Action Report for 6-16 Oct 1952

Action Report for 6-16 Oct 1952

ORIGINAL U.S.S. SICILY (CVE•ll8) CVE118/Al6-l3 % FLEET POST OFFICE L!::R/20/mls SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Ser.. 0212 2 0 CT 19r,L DOWNGRADED AT 3 YEAR INTERVAUb DECLASSIFIED AFTER 1Z ~ DOD DIR 5200.10 From; Commanding Officer, u.s.s. SICILY (CVE-118) To: Chief of Nuva~.:owrtrt.Ums Via: (1) Commander Task Force 76 (2) Col!lll1llnder SEVENTH FLEET (3) Coinffi[.lndcr N9 val Forces, F.t.R EAST (4) Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet Subj: -ction Report 6 October through 16 October 1952 Ref: {a) OPNil.V Instruction 3480.4 (b) CINCPkCFLT Instruction 3480.L. (c) COMPHIIJFORFE Operation Plan No. lOL.-52 1. In accordance with references (a}, (b), and (c) the Action Report for the period 6 October through 16 October 1952 is hereby submitted. 2. This report is divided into six (6) parts, as listed below: Part I .. General Nt.rrotivo Part II - Chronological Order of Events Port III- Performance of Ordnance ~bteriol and Equip- ment including Ammunition Expenditure P!;.rt r.J - Own and Enemy Battle Damngo Part V - Personnel Performance and Casualties Pnrt VI - Comments nnd Recommendations ORIGINAL P!'~T r' 1 • GENERJ.L !ILRRi.TIVE - 1,.., During tho period of this report the tr.s.s. SICILY (CVE-118), under tho coon(.md .of Ccptain lJ.oon E. LOor~as, 62535/1310, USN, Tiith Hnrino J~ttc:ck Squadron Thra.:o Hundred T':mlvc (Vl\'IA-312), under tho con;1cmd of Lieutcno.nt Colonel R. E. C..'J.IERON, 00?02?, USUC, eobc:rkcd, opcrctcd cs n part af Task Force 76 in the U.S. SEVENTH FLEET. R. Tho Cormnnding Officqr, H.s.s. SICILY (CVE-118), ossuood the title of C1t< 76,2 at 052300Z, ;;t 090300Z the SICILY reported to Tosk Group ?6.5 and assuned CTE 76.52. l~t 111908Z, upon being detached froo Task Group 76,5, tlic SICILY cssUl!lcd CTG 76,2, /,t 130945Z tho SICILY rcjoinoi Task Grcup 76.5 cnrouto to operating crcn and nssUr.lod CTE 76.52-. Upon entering the vicinity of tho o'bjoctivo c.rco the SICILY ·.7GS dctcchod fror. Group 76.5 c.nd o:gnin ::~ssumcd CTG 76,2 c.t 141908Z and retained this do- signction until JOINT lJ'.iPHIBIOUS TJBK FOHCE 76 TICS dissolved ct 161000Z, Tho Group consisted of one (1) escort carrier end t;,ro (2) destroyer~ ~cting as screen., C • Tho Tcsk Group opcrotod ns pert of Force 76 in the Sao of Jape! end :::gainst onooy forces in tho 1Jfon8an Boy - Kojo Peninsula crcc. _ D. T::ro ancoy forces wore tho North Korocn Peoples i.:roy end "Volunteer" Chinese Cor:munist Forces in oner:1,1,r hold North Korea. E. The nission of the Tcsk Group wcs to provide Support in accord- c:nco •i·dth l...nncx H, ConmGnder ;..r.::phibious Force, Far East Oporction Plan \ No, 101/.-52, F. During tho l:'lovonent phases of the Task Force this TUk Group in trc.ining end exorcises in propc.rc:tion for tho coning opcrc:tions. ,-: n '" , .i f1 r PJ.RT I (Cont'd) procedures vrorc conducted for all VM.f.L-312 pilots. Tho movooont phases c:llonod c.mplo tina for thoroagJ;t Intolligoncc end opcrc.tional briefings prior to the nrrivcl of tho Tusk Group in the objective croc. Continuous roconncissoncc of the lines of comnunicc.tions in and looding to the objective ~rca rcvcolod c. cooplato lack of r.mjor onony movcoont throughout D-Day end D+l Duy. l.Lll flights, upon retlll1}ing froo. the objective area, reported Lnti- ..'.ircrcft fire of the "I.Lutonctic Tioaponsn type in tho vicinity of tho bench end along all supply routes in tho area, Tho cbove reports ~-mre consistently cs and accurate anti-oircrcft fire. Only one F4U from the ~ICILY suffered serious d[!o.c.go fl-on cnti-nircraft fire end the pilot of thct r:ircr2rt ·.7ns able to r:cconplish c successful t.;r:lorgoncy lc.nding nt Kl8, i.t 160215Z two (2) F4IJis, rohilc in the vicinity of UTM G:<;id OU 4035, sighted six (6) lUG-15 typo cnoDy fighters, The F4U's 't"!Cro ct an alti­ tude of 7000 foot r:nd flying on a course of 210° True. Tho lf4U pilot-a- hoard o transiJ.ission on VHF stc.ting thc.t IUGis r10ro in tho area and, upon hc:Jring this report, one cf the pilots sighted the MIG's at six (6) o'clock. The F4U's initic.tcd c. defensive r.rocvo, ~·.rtor follo·::ing the F4U 1 s for cpproxinctoly 5 m.inutos, the MIG$.1 dcp~rtod '.~i thout taking oily hostile cction. Tho IUGS roZJ.c.inod ct an cltitudo of opproxiw:::toly 15,000 fuot throughouttthc oncoWltor. CIC eboord tho SICILY ~r:s assigned control of tho Cl..P in tho object- iva crca end it is felt thct voluable tlXporionce ~·-·as gcincd by all air controllers end ere personnel in this opcrction. - 3- bECL~SSIF\ED PLRT I (Cent 'd) Tho total nunbor of sorties for tho period ~as 127 uith c total of 374.5-hours flo~. The following is a breakdown of tho total sortios flowns 41 Cl.P; 36 Naval Gunfire Spot; 28 Tactical Observer; and 22 roc~nnaissancc. - 4 - . O£CLf..SSIFIEO PJ.I\T li c!ll!OI!Ql«lm OF!IlER gr mm 060827Z The Tj.S.s, SICILY under the eo!lllllllnd of Captain J.lmon E. LOOMIS departed. Sesebo, Japan tor otaru1 Holdcaido, Japan. Vl&..•3l2, colllia!lnded by Litautenont Colonel R. E. ~~€RON, USAIJ, was embarkodo The sereen eonsisted of too u.s.s. BLTIE (PD-7~) and the lloSISI !!UBEIJID (llil-748). · 0705423 Coinl!llnaed refueling the u.s.s. BLUE iDD-7~). 0707L42 Coi:llleneed refueling the u.s.s. IIUB&RD (DD-748). 082217Z Mi-ivad otan., Japan. 090300Z Co-nding Offieor u.s.s. SlCILY assumed GTE 76.5:! and reported to Task Group ?6.5. 0905/"'~Z Unde:z:owa:r,.·f'rom otaru and joi.bed Task Group 76.5. Enroute to the o"Jjeoti·ve area. l::>o.;m'~ Z4::ercised at tactical drille. lOOS;·L..Z '!'£xerci8ed the crow at generAl quarters. lll900.& Detael':-11d tram TG 76.5 and nasumed CTG 76.2. lll9~03 The TI,S.S. KNOll: (DD-742) and the U.S.s. HOLLISTER (DD-788) joined and foroed sel'een. ll2102a Commeaeed flight operations for Rehearsal of Joint J.mphibious 120?20~ Secu::ed from flight aperatie~ns. Jiuring: this day with twent.Y'""four (24; tirorsft on board, on ~varage of seventeen (17) aircraft wero available. J.. tcteJ. or twenty-.ix (26) sorties were flown. s ~· m sa a iji? M&S!&UU _,- • '• 7 DECLASSIFIED PJ+RT II (Cgntld) Fi.fteen (15) of these were CAP flights, three (3) were for tactical air observation and eight (S) wore silllul.atad naval gunfire spot and close oir support. A totlll of Sl.S hours were flown during the day, l22100Z co-need flight opeJ~>ttona; 122l39Z Co-need refueling the U,S,S, HOLLISTER (DD-788), 122300Z Co,..,nced refueling the u.s.s. KNOX (DD-742). l308SOZ Secured !light operations. Du1'111g tbda day there were twenty­ foili' (24) on board and nrl average availability of sixteen (16), Fifteen (15) CAP fli(!hts were flown for a total of fif,y-six (S6) flying hours, l3094SZ Rejoined TG 76 ,5, l32057Z Commenced flight operations, l406l9Z Secured from flight operations, During this day twenty-four (24) aircraft were aboard and on.11verage of nineteen (19) air• craft were available, Eight (S) CAP flights were flown for a total of twenty-five (25) flying hours, l4l908Z Detached from TG 76,5 to operate as TG 76,2 with the U,S.S, ROGERS (DD-876) and tho U,S,S, I!UBili.IID (DD-748) as screen, l4l955Z Commenced flight QForaticns, l50803Z Soaured from flight c~oraticmo, Dur1nc thio dey thoro troro t110ntyofour (24~ aircrott on bo<ll't and an averag• of twenty (20) aircraft were available during the day, The SICILY )O"oVideJ ~Taotiool Air Observers .f'-Jr the lnndi ne f'oroe• f'lnd air spotting for the bombardment -'- P:.RT II (Cant 'd) DECLASSif lED ships. Twonty-nine (29) sorties v;ere flmm for a total of oirhty (SO) flying hours. Twelve (12) sorties "'oro suppliod for naval gunfire spot, eir,ht (8) for reconnaisscnco oissions nnd nino (9) to net c.s tcctical oir observers. Only tho rc­ connaisscnc:o fliehts were loo.dod ·with r:n oxtornnl boob loc.d. Therefore vary fen tcrgcts ~era struck by circrcft fro!!l this ship. Tho follo~nncr is c list of the daCUJ.go inflicted by SICIIX circraft. Ti:J\GET RESULI Building Destroyed 15 Buildings Dnnaccd or Destroyed Supplies Damaeod Rocd Bridge Darnopod 151134Z Joined Task Elo~ent 76.00, 151956Z Detached to oporcta os TG 76,2 ·.·ith tho U.S.S, ROOERS (DD-876) and tho U.s.s. HUBBfJU) (DD-748) as c. screen. 152lOOZ Conoonccd flicht opor~tions. 160215Z T:1o (2) F4Us sichtcd six (6) l.llG•l5s. Tho l.!IGS follo,•ed tho F4Us for about fivo (5) r.tinutos and than deported d.thout tc.kinr. hostile action. 160811Z SecuroC froo flieht oper~tions. During this day there ~oro tTiont~ono circrc.ft on bonrd and on cvorcgo of oightoon (18) aircrc.ft Yroro available.

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