1 1955 Lewis and Clark Tiger Lewis and Clark High School Spokane, Washington Thirteenth Annual Edition Edited and Published by Staff Members From the Year's Graduating Class Advisers: MIRIAM MORGAN, Art CARL G. MILLER, Editorial and Business GARDEIVS OF MEMORY The gardens are faded and iviltcd Their hroicn beds, moldy and hare With moonlight to create the sadness Of discovering roses once there. And lingering, soft in the shadows On pathways that wind round about I pick my bouquet of an evening With the trembling stars all out. There is something to say of a garden When its petals have fallen from view. There is more in the bii-th of a blossom Than its aroma and delicate hue Surely others have gathered, as I have. Bouquets from a withered past A flower must fade after blooming . But gardens of memory last. Duane Mars Davis ONE AFTERNOON IN MAY Page three FROM THE TELEPHONE BUILDING SKYSCRAPER VIEWS FROM THE NEW DEACONESS ANNEX Page four LOOKING NORTH ON HOWARD NEW LEAVES IN MAY OFFICE STAFF The Lewis and Clark family consists of many subdivisions such as the office staff. Seated at the extreme left is Bernadine McClincy, girls' advisor; Dorothy Perring, clerk; William W. Taylor, vice principal. Page six BOSSES " THE I.E. FAMILY Seated at the left is Helen Huneke, secretary; Mable Swanson, attendance clerk; and Principal A. L. Parker, who, figuratively speaking, is the head of the L.C. family. Page seven The Mathematics department, under the direction of Fred Kramhch, is happy to have two new mem- bers in its family, Chnton N. Carlson and Glen D. Daugherty. First row: Eugene G. Sivertson, Eugenia Kempf, William E. Donner, Blanche Smith. Second row: Clinton N. CharTson, Fred Kramlich, Glen D. Daugherty, H. P. Aldrich. MATHEMATICS AIVD EIVGLISH DEPARTMEIVTS The English department, which is the largest department in the school, is composed of teachers which have been affiliated with the school for a number of years. The newest teacher is Mrs. Kathryn Sullivan, who in addition to teaching Enghsh, plays the Lewis and Clark Organ. The teacher who has been associated with the English department for the longest period of time is Carl G. Miller, who has been here for 32 years. First row: Martha Graham, Grace G. Peck, Lois H. Knox, Francis L Vecchio, Joyce Wickline, Marian H. Pettis, Helen Black, Vivian Zent. Second row: Hazel Champbell, Ernest E. McElvain, Kathryn Sullivan, Philip M. Baird, Mary W. Watrous, George Palmer, Ada Howard, Carl G. Miller. liiini!!! LIBRARY, FOREIGN LANGUAGES, INDUSTRIAL ARTS M P rf A E D r A E [ S I The thousands and thousands of books used by the L.C. family are under tlie direction of three women: Mrs. Berniee M. Bruton, head hbrarian, shown at tlie right, Mrs. Raehel Renn, assistant hbrarian, sliown in the center, and Mrs. Norma McQuown, bookroom clerk, shown at the left. The middle group of teachers make up the staff of the Foreign Language department, headed by Marguerite Cross. New to the staff this year is Mrs. Helen Black, who teaches Spanisli. First row: Marguerite Cross, Martha Graham. Second row: Grace Bartlett, Wesley Read, Lillian Charbonneau, Helen Black. The principal new thing about the Industrial Arts Department this year is the organiza- tion of the complete department on the basement floor. William Dunlop is the head of the staff. Absent from the picture is Robert Bartlett, who teaches safe driving. Mr. Dunlop is in the center, at his left is Elmer Rich, and at his right is Gilbert Brooks. Page nine ART, MUSIC, STUDY HALL The art family, although limited in the number of teachers, is compensated for by having two very able and experienced instructors in the persons of Miriam Morgan, left, and Lydia S. Goes, head. These two hard-working faculty members, Gerald Hartley and C. Oliver Fidlcr, shown in the middle, constitute the Music department. Mr. Hartley, left, directs all choral groups and Mr. Fuller, right, head of the department, directs the band and orchestra. Both present varied and well received concerts throughout the year. Ruth Anderson and Edith Collins, the two study liall teachers whose hard work enables the students to study, are pictured at the bottom. Both have been with the Lewis and Clark family for a number of years. Mrs. Collins, the mother of three L.C. graduates, was a former English teacher. News of the Seienee department pertains to a new laboratory and two new teachers, Charles Wooldri^e and Clinton N. Charlson. The long waited laboratory in Room 314 was completed and well received. The department hopes that more improvements are in the offing. From left to right: Gene Arger, Charles Wooklridge, H. C. Anderson, L. G. Minard, Clarence E. Miller, Clinton N. Charlson, Gerald Meckelson, H. M. Louderback. SCIEIVCE AlVD SOCIAL STUDIES Miss Katherine Hunt, lone woman in the department, is the new head of social studies teachers. Working with her are eleven men teachers. Louis Livingston has returned to the staff after a two-year absence. First row: William B. Graham, Arthur Frey, E. W. Toevs, Katherine Hunt, Robert L. Bartlett, Max F. Sclioening. Second row: Louis Livingston, Norman C. Perring, John L. Wuhrman, C. William Anderson, Orlando Fletcher, John B. Peterson. HOME ECONOMICS, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, COMMERCIAL Girls aren't the only ones taking lioiiie economics anymore. You will now find classes ot l)oys taking some of the courses. Boys may enroll in social relations, child development and a foods class entitled "Chef," a name the boys gave it. Teachers in above picture are Averil E. Fouts, Ann Cminingham, Gracia White, department head. Ruby Philips. These familiar physical educational teachers are very closely knit together, helping each other at all times. While Mr. Jones assists Mr. Hunter in the boys' P.E. department, Mrs. Jones helps Mi.ss Danke in the girls' P.E. department. Since Hal Jones and Charlotte Jones are husband and wife there is also a faculty tie-in here. From left to right: Harold Jones, Virginia Danke, E. L. Hunter, Charlotte Jones. The commercial family pictured at the bottom has been under the direction of Charles E. Baten for many years. Absent from the picturt- is E. A. Orciitt and Mrs. Cynthia Plowman. Mrs. York substituted for Mrs. Plowman and Mrs. Magnu.son for Mr. Orcutt. First row: Delbert Marshall, Charles E. Baten, Alonzo Woolard. Second ro^': Miss Bernadette Proulx, Mrs. Mary York, Mrs. Evelyn Magnuson. Chad Mitchel Caryl Smith Larry Bennigson First Semester First Semester Second Semester Boys' Federation Girls' Federation Boys' Federation President President ' President STUDEUT LEADERS Pete Riley Sally Beil First Semester Second Semester A.S.B. President A.S.B. President Dick Boyd Jeanette Farley Clarence Cross First Semester Second Semester Second Semester Journal Editor Girls' Federation Jonrnal Editor President Paqe thirteen DUTSTAIVDIIVG SEIVIDRS Richard LeMaster Jeanette Farley Bob Dycus Jean Bergersen Valedictorian Good Citizenship Mathematics Award, Valedictorian Award Bausch and Lomh Science Award Nancy Gilmore Gail Peterson Roger Downey Harlean Richardson Joiliest Girl Football Queen, Winter Instrumentalist Art Award Carnival Queen Floyd Damon Gail Woodward Betty Prestwich Pete Riley Versatile Athlete Home Economics Outstanding Girl Friendliest Boy Award Athlete Page fourteen TIGER STAFF Rosalee Komp John McGwire Hetty Prestwich Business Manager, Managing Editor, Associate Editor, Circulation Circulation Album Editor, Circulation Ann Butler Duaiie Davis Linda Clark Jack Horvath Classes Editor, Assistant Editor, Activities Editor, Sports Editor, Circulation Circulation Circulation Circulation Betty McDowell Charmaine Bauer Nancy Gates Earl Preston Assistant Editor Advertising, Advertising, Photographer Circulation Circulation Page fifteen CIRCULATIDIV STAFF Page sixteen SEIVIDR OFFICERS FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER BillColwell C:ai()lEddy Bill Doric VicHagen Vice President Sec retary Treasurer Historian Acheson, Marilyn Aman, Konald J. Lincoln Hrenu-rtcm Hiyh School Coniiiiercial (Hrenu-rtoTi, Washin(;t(ni) G.F. Council; G.F. Winter History. Mathematics, Science Carnival Committee At Hrenierton: Hasehall V . of OreKou :4 Adams, James Rosenoff Hutt(m Foreign Langtiaffe. History. Mathematics Anders, Elbert Claude Junior Toastmasti rs; Senate Lowell lli^li School (San Club; P'rosh Footliall; Cross Francisco) Country; Hand; H.F. (Council; History A.S.ii. Council; Corridor Control; Tri-Sci Dance Band; Drvuu Major; Cion/aua Junior Con Chaiiinan; Hello Week Con Chairman; \'oeation Dav Chairman West Point Adams, Janice LaN aiinnc Aiulc'isoii, Michael Everett Hoosev elt Moscow Uxiih School (Moscow, Science, History Ul;ih(>) Ti'unis; liiji Sister; Winter Sciem-o, Art Carni\al Conunittee; A.S.ii. H.F. Council; AM U.K. Offices; Covmcil; H.U. Secretary, .\t Moscow: i^ono^;lI)It' Mention Serjeant at Arms kliiho Stiitc Art ICxhiliition Whitworth l". of \ih\ho Adams, Shirley Anne Lincoln Ashi'i-, Mai gaicl Marie Science, Foreign Lunguatie I'ppcr ()olninl)ia Academy 1954 Girls' State Attorney (Spanulc) C.er)eral; All ILH. Offices: Commercial l''rieiulliest Jr. (lirl; Kntre Nous; At lone: Class Reporter; Class (;.F. Serjeant at Anns; A.S.B. S«-cretar>-; Pep Chit) Cons; Jr. Cons; Bi>ok Clu!); Fonnii Clul), Ilistorian-Hcportcr U. of Pcnn. Ashman, Diane Albriktson, Karen Agnes Hol\' Names Academy Whiltier Music Mathematics At L.C.: Starliiihters, Sergeant F.H.A. Vice Presi<U iit; II. H. at Arms. At Holy Names: Secretary; M;ith Chih Secretary; Catholic Action, Sergeant at Bij; Sister; Mother-DiiuKhtiT Arms; Treble Triad; Tea; Jiniior Con; Bowling; Gon/aKa Pep Clnh Winter Carnival; Minstrel Show I', of W, Whitworth Allen, Harriet Anne Aspin" all, Leonard Charles Koosev<'lt Home Econuntics licicis<velt Ilislorv Swinniiing; C.F. Conncil; Big F.ntre Ncms; Ski Clnli; A.S.B. .Sister; Winter ('arni\al Conm il; H. R. Sergeant at Arms; C'(nninittec; Mother-Daughter Miike-np Crew, Jiniior Con Tea Connnitte; Big-I.ittle Sister W.S.C.
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