INDEX OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A NANA Articles of Agreement APPENDIX B NANA Bylaws APPENDIX C.l NANA Audited Financial Statements FY 19 APPENDIX C-2 NANA Form 990 FY18 APPENDIX D LRVNA Articles of Agreement APPENDIX E LRVNA Bylaws APPENDIX F-l LRVNA Audited Financial Statements FY 19 APPENDIXF-2 LR\rNA Form 990 FY18 APPENDIX G Operating Services Agreement APPENDIX H Merger Agreement APPENDIX I Plan of Merger APPENDIX J REDACTED APPENDIX K Joint Press Release of Intent to Merge APPENDIX L-l Listening Session Transcript of Questions, Answers and Comments 11.12.20 APPENDIXL-2 NANA Board of Directors' Adopted Resolutions, December I0,2020 APPENDIX L-3 Reserved APPENDIX M Minutes of December 10. 2020 NANA Board of Directors Meeting (approving Merger Agreement) APPENDIX N Reserved APPENDIX O Certification of NANA Directors Regarding RSA 7:19- b(II) Standards APPENDIX P Statement of LRVNA Regarding Furtherance of NANA Mission Post-Merger APPENDIX Q LR'\/NA Home Health Care Board of Directors' meeting minutes, December 9, 2020 APPENDIX R LRVNA Hospice Board of Directors' meeting minutes, December 9,2020 APPENDIX S LRVNA Home Health Care Board of Directors' Adopted Resolutions, December 9, 2020 APPENDIX T LRVNA Hospice Board of Directors' Adopted Resolutions, December 9, 2020 APPENDIX U Statements of Support from Community Members Appendix A Newfound Area Nursing Association Articles of Agreement Stutr uf $(rur ffiurnpxgiru OFtrICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE .l. 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Furpca€rr c rrclhod of ortrctle ahmld bc rcpctod luncdlctcly to yor.u Dtrtrt*'nr""cii":fJJoritooro* tlorr *{ thc_lr cffoct upon yori vora c:ahpr rhotus. ihodd ;tr; ;;;t ;i-.t-ngc rn l.or.a noux: or <rddresll, Yar.r' llobllity lcr f0{nq thc onnrsl lnlcrruilon !at\.rl|, ,rqfcr 9SOA; rs fi;h ff)oi [!;; t, ;* q-ulred. mr:sl t* Iilxl clttr lho closc of your onrul accountlng porlod";i {ndtcutcd "U"ru. obove. Coolrtbutlotrwrdctayourrrededucttbtabydurcruorp.ovlrjc<iln.actio:t1.70oltheCodc. Bequoots. legacte:r,,devlccs, ttcnalera ?" sq.. ,"_a,ii. yolr u.!r6 ora dcducttblc r"r e-*i"mr nirTt";;*- paco* urdar tlS provlelons of rccilon A0S$, ei06 atrd 2622 of thc Codq. "ir"r*. ""i Yr:rt uo not lklbl'a fr tite tnxes lrulreqd unda tha Fcdcral Inllroncc Contr{buttor}a toxec) you Act {soclol uecurlty unloal {fb c *rslve-t of cxctrst{cn wrfllicstrr ce provldcd fn ;och sct. you ore rtot llqble lor tbc to: in:po.red r.rder thc Fed*r<r} Unemploynent T<rr Act. Irqulrroo obout iha- wclver' ol eionroilorEitfil""t" {or :rocl.cl uecrrlty to.:es rhoujd t'c sd&ccc:d to yorr Dlatrict Olr*r:{.r. Yorr Dtslrlct ntrscttr ta bct:tq advt+cd of thr! octt6. Vary Euly yows. t1 .') 'lto-"{' ,t'-',n..,' i' r.'*' ',;,di..r Chlcf, Fxcapl *g(rnlzdilon8 Rcanch k4tr., .. \' , Appendix B Newfound Area Nursing Association, fnc. Bylaws BYLAWS of the NEWFOUND AREA NURSING ASSOCIATION LAST REVISED ON 5I2O/20T9 ADOPTED - MAY 2O,2OI9 ARTICLE I. NAME The name of the Association shall be Newfound Area Nursing Association, Inc., 2l4Lake Street, Bristol, NH 03222. ARTICLE II. PURPOSES OF THE ASSOCIATION The purposes of this Association are: A. To furnish community health services to the towns of Alexandria, Bridgewater, Bristol, Danbury, Groton, Hebron, Hill, New Hampton, and to such adjoining towns as may later join in such services. B. To provide skilled nursing care and one or more therapeutic services to patients requiring intermittent care in the home. C. To provide hospice care and services. D.To provide prescribed treatments and care as directed by physicians. E. To cooperate with other organizations in the Association service areas in promoting public and community health. F. To ensure that no individual shall be denied these services on the grounds of race, color, sex, sexual preference, handicap, diagnosis, age, national origin or ability to pay. G.To initiate and maintain rules and regulations for the self-government of this Association. ARTICLE III. MEMBBRSHIP AND MEETINGS Section I. Qualifi cation All residents of participating towns are members of the Association. Section II. Voting Privileges Each resident member shall have voting privileges at the Annual Meeting of the Association. Section III. Annual Meeting of the Association A.The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held on the third Monday of each May or as determined by the Board of Directors. B. Notice of the Annual Association Meeting shall be published as a notice to the residents of the member towns in one or more generai circuiation area newspapers at least five (5) days prior to the meeting. The notice shall state the date, time and place of the meeting as well as the agenda. C. Twelve (12) members of the Association shall constitute a quorum for the Annual Meeting to conduct Association business and to amend these Bylaws. Oslt7 os/t8, 0s/L9 Approved May 20,2019 1 Revise d Oslsg, O5/oo, Os/Ot, 05/02, osl}4, 05/06, 0s/08, O5/O9,0s/L6, ' BYLAWS of the NEWFOUND AREA NURSING ASSOCIATION LAST REVISED ON 5I2OI2OI9 ADOPTED - MAY 2O,2OI9 ARTICLE IV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section I. Qualifications and Term of Service A. Any resident of a participating town shall be qualified to serve on the Board of Directors, if duly nominated and elected. A non-resident may qualiSt to serve on the Board of Directors as a member-at-large, if duly nominated and elected. B. The term of office for members of the Board of Directors shall be three (3) years. Should a member of the Board of Directors fail to serve a full term of office, the position shall be filled by an appointment made by the Nominating Committee and elected by the Board of Directors to complete the un-expired term. Section II. Election and Membership A. Members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by plurality vote at the Annual Meeting of the Association from a slate presented by the Nominating Committee and/or by nominations from the floor. Should there be more than one nomination for any office, election shall be by secret ballot. B. One-third of the Directors shall be elected at each Armual Meeting of the Association and shall serve for a period ofthree (3) years.
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