August 27, 2008 www.dvidshub.net (search phrase: Expeditionary Times) Vol. 1, Issue 10 Incoming Resupply MQ-9 Reaper drops first 500 pound bomb from the Page 3 sky pgs. 8-9 Keep ’em Rolling Maintance company works hard to provide support Page 7 Stay or go? Airman considers the Photo by Sgt. Gary Hawkins Chief Warrant Officer Marica Lewis (left), Senior Airdrop Technician for the 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) and Sgt. 1st Class David pros and cons of Hudson, 13th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, set up marking panels for a scheduled airdrop of supplies at Kirkush Military Training reenlistment Base Aug. 12. The airdrop tested a new type of disposable parachute rigging that will cost less and saves more time and energy than trying to retrieve the more expensive airdrop rigging supplies. Page 10 Engineers work to rebuild, improve Iraq by Spc. Michael Behlin Expeditionary Times staff support and conduct their acts of pany, 5th Engineer Battalion, from ing security from a central location. were victims to the insurgency too terrorism. The results of insurgents Fort Benning, Ga. Serving out of The JCOP will provide other units and we’re trying to eliminate that.” FORWARD OPERATING BASE fleeing to areas of a lesser presence Forward Operating Base Warhorse, passing through the area a place to And eliminate the insurgency is WARHORSE, Iraq– As Coalition has led to attacks on troops ranging near Baqubah, the engineers work stop and get a meal or to rest. exactly what the new site is aiming Forces continue to es- from IED’s, small arms and indirect to help stabilize the immediate area “This JCOP is being constructed to do in an area formerly known tablish their pres- fire attacks. of operations, as well as other areas here to insure that the routes in this for its small arms and IED attacks. ence throughout To battle this activity, Coalition throughout Diyala Province. area remain free and clear of IEDs Since construction began on the Iraq, insurgents Forces are busily building new Joint One of the new construction sites and insurgent activities,” said 1st new JCOP, the area has been much struggle to find Combat Outposts throughout some is that of JCOP Mullalah, which is Lt. Serena Seddio, 63rd CSEC. 2nd quieter and less susceptible to at- areas with of the more hostile areas of Iraq. not far from Baqubah and FOB War- Platoon Leader and JCOP Mullalah tacks with the new presence. little or no Working steadily throughout this horse. This JCOP, while small in project manager. “Not only do Co- military pres- construction effort is the 63rd Con- size, will be beneficial to Coalition alition Forces use the routes in this See REBUILD, Page 6 ence to house, struction Support Equipment Com- Forces and citizens alike by provid- area, but civilians do as well. They PAGE 2 EXPEDITIONARY TIMES August 27, 2008 PMO Blotter: 2nd/402nd AFSB has change of command 15 Aug. – 21 Aug. Attempted Breaking-and-Entering: A fe- by Spc. Anthony Hooker male victim in H-4 (C Pod) noticed that the Expeditionary Times staff metal strip covering the locking mechanism on the door to her housing unit had been bent JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq – During a backwards in an attempt to gain entry to the change of command ceremony held Aug. room. The victim has had her room broken 15, Lt. Col. Robert L. Barnes, Jr., the out- into on at least one other occasion in the last going commander of the 2nd Battalion, two months. Sexual Assault: A female airman stated 402nd Army Field Support Brigade, took a that she was cornered in the hygiene aisle at moment from his closing remarks to wipe the Eastside PX by two Ugandan SOC guards away tears, collect himself, and indulge the wearing tan uniforms. One of the Ugandan audience with a list of his unit’s accom- guards licked her on the back of the neck while plishments. the other blocked her escape. Military Police As only the third commander ever to Investigators weren’t able to find evidence of hold the position, Barnes shed the tears of a the assault on the store’s security cameras. man grateful to have borne the responsibil- Stolen Vehicle: A black Nissan 4-door ity of managing all of the Army’s theater- pick-up truck was stolen from the H-5 hous- ing area between the hours of 2100-0730. The provided equipment. pick-up was located by Provost Marshal per- As his wife and son watched via satel- sonnel roughly 24 hours after the crime was lite from Stuttgart, Germany, Barnes re- reported. linquished command to Lt. Col. Joe Louis Fire Response: An electrical fire started in Hart, Jr. With the handoff, Hart, a native of the breaker box of a housing unit in the H-3 Orangeburg, S.C., received control of one (D Pod) housing area. The victim put out the of the more unique and significant military fire with the room’s fire extinguisher. PMO commands in Iraq. Comment: Make sure your housing unit More than 92 percent of the battalion’s has a fire extinguisher and don’t remove the fire extinguisher for any reason. personnel are either Department of the Intoxicated Driver Causing a Crash: An Army civilians or government contractors. Army staff sergeant became inebriated on cans Shaking hands with many of his former co- of dust-off before getting into a Ford F150 in workers, Barnes said it was a blessing to the parking lot of the H-7 housing area near H have served with this group. Pod. The staff sergeant narrowly missed two “Many of these workers served in pre- Soldiers while driving through the parking lot vious wars like Vietnam, Desert Shield, before crashing into a wooden barrier. When (Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation the two Soldiers approached the vehicle, they Enduring Freedom),” Barnes said. “They found the staff sergeant passed out behind the wheel of the vehicle. PMO responded to the know what the warfighter is going through, scene and found two cans of dust-off on the the problems they encounter. That under- front seat next to the driver; one of the cans standing makes them more capable to assist was ice-cold, indicating recent use. the warfighter.” Contact the Provost Marshal Office: Troy Bream, the theater property book NIPR- 443-8602 officer for the 2nd Bn., 402nd AFSB, served SIPR- 242-9982 as a colorguard during the change of com- Email- [email protected] mand ceremony. He said working alongside the military, in particular, Barnes, was a great and unique experience. The 2nd/402nd AFSB’s primary func- tion is to provide, install and redistribute property used specifically by units serving Photo by Spc. Anthony Hooker in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Sgt. Maj. Steven Robertson, the senior noncommissioned officer of the 2nd Battalion, “We are the theater property book own- 402nd Army Field Support Brigade, leads the unit’s colorguard during a change of command ceremony Aug. 15 at Joint Base Balad, Iraq. See CHANGE, Page 7 EXPEDITIONARY TIMES 3d ESC Commanding General, Brig. Gen. Mike Lally Contributing Public Affairs Offices Expeditionary Times is authorized for publication Managing Editor Expeditionary Times NCOIC d by the 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) for Maj. Paul Hayes, 3 ESC Staff Sgt. Tim Sander, 215th MPAD 1st Sustainment Brigade [email protected] [email protected] the Joint Base Balad community. The contents of the 3rd Sustainment Brigade Expeditionary Times are unofficial and are not to be 215th MPAD Commander Photo Editor 7th Sustainment Brigade considered the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Maj. Timothy Horton, 215th MPAD Sgt. Gary Hawkins, 215th MPAD 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing Government, including the Department of Defense or [email protected] [email protected] 20th Engineer Brigade Operation Iraqi Freedom. 55th Sustainment Brigade Expeditionary Times is a command information 215th MPAD NCOIC Layout and Design st 402nd Army Field Support Brigade newspaper in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1. Sgt. 1 Class David Zerbe, 215th MPAD Spc. Ryan Hohman, 215th MPAD Expeditionary Times is published weekly by the [email protected] [email protected] CJSOTF-AP 76th Infantry Brigade Combat Team Stars and Stripes central office, with a circulation of d 5,000 papers. 3 ESC PAO NCOIC Staff Writers Task Force 49 Sgt. 1st Class David McClain, 3d ESC Spc. Anthony Hooker, 215th MPAD The Public Affairs Office is located on New Jersey Ave. [email protected] [email protected] Distribution building 4136, DSN 318-433-2154.Expeditionary Times, Spc. Charlotte Martinez, 215th MPAD Sgt. Geno L. Gardner, 215th MPAD HHC 3d ESC, APO AE 09391. Web site at www.dvidshub.net 3d ESC G2, Security Manager [email protected] Contact the Expeditionary Times staff at: Lt. Col Dale Davis, 3d ESC Spc. Michael Behlin, 3d ESC [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Pfc. Amanda Tucker, 3d ESC [email protected] Mission Statement: The Expeditionary Times Staff publishes a weekly newspaper with a primary mission of providing command information to all Servicemembers, part- ners, and Families of the 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) team and a secondary mission of providing a means for units on Joint Base Balad to disseminate command information to their audiences. August 27, 2008 EXPEDITIONARY TIMES PAGE 3 ‘Hooah’ of the week Photo by Tech. Sgt. Erik Gudmundson An MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle prepares to taxi out of a hangar here Aug.
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