Check out Advocate Media’s new regional feature on page 9 page 10 page 14 Richmond County Eddie Cummings Second Degree school volunteer awarded at Shannon Studio Black Belt testing at closures Sovereign’s Medal on April 20 Larade Tae Kwon Do http://advocatemediainc.com/school-closures/ porthawkesburyreporter.com Vol. 41, No. 14 April 4, 2018 144389 Photo by Grant McDaniel Some of the original organizers of the Freddie MacNeil Memorial Royals Gents Hockey Tournament are seen here during the opening ceremonies of the 40th annual instalment of the event. Pictured are current and former organizers including (from the left): Joan Burke, Robbie Mann, Charlie Williamson, Ross Ferguson, Martin Carter, Robert (Boomer) MacDonald, Leon Burt, and Wanda MacNeil. Full coverage can be found in the sports section on page 15. Province mulls private option for Highway 104 twinning by Matt Draper The Reporter vestigating the use of a model, called “De- signs and fi nances highway construction, looking at our overall commitment that we [email protected] sign Build Finance Operate Maintain,” in with the private sector looking after the made as government to twin the 80-odd ki- which the responsibilities for designing, construction. The release goes on to states lometres in the seven years and this piece ANTIGONISH: The province is looking building, fi nancing operating and main- the province it is not considering the im- is one of the largest piece of the twinning at a new way to fund a local highway twin- taining the highway is given to a single plementation of any tolls to fi nance the commitment at 28 kilometres,” said Hines. ning project. fi rm through a bidding process, allowing project while exploring the new model. “It’s an exciting project. It’s estimated to Last week, Minister of Transportation one fi rm to control the schedule of the The project will twin 38 kilometres be- be in the vicinity of $285 million and what and Infrastructure Renewal Lloyd Hines project. The release goes on to state the tween Pictou County and Antigonish, we are doing is bringing that forward and said the province is looking into more pri- province would then pay the fi rm annual along with the construction of new inter- bringing it in step with the three other vate sector input on the Highway 104 twin- service payments for the operation and changes and bridges. twinning projects we had.” ning project between Sutherlands River maintenance of the highway for the dura- DITR plans to issue a request for qualifi - and Antigonish. tion of an agreement. cations this summer. A release from the DTIR stated it is in- Generally speaking, the province de- “This is exciting for us in that we are Continued on page 5 Agreement reached over duties imposed on paper mills by Matt Draper The Reporter company entered into an agree- receive duties collected since the wherein [Verso] will express a lack PRICE: $1.55 +HST [email protected] ment with Port Hawkesbury Paper CVD order was established. of interest in the CVD order dating Limited Partnership and Irving Pa- “Within three days of the sign- back to August 3, 2015, and specifi - POINT TUPPER: A recent agree- per Limited. ing of this agreement, [Verso] cally request that the effective date ment could mean more money for The duty order taxed glossy pa- agrees to fi le with [the U.S. De- of the notice of revocation of the the local paper mill. per imported by the two Canadian partment of Commerce] a request CVD order shall be August 3, 2015,” On March 20, American paper companies at around 20 per cent. If for a ‘no interest’ changed circum- stated the fi ling. company Verso Corp. made a fi ling the Department of Commerce de- stances review of the countervail- to the United States Securities and cides to go along with the request, ing duties [CVD] order on super- Exchange Commission stating the Port Hawkesbury Paper would calendered paper from Canada… Continued on page 5 Superior Cleaning Services Ltd DENTURE ROBERT WAMBOLT Serving the Strait area for over 40 years BOUDREAU CLINIC DENTURES 304 Reynolds Street, REPAIRS APPRAISALS RELINES Real Estate Port Hawkesbury Paul Miller 902.625.0302 Owner Valuations 9978 Grenville Street, [email protected] DENTURIST Days & St Peter’s - 902.535-2485 P.O. Box 6934 • Port Hawkesbury, NS Tel: (902) 625-1897 Evenings 144382 144400 Oce (902) 625-1644 18 Sydney Road 126690 Port Hawkesbury, NS B9A 3A4 Cel (902) 227-7197 146581 535-2786 144393 www.capebretonrealty.com 144399 FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS! PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT !! Call For An Eye Exams • Spectacles Appointment Cars, Trucks, Vans (7 passenger), “An independent insurance broker Today covers you best” Contacts Cube Vans Call: 902 625 2065 Port Hawkesbury 46 Paint Street, Port Hawkesbury BLUENOSE INSURANCE BROKERS (across from Wal*Mart) 2372 HIGHWAY 206 – ARICHAT (902) 226-1988 Toll Free: 1-877-669-6683 PHONE 9960 GRENVILLE STREET ST. PETER’S (902) 535-1988 146551 625-3040 Phone Wanda 625-2951 145534 147983 144392 www.burnsvision.com 144387 CommerCial • Home • AUTO • RECREATIONAL • HealtH insuranCe 2 THE REPORTER APRIL 4, 2018 Paq’tnkek Interchange on time and on budget by Matt Draper The Reporter [email protected] ANTIGONISH: The province’s transportation minister said a local interchange project is due to open in the fall. Last week, Guysborough-Eastern Shore-Tracadie MLA and Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal minister Lloyd Hines said he understands the Paq’tnkek Interchange project is on time and on budget. “The reserve was severed in the in the 60s when the Trans-Canada went through and it separated them from about 500 acres of their reserve lands,” said Hines. “This Photo by Matt Draper exchange will first of all restore access to those lands but it Last week, Guysborough-Eastern Shore-Tracadie MLA and Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Minis- will also provide an opportunity for economic development ter Lloyd Hines said the $15.3 million Paq’tnkek Interchange Project is on budget and on time. for the community.” Hine said you can see throughout the county and prov- project. Of the 277 people who took part, 265 voted in favour, time of… reconciliation, it will right a wrong that happened ince that economic development migrates to these over- 11 against and one spoiled ballot. 50 years ago,” said Hines. passes. “That was certainly more than enough to reach the dou- Prior to last year’s vote, Prosper said an agreement exists “You can see that in Antigonish if you look,” said Hines. ble majority threshold,” Paq’tnkek Chief Paul Prosper said between Paq’tnkek, and the federal and provincial govern- “This will provide the opportunity for the Paq’tnkek too, if at the time. “What happens now is the community approved ments on the terms and conditions related to the highway it’s viable for them, to participate in some economic devel- the agreement with the federal and provincial agreements project, the lands provided, the compensation for the lands, opment.” so it will go through the process on the federal and provin- and other items such as the removal of houses and certain On July 13 of 2017, of the 411 eligible voters in the cial sides signing off on it…” losses to other lands. Paq’tnkek Mi’kmaw Nation, 277 took part in a vote on As part of the agreement, the band will receive $2.3 mil- Paq’tnkek is located on two parcels of land with around whether or not to surrender 32 acres of land and transfer lion in compensation. Hines said the interchange will be 200 hectares of land on the south of the community being another 34 acres of band owned land for the purposes of more than just a travel route. expropriated by the government in the 60s for the construc- a proposed $15.3 million highway interchange development “It will provide opportunity but it will also restore in this tion of the Trans Canada Highway. issue. Debate continues over changes “Chamber members have spoken to Liberal caucus staff who have suggested that consultation with municipal units has occurred on this amendment to the MGA that governs to Municipal Government Act them,” stated SACC executive director Amanda Mombour- quette. “In speaking with elected municipal officials in this region [Port Hawkesbury, Antigonish, Inverness, Guysbor- by Matt Draper The Reporter square - and they are helping to support the people of Guys- ough, Victoria], I have been assured that no such consultation [email protected] borough County with $60,000 in property tax each year. That has happened.” means small businesses and homeowners do not have to pay The SACC executive director said the amendment rep- HALIFAX: Proposed changes to the province’s Municipal as much tax,” MacMaster stated. resents a major change for all municipal units in how they Government Act (MGA) continue to attract opposition in the Cape Breton-Richmond MLA Alana Paon stated in her re- will operate and interact with each other, and she suggested Strait area. marks that “this bill is really about meddling with port devel- making such an amendment without consulting municipali- Last week, the provincial government gave second reading opment projects…. we should be competing with the world. ties is a lost opportunity. to Bill 85, which would amend Chapter 18 of the MGA respect- We should not be competing against one another in this way “At a time when we are on the edge of prosperity with clear ing Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM). in this province.” goals from the Ivany Report and balanced budgets in this In a release issued last week, Inverness MLA Allan Mac- When asked to speak on the issue, Hines said he did not province, the inevitable result of rushing to pass Bill No.
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