmaladevi-3 South S.F.No.18 A.Sivagami-4 West S.F.No.15/6B 13 15/14B 0.05.50 Ryot Punjai Maheshwari-1 No Buildings & Trees North S.F.No.15/14A Malarvizhi-2 East S.F.No.15/14A Krishnaveni-3 South S.F.No.18,19 West S.F.No.18 14 17/1A 0.02.90 Ryot Punjai Arumugam-1 No Buildings & Trees North S.F.No.15 A.Sivagami-2 East S.F.No.15 A.Ranjith-3 South S.F.No.17/1C Kumaravadivel-4 West Mettunasuvam Nirmala-5 Palayam Village 17/1B 0.00.40 Ryot Punjai No Buildings & Trees North S.F.No.15 East S.F.No.18 South S.F.No.18 West S.F.No.17/1C 15 18/1B 0.18.00 Ryot Punjai Perumayee-1 No Buildings & Trees North S.F.No.15,18/1A, Selvaraj -2 East S.F.No.15,18/2A Nirmaladevi-3 South S.F.No.18/1C Chellammal-4 West S.F.No.17 Saravanan-5 Vimaladevi-6 Kavithadevi-7 16 18/2A 0.46.50 Ryot Punjai Perumayee-1 Tamarind Tree-1 North S.F.No.15 Selvaraj -2 East S.F.No.19 Nirmaladevi-3 South S.F.No.18/2B Chellammal-4 West S.F.No.18/1B Saravanan-5 Vimaladevi-6 Kavithadevi-7 17 19/1B 0.10.00 Ryot Punjai Maheshwari-1 No Buildings & Trees North S.F.No.15,19/1A Malarvizhi-2 East S.F.No.19/2A2 Krishnaveni-3 South S.F.No.19/1C West S.F.No.18 Jan. 20, 2016] TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 25 Sl. No. R.S. No. Extent Classification & Owner/Person interested Details of Trees, under Description Wells, Structures/ acquisition Others (in hectares) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 18 19/2A2 0.04.90 Ryot Punjai L.Saraswathy-1 Palmyrah Tree-1 North S.F.No.19/2A1 L.Jehannathan-2 East S.F.No.12 L.Shanmugam-3 South S.F.No.19/2A3 Ramasamy Gounder-4 West S.F.No.19/1B Angappagounder-5 Muniyappagounder-6 19 553/1B 0.21.00 Ryot Punjai P.Kolanthaisamy-1 Palmyrah Tree-3 North S.F.No.553/1A C.Thangarasu-2 Neem Tree-1 East S.F.No.553/2B C.Dhanabackiyam-3 South S.F.No.553/1C Amutha-4 West S.F.No.12 P.Velusamy-5 Subbulakshmi-6 Karuppayammal-7 Gokulraj-8 Vasuki-9 R.Loganathan-10 R.Kolanthaisamy-11 P.Palanisamy-12 A.Ramasamy-13 P.A.Subramaniyam-14 K.M.Kanthasamy-15 L.Saraswathy-16 L.Jehannathan-17 L.Shanmugam-18 Selvaraj-19 K.M.Ramasamy gounder-20 20 553/2B 0.22.00 Ryot Punjai P.Kolanthaisamy-1 Palmyrah Tree-6 North S.F.No.553/2A C.Thangarasu-2 East S.F.No.557 C.Dhanabackiyam-3 South S.F.No.553/2C Amutha-4 West S.F.No.553/1B P.Velusamy-5 Subbulakshmi-6 Karuppayammal-7 Gokulraj-8 Vasuki-9 R.Loganathan-10 R.Kolanthaisamy-11 P.Palanisamy-12 A.Ramasamy-13 P.A.Subramaniyam-14 K.M.Kanthasamy-15 L.Saraswathy-16 L.Jehannathan-17 L.Shanmugam-18 Selvaraj-19 K.M.Ramasamy gounder-20 21 557/4B 0.04.80 Ryot Manai Subramani-1 Terraced building-1 North S.F.No.557/4A S.Dhanalakshmi-2 Thatched house-1, East S.F.No.557/4A,5 Asbestos room-1, South S.F.No.557/5 Well-1, 200 feet West S.F.No.553 Karungal Foundation wall Coconut Tree-7 Mango Tree-2 Sapodilla Tree-2, 26 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Part II—Sec.
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