S1538 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 1, 2007 Dink’s killing and took to the streets rights, and a champion in the cause of inter- launched ‘‘Go Direct’’, a national campaign throughout the country to honor his mem- national human rights; organized to encourage the people of the ory; Whereas Father Drinan drew on his legal United States to use direct deposit for the Whereas the Government of Turkey has expertise to make significant contributions receipt of social security and other Federal pledged to undertake a full investigation in the areas of copyright law reform, con- benefits; and into the murder of Mr. Dink; sumer protection, and criminal justice; Whereas, by working with financial insti- Whereas the Prime Minister of Turkey, Whereas Father Drinan renewed his com- tutions, advocacy groups, and community Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has stated that when mitment to education, after his service in organizations, the sponsors of ‘‘Go Direct’’ Mr. Dink was shot, ‘‘a bullet was fired at Congress, as a professor at Georgetown Uni- are educating the people of the United States freedom of thought and democratic life in versity Law Center, where he specialized in about the advantages of using direct deposit Turkey’’; constitutional law and human rights and and assisting people during the enrollment Whereas the Foreign Minister of Armenia, taught more than 6,000 students; process: Now, therefore, be it Vartan Oskanian, stated that Mr. Dink Whereas Father Drinan was the founder ‘‘lived his life in the belief that there can be and faculty adviser to the Georgetown Jour- Resolved, That the Senate— understanding, dialogue and peace amongst nal of Legal Ethics and was the author of 12 (1) supports the goals and ideals of ‘‘Go Di- peoples’’; and books on major public policy issues; rect’’; Whereas Mr. Dink’s tragic death affirmed Whereas Father Drinan was the recipient (2) designates March 2007 as ‘‘Go Direct the importance of promoting the values that of 22 honorary degrees and was a visiting Month’’; he championed in life: Now, therefore, be it professor at 4 universities; (3) commends Federal, State, and local Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas Father Drinan’s service led the governments, and the private sector, for pro- (1) condemns the murder of Hrant Dink as American Bar Association (ABA) to award moting March as ‘‘Go Direct Month’’; and a shameful act of cowardice perpetrated with him the ABA Medal in 2004, the organiza- (4) encourages the people of the United contempt for law, justice, and decency; tion’s highest honor, given to individuals States to— (2) supports the pledge of the Government who make exceptionally distinguished con- (A) participate in events and awareness of Turkey to conduct an exhaustive inves- tributions to the jurisprudence of the United initiatives held during the month of March; tigation into the assassination of Mr. Dink States; and (B) become informed about the conven- and to prosecute those responsible; Whereas Father Drinan’s lifelong leader- ience and safety of direct deposit; and (3) urges the Government of Turkey to re- ship in promoting greater awareness of the (C) consider signing up for direct deposit of peal Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code importance of international human rights social security or other Federal benefits. and work diligently to foster a more open in- resulted in 2006 in the establishment by the Georgetown University Law Center of an en- tellectual environment in the country that f is conducive to the free exchange of ideas; dowed chair in his honor, known as the Rob- (4) recognizes the decision of the Govern- ert F. Drinan, S.J. Chair in Human Rights ment of Turkey to invite senior Armenian Law: Now, therefore, be it SENATE RESOLUTION 68—COM- religious and political figures to participate Resolved, That the Senate— MENDING THE MISS AMERICA (1) honors the life, achievements, and dis- in memorial services for Mr. Dink; ORGANIZATION FOR ITS LONG- (5) calls on the Government of Turkey to tinguished career of the Reverend Robert F. Drinan, S.J.; STANDING COMMITMENT TO act in the interest of regional security and QUALITY EDUCATION AND THE prosperity and reestablish full diplomatic, (2) offers its appreciation for Father political, and economic relations with the Drinan’s devoted work on behalf of the thou- CHARACTER OF WOMEN IN THE Government of Armenia; and sands of Massachusetts residents he rep- UNITED STATES (6) urges the people of Turkey to honor Mr. resented in the House of Representatives and Dink’s legacy of tolerance. the millions of people worldwide who bene- Mr. INHOFE (for himself, Mr. fitted from his human rights initiatives; and COBURN, and Mr. ISAKSON) submitted f (3) expresses its condolences to Father Drinan’s family and friends. the following resolution; which was SENATE RESOLUTION 66—HON- considered and agreed to: ORING THE LIFE, ACHIEVE- f S. RES. 68 MENTS, AND DISTINGUISHED CA- SENATE RESOLUTION 67—DESIG- REER OF THE REVEREND ROB- NATING MARCH 2007 AS ‘‘GO DI- Whereas the Miss America Organization ERT F. DRINAN, S.J. was formed in 1921; RECT MONTH’’ Whereas, in 1945, the organization estab- Mr. KERRY (for himself, Mr. KEN- Mrs. DOLE submitted the following lished a scholarship program to assist young NEDY, and Mr. LEAHY) submitted the resolution; which was considered and women achieve their personal and profes- following resolution; which was consid- agreed to: sional goals; Whereas contestants in the Miss America ered and agreed to: S. RES. 67 Pageant must first succeed in local and S. RES. 66 Whereas the Department of the Treasury State pageants; Whereas the Reverend Robert F. Drinan, issued 57,000 checks worth approximately Whereas the 52 young women who partici- S.J. was a talented scholar, who received a $54,000,000 that were endorsed illegally in pated in the Miss America Pageant showed bachelor’s degree in 1942 and a master’s de- 2006; great poise and accomplishment; gree in 1947 from Boston College, a bachelor’s Whereas the Department of the Treasury Whereas Lauren Nelson, of Lawton, Okla- degree in law in 1949 and a master of law de- receives approximately 1,500,000 inquiries homa, was crowned Miss America 2007, the gree in 1951 from Georgetown University, and each year regarding problems with paper sixth Oklahoman in history and the second a doctorate in theology in 1954 from Grego- checks; in a row; rian University in Rome, Italy; Whereas the use of direct deposit has re- Whereas Oklahoma now joins only 2 other Whereas Father Drinan entered the Soci- sulted in more than $6,000,000,000 in savings States in boasting 6 Miss America crowns ety of Jesus in 1942, completed his seminary for the Federal Government since 1986; and 3 other States in holding consecutive work at Weston College in Cambridge, Mas- Whereas more than 12,000,000 social secu- crowns; and sachusetts, and was ordained as a Jesuit rity and other Federal benefit recipients Whereas the Senate family is also proud of priest in 1953; have yet to sign up for direct deposit; Kate Michael of Senator Johnny Isakson’s Whereas Father Drinan was an influential Whereas the United States would generate office, who represented the District of Co- educator who served as the Dean of the Bos- approximately $120,000,000 in annual savings lumbia in the Miss America Pageant: Now, ton College Law School from 1956 to 1970 and if all Federal beneficiaries used direct de- therefore, be it transformed it into one of the leading edu- posit; cational institutions in the United States; Whereas the use of direct deposit is a more Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas Father Drinan was elected in 1970 secure, reliable, and cost effective method of (1) commends the Miss America Organiza- to represent Massachusetts in the House of payment than paper checks because the use tion for its longstanding commitment to Representatives; of direct deposit— quality education and the character of Whereas Father Drinan represented Massa- (1) helps protect against identity theft and women in the United States; chusetts in the House of Representatives fraud; (2) congratulates Miss America 2007, from 1971 to 1981, the first Roman Catholic (2) provides easier access to funds during Lauren Nelson of Lawton, Oklahoma, the priest ever to serve in Congress as a voting emergencies and natural disasters; and 80th woman crowned Miss America; and Member; (3) provides citizens of the United States (3) directs the Secretary of the Senate to Whereas Father Drinan, during his service with more control over their money; transmit a copy of this resolution to Lauren in the House of Representatives, was an ad- Whereas the Department of the Treasury Nelson in care of the Miss America Organiza- vocate for social justice, a fighter for civil and the Federal Reserve Banks have tion. 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