1".'::: :~r .~:~:' j,}_L.../::IU~~-J\;~~~ All forms 01 1963 ACADIAN Insurance BY PONTIAC THE-DAILYNE s ~OW ON DISPLAY ST. JOHN'S NEWFOUNDLAND FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 15, 1963 \Vater St, Nova . 1~labeth Me, 9·4171 Motors Ltd,' SEVEN CENTS VOL. 70. NO. 39 16 PAGES - • • • 1: { , EMENI I eas ; rei 1 elze l 'I '. I Venezuelan Govt. Seeks \ I U.S. Aid In Hunt For Ship I,, . - CARACAS (AP) - Venezuela called for B I II help from the United States and five Latin Am- Iraq'l-s att e , each erican neighbors Thursday in the hunt for a gov- , . , . erninent freighter seized on the high seas by . Communists warring against President Romulo I !, ~ New RegI-me II, 1.39 Betancourt. A new wave of Red terrorism also I: burst upon Caracas, with a score of persons wounded in gun fighting and fire bombings. BAGHDAD, I I' a q, (AP)- through the c!tr trying to clean I . h - Urged by secret radIO broad- Iup the OpposItIon, I " • Reuters news agency said t e extermlsts I casts to rise against Iraq's new Fighting began Wednesday I '. l fighters night when a lone DOSALD FLE~nNG 1\ I who seized the vessel offered to exchange mem- re~olulionary regim~, r~f1e cr~ckcd I, " • ., • saId to be CommuUlsts battled out £i'om an upstml's II'mdow, " ) bers of the crew for pohhcal pnsoners held In troops in this capital until dawn n,ear the central telegraph, 0[- FlemOlng fer " Venezuela • Reuters said the offer was made in Thursday"Bursts ot nne machme-gun' flce,back An.With army mach t~nk me-guns. crew fIred a radio message received Thursday in Caracas fire echoed aro~nd resistance mms WITH RANG. ED pockets in crowdcd sections of Battling con tin u e d spor- H'lgh Court f rom th e vesse I. the capital. adically, ending just before I The Venezuelan nal'Y re- bands throughout the city, Tcr- ~espite, the new regime's dawn with ~ heav.y ,outb,urst (CP)-The rEI:" Iported that U,S, Navy plancs I'Orists hurled bottled gasoline, c1m,ms It had. s~ashed. all I n,ear B,aghd~d s mam mtclsec· TORONTO spotted the 3,12i-ton Anzoa!egui bomhs at police cars and the, resls!ance, . the f1gh!1I1g was ~he, 110n, Llb,erat~on Square, &~~\'a sa~~;at in JU~ti:ctor~H:il~~~~: 'I steaming in the Caribhean walls o[ a pro-Betancourt radio heaViest smce anl1-CommuDlsts ,Th.e s~t'Jahon secmed to he DOllald' Fleml'n a will be ap' ' t, t' . The et fire to sel'eral' overthrew the government of setthng mto a long-term strug- " about hallway I )ctween \ ene· 5 .1, Inn. III YI11Slses and burne(l Premiel' Abdel Karim Kassem gle. Inlormed 501\ I' C e s said pointed to the .supreme, Court ,of zucla and the Dominican Rc· elm ~ a 'I' f t Friday and execlltcd him. ahout 2.:;00 persons ha\'e been Canada hy PrIme Ml11lster DIC' puhlic, I 0\1 n a Ire ac ory, ' d t d t "I I S I k d f I I b k In Washington, howel'er, the MESSENGERS KILI.ED ,Tr~ops, police an s u en 5 Jal el, orne ,m,ere Y wor e or en a er, ' state department press o[fice Two messengers for a movie weanng the ~re:n arm, bands the. old govelnn.1cnt but the 1 The storv says the anllounce­ said it could no! con[irm the film ngcncy were shot 10 death of t!le revolutIOn s nat I ~ n a I maJI~I:lty were said to ,be Com- lment is :'expecled soon," and Venezuelan announcement, And in 11 holdup neal' the Royal gUald m 0 v e d systemallcally mUDlsts, ___ .____ 1 that :111'. Fleming has decided , r , : the U,S, Navy said in Wnshing- Sank of Canada. The robbers K. k b k n nut to bc a candidate in the ton it had no information, made off witb 1B,OOO h~livars Ie ac' s ~, -ause iApril8 general election. BLAME TERROR GROUP 1$3,850', There was no Immc· The Venezuelan government dinte el'idence the holdup was .J ;1[1', Fleml.llI;' ha,s represented TODAY ;.! hlamed the ship's ~eiZ\lre on the connecled with the AFNL aeth'- C ' D. · I Toronto Eglll1~on m ~he House '1 Armed F(II'CeS [or National Lib· ilies hnl police have in the . of om mons slllce p~st O~s Ism lssa 19~~, I ~ r Ill' HOSn" eration, an organization with blamed AFN[" for ~ senes . The story speculates t hat , " innln, links to Cuba, AFNL Icaflets o[ holdups to fmance Its opera- " "Frank ;'.lcGce, 36, of ~[ember '" strewn about Caracas newspa. tlllllS., 1II0N'FREAL (CP) - Josaphat I~o~'ked In the Qu~hcc City dl' ' Parliament for York - Scarbor- 10-7 , , HAROLD WILSON, per o[fices said the seizure of The Anzoaleglll lert the Ca- Brunet, director of Quebec pro- VISIon and seven )n the ~[ont· I ou~h since would be , ?\C\\' Leader of Labol' Party in Britain, the ship was aimed at turning racas port of La Guaira Tucs- vincial Police announced dismis- real division, They had between na~ed as min i ~ tel' withoul " 1V0rld opinion against Betan- day with a 36-man cr,:w headed sal of 28 constables Thursday two and 21 years' service on I portfolio in the cabinet, y cOllrt, by Capt. Oscar PerClra, Com- for accepting kickbacks from the force, But the chief terrorist aim municalions Minister P a b 1 0 garage owners whose tow trucks The Supreme Court, with nine , , was to [orce Betancourt to Miliani said the ship was taken The di:;missed men had been members, has had a vacancy cancel his visit with President Ol'er Tuesday night when she 0 t t under surveillance for the past sinc~ the Feb 2 death of Chief Kennedy in Washington next was about 70 miles off thc eerr en six months, The dismissals Justice Patrick Kerwin, , , week. He is due to leave Mon- Venezuelan coast. brought to 72 the number o[ abor Party Elects d F' t d of the seizure TORONTO '.~P) - Former I provincial policemen who have, ' • ny, u's 11'01' b f' d h e 'n' AFNL has been pressing a came Wednesday night. Ames- defcnce minister l)ouglas Hark-I cen Ire or a\' reSI"'~ned I: U fl tt the n a erlng I· terrorist campaign in Caracas sage from tbe ship said the ness, in a general letter to news'l last sel'en weeks, : I for more than a week and AFNL tc~rorists boa~ded, ~hc papers, s~id Thllrsda~' nuclear ~lr, Brunct said the men jllst ° I, intensified ,it Thursday to coin· An7.0a~egUl from an lInIde~I1f1~d weapons ,Ill Canada would not fircd had arranged with garage: Wilson As New Head cide with the news o[ the daring warshIp. But ~[III a n I dls- only sen e as a deterrent, hut loperators to share in cxcessh'c' Portrait ... ROO rnmll: , ~~~n as part of some fuhll'e tive, Britain has repeatedly seizure o[ the freighter as she counted t,his, saying the govern- would reduce l?sS of life in the! towing fces charged ~otorists :'liE\\, YORK (CP) - ~ews· '. {P'-II~n':tI Wi!· ~ multilateral NATO force, with been urged by the United States steamed toward the U.S. ports ~ent bcheved, the AFNL ,terror- event of a SovIet attack, ! whose cars were stalled or in· I w~ek Magazinc, which ~sually I::::!\l h)' ;11an)' hut! Britain having the power to lise to increase its conh'ibutions to of New Orlcans and Houston, Ists were l11dden aboal d thc i \,oh'ccI in accidents on Quebec' ',s nil s ace to Canada de- ft .... Thur;d,ry night' the missiles independently for :'-IATO, e :! police in Caracas fought scat' ship with the help o[ some of I were used to remove stranded i hinhwavs : gllt Ih e Pdf ' n ti! !o,m,\,,: :. ,1I1~1' nf' it~ oll'n defence, Wilson, a pipe'smoking intel- 'tl AFNL th " cars of[ hinhways I ~ , , .. , 1'0 es t e co\·er aD 0111' pa"es ere( gun ba ttl es WI 1 • ' C CI ell, ," ' lie added in a statemcnt the' of its cUI'rent issue to the Cana- lJrt)" ~iml' ", cl'cn.; III:>1DEHS AGREEMENTS lectual, standing to the left, de- t 1 !~"! aco : Wilson said it was "non- feated Brown, 48, representing 1 ~t~,;~~):r~t~~~~~C~ul~:i~l[ i~~~~; ~i;:':1 [~~eral election catled for ;lym·o:d "'11,011 de- ';;ense," in defence terms for the right wing of the party, by ! dealings, or soliciting or acccpt- it.>::!! BrOil n ill Ill .. COli' ,Britain to be a nuclear power, a vole o[ 144 to 103 in the race Racket 'ing money or gifts to rc[rain The corer is an unClattering ,It pari)" kadrl,hil'. In 'and it also hindercd all those to 'succeed Hugh Gaitskell, who Stolen Fur photo of prime Ministel' Dief- !~or1l)" ;,ftcnrard i in Britain and elsewhere who died Jan, 18, from repOl'ling an infraction," cnbakcr and the story in large Ibt If l.ahor comes I II'el'e anxious to get Interna- Meeting the press a few min- Mr, Brunet said he asked the part is a lurid attack on the t! Will canl'I" 'he Xa5.
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