Page Ten THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, April 8, 1938. £A S T E K c a n t a t a t o b e ttuttitttttxxmmtxtitiniutxittxtxtiuitttnmttttmittmuuttxxttttimttmntxttttttnttmm s u n g i n PINEHUBST CHl'RCH Comings and Goings in Vass “The Thorn-Crowned IClng,” an Junior.Senlor Banquet I Church Ser\l€‘es Patrons who were so fortunate as Easter Cantata by Fred B. Holton The dining room of Hotel Char- I The Rev. C. I. Calcote will preach to see Lewis Stone and his family in will be sung at the evening worship, mella was transformed into an old- in the Vass Presbyterian church at “You’re Young Only Once” will wel­ PATCH’S 8:00 o’clock, at the Pinehuist Com­ 11:00 o’clock this Sunday morning come the announcement that this fashioned garden la.st Saturday night munity Church, this Sunday, April ; and the Rev. S. J. Starnes will fill family is the attraction at the Pine- for the annual junior-senior banquet, 10. Assisting the regular choir will I hig regular appointment at the l^urat Theatre Sunday night, April the outstanding social event of the be Mrs. Charles Plcquet, Miss An­ Methodist church at 7 :30 in the 10th, at 8:30 in the continuation of year for the high school group. nie May Choate and Miss Elma May. evening. the Judge Hardy series, under the Dress Special Mrs. E. B. Keith will accompany the Through a gate over which himg .\tten<l Preshj-terlal title of “Judge Hardy’s Children,” choir on the organ. a Japanese lantern the group enter­ I The Rev. and Mrs. C. I. Calcote, a down-to-earth all-family entertain­ The congregation will be furnished ed the garden, where amid a setting Mrs. R. L. Oldham, Mrs. N. N. Mc­ ment produced in a neighborly fash­ Two Special Groups, Dark Sheers and printed texts of the cantata which of flowers and vine-covered lattice Lean, Mrs. B. M. Corbett, Mrs. eBn ion. It breathes the spirit of the will require about minutes i'r o m they found beautifully decorated ta- H Wood, Mrs. W. D. M cCraney and average /American family, and is Prints the opening to the closing chorus. T h e bles awaiting them. The senior class I Miss Agnes Smith attended a meet- played in like manner by Lewis entire worship service will be approx-; colors of purple and gold were ef- (ing of Fayetteville Presbyterial at Stone, Cecelia Parker, Fay Holden, $10.00 and $11.75 imately one hour. The public is cor- [ fectively introduced in all o f the ta­ Dunn on Thursday of last week. Janet Beecher and others with dially invited. ble appointments. A lovely center- ! Some of the ladies called on Mrs. L. Mickey Rooney, the star o f the show', j piece was found formed of purple M. Ha!l while there. whose performance will provide much At $5.00 I iris and gold Scotch broom and gold favorable comment. ' candles glowed from purple holders. The "Melody Boys," popular ra­ With the nation’s divorce rate in­ : The colors were repeated in place dio entertainers, will give a musical Group of Odd Dresses. Each one an EASTER—APRIL 17 creasing steadily, a marriage license i cards, programs and nut cups. program in the Vass-Lakeview FOB THE M A N WHO C.VKKS, “guaranteeing” permanent matri­ Exceptional Value I With Needham Stevens as toast- school auditorium next Monday night, mony should attract plenty of ap­ GET \ NICE WHITE i master, (The Man With the Hoe), April 11th, sponsored by the alumni plicants. This is the ingenious frame, the following program was given association. Final voting in a con­ Lace Trimmed or Silk Gowns, Prints and MER(’EBIZt:D BROVDCLOTH work of the new comedy-drania for | \ ' W'elcome to Seniors, “Our Gardens," test to determine who is the pret­ Victor Moore, This Marriage Busi­ Margaret Bailey; Response, “A. Gar­ tiest girl and who should be award SHIRT. ness,” at Pinehurst Monday, April Solid Color, choice land of Flowers,” John Alex Smith; ed the title of most hen-pecked man 11th, at 3:00 and 8:30 p. m. Moore Solo, “An Old Fashioned Garden,” will be held and the winners will be $2.69 There’s Nothing More Dressy. portrays a county clerk in a little I Marian McMillan; Talk, “Snakes, given home baked cakes as prizes. town who has been licensing would- Arrow and Manhattan .........$2.00 1 Toads and Spiders,” Wilbur Ed- Ballots may be cast at any time be newlyweds for 20 years, and none I wards; Quartet, “Last Rose of Sum- prior to the closing hour at the Men’s Dress Straw of them hag ever obtained a divorce. ; mer,” Doris Byrd, Sarah Cameron Vass drug store. A box supper will H ats ........ $1.00, $1.50 “Her Jungle Love,” the attrac­ Needham Stevens and John Rosser; also be a feature of the program. C. T. PATCH DEPARTMENT STORE tion at Pinehurst Wednesday, April White Oxfords ..._$2.00, $3.00, $4-.00 Talk, “Roises,” Haywood Howell; Vass Personal's 13th at 3:00 and 8:30 p. m., has White and Fancy Sox 25c and 50c ! Piano solo, "Narcissus," Irene Criss- Mrs. W. B. Graham, Mrs. K. G. SOUTHERN PINES been handsomely heaped up and pho­ Beautiful New Ties ...... 50c i man; “Forget-me-nots,” which were Rosser, Mrs. C. J. Temple, Mrs. H. tographed in full Technicolor, making I interesting events of school life giv- A. Borst and Mrs. S. R. Sm ith of Dressy Wash Pants ______ $1.98 a super-splendiferous eye-full. en by various persons; Toast to the Vass Woman’s Club attended a Dorothy Lamour, Ray Milland, WE DIDN’T FORGET THE faculty, “Our Favorite Flowers,” Better Homes meeting in Miss Flora Lynne Overman, J. Carol Nash and Mary McLauchlin; Response, “Flow­ McDonald’s office in Carthage Wed­ the late lamented Juggs have the LADIES! HAVE FOR YOU: ers From an Old Bouquet,” A. M. nesday afternoon. principal roles. “Her Jungle Love” is Pinehurst Paragraphs ' Calhoun. R, E. Beasley is taking treatment Dresses 98c, $1.98, $2.95, $4.95 a jungle production in color and in a hospital in Johnson City, Tenn. Morgan O’Brien of Detroit, former w eek in Charleston, S. C., visiting Suits ........... $5.95, $6.95, $9.95 i A delectable course dinner was contains a volcano eruption sequence His sister, Mrs. McAuley, of Biscoe, winter resident, is spending several the Magnolia Gardens. ! served by the following who were which is said to rived the fam ous hur­ Hats 98c, ......_....$1.00, $1.48, $1.98 is substituting for him in his school weeks here at the home of Mrs. A. Mrs. Larry Hensley is a patient I dressed in old fashioned costumes; ricane in "The Hurricane." Hose, _____ . _ 50c, 69c, 75c, $1.00 near Raleigh. S. Coburn. in the Moore County Hospital. I Edith Coore, Irene Hennings, Mary The mere mention of the fact that Clyde Jossey and A. Russell of Mr. and Mrs. Wert Sanders of Misses Dorothy McKenzie and Car­ and lots of accessories to go with ! Elizabeth Haynes, Annie Lou Brew- the long awaited for production, “The Albemarle were dinner guests of P'airmont were week-end guests of ol Hennessee, students at N . C. C. your outfit. i er, Wayne Thomas and Wilson Gools- Adventures of Marco Polo” is com­ Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Griffin Friday. Mrs. Sanders’ mother, Mrs. Ethel, W., Greensboro are ending the i by. ing to Pinehurst Friday, April 10th, Mrs. A. G. Edwards, Sr., and Mrs. Journey. | spring vacation at home. Ea.ster Pageant is enough to awaken the keenest in­ A. G. Edwards, Jr., spent a day last Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Sledge had as | Arthur W. Page, Jr., with a party An Easter pageant, “In an East­ terest. week in Raleigh. their guests at the Holly Inn buf­ of six classmates, are spending their ern Garden,” will be presented in An unusual combination of sw’eep- fet supper Sunday evening Mrs. C. spring vacation from Harvard at NelvinBros •Inc the Vass Methodist church at 7:30 ing spectacle, historical background, DR. McBRAYEK, LE.4DER IN \V.\R J. Shea and Miss Alice Corbett of | the Ralph Page home on the Lin­ o’clock Sunday evening, April 17th, touching romance, action and com­ i den Road. “16 Years of Service” OX TUBEKCl LOSIS, P.\SSES Lynn, Mass., Miss Marie Palmer of by young people and children of the edy, here is still another Samuel (Continued from page one) Boston and Mr. and Mrs. Thom as L. I Also home for the spring vacation Epvvorth League and Sunday School. Goldwyn smash hit. Gary Cooper, in Aberdeen and Southern Pines izing the State for its fight against Black. is Miss Frances Ehrhardt, student The public is cordially invited to the title role, dominates a large and tuberculosis, continuing this Vt'ork Mrs. P. F. Allen and Mrs. E. J. at Queens-Chicora, Charlotte. attend. well-chosen cast. as managing-director until 1937. He Haw’ley w'ent to Fort Bragg Sunday ' Mrs. W. P. Arnold of Boston has .-\t Soutliern Pines founded the training school for to visit relatives, Mrs. Hawley re­ arrived for several weeks stay. The Southern Pines Theatre joy­ nurses at the State Sanitorium, serv­ maining for several weeks’ visit. Miss Mary Kelly of Bridgeport, fully announces the return engage­ ing as dean for ten years. He was Mrs. Nell Binkley of Winston-Sa­ Conn., is spending the month of ACCIIN-ITHEATECJ ment of the rib-busting comedy, “The C PINEHURST and ■ SOUTHERN PINES first vice-president of the State Med­ lem is the guest of Miss Sylvia Nu-! April* will! her parents, Mr.
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