(1) اُردو ۔ر ،ال آف ، ات ر،اآد۔ (ات) The Department of Urdu & Persian School of languages, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad – Pin:380009 (Gujarat) Detailed Syllabus For M.A. Urdu ب ا ا۔اے۔ اُردو ( م ) ل در ا : ن/ ٢٠١٩ ۔ ٢٠٢٠ ری۔۔۔ Implementation From June-2019-2020 Onwards Semester System M.A. Urdu Syllabus Page: 1 of 32 (2) اُردو ۔ر ،ال آف ، ات ر،اآد۔ (ات) The Department of Urdu & Persian School of languages, Gujarat University Detailed Syllabi for Urdu Sem- I - Semester System Year-2019-2020 Onwards ب : ا۔اے۔ اُردو ، ّ اول - M.A. Urdu First Semester Course:- URD-401 Topic:- History of Urdu Literature (Modern) Text:-Tareekh-e-Abad-e-Urdu Objectives of this course:- To acknowledge the student about ancient remarkable works of great writers & poets of Urdu Language. Outcome of the course:- The course will make the students to understand the Importance Urdu Literature. Paper Paper Topic Texts Book Units No. Type URD-401 Core History of Tareekh-e- 1. Daur-e-jadid me Urdu Zaban-o-Abad Urdu Abad-e-Urdu ka lrteqa Literature 2. Jadid Shoara ka ta’aruf (Modern) 3. Jadid Musannifeen ka ta’aruf 4. Muntakhib Shahkar ka jayeza lijiye (Self-Study) Name of the text book: Tareekh-e-Abad-e-Urdu [URDU-401] Unit vise Reference Books: 1. Tareekh-e-Abad-e-Urdu (Ibteda se 2000 tak) By: Vahab Ashrafi 2. Adabi-fikri-tehrikat-aur-iqbal- By: Dr. Khalid Iqbal Yasir 3. Jadidiyat Ek Hama Pahloo Muhasebah By: Narersh Nadim 4. Tareekh-e-Abad-e-Urdu, By: Rambabu Saxena 5. Tareekh-e-Abad-e-Urdu By: Jamil Jalibi 6. Urdu Adab ki Tanqeedi Tareekh. By: Saiyed Ehtesham Husain 7. Urdu Adab ki Tareekh. By: Abdul Haque Junedi M.A. Urdu Syllabus Page: 2 of 32 (3) Course:-URD-402 Topic:- Urdu Poets of Gujarat Text:- Sukhanwaran-e-Gujarat Objectives of this course:- Student should know about the important classical and modern poets of Gujarat. Outcome of the course:- Student would be informed about the famous poets of Gujarat and their contribution in Development of Urdu in Gujarat. Paper Paper Topic Texts Book Units No. Type URD-402 Core Urdu Sukhanwa 1. Gujarat Mein Urdu Zaban aur Shaeri ka Poets of ran-e- Aaghz Gujarat Gujarat 2. Gujarat Mein Gujri aur Urdu Ke farogh mein Ahle Gujarat Ka Hissa 3. Gujarat Ke Mash-hoor-v-Maruf Sho’ra aur unke Kalam per Tabsera 4. Gujarat mein Urdu ke Jadid Shoara ka ta’aruf 4.1 Gujarat Mein Urdu Ke Ghair Muslim Urdu Sho’ra ki Khidmat (Self-Study) Name of the text book: Sukhanwaran-e-Gujarat By: Zahiruddin Madni [URDU-402] Unit vise Reference Books: 1. Sukhanwaran-e-Gujarat By: Saiyed Zahiruddun Madni 2. Urdu Ghazal Wali Tak By: Saiyed Zahiruddun Madni 3. Wali Gujarati By: Saiyed Zahiruddun Madni 4. Gujri Masnaviyan By: Saiyed Zahiruddun Madni 5. Miya Dad Khan Saiyaah Aur Unka Kalam By: Saiyed Zahiruddun Madni 6. Sho’rae Gujarat- (Qadim-v-Jadeed) By: Prof. M. A. Sho’la 7. Tazkera-e-Shorae Gujarat By: Qazi Nuruddun Faeeq 8. Gujarat Ke Mushaeer Ulma By: Dr. Zubair Qureshi 9. Maqalat (Prof. Mo. Ibrahim Dar) Edited Second By: Abdulsattar Dalvi M.A. Urdu Syllabus Page: 3 of 32 (4) Course:-URD-403 Topic:-Translation Text :-Topics to be decided by the department of Urdu Objectives of this course:- To train students for Literal translation in other language like Gujarati, Hindi and English. Outcome of the course:- Students would be able to increase the vocabulary of the new languages. Paper Paper Topic Texts Book Units No. Type URD-403 Core Translation Topics to 1. Fan-ne Tarjuma Nigari Aur Uski be decided Riwayat by the 2. Tarjume ki Ahemiyat Aur Uski Zarurat Departme nt of Urdu 2.1 Urdu Idaron Ki Trajumi Khidmat 3.Urdu se Gujarati Tarjuma 3.1 Gujarati se Urdu Tarjuma 4.Urdu se English Tarjuma. 4.1.Urdu se Hindi Tarjuma. (Self-Study) Name of the text book: Topics to be decided by the department of Urdu [URDU-403] Unit vise Reference Books: 1. Tarjume ki Riwayat Aur fun, By: Qamar Raees 2. Tarjume ka Fun, By: Dr. Mirza Hamid Beg 3. Urdu Lisaniyat By: Nasir Ahmed Khan 4. Vaze Istelahat By: Saiyed Vahiduddin-Salim 5. Armaghan-e-Urooz, By: Kundan Lal 6. Qwaid-e-Urdu, By: Abdul Haque 7. Urdu Classical Hindi Aur Angrezi Dictionary, By: Joan T. Pleatous M.A. Urdu Syllabus Page: 4 of 32 (5) Course:- URD-404 Topic:- Linguistic Text:- Urdu Lisaniyat By: Dr. Shaukat Sabzwari Objectives of this course:- To acknowledge the students about the origin and development of language. Outcome of the course:- Students will understand the formation of language and its development system from time to time. Paper Paper Topic Texts Units No. Type Book URD-404 Core Linguistic Urdu 1. Urdu Mein Lisaniyati Shaoor Ka Lisaniyat aaghaz-o-Irtiqa 1.1 Zaban Ki T’reef,Khususiyat,Zamani aur Makani Muta’lea 2. Nizam-e-Aswat va Alamat, Istelahi Nizam ka Muta’lea 2.1 Nizam-e-Founimyat aur Taozihat 3. Urdu Rasm-ul-khat ka Tahzibi-v-Lisani Muta’lea, Lisani Istelahat ka Muta’lea 4. Urdu ke Mash-hoor Mahire Lisaniyat Ki Khidmat (Self-Study) Name of the text book: Urdu Lisaniyat By: Dr. Shaukat Sabzwari [URDU-404] Unit vise Reference Books: 1. Tashrihi Lisaniyat By: Dr. Suhel Bukhari 2. Adab Aur Lisaniyat By: Dr. S. A. Siddiqui 3. Urdu Lafz ka Sautiyati Aur Tajziyati Muta’lea By: Dr. Masood Husain Khan 4. Urdu Lisaniyat By: Dr. Shaukat Sabzwari 5. Urdu Zaban-v-Lisaniyat By: Gopi Chand Narang 6. Tavzihi Lisaniyat By: H. A. Gleeson (Jr.) translated By: Atique Ahmed Siddiui 7. Jadeed Urdu Lisaniyat By: Dr. Amirullah Khan 8. Urdu Lisaniyat By: Nasir Ahmed Khan 9. Ek Bhsha do Likhawat : By-Gopichand Narang M.A. Urdu Syllabus Page: 5 of 32 (6) Course:- URD-405 Topic:- Urdu Grammar Text:- Qwaid-e-Urdu By: Abdul Haque Objectives of this course:- To enable the students reding with correct pronunciation, intonation pattern, Stress form and fluency. Outcome of the course:- To improve the skill of correct speaking and writing of Urdu in Students. Paper Paper Topic Texts Units No. Type Book URD-405 Core Urdu Qwaid-e- 1. Ilm-e-Urooz Ki Tareekh ,Usool-Zawabit Grammar Urdu 2. Ilm-e-Urooz Ki Ahmiyat Aur Zarurat 3. All Tajnees. 3.1 Sanaye Badaye . 4. Ghazal Ke Ajza-e-Terkibi 5. Ashaar Ki Tak’ti (Self-Study) Name of the text book: Qwaid-e-Urdu By: Abdul Haque [URDU-405] Unit vise Reference Books: 1. Qwaid-e-Urdu, By: Abdul Haque 2. Armghan-e-Urooz, By: Kundan Lal 3. Nayi Urdu Qwaid By: Ismat Javed 4. Urdu Sarf-v-Nahw, By: Abdul Haque 5. Zaban Aur Qwaid, By: Rashid Hasan Khan M.A. Urdu Syllabus Page: 6 of 32 (7) Course: Urd-406S, Topic:- Subject for the SEMINAR* work is…… “Contribution of Allama Shibli Naumani in Urdu Literature” ر ع : اُردو ادب Objectives of this course:- To promote And Cultivate SELF-STUDY ability in students. Outcome of the course:- Student able for the research work. Assessment of the seminar work :- [30 Marks-Internal] Sr. Name of Chapters ر ا ااب .No 01 Shibli Ki Zaban. ١ زن 02 Shibli ki Sirat Nigari. ٢ ت ری 03 Urdu Mein Maqalat Nigari. ٣ اُردو ت ری 04 Shibli ke Tanqeedi Karname ٤ ی ر 05 Shibli ki Farsi Dani Dani Aur Tehqeeqi ٥ ر دا اور ر Karname : رٴ ت ّاول ان ا (٧٠)وں ۔ One Assignment: [70 Marks-External] Related with the topics mentioned above. M.A. Urdu Syllabus Page: 7 of 32 (8) اُردو ۔ر ،ال آف ، ات ر،اآد۔ (ات) The Department of Urdu & Persian School of languages, Gujarat University Detailed Syllabi for Urdu Sem-II - Semester System Year-2019-2020 Onwards ب : ا۔اے۔ اُردو ، ّ دوم – M.A. Urdu Second Semester Course:- URD-407 Topic:- Reportaz Text:- Koh-e-Damavand By: Qurrat-ul-ain Haider Objectives of this course:- To understand the different forms of Literature like Reportaz. Outcome of the course :- To create the ability of understanding about different forms of literature among the various types of prose. Paper Paper Topic Texts Book Units No. Type URD-407 Core Reportaz Koh-e-Da 1. Reportaz Nigari ka Fun,Urdu mein Irteqa, mavand 2. Reportaz Nigari ka Samaji Mutalea. By: 3. Qurrat-ul-ain Haider Ki Riportaz Nigari, Qurrat-ul- aur Unka Usloobe Nigarish ain Haider 3.1 Koh-e-Damavand (Reportaz ka Tajziya-v-Tabsera) 4. Muntakhib Riportaz ka Mutalea 4.1 Reportaz Aur Digar Asnaf-e-Adab ka Taqabuli Mutalea (Self-Study) Name of the text book: Koh-e-Damavand By: Qurrat-ul-ain Haider [URDU-407] Unit vise Reference Books: 1. Koh-e-Damavand By: Qurrat-ul-ain Haider 2. Urdu Nasr ka Fanni Irtiqua, By: Dr. Ferman Fatehpuri 3. Urdu Mein Reportaz Ki Riwayat By: Talat Gul 4. Urdu Reportaz Tareekh-w-Tanqeed (Ibteda Se 1990) By: Dr. Talat Gul 5. Urdu Mein Reportaz ka Irteqa Aur Mustaqbli, By: Shamim Ahmed 6. Urdu Mein Reportaz Nigari, By: Abdul Aziz M.A. Urdu Syllabus Page: 8 of 32 (9) Course:- URD-408 Topic: Essay writing Text: Fan-e-Mazmoon Nigari (Aaftab Azher Siddiqui Objectives of this course:- To develop the skill of descriptive writing in Urdu language. Outcome of the course:- Students would be able to develop thoughts provoking and analytical abilities. Paper Paper Topic Texts Book Units No. Type URD-408 Core Essay Topics to be 1.Mazameen Nigari-Ibteda,Irteqa, writing decided by 1.1 Mazameen Nigari ka Fun,Usool Classical the Urdu Adab.
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