JUSTICE TO NEGRO IS FOR COMMON GOOD Total Reduced to 555> rSt RtfUter Has the International News Servica (Wire and Mail), tbs N. C. W. C. News Servks (Inclndinc Radies and Cables), Its Own Special Service. All the Snuller Catholic Services, Intematioaal Illustrated News, and N. C. W, C. Picture Service. CHURCH WORK PRIESTS’ QUOTA Local Local The report that 600 priests Edition Edition sold nuns had been slain in IN BEHALF OF San Sebastian, Spain, in six IN MEXICO IS weeks, carried to France by THE nine priests who escaped dis* guised as Basque fishermen, RACE LAUDED and the further word that SLASHED AGAIN 114 monks were shot down Catholic Program Serves to Meet Danger at El Escorial, the world fa­ That Threatens Our Existence, mous monastery near Ma­ Sonora Petition Made by 90,000 Citizens for REGISTER(Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) drid, brings to perhaps 1,500 Church Rights Is Ignored by . Jesuit Editor Says the number of priests alone VOL. XII. No. 38 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, SEPT. 20, 1936 TWO CENTS who have been slain by Reds State Officials Cincinnati.— A program of interracial justice and par­ since the outbreak of the ticularly one of justice and charity to the Negro is “ for the Mexico City.— The total number of registered priests What Price Education? Pontiff Broadcasts counter-revolution by the i good of all,” declared the Rev. John LaFarge, S.J., asso­ Rightist forces. “ Executions” in Mexico, previously reported as 576, must now be reduced ciate editor of America, Catholic weekly yeview edited by since the beginning of the to 555; for, in addition to the cancellation of the permit of the Jesuit Fathers, in an address before the convention of war run above 40,000, with the one priest allowed to function in the Diocese of Pa- the National Catholic Interracial federation, here. all deaths totalling 70,000 to pantla and Teziutlan, the 2Q„priests authorized recently by Total annual school costs per pupil Such a program, as sponsored by the Catholic Church, 100,000. the legislature of Nayarit have not been registered by the I9G.18 he said, serves “ to meet a common danger threatening all: local authorities. RE CLERGY IS threatening the very existence and welfare of our nation.” Gregory MacDonald, writ­ Meanwhile 90,000 citizens in the state of Sonora have This common danger. Father LaFarge called the threaten­ ing in The Catholic Times, petitioned state authorities for the restoration of their ing “ regime of violence.” “ I do not mean thereby any London, Eng., comments on churches and the return of their priests. Sonora has been political platform,” he explained, “ but I do mean, the without churches or the services of priests for several years, LAIRED RT the widely-published picture infiltration o f violence into our of a shooting squad ^‘execut- owing to the fact that the permits of the 16 registered social and civic life. What menaces Quits Spanish Post ing” the national monument --------------------------------------------------- j priests were illegally and arbitra- Castelgandolfo, Italy. — (INS) us is the increasing attempt, cov­ Women Are Cured — A stirring call to the world to ertly or openly, to solve all diffi­ to the Sacred Heart, which of Rodolfo Elias Calles. So far no unite and act swiftly against Com­ cult questions of human relation­ was erected at the geograph­ reply has been made to the peti­ munism to forestall the “ extreme ship by acts of violence.” ical center of Spain and dedi­ tion. ruin” that threatens otherwise was “ More and more,” he went on, cated by the then King Al­ The Most Rev. Anastasio Hur­ broadcast from the summer Vati­ “ we find growing the tendency to SIX MIGLES tado, who became Bishop of Tepic can by Pope Pius last Monday. substitute might for right. Such a fonso, May 30, 1919. The last April, and whose diocese in­ .Speaking in his native Italian, substitution is a counsel of despair. entire nation was dedicated cludes the entire state of Nayarit a tongue attuned to the impas­ It is the conseqAnce of religious at that time to the Sacred and a portion of Jalisco, has issued sioned nature of the address, the unbelief. It is the bitter fruit of a Heart. But the Reds have IRE REPORTER a pastoral analyzing the law en­ Pontiff praised, the “ holy heroism” system of public education which tried to wipe out that dedica­ acted by the Nayarit legislature of the Spanish clergy and people, for generations has presented to I and denouncing it as unconstitu­ compared the civil strife in Spain American youth a concept of life tion by their bullets. On the tional. Nevertheless, Bishop Hur­ to the first fratricide of Cain and and destiny from’ which the flame other hand, many of the Na­ tado declares, he feels that he is in Abel and laid responsibility for and idea of God are rigorously ex­ tional soldiers, who are try­ a position where he has to choose the bloodshed flatly at the door of cluded.” between two evils and that he is | Bolshevism. “ No chain is stronger than its ing to free Spain of Red and under obligation to afford his peo­ secret society government, London.— (Special)— Six cures “ The Pope therefore denounces weakest link,” he asserted, “ and are reported on the French na­ ple the means of practicing their to Europe and to the world the the weakest link in our resistance wear the badge of the Sacred tional pilgrimage to Lourdes this religion, no matter how limited danger inherent in this explosion to such a regime of violence is the Heart on their uniforms. year. One on the same pilgrim­ these means may be. of hate— this fruit of Communist relation between the Negro and age last year has now been offi­ reStraS^of ini priSt fo^eSh The International IHu.trated New. picture above .how. the break propaganda,” he said. “ He speaks the White races in this country. MacDonald give* a start­ cially recognized by the Bureau of of the danger this represents for The great significance, of inter­ Constatations, which will not ac­ municipality, each priest to offici- i the cost per child in the public school system or the United ling story about the present all of civilization and voices a racial justice, apart from what it cept alleged cures until one year ate 'only in one church in the seat' State.. A report, i..ued recently by the United State, department of paternal and flaming appeal to as does directly'for the spiritual and warfare. He say* that the has elapsed. All seven are women. of the municipal government. A ! interior, .etting the annual co.t at $96.18 per pupil, give. Cath- many as can possibly hear, so they the temporal benefit of the Negro, Mile. M. Fenaut of Beaumesnil, fight on religion was prophe­ in tlfe^Unked » « « “Hon of the taxpayer, ju.t what may all be united to study rem­ is that it comes to the rescue of the Eure, went to Lourdes last year whole body by strengthening its sied by the Sacred Heart There are 20 municipalities in the i Catholic .chool .j^ e m mean, to them m dollar, and cent.. If our edies and act to avert extreme suffering from stomach ulcers and ruin. most vulnerable ihember.” Himself to Madre Rafols y state of Nayarit. two and a half million pupil, attending Catholic grade and high .chool. intestinal hemorrhage. She had Interracial justice, he said, “ is Bruna (1781-1853), found­ been in pain for ten years, and, “ The gravity of the situation is throughout the country were turned over to the public .y.tem , the such as to admit no delay. Perhaps for the good of the whole Church ress of the Sisters of Charity following an operation just before taxpayer.’ bill would be increa.ed by 240 million, of dollar, annually, and of the whole nation,” and “ a leaving for Lourdes, her case had it has already been too long de­ of St. Anne, who conduct a Consecration of plu. the capital inve.tment for building.. layed. protection of all of human so­ Don Luit Calderon (above), been_despaired of. After bathing ciety.” hospital at Saragossa.. With­ “ The Pope dedicates particular Spanith ambaiiador to the United in the grotto water, she was sud­ Continuing, he said that when reference to Communist maneu­ States, has resigned his post. “ I in the last ten years, docu­ denly cured. the Church asks for justice and vers to effect a breach in the Cath­ am a true Spaniard,” he said, “ and ments written by the nun Some 40 doctors examined her Bishop Sept. 2\ 'skuUSpUtWUhAxe charity toward the Negro she is cannot retain my position while have come to light, some con­ afterwards and were unable to find olic ramparts and invites all the asking them for all, since the Ne- any trace of the illness. On her faithful to repulse completely this present events are occurring.” taining her private prayer* San Antonio, Tex.— (Special)— (Tunito Page 2 — Colum n 1) Calderon is strongly pro-Rightiit. return this year, the cure has been The consecration of Most Rev. Ma­ Murder of Spanish threat. and instructions for the sis­ accepted as being beyond scientific riano S. Garriga, D.D., LL.D., as “ Let Is not be* forgotten there terhood, others an account of explanation. Titular Bishop of Siene and Co- can be nothing in common between Increase Shown in Receipts (Turn to Page 4— Column 1) (Turn to PaaoM — Colu.mi 2). ad juton af-Gorpus-Ottiati, willvtake PrlesJl: Is Described place in San Fernando Cathedral all oroCT and civil laws.
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