Zoological Studies 44(1): 95-101 (2005) Food Habits of Japanese Pipistrelles Pipistrellus abramus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Northern Taiwan Ya-Fu Lee1,3,* and Ling-Ling Lee2,3 Department of Zoology, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan (Accepted October 17, 2004) Ya-Fu Lee and Ling-Ling Lee (2005) Food habits of Japanese pipistrelles Pipistrellus abramus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in northern Taiwan. Zoological Studies 44(1): 95-101. The composition and seasonal varia- tion in the diet of Japanese pipistrelles, Pipistrellus abramus, were studied by analyzing fecal samples collected from May 1988 to June 1990 in Chutung, northern Taiwan. The diet of these bats contained a variety of insects (12 orders) and spiders. The majority of pellets examined (86.3%) contained 3 to 6 prey items (mean = 4.2 ± 0.1). In decreasing order, beetles, dipterans, hymenopterans, caddisflies, moths, true bugs, and homopterans were the most frequently found (95.9% in total frequency of occurrence) and accounted for the highest volume percentages (96.7% in total) in the feces. The dietary heterogeneity index (DHI) of Japanese pipistrelles was 9.25, but this varied among monthly samples, and we found no apparent seasonal patterns. Both overall DHI values (9.43; 9.39) and the 95% confidence limits (8.17~11.05; 8.41~11.39) appeared to be greater in the peri- od of mid-summer to fall, and in the winter months, than in the period of Apr. to mid- summer (8.67; 7.52~10.18), respectively. The diets of the bats over the 3 seasonal periods were similar, with only minor varia- tions. Hymenopterans, moths, and caddisflies were more frequently taken, while true bugs and homopterans less frequently taken by bats after mid-July. Bats appeared to consume higher proportions of homopterans in the 1st than in the 3rd period, but higher proportions of true bugs in the 2nd than in either the 1st or 3rd periods; whereas higher proportions of hymenopterans were consistently taken in the 1st sampling year. http://www.sinica.edu.tw/zool/zoolstud/44.1/95.pdf Key words: Chiroptera, Bats, Pipistrellus abramus, Diet Over the last several decades, many empiri- bats in most parts of Asia. cal studies on food habits of bats have generated The Japanese pipistrelle, Pipistrellus abra- enormous amounts of data essential to our under- mus, is widely distributed in eastern and southern standing of foraging behavior and ecology of Asia from Siberia, Japan, Korea, eastern China, insect-eating bats (e.g., Rose 1967, Belwood and and Taiwan, to northern Vietnam, Burma, and Fenton 1976, Fenton and Thomas 1980, Barclay India (Corbet and Hill 1992, Koopman 1993, 1985, Jones 1990, Rydell 1992, Churchill 1994, Simmons 2005). These bats live in caves, tree Shiel et al. 1998, Lee and McCracken 2002 2004). cavities, and crevices, as well as in man-made The majority of those studies, however, unavoid- structures such as houses and churches ably focused on New World species, those of tem- (Funakoshi and Uchida 1978). Some aspects of perate Eurasia, and to a lesser extent, on African the population and reproductive biology of this and Australian species. With few exceptions (e.g., species have been studied in Japan (Funakoshi Eckrich and Neuweiler 1988, Whitaker et al. and Uchida 1978, 1982, Uchida et al. 1988), 1999), we still know very little about the food Taiwan (Lu 1988, Ke 1995, Lee 1995), and China habits of the majority of species of insectivorous (Huang and Huang 1982), respectively. Their *To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed: 1Department of Life Sciences and Institute of Biodiversity, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan. Tel: 886-6- 2757575 ext. 65524. Fax: 886-6-2742583. E-mail: [email protected]. 2Present address: Department of Life Sciences and Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University, Tainan 106, Taiwan. 3 The two authors contributed equally to this study. 95 96 Zoological Studies 44(1): 95-101 (2005) close relative in Europe, the common pipistrelle (P. dawn from the ground in front of the porch in the pipistrellus), has a broad and general diet (up to 10 front yard. The landowner would routinely sweep insect orders) achieved by an opportunistic forag- the ground every morning to clean it or because ing mode (Swift et al. 1985, Hoare 1991, Sullivan the paved area was needed as a place to sun-dry et al. 1993, Barlow 1997). Information regarding of crops, thus our morning collections each month of food habits of Japanese pipistrelles, however, is represented the digestive products of bats from the , still scanty anywhere within their distribution range. previous night s foraging. We normally selected Funakoshi and Uchida (1978) reported on the 10-20 of the largest intact pellets. The bats enter diet of Japanese pipistrelles in Fukuoka, Japan, into an intermittent seasonal torpor after mid-fall but only presented the frequency of occurrence of and particularly in the winter months, nightly activi- food items. Yang (1996) studied the diet of this ty of bats outside the roost declines sharply, as species in Yunlin, south-central Taiwan, however, does the amount of feces on the ground. During only during the generally defined non-hibernating such periods, we collected as many pellets as period (i.e., roughly between Apr. and Oct.; were available. Funakoshi and Uchida 1978). Funakoshi and Uchida (1978) noted that as far north as ~33 N, Dietary analysis Japanese pipistrelles still emerge on warmer days° in Feb. and Mar. In subtropical Taiwan, although Fecal analysis followed the method of less active in winter, these bats constantly emerge Whitaker (1988). We soaked each pellet in a petri and forage on warmer evenings (Lee 1995, Y. F. dish with 70% ethyl alcohol to soften it, and then Lee unpubl. data). Thus, a complete picture of the dissected it with a dissecting needle and fine for- diet of this species over the entire time frame in a ceps. Prey fragments were sorted and identified subtropical region is needed. This study reports under a dissecting microscope (10 x 20 magnifica- on the food habits of Japanese pipistrelles based tion) with reference to insect keys (Borror et al. on a full-year sampling in northern Taiwan; we also 1989) and voucher specimens of locally collected tests whether the diet varied at different times of insects. The percent volume of each prey in a pel- the year. let was estimated with the aid of grid paper (10 x 10 units) attached to the bottom of the petri dish. We could only confidently identify prey items to MATERIALS AND METHODS order, due to sufficient mastication by the bats, and we recognize that we may have underestimated Study sites the presence of some soft-bodied insects in the feces. Fieldwork took place in rural Chutung (24 The frequency of occurrence and the percent 42'N, 121 6'E, 165 m elevation), a hilly region of° volume of each prey item in the feces were deter- northern °Taiwan, between May 1988 and June mined for each insect taxon identified. The fre- 1990. A Japanese pipistrelle colony roosted within quency of occurrence provides a standardized the roof of a traditional Taiwanese tile and wooden measure, ranging from 0% to 100%, of the com- , house. The house, built in early 1960s, is located monness of each prey item in the bats diet at the valley of Shangping Creek, and is surround- (McAney et al. 1991). We calculated the frequen- ed by rice paddies, bamboo woods, and secondary cy of occurrence as the number of fecal pellets in forests mainly comprised of Acacia confusa. The which a particular prey item was identified, divided number of bats dwelling within the roof fluctuated by the total sum of the numbers of pellets that con- over time; however, there were usually a couple of tained each prey item that was identified (McAney hundred bats present during most times of the et al. 1991). The percent volume of a prey item for spring and summer (Lu 1988, L.L. Lee unpubl. each date was averaged over all pellets examined data). Most individuals emerged and returned by on a given sampling date to provide an index of passing through clefts in the upper portion of the the proportional contribution of each prey item to front porch. the diet of the bats sampled on that date (Whitaker 1988). If a prey item comprised more than 1/2 of Fecal sampling the total volume in a sample, we defined it as “predominant”. We used the arithmetic mean of We collected fecal pellets twice each month the frequency of occurrence and the percent vol- during the study period. Pellets were collected at ume to estimate the relative importance of each Lee and Lee -- Food Habits of Japanese Pipistrelles 97 prey item in the diet (Bauerova 1986). volancy, i.e., late July to Oct.; and (III) winter, i.e., Nov. to Mar. When significant dietary variations Statistical analysis were detected, we conducted post hoc multiple range comparisons by Tukey honest significant dif- We restricted our analyses of dietary variation ference test (HSD) for unequal sample size to pin- to the ordinal level because fragments of prey, par- point the differences. We examined dietary varia- ticularly those of soft-bodied insects, were often tion of the bats against temporal sampling units difficult or impossible to identify to family. Unless only for the 8 prey orders that had the highest otherwise noted, data are presented as the mean important values, because the remaining orders ± standard error (SE). All statistical tests were occurred in low frequency, resulted in excessive determined at a significance level of p < 0.05 using null data.
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