Attend the Sig Delt A sure cure for what ails dance at the Elms Jambar you—the Spring Fever to-narrow night STUDENT PUBLICATION OF YOUNGSTOWN COLLEGE Frolic, March 29th VoJ. 18—No. 11- -Youngstown, Ohio, Friday, March 22, 1946— —Official Student Organ Sigma Tail Delta P. P. Buchanan to Run Cleveland Pianist to Play e ring F Frosh For State Legislator P. P. Buchanan, YoCo regis• At S. A. I. Recital Sunday Course lor Vets Medal Competition trar and veterans' advisor, recent• Alpha Nu chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota Music Fraternity Psi Gamma chapter of Sigma In conjunction with the college, ly announced his intention to seek Tau Delta national English fra• will present William N. Schroeder,'Cleveland pianist, in a re• the Youigstown Municipal Air• ternity has announced plans for nomination for state representa-' cital, Sunday, March 24, at 8:30 p. m>, in the; college'audi- port has opened a flight course opening of competition for the tive on the Republican ticket in torium. for vetercns, it was announced by Freshman English Medal, award• the primary elections to be held A student at Case School of Ap• Forest S. Beckett, manager of the ed annually by the fraternity. May 7. plied Science, Mr. Schroeder has appeared as pianist in various Youngstown Airways, Inc., recent• English instructors will be asked Buchanan, who is one of 14 can• cities, and over WTAM, .Cleve• to submit names of students whose didates for the office, has been on ly. The course is to include ac• land. He has been three times a English work they consider the the college administration staff tual fliglv- training at the airport winner of the highest national best in their respective classes. for 19 years, having come here in and groui d instruction at the col• award in the National High These contestants will write essays the summer of 1927. lege, and is the fii-st such course on a subject chosen by the award School Music Contest, winner of Veteran of World War I, Bu• to be oflered in this section of committee. The subject will be the highest national award in one on which the contestants may chanan was awarded a Presiden• 1942 of the Federation of Music Ohio. write from- personal experience. tial Citation from the late Presi• Club Competition, and five times To datt, over a dozen veterans The essays will be judged by dent Wilson for meritorious ac• the winner of the highest national have already enrolled, and offi• the award committee: Lotus Ko- tion with the old Ohio 37th Divi• award in the American Guild of cials state that 200 or 300 are ex• ken, Joan Owens, and Margaret sion. Piano Teachers Copetition. pected to sign up. The program Nicewaner. The Freshman English He received an A, B. degree will be completed, tentatively, by The program for the recital will Medal will be presented to the from Hiram and his Masters at April 1. Veterans may apply at include: competition winner at the senior the University of Pittsburgh. He the Veterans' Administration of• assembly late in May. majored in public education and William N. Schroeder Four Preludes and Fugues Bach fice for certificates of eligibility C Major Mrs. Karl Dykema, English and came to the Youngstown area • in the G. '.. plan. T^hese will then shortly after receiving" the de• E Minor French instructor, was guest A Flat Major be presented at the airport. grees. The course has been divided in• speaker at the fraternity's March Attention., Veterans! B Flat Minor meeting held Wednesday evening Before coming to YoCo, Bu• Sonata Op. 31, No. 2 Beethoven to three pl.ases, the private course, Gamma Iota, veterans' frater• at Buechner Hall. Mrs. Dykema chanan was principal of public Allegro the instructor's, and the instru• nity open to all vets in the col• Adagio > discussed famous French writers. schools in Struthers and president ment course. The private course lege, will hold a meeting today, Allegretto An all - member cast presented of the Struthers board of educa• will quali fy non-flying veterans tion. He is a Mason, past com• March 22, at noon, in the audi• Intermission for private pilots' certificates. In James M. Barrie's one-act play, torium. • The membership drive, "The Will." The cast included: mander and still active member of Variations Brilliantes Chopin the instructors' phase, flying vet• the American Legion, and is on scheduled to close April 1, will be erans already qualified for com• Joan Owens, Jay Hoyt, John planned. Preliminary plans for Mazurka Op. 7, No. 1 ...... Chopin Grimm Ward Baker, and Robert the board of directors of the First Berceuse — Chopin mercial pibts, will qualify for fly• Christian Church. the second annual spring dance ing instru jtors. The instrument Gnagy. will also be discussed. Suggestion Diabolique.. Prokofieff In a statement to a Jambar re• course wili qualify flying veterans Refreshments were served by Rhapsodie Hungroise No. 11.. Liszt porter, Buchanan made it plain — • for civilh n instrument ratings the meeting committee: Sultana Paraphrase' from "Rigoletto" that he will offer none of the us• needed fo:* airline and transport Perris , Marge Thomas, Ward - — Verdi-Liszt ual campaign promises. "Honest, R J. L. Will Hear positions. Baker, and Jay Hoyt. sincere representation for the peo• Committees for the benefit show The private course includes 50 ple of this district is my aim," he Family Service Worker are being headed by Mildred Vieweg, general chairman. Tickets hours of a ;tual flight, 20 hours of states, "and as a veteran of the Miss Marian Campbell, family Play Production Class are being handled by Marjorie dual instruction, 30 of solo flight, first World '"War, I feel that the service worker of the Protestant Brimner and Lucille Weisel; and 30 of groudn school. The lat- veterans of this one.should have churches, will address the Religion Working Behind Scenes Dorothy Gard; decorations, letter inch des 8 hours of civil air such representation in their state in Life Club Sunday, March 24, at reggulatioj .s, 6 of general service The Play Production Class is Wealthie Bush and Margaret government." 3 p. m., at the Trinity Methodist 1 Hrecz; publicity, Leona Bhr- of aircraf', 8 of air navigation, - working hard behind the scenes of Church. and eight < f meteorology. the hit, "Wings Over Europe," hart, Madelaine Pucci, and Teresa The membership drive for the now playing at the Youngstown Casalini, Hostesses are Madelaine The instructor course includes Protestant club is in progress and Playhouse. The play opened March Pucci, Phyllis Gibson, Dorothy 51 hours o£ flight, 23 of dual in• Council Will Sponsor will be closed for this semester in 11 -to a full house and has played Gard, Mary Besser, Elizabeth Tay• struction, 28 of solo flight, and one week. Membership cards may to capacity crowds all week. The lor, and Anita Carson, 46 of gro and training and ma• Spring Fever Frolic be obtained for 50 cents from run closes Sunday with a matinee neuvers. Those taking this course Student Council will open the Jeanne Grice, Clara Yoho, Betty and evening performance. will also b i required to give five spring social season with a Spring Baird, Elaine Adams, June Brad- hours of actual flight instruction, The Play Production Class is Pever Frolic at the Pick-Ohio ball• shaw, and Bill Jones. probably tj a school or college gaining practical backstage expe• Science Clubs Plan joint room, Friday, March 29. Admis• At the last meeting, Mrs. Ruth teacher. rience by working on the various sion to the strictly date affair is Boag gave a summary of the re• stage crews. Bob Hum is assistant Trip to Pittsburgh The instiiiment schedule will in• by activity book only. ligious education classes in the stage manager; Ida Oswald, clude 26 hours of dual instruc• Mary Vesy, general chairman, Youngstown high schools. A let• Omicron Lambda, honorary bi• prompter; Josephine Abbas, Alice tion, and 62 hours of ground announces that Sam Ross and his ter to Miss Mary Haddow, super• ology fraternity, held a joint Dornback, Joyce Patterson, Ann training w hich will include 10 11-piece orchestra with a vocalist visor of the elementary schools, meeting with the Beaker Busters,- Scripac, and Polly Velker are hours of civil air regulations, 18 will play for dancing from 9:00 to for consideration of such a pro• chemistry club, Thursday, March working properties. Marge of meteoro.ogy, 20 of navigation, midnight. gram in the grade schools, was 14, to plan a trip to Pittsburgh on Thomas and Betty Lou Reynolds and four h< urs of orientation pro• The committee for the informal proposed. May 11. The Carnegie Museum, are on lights. Debby Butts, Kitty cedures. dance, Miss Vesy, Elaine Woods, the Planetarium, and Highland Barganier, Christine Christos, Harley M. Littler, veteran Tony Mastadonna, Ed Rose, ask Park will.be visited. Lois DeBias, and Joan Owens are ground school instructor and pro• that students heed the adminis• Arrangements are being made on the general stage crew. Elementary Teacher fessor at the college, will teach tration ruling which states college for a chartered bus and reserva• the ground school courses. students shall not patronize the Addresses E. T. P. C. tions should be made with Norma The Youngstown Airways, Inc., Manhattan and Cascades rooms Miss Katherine Jacobs, elemen• Steele and Mary Margaret Tay• is expandh ig, Beckett has an• Y. W. G. S. Holds Party while attending a college function. tary teacher at McKinley School, lor. They must be placed and paid nounced.. T-vo $30,000 Vultee ba• An old fashioned spelling bee spoke at the Elementary Teachers by April 29.
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