*f V Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures |he Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage - leaber And Impartially Each Week Intend at Second Olau Matter WOODBRIDOE, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955 Puhllihsd Brtrj Thursday PRICE EIGHT CENTS lit the Pout One*. WnodbrldKt, N. J, •t II Orwn 8tn«t, WnodDrktm, ". ). gambling Case Canine Population Gets Big Boost 12 Million is Added robe Reveals To Local Assessments o Local Link In Action by County , II ,/c arc Held ^olice Chief 7 to Seek 3 School Board 'Equalization' s Questioned Places; Finn is Candidate t Hits Township 4 WOODtiRIDGE—Seven petitions for the three positions open on By Grand Jury the Board of Education were filed In the office of the Secretary of the Board by/line o'clock last night—the deadline for filing. Critical Blow The election will be held Tuesday, February 8. WpODBRIDGE — With Police ,The three incumbents, Harold Van Ness, Colonia; William J Chief John R. Egan the only lo- O'Neill. laelln, and John J. Csabai, Fords, will seek reelection. WOODBRIDGE—In an effort to al w linens called before the Grand equalize the valuations among the Others who filed are Wlnfleld j —7 -™ my yesterday—and then only for 25 Middlesex County municipali- few minutes—Indication* in J. Finn, Woodbrldge; Mrs. Anna ties and to apportion more fairly C. Calvert, Iselin; Elbur Richards, Casey Condition Better; Ww New Brunswick yesterday were the cost of operating the county Woodbridge; John Tobias, Wood- .hat despite the fact that scores of Injured in Car Crash government, the Middlesex: County bridge. Township residents hud been Board of Taxation arbitrarily add- Mr. Van Ness la completing his ailed, none of them would be WOODBRIDOE - Edwin W. ed $12,821,291 to the assessed value third term on the Borad of Educa- m. qumtloned because ho connection Casey, vice president of the of real property, in Woodbrldge tion and is chattffiMi of finance. Township. :iad been found between a Newark Seventeen-month-old "Lady" is shown with her first litter of 10 puppies at the home of her owners, He Is employed In ta executive Board of Education, who was Kamblinii ring and loctil authorl- Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kalti, Chain O'HUls Park section of Iselin. capacity by O. 8. Metals and Re- seriously injured last week when The Township had reported the iej. assessed value of real property at fining Company, Carteret. his car skidded on the ice orr $39,239,066, but the county'added Meanwhile indictments were Mr. O'Neill la prominent in civic upper Main Street and crashed innded up to Judge Klemmer the $12,821,291 figure to bring the and fraternal affairs In Iselin and into a tree, is improving steadily total value to $48,060,357. Kaltelssen charging Mr and Mrs. Wedding Ann iversary Party New Fire District Is employed by an electrical firm ho/ACZENSKl Edward Kozaczenskl. 288 West He was appointed ,to the Board in at Perth Amboy General Hos- The only effect this Increase will Lake Avenue, Colonia with main- July to complete the unexplred pital. have on the local taxpayer will be Debate is Slated In the additional contribution to taining' H Rambling establishment Joined by 10 Baby Boxers term of Leo J. Parley. Mr. Csabai Hospital authorities said yes- and seven others with conspiracy th« county government. This has ISELIN—When a 17-montlis-old Boxer has ten puppies in her first was appointed in November to to maintain a lottery. They are WOODBRIDGE — Another step terday that Mr. Casey "appeared been estimated at $212,000 based Utter, that's news both In doggie world and In man's world. For it seems complete the unexplred term of Snmucl Cohen. 57. 279 Ooldsmltn in re-establishing a Fire District bright and cheerful" and that on last year's rate of 1.80. With the average litter is four or five pups. Postmaster Leon E, McElroy. The Avenue. Newark; Samuel Castel- in tlie Inman Avenue section of Fords man Is an order analyst in this additional county tax, plus So when Rolomars Fair Lady Marjmurr, better known as "Lady," his general condition has Im- lane. 51. 292 Qoldsmith Avenue; Colonia was taken by the Town the Test Set Department of West $400,000 additional to be paid on presented her owners, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kattz, 128 Elizabeth Ave- proved considerably. bonded indebtedness and $477,- Albeit (Barneyi Storm. 52, 421 Committee Tuesday when an or- em Electric. He is active In civic nue. Chain O'HIIls Park, Iselin, with six male and four female puppies 000 additional to be paid this year 8 anford Avenue. Hillside; Benja- dinance, creating Fire District 12, and fraternal organizations in his Friday night, there was plenty of was introduced. area. Unofficially, the three will on schools, the total will be an In- min LOKO, XT, 1»9 Western Par- crease of over $1,000,000 In the wny. Irvln^ton; William ftosnlck, excitement. Public hearing on the measure run as "Board candidates." Teachers Plan Mr. and Mrs. Kaltz were cele- Fido Got His License? Mr. Finn, who served previously 1955 Township budget. This will be 62. 524 South 18th Street, Newark; will be held February 1. If the or- equivalent to 250 points In the tax brating their thirteenth wedding Joseph DavlcL 1L-J4M Lexington Time is Growing Short dlnance is approved, date will be on the Board, failed In his attempt rate. Last year's base tax rate wis anniversary Friday night and thiy Place. Eli/.nbeth and Jacob Ro- set tor a special election in the for reelection last February. He Panel Discussion 9.01 per $100 assessed valuation. ttnfeld. BO. 457 High Street. New- spent it in complete bewilderment WOODBRIDOE — Has your' district to elect five fire commis- sought to get the Democratic nom pooch got his 1S5S license yet? According to Frank M. 'Deiner. ark. counting noses every few minutes sioners. It evidently will be up to lnation for First Ward Committee WOODBRIDGE — A panel dis- secretary of the Middlesex County The first witness called wn» It was long past their usual bed- The Board,of Health Issued a the fire commissioners to decide man against"Committeeman Ed cussion on "The Teacher Crisis— TaT x BoardBd , thth e IIncrease Is a pre- n time before the Kaltz' sons, Ron- gentle reminder yesterday that whether it will recognize the orlj- ward Kath last spring but vjas un What Can We Do?" will be held Charles J. Tyne, chief couns l, liminary one and a hearing will be ald and Charles, could be per- all dogs must be licensed by Feb- at a meeting of the Woodbridne New Jersey Law Enforcement inal or new fire company or both successful. \ held by the Board on January 25 Council. He entered the strand suaded to go to bed. ruary 1 or the owners will bo The original fire company has Mrs. Calvert also made/a pre Township Federation of Teachers liable to a fine. For the license at the County Record Building at Jury room at 10:40 A M., and The puppies and their mother already endorsed a slate of can- vlous unsuccessful atteir/t to get Monday night at 8 o'clock at the 2 P. M, at which hearing the £S7 I emerged at l o'clock a few minute* have taken fiver an entire bedroom fee, each dog is entitled to free didates—all members of Its com- a post on the Board, She will un High School. rabies inoculation In June, sessors and representatives of the • before the Jurors Wed out for and give every indication of being pany,, Reginald Brady, Robert doubtedly appeal to the women Thomas G. Desmond, vice prin- governing body may appear and he lunch. When he left the grand champions in their own right. Last ywr, a dog census showed Mornssey, John Lloyd, Ray Hul- voters for her support, KO/.ACZEN'SKI there were 4,380 dogs In the cipal of the High School, will be heard. However, it Is understood Jury room. Mr. Tyne was que«- Lady was sired by the famous zejiback and William Hermsen. Mr. Tobias told The Independ- moderator and the panel will be that the County Tax Board intends tloned by The Independent-Leader 'ownship, of-which 4,300 were ent-Leader yesterday afternoon 1949 Boxer champion, Sioux Vista At Tuesday's session, the Town made up of representatives of the to stand pat on its order that the representative, but said the se- licensed. Owners of 2,200 do(?3 that he and Mr. Richards would Intrique and her mother wn.« Committee also reappolnted Jo- Board of Education, Parent- municipalities bring their assessed crecy rules of the grand jury would took advantage of the free clinic run as a "team." Mr. Richards is Duchess Lecia Tari. Lady was seph J. Godby, Avenel, and Charles Teachers Association, elementary valuation up to 22 per cent. hold Oniess the ban was lifted. for rabies shots for their pete. well known throughout the Town- Progress mated with Champion Sir Bengal McGetti(?an, Sewaren, to the Zon- teachers, high school teachers, Six Exceptions ship for his years of work with the In the afternoon. Richard P. of Dan Dec-Dee, owned by Denner ing Board. members of the Guidance Depart- Of all the municipalities in the Hannon. meter reader for Public Woodbridge Emergency Squad, Kennels In Belleville. For the third time, no bids were ment and Future Teachers of county, Cranbury Township, High- Scout Drive Service: Jack Mtlford. Railway, a serving as It* first president.
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