QUQUQUEENSUEENSUEENUEENSEENEENEENSSS Volume 64, No. 165 FRIDAYFRIDAY,, DECEMBERDECEMBER 7,7, 20182018 50¢50¢ LILI LawyersLawyersPheffer’s Charged Charged UEENS WithWithEfforts DefraudingDefrauding Make Q ClientsClients for for Millions Millions LifeByBy EasierJonathan Jonathan Sperling Sperling For QueensQueens Daily Daily Eagle Eagle TheyThey were were hired hired to to practice practice the the law law — — not not breakbreak it. it. ODAY NowAll two recently Queens disbarred lawyers from a TODAY Now two recently disbarred lawyers from a T former Long Island law firm are facing multiple former Long Island law firm are facing multiple — DECEMBER 7, 2018 —— grand larceny charges and a scheme to defraud grandcharge larceny Residentsfor allegedly charges pilfering and a schememore than to $7defraud million ««« chargefrom thefor settlementsallegedly pilfering of dozens more of than clients, $7 million Queens ««« from the settlementsBy David of dozens Brand of clients, Queens PARENTS IN DISTRICT 30 ARE District AttorneyQueens Richard Daily A. BrownEagle announced on FUMINGTWOPARENTS ARRESTED OVER IN SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR BUS ATTACK30 AREISSUES DistrictThursday. Attorney Brown Richard was appointed A. Brown to announced the case ason a Of all Queens’ local leaders and elected NumerousONFUMING JEWISH problems OVER TEEN SCHOOL with IN schoolFOREST BUS busISSUES HILLS drivers have Thursday.special prosecutor Brown was by theappointed Office ofto Nassauthe case County as a parents TheNumerous andNYPD school problems arrested children with two lookingschool teenagers bus for drivers answers for their have in specialofficials,District prosecutor Attorney no one by Madelinehas the Officea greater Singas of Nassau impact in orderCounty over to Longallegedparents Island andinvolvement schoolCity. The children incidentsin an lookingattack were onfor so a answersbad 16-year- for thein Districttheavoid county’s any Attorney conflict 2.4 Madeline ofmillion interest. peopleSingas thanin order Audrey to residentsoldLong Jewish Island of boy DistrictCity. in The Forest 30 incidents and Hills PS on384Q,were Nov. so they 27,bad WPIX heldfor thean avoidPheffer,The any defendantsconflictQueens of County interest.— 60-year-olds Clerk, Commissioner Mitchell emergencyreported.residents of Witnesses Districtmeeting 30 said withand nearly PSthe 384Q, 20Department peoplethey held beat anof ofLenchner Thethe Supremedefendants and Corey Court Kaye,— 60-year-oldsand both Commissioner of Long Mitchell Island of— Education,andemergency kicked theaccordingmeeting teen, who withto ABC7was the taken . DepartmentIn toaddition Elmhurst ofto Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory LenchnerJurors.were served and Coreywith criminal Kaye, both complaints of Long Islandstemming — skippingHospitalEducation, stops, according leaving kidsto ABC7 at school. In andaddition dropping to Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory were fromIn served allegations her role with as thatcountycriminal they clerk defraudedcomplaints and commissioner 29 stemming clients be- offskipping kids at stops, the wrong leaving stops, kids parents at school tell andstories dropping of a 5- fromoftween the allegations supremeJanuary 2010thatcourt, they and Pheffer defrauded May 2018oversees 29 at clients the centuries since- be- year-oldoff kids at giving the wrong his bus stops, driver parents directions, tell stories multiple of a 5- Lasak Honored at Retirement Breakfast tweenofshuttered vital January documents,law 2010 firm and ofcase MayKaye records2018 & atLenchner. theand since-court If driversyear-old heading giving histhe buswrong driver direction directions, on one-waymultiple FromLasak left, Administrative Honored Judge of the Supreme at RetirementCourt, Civil Division, Jeremy Weinstein; Breakfast NYS Supreme Court shutteredfilings.convicted, Herlaw they administrativefirm face ofa minimumKaye decisions & ofLenchner. one determine year toIf a QUEENS MARINE CHARGED FOR maximum of 25 years in prison. streetsdrivers andheading oneHIGH-TECH driverthe wrong refusing CAR direction THEFTto help on kids one-way buckle FromJustice left, Gregory Administrative Lasak; Presiding Judge of Justice, the Supreme NY Supreme Court, Court, Civil Division, Appellate Jeremy Division, Weinstein; Randall NYS Eng; Supreme Queens County Court convicted,how Queens they faceresidents a minimum file ofand one access year to that a seatstreets belts. and “This one driveris a crisis refusing for any to parent help kidswhose buckle child JusticeSurrogate Gregory Court Lasak; Judge Presiding Peter Kelly. Justice, See NYmore Supreme coverage Court, on pages Appellate 15 and Division, 16. Randall Eng;Eagle Queens photo by County Andy Katz maximuminformation. of 25 years in prison.Continued on page 7 is affected,Queens and resident the city Naquan of New YorkClark, and a the Marine mayor Corpseat belts. reservist. “This is stolea crisis a for Range any parent Rover whose from child a Surrogate Court Judge Peter Kelly. See more coverage on pages 15 and 16. Eagle photo by Andy Katz That’s why Pheffer movedContinued to expand on page e-filing 7 andis affected, the DOE and need the city to beof Newhandling York this and asthe if mayor it’s a and record digitization for court documents crisis,”Brooklyn said car City dealer Councilmember using fraudulent Jimmy key Vanfob heand hadthe DOEleft in need the tovehicle be handling earlier this in asthe if it’sday, a from the very beginning of her tenure in 2011. Bramer.crisis,” Parentssaid City said Councilmemberthat at their emergency Jimmy meeting Van Empty Courthouse ThursdayWPIX reported. night, it Thewas allegedestablished theft that was any caught school “The whole goal is to get rid of paper and withonBramer. surveillance persistent Parents issues said camera. that would at their get emergencya new bus meetingservice. Emptyto take out steps Courthouse so that it’s quicker and you as TheThursday current night, service, it was Grandpa’sestablished Busthat anyCompany, school the publicFull can comeof inHistory and it’s done,” Pheffer with persistent issues would get a new bus service. Queens County Clerk Audrey Pheffer has received numerous awards and honors released a statement apologizing for the incidents and in her career as clerk and state Assembly Member. Eagle photo by David Brand By ClarissaContinued Sosin on page 7 assuringThe current that service,there is aGrandpa’s zero-tolerance Bus Company,policy for Full Queensof History Daily Eagle lawbreakingreleased a statementTLC and SETS leaving apologizing MINIMUM children for PAYinthe danger. incidents They and Inside the ByQueens Clarissa County Sosin Courthouse in Long alsoassuring set thatupFOR telephonethere APP-BASED is a hotlineszero-tolerance DRIVERS for any policy parents for Island City a janitorQueens cleaned Daily the Eagle second floor bathroom, a loneInside security the Queens guard watched County theCourthouse front door in while Long his experiencing lawbreakingNew York andissues: City leaving taxi718-475-7585, regulatorschildren in 718-475-7586, approveddanger. They Islandcolleagues City a janitortook their cleaned lunch the breakssecond floorand abathroom, judge sat andnewalso 718-475-7587. payset upstandards telephone for app-basedhotlines for car any services parents experiencing issues: 718-475-7585, 718-475-7586, Evangelou Earns NYC’s Prestigiousa chattinglone securityDewey with guardvisitors watched on the the emptyAward front doorbenches while of his his Tuesday that they say««« will raise drivers’ and 718-475-7587. colleaguescourtroom. took theirBy Davidlunch breaks Brand and a judge sat annualQUEENS earnings TURNS by $10,000 RURAL THIS a year, WEEKEND making chattingThe withdark hallways,visitors on normally the empty bustling benches with ofpeople, his Queens Daily Eagle it the first U.S.FOR city THE to «««COUNTY set such FAIR minimum pay courtroom.sat mostly empty during a lull Wednesday, leaving signs standards.TheQUEENS annual TURNS Queens RURAL County THIS Fair WEEKEND is coming to of theTheLate building’s dark Queenshallways, rich history Assistantnormally out bustlingin Districtthe open with forAttorney people, visitors Floral Park Sept. 22-23, and they’re bringing a jam- sattoJames mostlyadmire emptyW. Evangelou during a lull earnedWednesday, the leaving prestigious signs The city’sFOR Taxi THE and COUNTY Limousine FAIR Commission The pillared façade of the English Renaissance- packedapprovedThe schedule annual the rules Queens of family-friendly that County will establish Fair rural is activitiescominga toto ofThomas the building’s E. Dewey rich history Medal out at in athe special open for ceremony visitors the city. Hayrides, pie-eating, corn husking contests, tostyle onadmire Tuesday. building sits overlooking Court Square Park in per-minuteFloral Park Sept. and per-mile22-23, and payment they’re bringing formula a jam- Long Island City near the intersection of Jackson and TheEach pillared year, façade the Associationof the English of Renaissance- the Bar of carnivalforpacked Uber, schedule rides, Lyft, blue Viaof family-friendly ribbonand Gett. competitions The rural formula activities and ismuch to Thomson Avenues. According to a plaque outside the more will be available. “[The fair is] great for all ages stylethe buildingCity of sits New overlooking York awards Court theSquare prize Park to inan supposedthe city. Hayrides, to result pie-eating, in drivers corn earning husking $17.22 contests, an front door, the construction finished in 1876 but we will have lots of performers, acrobats, — stilt
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