DIREGrORY.) ISLE OF WIGHT. VENTNOB. 665 Kingswell Louisa (Mrs.),aprtmnts.Rookley vil.The Grove Morley Wm. George, apartments, Richmond vil.Esplanad& Kingswell Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Eardiston Morris Chas. tobacconist 6, & harness maker 22a, P1er st villa, Madeira road Motrris Levi, grocer, &; post office, Lowtherville,Newprt.rd Knight & Jolliffe, printers & proprietors of the Isle of Moses Robert, bathing machine proprietor, Steephill Down Wight Advertiser, Ryde & Ventnor Times & ShiJ.Ilklin terrace, Newport road Gazette, Advertiser buildings, Church street Mnlliner Thos. Hood, oil & color man,2 Down vw.Trinity rd Knight Kate &; Alice(Misses),aprtmnts.7 Alexandria gdns Mnrsell Ed.ward Frederick, butcher, 20 & 30 Pier street Knight J a.mes, wine & spirit merchant, 99 High street NationaJ. Life Asstirance Society (The) (William Ernes~ Knight W. J. (Mrs.), bookseller & stationer, 147 & 149 Bniddon, agent), 33 Pier street High street & Advertiser buildings, Church street National Provincial Bank of !England I.imited (branch) Knight William John, printer, Market street (Fabian Colenutt, manager), I3 High street; draw on Lacey Arthur, upholsterer, Market street head office, Bishopsgate street, London E 0 Lake Ernest Edward, confectioner, :105 High street Newnham Francis, apartments, Bush cot. Marlborough rd Lake John, florist, Cliff path Newnham Jas. jnn. lodging ho. Aratrnm. VJ.l. High st Laker Thomas Edward, grocer, 25 Pier street Nf·Wnham Jo<:eph, dairyman, Margate villa, The G-rove Lale Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Eversfield ter. West st Newnham Willi.lm, carpenter, & lodging house, Elderbank Lambert & Co. Esplanade hotel, Esplanade villa, West street Lane Samuel James, grocer, II8 High street Newton Charles Wm. apartments, Ser6ne vw. Madeira Td Langford P. A. (Miss), apartments, 2 St. Boniface gar- N1cholls Elizabeth (:Mrs.), Lmen draper, 2 & 4 P1er st. dens, St. Boniface road & baby linen warehouse, I Church street Lawrence Charles, apartments, 2 Myrtle cots. Tulse hill Nigh Willia.rn, cab proprietor & apartments, 7 Syd!ting Lawrence Elizh. (Miss), shopkeeper, 4I St. Catherine st cottages, Newport road Lawes Joseph F.rank,apartments, Lawes ho.St. Boniface rd Nobbs :Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Hargrave viis. Albert st Leader Florence(Miss),private school,Frobel ho.Newport rd Norman Frank, fi~hmonger & poulterer, 27 Hilgh street Leitch & Field, boot makers, 47 Albert street Nvttingham .Alice (Mrs. , t-obacconist, 57 High street & Lemare Edwin, pro£. of music, The Mount, Steephill rd 22 PH1r street Lester Mrs. C. apartments, Cliffholm, Alpine road Oddfellows (M.U.), Loyal Hambr()ugh Lodge, No. 400<\ Lewis EmmaJane (Mrs.), aparts. Channel vw.Newport rd (Maurice ::itepben Groves, sec.), Friendly Societ es' Linz Wm. apartments, Rock villa, Hambrough road hall, High street Littlefield William Henry, pharm. chemist, 30 High street Oliver Geo. boot ma. 3 Clarence buildings, High stree\ Livesay John G., A.R.I.B.A. architect k surveyor, Cro- O'Shea Jai. J. inland revenue officer, The Lions, High .st martie house, Madeira road Paice Mary (Mrs.), apartments, St. Wilfred's ho.Tnmty rd Lloyd Chas. By. postmaSJt. & stamp distrbtr. Church st Palmer Emily (M1ss , apartments, I7 High street Loader Thomas Henry (Mrs.), dining rooms, II High st Panrucker George, apartments, Madeira road London, Brighton & South Coast Railway Inquiry Office Pd.l'sons George, draper, 66 High street (Pickford & Co. agents; Hubert Parry Ridsdale, mana­ Partridge Anme l~hss), masseuse, 3I Pier street ger), 55 High street Paul Francis, apartments, I Devonshire terrace London City Mission Seaside Home (Mrs. Goodall, Panley Adelaide (Miss , ladies' school, see Hansen &. mSitron; Miss M. B. Roberts, hon. sec.), Huish ter­ Pauley (MJ,sses) race, Newport road Paull Henry, bath chair proprietor, 36 West street London & South Western Inquiry Office (Chaplin &; Co. Pavilion Club &; Readmg Room (H. S. Marsden, hon. agents; Frederick Baker, manager), 45 & 47 High &t. sec.), Esplanade & Spring hill Pearson Anthony, apartments, I Dudley ter. Dudley road Long Henry, apartments, 8 Devonshlre terrace Pearson Henry, grocer, ~4 H'gh street Longley George H . .stationers-retail, 7 Pier street Pearson Wilbam, white smith, I2 Albert street; work- Loosemore Amy (Miss), art needlework repositories, I39 shop, Dudley road High street Peddar Henry, coach paint r, I Verona cots. Newp rt road Loosemore Tom Henry, grocer, k post office, Madeira rd. Peddar JDhn, aparts. 2 Ocean View ttlr. Newport road & greengrocer, Trinity road Peddar Tom, aparts. 7 &; 8 Cyprus villas, Newport road Lowe Charles, carrier, Cliff mount, Beaconsfield road Perry & Co. grocers, 9 Church street Lowe Henry. house decorator, 4 .Albert street Petter Hy. coach pamter, I Lowther cotts. Lowthel' rd Lowrie Fanny(Mrs.),apartments,21Jethel villas,Madeira rd Peverill Henry, aparts. I Buona Vista ter. Dudley road Lowther Horace RA., L.R.C.P.Edin. physician &; sur- Phillips Reuben Henry, apartments, Holyrood house,. geon & medical officer &; public vaccinator, Godshill Ham brough road distrjct, Isle of Wight union, Berkshire vil. Grove rd Pick.fiolrd & Co. carriers & agents to the London, Brigh· Lush Charlt. (Mrs.), a parts. 2 Gothic cotts. Es.planade rd ton & South Coast Railway (Hubert Parry Ridsdale,. Lush Frederick, watch maker, 24 South street manager), 55 High street Malden Col. Robert, hon. sec. County & Castle Club, Pike Hy. aparts. 2 Shaftesbnry cotts. Beaconsfield l'Oad Belgrave road Pittia Sir Francia & Son. auctioneers, valuers, land,. Marks Fredk. apartments, Hawthorn vil. St.Boniface rd house & estate agents ; o&es, Ma.rlborough house,. Marsden. Herbert Shillito, public accountant, Carlton x High street; & at Newport, Sandown & Shanklm house, Dudley road Placide D. M., O.S.B. lady prioress, Benedictine Priory: Martin Edwin Clinch, coach bldr. I &; 3 Albert street of the Sacred Heart, Pax, Z1gzag road Martin Frank, apartments, I Trinity ter. Trinity road Police Station (William Cass, div. sergeant), West stree' Martin James, watch maker, 97 High street Porter Fredk. Charles, hairdresser & perfumer, 29 Pier s~ Martin Rosina Brisbane (Mrs.), teacher of pianoforte, Porter Samuel James, photographer, 3I High street 97 High street Post Office (Chas. Hy. l.Joyd, postmaster), Church streeb Masonic Hall (John Williams, sec.), Belgrave chambers, Potts .Arthur James, glass & china dealer, I3 Pier street Belgrave road Poulton Charles, draper, IIO & II2 High street Maybee Martha (Mrs.), laundress, 23 South street Prangnell Ohver, hair dresser, 72 High street Meager Jsph. Chas. statnr. &; furn. dlr. 2I & 23 High st Prentice Archibald, printer & proprietor, "Isle of WigM Medley Alfred Wesley, organist, Laurel cot. North st JIIIercury & Ventnor Gazette," 33 Pier street Medley Henry John, apartmnts. Malvern, Dudley road Primmer Lavinia(Mrs. ), aparts.Roughston& ho.Dudley rd Medley Robert, stationer &c. 38a, High street & 3 Lynton Prouting James William, apartments, St. Boniface cot­ villas, Trinity road tage, St. Boniface road Merriman Harrt. (Mrs.), Olarendon boardg. ho. Grove rd Provident Life Office (John G. Livesey, agent), Cromartie­ Miller Wm. The Solent Temperance hotl. Hambrough rd house, Madeira road Milligan Henry Ernest, bath chair proprietor, I Wind- Public Library & Reading Rooms (Alfred Small, libra- sor oottages, Lowther rood rian), High street Millikin F. H. (Mrs.), boarding house, Undercliff house, Rayner Emily (Miss), dairy, 24 Victoria. etreet Esplanade Rayner Ernest Wm. dairyman, 8 Kildare cots. Albert s\ Minns - ,dyer, see Bright &; Minns Rayner's Hotel (Ventnor) lrimited (Frederick William. Mltchell Charles .& Sons1 auctioneers &; valuers, Pritchard, managing director), Temperance oommercial house & e.state agents; the "Isle of Wight Property hotel, Victoria. street Gazette & Register " sent free on receipt of particulars ; Raynes Thomas Andrews, auctioneer, 70 High &treet special apartment lists, I Church street Read George Frederick, Kent tavern, I02 .&; I04 High si Mitchell George Henry, Hill Side boarding establishment, Rechabites (Independent Order) Salford Unity (Jarni~S- Newport road Childs, sec.), .A.lbert hall, Victoria street Mitchell Samuel, apartments, 3 Kent terrace, West street Remsbery George Wm. aparts. Myra. cottage, The Grove­ Mitchell Geo. Hill Side boardg. establishment,Newport rd Rendle Martha (Mrs.), a parts. Myrtle vil. Dudley road! .Monier-Williams Sir Monier kt. K.C.I.E., D.C.L., LL.D. Ribbens Jessie (Mrs.), aparts. Teviot ho. Dambrough rdr professor of sanscrit., Enfield house, Madeira road Rice Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, Beneditti, Esplanade .
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