
c 00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIV, NO 63 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1987 SOVIETS SAY U.S. SOLDIER, WIFE, DEFECTED Missile Launch By JOHN-THOR DAHLBURG details And Rex Gnbble, a spokes­ embassy have been arrested m the ASSOCIated Press Wnter man for the U S Army's European Umted States, two charged WIth A Success Headquarters m HeIdelberg, West espIOnage The thIrd Manne IS beIng v ANDENBERG AIR FORCE MOSCOW - A U S Army sol­ Germany, saId "I've Just seen the mvesugated for allegedly breakmg the BASE, CalIf (AP) - A Mmute­ dIer and hIS Wife have been granted report I've done some checkmg rule barnng contact wIth SovIets by man 3 rocket was successfully asylum by the Kremhn, a SOVIet offi­ around We have nothmg on It at thIS havmg an affair WIth a Soviet woman launched early today from here CIal SaId today, In the first known de­ tIme" and Iymg about It after a 24-hour delay, a base fectIon of an Amencan servIceman to The reported defectIons came amId Although other U S citIzens have spokesman saId the SOVIet Umon smce the VIetnam an espIOnage scandal at the U S Em­ asked for and receIved asylum m the The unarmed booster rocket blasted off shortly after 1 am, War bassy In Moscow that U S authon­ SOVIet Umon In recent years, travelIng 4,300 mIles to the U S Foreign MImstry spokesman Gen­ tles say may have compromIsed Its Roberts' reported defectIOn was the Army's KwaJalem atoll m the Pa­ nady Geraslmov IdentIfied the soldIer commumcatIons fIrSt by a member of the US armed as WIlham E Roberts, and hiS West Three former Manne guards at the cIfic, saId Sgt Vrrgtl Short forces smce the Vietnam War The 30-mmute fhght went WIth­ German WIfe as P Neumann, and .~ SaId Roberts had been based m West out a hItch Short said the test Germany launch carned two naVIgatIOn sys­ tems, one of WhICh WIll be used Geraslmov told reporters at a news for the nation's IntercontInental bnefmg that both Roberts and hiS BalhstIC MIssIle program WIfe were granted asylum by the He added that the launch was PreSIdent of the Supreme Soviet be­ routme and part of the Air Force's cause "they were afraId of bemg VIC­ research and development pro­ timIzed for therr progressive vIews" gram He saId Roberts "had been perse­ Weather problems caused the cuted" whIle statIoned m West Ger­ delay Wednesday many m the U S Army, but gave no details Geraslmov dId not gIve Roberts' rank and hometown Floods Wash Out The SOVIet offiCIal gave no detaIls of when the couple entered the Soviet Bridges, Dam Umon or how they had arnved "They have chosen for therr hon­ In New England eymoon the Turkmeman U S S R ," By PETE BROWN Geraslmov saId, refernng to the Cen­ ASSOCiated Press Wnter tral ASIan Soviet repubhc that borders Afghamstan, Pakistan and ChIna Cultists Against Communism Some of the worst New England In Washmgton, Pentagon offICials DIGOS, Phlllppmes - Members of a religiOUS cult, Tadtad, man a floodmg m years forced hundreds of dechned ImmedIate comment, saymg checkpomt In southeastern Mmdanao agamst communist rebels people mto shelters today after nvers they were attemptmg to learn funhe! Some Phlllppme offiCials have hailed the townsfolk crusade against and streams swollen from ram and Hospital Killed communism as a model for the nation (AP LaserPhoto) meltmg snow burst a dam. washed Highway Bill out roads and carned off a histone covered bndge AIDS Victims A state of emergency remamed m AMSTERDAM, Netherlands CAP) Reagan Pleads For Support effect today m Mame, and snow - Dutch doctors have performed By DAVID ESPO 13 RepublIcans who voted to oveITIde dusted MIchIgan after a storm euthanaSIa on as many as 11 AIDS ASSOCIated Press Wnter the veto on the frrst roll call dumped up to 7 mches Wednesday victims who chose death over pro- The House, WIth a large Demo­ MeanwhIle, freeze warnmgs were IS­ longed sufferIng, a hospItal WASHINGTON - PreSident cratIc maJonty, voted 350-73 on sued agam m the South as frmt spokesman SaId Reagan made an extraordmary per- Tuesday to overnde the veto It takes growers tallted the damage from three The CIty's AcademiC MedIcal Cen- sonal appeal to Repubhcan senator<; a two-thIrds vote by both houses to days of record cold that agnculture ter, the only Dutch hospItal with a today to sustam hIS veto of an $88 overnde a veto speCIalIsts said devastated some ward for acqmred Immune defiCIency bilhon highway bIll and spare hIm The WhIte House deCIded to turn orchards ~yndrome sufferers, dIsclosed from defeat m a showdown with the the hIghway bIll veto Into d test of "We really got clobbered," SaId Wednesday that one of ItS AIDS pa- DemocratIc maJontles of Congress Reagan's polItIcal standIng after RIchard Dickey, preSident of the tlents dIed m 1985 as a result of WIth aIdes and GOP Senate allIes months of controversy caused by the Georgia Peach Council and a grower euthanaSIa unable to fInd the votes needed to Iran-Contra affaIr m Musella He saId he may have lost The termInally III patIent chose to sustaIn the veto, Reagan's Journey In a conceSSIOn that Democrats 90 percent of the buds on hiS trees dIe rather than contmue to suffer, from the WhIte House to the CapItol have rounded up the 67 votes needed Early today, the 61-degree readmg hospItal spokesman Roy Bmze told represented a declSlon to place hIS to Jom the House m overndIng the m Key West. Fla , the southernmost The ASSOCIated Press He refused to pollt1cal prestige clearly on the lIne veto, Dole saId he could see "no ray CIty m the 48 contiguous states, broke gIve further Information on the case "I adVIsed the preSIdent I wasn't of hope out there" for findmg the vote a 100-year-old record low by one de­ Buyze also saId as many as 10 sure It would succeed," saId Senate RepublIcans need to save the presI­ gree Daytona Beach's 40 degrees other AIDS VIctims were thought to RepublIcan Leader Bob Dole of dent trom defeat and MIami's 54 also set record lows have dIed In mercy kIllIngs He saId Kansas Reagan SaId lIttle to reporters m A spnng thaw coupled wlth a the cases dId not occur at the hospItal, The Senate voted narrowly to sus- advance of today's trIp to the Capllol blustery storm that dropped up to 5 and that precise figures on the 111- tdIn the veto on WednesddY, but "I never talk about WIn or lo<;e before Inches of ram yesterday caused the stances of AIDS-related cases of eu- freshman Sen Terry Sanford of the game," he SaId when asked If he floodmg, WhICh was made more se­ thanasIa were not avaIlable North Carolllld - the lone DemOCfJt thought he could sustaIn the veto vere by snowcover up to three times Dutch courts have taken a tolerant to support Reagan - announced he With Reagan's VISIt set for late heaVIer than normal m the mountams stance toward euthanaSIa, WhICh the wa<; prepdred to switch hIS vote mormng, there was no word on when of New England center-nght government of PremIer Sanford's announcement set off a the Senate roll call would be held "The water IS gomg to stay hIgh Ruud Lubbers IS movIng toward le- scramble by admIllIstratlOn offICIals The DemocratIC count for today's ex­ for a whIle," SaId Spnngfleld, Mass, gdlIzing under stnctly controlled and Senate GOP leaders to fInd an pected vote mcluded Sanford, the 69- CIVIl Defense dIrector Albert Berte condItIOns offsettIng RepublIcdn vote, IncludIng year-old freshman senator John Paul II Meets Pinochet, Miners Trapped By Fire, One Dead MURDOCHVILLE, Quebec (AP) qUIS told The A~socIated Press Police Attack Demonstrators - A fire broke out m a copper mme He ~aId mformatlOn from the scene By FRANCES D'EMILO "I am here to encourage your m the Gaspe area of eastern Quebec, was sketchy, but company offiCIals ASSOCIated Press Wnter hope," the pontIff told thousands of trappIng about 40 mmers under­ had confIrmed that one mmer was handkerchlef-wdvmg ChIleans who ground A mme spokesman saId to­ dead and about 15 were mlssmg SANTIAGO, Chile - Pope John greeted hIm at the aIrport at the StMt day one mmer was kIlled and at least Rescue crews were waJtmg for Paul II prayed for pohtlcal eXiles and of a Six-day VISIt, hIS first to thIS pre­ 15 were mlssmg smoke to clear before entenng the the poor and urged reconCIlIatIOn m dommantly Roman Cathohc country Some 40 workers were m a m1l1e Gaspe Copper Mme, located In the thIS tense, mlhtary-ruled natIOn, but PreSIdent Augusto Pmochet, shaft when the fIre began Wednesday town of MurdochvIlle, about 250 polIce turned water cannons on whose nght-wlng mlhtary govern­ mght, but about 25 made It to a mIles northeast of Quebec CIty on the demonstrators who (,hanted, "Pope, ment has been blamed for deaths, lunchroom area and were belIeved Gaspe Penmsula at the mouth of the our brother, take away the tyrant " torture and other human-fights abuses safe, the mme spokesman SaId St Lawrence RIver Poh(,e also used tear gas to dnve SInce he took power m a VIOlent 1973 Len MarqUIS, publIc relatIOns di­ "The lunchroom IS the safest place back demonstrators who shouted antI­ coup, told the pope ChIle IS fIghting rector for Noranda Inc, owner of the and untIl the smoke IS over and out of government slogans and tned to break commuI11sm mme, SaId the fIre started near a con­ It (the mme), we won't let them come through polIce lmes along the pope'~ He saId ChIle IS beIng attacked by veyor belt some 2,500 feet below out," mine offICIal LIOnel Gleeton route from the import Wednesday "an outSide matenahst Ideology" m a ground saId They SaId SIX offIcers were slIghtly campaIgn of "hate, hes dnd the culture He saId the mmers who made their The mme employs some 500 mJured
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