Durham E-Theses The occurrence and paragenesis of the ores of titanium Welch, B. K. How to cite: Welch, B. K. (1958) The occurrence and paragenesis of the ores of titanium, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/9186/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk THE OCCDRRMCE AND PARAfiENESIS. OP THE ORES OP TITANIUM B.K, WELCH B.Sc. (Dunelm) P.G.S. VOLUME II Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Durham. TABLE GF CONTENTS FOR VOLUME II PAGE NO. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER II EUROPE INCLUDING THE ASIATIC U.S.S.R. 4 BULGARIA - 5 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 5 DENMARK (FAROE ISLANDS) 5 EIRE 6 FINLAND 5 Deposits in the Otanmaki Region . 6 Otanraaki 6 Otanneva 9 Vuorokas 9 Pentipuro 9 Itarantai. 9 Other Finnish Deposits 10 Susimaki 10 Riuttainaa 10 Vuori^arva 11 FRANCE . Pgiris Basin H Brittany 11 Other Areas 12 Marsdon 12 Pilat 12 GERMANY . ' 12 North Sea. Coast 12 Baltic Sea Coast 12 GREAT BRITAIN ^3 Cornwall 13 Carrock Fell 13 The Dartmoor Granite 14 11. PAGE NO. HUNGAEY 14 ICELAND 16 . ITALY 16 West Coast 16 East Coast . 16 Other Areas :1T River Tes;sin 17 River Orha 17 Bolzena 17 NEDERLAKD 17 NORWAY 17 The Egersund-Sogndal Region 17 Storgangen 17 Tellnesvaniii 20 Blaafjell 21 Deposits near Egersmid 21 aekkef 3or<a 22 Deposits in North Norway 22 Selvaag Deposit 22 Stjernoy, Pinnmark 23 Komagf jord, Pinnmark 23 MoskensB 23 Ringvassoy, Troms;. 23 Deposits in West Norway 23 Rjz^dsand, Romsdal 23 Heindalen (Meisingset) Romsdal 23 Upper Roddal and Oyenseter 24 Piska, Vanylven, Vanylvsfjord 24 Verkshaugen, Bergsoya 25 Solnordal and Sjoholt 25 Sellevord, Loland and Radio 26 Gjolanger (Sordal? Hellevik?) 26 The Bergen Area 26 South and South-East Norway 26 Spisholt 26 G-jerstad, Aust-Agder 26 Gamoy, Langoy and Herrefjord 26. Kilsfjord 26 Rarasffy, Eohgsviger 27 Plaad mine, Evje 27 The EragerS Rutile Mine 27 PORTUGAL 28 Praia de Sines Torpes deposit 29 Odivelas and Ponte Serpa de Perreira do Alentejo deposits 29 iii, PAGE NO. RUMANIA 29 SPAIN 29 Coruna Province 30 Other Deposits 30 SWEDEN 31 Kramsta (Jarvso) deposit. Helsingland 31 Taherg Smaland. South Sweden 31 Routivare, Norrhotten 32 Sodra Ulvon 33 Inglamala 33 Alno Island 3k U.S.S.R. 3k Ural Mountains Area 3k Rutile Deposits 35 Verkhne-Ufalets, Kyshtym 35 Ilmenite Deposits 35 Kaslin 35 Ilmen Mountain 35 Titaniferous Magnetite Deposits 37 Bilimhaerskoye 37 Chernorechenskoe (Black River) 37 Kusinsk deposit 37 Matkalskoye 38 Radost (Radush) 38 Satkin 38 Kopanskoe 39 Pervouralskoe deposit 39 Kachkanar deposit kO Kaslinskaya Dacha kO Turatashkoye deposit 1+0 Ivanovsk deposit i+0 Shaitan Dacha Ul Spornoe deposit 41 Barancinski Massif kA Deneykhin deposit i+l Kinnesla deposit, Visera river l+l Perovskite-Spinel-Magnetite deposit k1 Ilmenorutile 1+3 Deposits of the Kola Peninsula li.3 The Khihine alkaline igneous pluton 144 The Lovozersky alkaline igneous pluton 1+5 The Gremyakha- Vyrmes Pluton 1+6 The Africanda Complex 1+7 Other Deposits of the U.S.S.R. 1+8 Koikar (Koykarsh, Koykory) 1+8 Pudasligorsk 1+8 iv. PAGE NO. Velimaki deposit 49 Tikhvinskoe haiixite deposit 49 Aghiinsk gahhro 49 Patyn gahhro '80 Gahhro-Norites of the Ukraine 50; Pamhak and Gedzali 50) Tur Achyr 50 Alihashli 50 Secondary Deposits 50 A^dv Sea Coast 50 Mius delta 51 Chutor Najdenovka 51 Ukraine 51 Turgal Region 51 Teterev River Basin 51 Kysil-Kum 51 YUGOSLAVIA 52 Ulclnl 52 Vardar River 52 CHAPTER III NOiiTH AlNfD CENTRAL AMERICA 53 CANADA 53 British Golumhia 53 Newfoundland 53 Indian Head, St. George's Bay 53 Bishop Claim, St. Georges 54 North Newfoundland 55 North West Territories 55 Ontario 55 Angus Township, Nipissing 55 Three Ducks Lake Area 56 Seine Bay, Rainy River District 56 Hastings County 56 Pusey Mine, Glamorgan Township 56 Eagle Lake 57 Toronto 57 Rutile 57 Sphene 57 Quehec 58 Deposits in the Morin. anorthosite massif 59 St. Charles or Bourget Deposit 61 St. Urhain 63 Lower Rcanaine River Area 70 Deposits of the Sept-lies Area 74 PAGE NO. Beauceville Map Area 76 La Chute Map Area 76 The North Shore of the St. Lawrence river from the Chaloupe river to Mingan 76 Chihougamou Lake Area 76 Other minor hard rock deposits 77 Sand Deposits along the North Shore of the St. Lawrence river 77 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 77 GREENLAND 77 GUATEMALA 78 MEXICO 78 Rutile 78 Ilmenite 79 ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON 79 U.S.A. 79 *NORTH_EASTERN STATES 79 New Jersey 79 Sard-rock deposits 79 Alluvial Deposits 80 Pennsylvania 81 New York 81 The Lake Sanford Area 81 Deposits in the Eastern Adirondacks. 85 Rhode Island 86 Iron Mine Hill, Cumherland 86 EAST AND SOUTH-EAST STATES 87 Maryland 87 Virginia 88 Deposits in Nelson and Amherst Counties 88 Buena Vista 90 Bush-Hut chins, Vinton, Roanoke County 90 Teels Mill, Franklin County 91 Other occurrences; 91 North Carolina 91 Yadkin Valley, Caldwell County 92 Rutile deposits 92 Titaniferous magnetite deposits 93 Beach Sand Deposits 94 South Carolina 95 Georgia 95 Beach Sands 95 Hard Rock Deposits 96 VI. PAGE NO. Florida 97 Possll Beach and Bar deposits 97 Ocean Beach Sands 100 Other Deposits 102 MIDDLE, WESTERN STATES 102 Arkansas 102 Rutile ores in Hot Spring County 103 Titanium occurrences in South Howard County 105 Illinois 106 Mississippi 106 Missouri 106 Michigan 106 Minnesota 106 Oklahoma 108 Texas ' 108 Secondary Deposits 108 Hard Rock Deposits 109 WEST MOUNTAIN STATES 109 Colorado 109 Carihou Hill 109 Iron Mountain 110 Iron Hill, Ceholla Creek 110 Idaho 111 Montana 111 The Choteau deposit 111. Dillon Nickel Prospect 111 Nevada 112 New Mexico 112 Wyoming 112 Iron Mountain Ore "body 112 Shanton Ore Deposit 114 Taylor Deposit 114 Pat Sheep Mountain, Laramie 115 WEST COAST STATES AND ALASEA 115 California 116 Beach Sands 116 Hard Rock deposits 117 Oregon 120 Washington 121 Alaska 122 CHAPTER IV SOUTH AMERICA 123 ARGENTINE 123 Beach Sands Rock Deposits 123 vii, PAGE NO. BRAZIL. 124 Beach Sands 124 Deposits south of Vitoria in the States of Rio de Janeiro and Esp§rito Santo 125 Deposits north of Vitoria in Espirito Santo State 127 Deposits in Bahia State 127 Deposits in Sao Paulo State 128 North-east Brazilian deposits 128 Alluvial Deposits 129 Minas Gera^es, State 129 Goya|; State 130 Ceara State 130 Bahia State 130 Rio de Janeiro State 130 Titaniferous magnetite deposits 130 Jacupiranga and- Ipaneama 130 BRITISH GUIANA 131 CHILE 132 COLOMBIA 132 ECUADOR 132 FRENCH GUIANA 132 PERU 133 URUGUAY 133 VENEZUELA I33 CHAPTER V AFRICA 134 BRITISH COLONIES I34 KENYA 134 TANGANYIKA I34 Titaniferous Iron Ores in the Njombe District 134 The Liganga Titaniferous-Magnetite Deposits; 134 Central Corridor Thrust 136 Anorthosite Granulites 137 Other Minor Deposits 137 viii. PAGE NO. UGANDA. 138 Bukusu Hill 138 Other Deposits 140 BASUTOLAND 140 SWAZILAND. 140 ZANZIBAR PROTECTORATE 141 GAMBIA 141 NIGERIA 141 Rutile 141 Titaniferous magnetite 141 SIERRA LEONE 142 Alluvial Deposits 142 Beach Sand Deposits 143 Hard Rock Deposits 143 The Norite-finorthoslt© Colony Complex 143 BEIiGlAN CONGO 145 Hard Rock Deposits, 145 Katanga 145 Secondary Deposits 145 EGYPT 146 Beach Sand Deposits; 146 Hard Rock Deposits 146 Abu Ghalaua 146 PRENCH COLONIES 148 PRENCH CAMEROQNS 148 PRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA I49 DAHOMEY 349 Rutile Deposits 150 Djougdu 150 Birni 150 GouhdCd • 150 Kouande 150 Ilmenorutile Deposits 150 ilmenlte Deposits 150 Titaniferous magnetite Deposits 151 Mardaga . 151 PRENCH TOGOLAND 151 IVORY COAST (COTE D:J,IVOIRE) 151 ix. PAGE NO. SENEGAL 152 Beach Sands 152 Origin of the Deposits 154 Reserves and Exports 154 FRENCH SUDAN + MAURETANIA I55 ALGERIA 155 Sand Deposits 155 Rock Deposits 156 MADAGASCAR 156 Hard Rock Deposits 156 Amhatofinandrahana 156 Vangoa River 156 Betroka 156 Beach Sand Deposits 157 REUNION 157 GHANA 157 Beach Sands 158 Other Deposits 158 Ilmenite 158 Rutile 159 LIBERIA 159 MOROCCO 159 PORTUGUESE COLONIES 160 ANGOLA 160 Hard Rock Deposits 160 Mbassai 160 Qiitado 160 GAPE VERDE ISLANDS 16fl MOCAMBIQUE 161 Beach Sand Deposits 161 Ha^ Rock Deposits 161 Mawili 161 Kakanga 162 SPANISH POSSESSIONS I63 UANARY ISLANDS .163 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA I63 Beach Sand Deposits; 163 Cape Province 163 Natal 165 South West Africa 166 PAGE NO. Hard Rock Deposits 166 Transvaal. Titaniferous Iron Ores in the Bushveld Complex 166 Other Hard Rock Deposits in the Transvaal 169 Natal 170 South West Africa 170 Alluvial Deposits 171 UNION OP SOUTHERN RHODESIA, NORTHERN RHODESIA AND 171 NYASALAND Southern Rhodesia 171 Ilmenlte 171 Rutile 171 Nyasaland 171 Port Herald Area 171 Port Johnstone Area 172 Blantyre Area 172 CHAPTER VI AUSTRALASIA I73 AUSTRALIA 17 3 Beach Sand Deposits 173 Eastern Australia 173 Tasmania 179 Victoria 179 Northern Territory 180 Western Australia 180 Hard Rock Deposits 184 New South Wales 184 Queensland 184 Western Australia 185 South Australia 185 Australian Rutile and Ilmenite Production in Tons 187 NEW CALEDONIA 188 NEW ZEALAND 188 North Island Deposits 189 The Titaniferous magnetite-ilmenite deposits 189 South Island Deposits 191 TUBUAI OR AUSTRAL ISLANDS I93 CHAPTER VII ASIA.
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