THE METAL MARKET. THE WEATHER. WmI Tax. Friday unsettled. Mturrtty New York copper generally fair. 1 Mew Mexico- - Warmer south portion Fri- New York lead day. Saturday fair. Tirae Anions Friday and Saturday fair; not New York nllvr J JH0rnintt ninrh rhsngr m tnipersiur. a0 1 37TH YEAR f EL PASO. TEXAS. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1916. ENGLISH SECTION 2 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS CONGRESS RESOLVES TO ADJOURN THIS MORNING AT TEN JUNIOR COLLEGE PAVING WAY FOR 411,000 GUARDSMEN OF PLANS FOR APPROVAL OF EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL OF TO BE DISPATCHED COURSE TENTATIVELY AGREED SUFFRAGISTS TROOPS FROM Til SOUTH WEST SOON AGREE ON A REVENUE BILL LAS? AGI UPON BY JOINT COMMITTEE Regiments Still in Mobilisation PLATFORM Campa to Be Given Some Representatives of School Board and Rotary Club Propose Service on Border. OE PROLONGED Working Program on Small Scale to Lead Up to Americavn Member of Mediation After Long Debate Which Carries Municipal University for El Paso. Com misaion Receive Hopeful Twelve Regiments of Citizen Sol- Afternoon Session Well Into Suggeationa Indicating That diers to Be Mustered Out Evening, National Organization Within Few Days. Measure Provides for Collection of $200,000,000 for National Plana for a municipal university, or told th board that th committee might Conditiona in Troubled Repub- Outlines Plan for Waging rather a Junior collet cours. from which succeed without the of th lic Are on tbe Mend. Fierce Warfare for Cause. Defense and Extraordinary Expenses in It la expected that a municipal university board, but with that success By Associated press. will grow, were tentatively arread upon was absolutely assured. Washington. Sept. 7. Orders wr Issued Connection With Mexico. at a Joint meetlnr or the Ichool board and Mayrield rators Plan. MONTH OLD REPORT FROM bj the war department today tor the dls- - 1917 CONVENTION TO a committee from the Hotaty Club latt Mayrield was the first member of GEN. PERSHING EXAMINED liarge rrom rederal irvlc as soon ss BE HELD NEXT MARCH night. th board to declare himself heartily In practicable of twelve national guaní regí Act Includes Drastic Provisions Empowering President to Tfe plan proposed "by the Rotary club la favor of the plan. Mr. Stephens did not ments comprising about IS.onti recently In inaugurate a college courie In connec- think the board should art hastily In the withdrawn lo horn rrom th Retaliate Against Foreign Attempts to or Funaton'a Recommendation for their stats State Units Must Wait Until Cen- Interfere courae. begin- matter Ho suggested that a commutes 1. tion with the high achool f border and a number or smaller nanus With American the midwinter graduations the four, including the chairmnn, be appoint Withdrawal o Expedition, f some 1.600 college tral Body Gives Consent to Commerce. ning alter thoroughly and university Idea being to oircr those who graduate ed to investigate th mailer Which Government Haa Never stuil-nt- s. Any Move for Local Expan- at the end or the midwinter term an with the Rotary club committee and report s for the mustering out of addi rli.Mil l Formally Admitted Receiving, sion; Campaign Fund of Mil- By Aasorlsted Press. doner Your only protests have been aimed i., i ni.n,. In the l ack at the next regular meeting of the tional mills to rollow soon. ire xpctd Washington. Sept. 7 congress will It tile allies. Who an. I D which would" board. M ire rtahlunr our the year, taking work la Among Important Papers. The next regiment to leave the federal lion Dollars lo Be Raised. Journ tomorrow morning nht any college or umversny Chairman Whlttaker appointed Mr. Haw-le- al in o'clock. th right of etviliiatlon." be credited al service win th Fourteenth New York After nine devoted to legisla- they might go. Mr. Mlyfleld and Mr. W rthlngton to months Monitions Manufactures ii which By Associated Presa. tflfanlrj nota al ramp near Flshklll, N. Y., By Associated tion, both houses held protracted Taxed. The plau pro Idea tor the u or th" act wllh him on this coinmlth a. Press. sessions Which will go as soon as Its members sre j 7. long tonight Pi cud by approvlmr Th revenue in. .vision, or the hill include school building and equipment at a Opening of New High School New London, Sept, 7 While the Atlantic City, spL After a their afralis high tlaed. rreed rrom danger or para typhoid con th conrerenre agreement on emergency a normal Income tat or per cent. itt, in would not Interfere with ;ri" Beceuie of the fact that ire plumbing exican commission appointed to evolve debet which carried th afternoon session the t in... tint taglnn In creased surtaxes; an Inheiilanra ux; a 'regular high nchool work. For the rirat In the high achhnl w ill not be ready- next a settlement or border disputes waa not In or th convention Well Into th evening, tit revenue bill rala approximately SVsi.im. tat f Rrplmnt rnr Border. OHO desired or IfU tier cent on net omnia or nno.iio.n. year or two the instruction In the Junior week, in opening of il.e high solw ol an session today, real progress was made by National American Woman Surrrag asso- by the sdudnislratlon to meet Than sis' about tn.noo guardsmen still In Um na- rSSaU facturera a license uv of r cents on college coume will be given by the high the seventh and eighth grades, which will the mo, an commlaaloners toward a fuller ciation today adopted a platform outlining extraordinary approprtationa for SUte tul ration camps and these prob defense emergency, awn siocs oi corporations school teachers, all or wihiid are cuurr M in tlie high school building this year, understanding of the task before thcin. Tksj) plan or campaign ror securing the suli tional and the Metlcan n.uii rapltaitieii ably w he dispatched to th very - Nal In excess of snu.tsm- wine, heer and graduates. was postponed until s plember If. How i" ni several liours In studying data on bordr mission or th federal stirrrag ametntm. it lineal- Kanakas, liquor soon la relieve men now aervlng en- brokers' and a re enactment or To Mlart on Smell Heats. ever, all of the high school teachera will conditions along the International line and there. to Ihe slate legl. atures ror ratification only the physical impossibility or Uses: us. retary favors giving all the state the revenue In the theater and am iumii lassi nr the ex- Zlelonka. who acted as be to report lo Prof Hugliey at In Mexico provided hy the state and war grossing measure time tor Ilahbl Martin Monday gfOOpI chance for the training to be ac- - La) fnr r.oagr. Ihe approval tie fore isting wsr revenue. All stamp laxea in the. the HoUry ciiminlttce, c the high achool building next Tliey also questioned at length president's tomorrow lor In ror Hodgers and quired on the patrol line con prevented nu.il to- present law are repealed ami all that wer It was not tb Idea or tlie morning to aid him getting ready Special Agent James Una It was decided that the next annual mornuir adjournment Plained thai Tpdaj's orders were ronstrned by some night, despite the wnnlng protests mem includvd In this bill were eliminated In nr.tarv .Inli u. mart rr with an espcnslv the opening f srliool. Stephen H, Bonsai, also attached to th Stat ventlon, In 1017. he held In March of Monday. Official u preliminary lo the withdrawal s lohbj lie at huth - wh.. iterance. These vsero regarded as 'topu- - nd a tsctory. but the tirade Scnnnls In Open department, as lo their rsonal knowledge about! ;" that continued Wssh - threatened, but building of grade will open next of lien. hi ivrshlng's regulars rrom Mex- a did tint oveciitc the threats, to prolona: larly oirrxlous." plan was to start on an economical and All. the schools or affairs beyond the border Ington and Hist the association conduct tbe ico, (ifriceri or the general surf Insisted, nation-wid- or aglU- on a basis as possible and increase Monday aa prsvli usly snnounced. Many Hopeful Hugs' 'salons campaign education. session hy demands fur si Hon measures Stamp laven eliminated. antral or Mln however, that the or guardsmen i h a Hie Increased Wendell Helthton, manager tbe release th tlon. orgainatiiiii nucí ptiDiicuy m suppm whu were forced ovr until December. DemorraUc Leader Kitchln called up the ih institution need l American com HoUry ncapnlls symphony orrhcuira. secured the Becretary ane said th result. principally rrom, th Improving Pt fedei unendment A million dollar Member Leave for Home. conrerenre r,.p. ..n the revenue assured the school board that the many hoperul sug- the 't hill in the any money or the hoard, permission of the board lo use the man mtaaloners had round in on th border. campaign run is in he raised between "c Leaders or the senate and house agreed house at B.l o'clock tonight DenuvcraU chili did not ask con gestion Conditions In Mexico appear to be Ihe co operation or the board shrcfbl suCllor.um for two or three nrtfllnat order la For. this ye n snd October, WI7. Upon concurrent resolution to adjourn at applauded when lie announced the elimina bul simply if mend, he said, and official reports to tobr to uae tha high school certs to be given during the latter part on the The rlgtual order for all guardsmen In In o clock ii the morning snd scores or th n or th.- sump Uxes.
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