THE ( UARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. IDIT'KD BY THE ASSISTAI~T-SECRETA_RY OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Quod si cui mortalium eordi et curve sit non tantum inventis hsereve, atque iis uti, sed ad ulteriora penetrate ; atque non diaputmado adversarium, sed opere naturam vincere; denique non belie et probabiliter opinari, sed certo et ostensive scire; tales, tanquam veri scientiarumfilii, nobis (si videbitur) se adjungant. ~Novurn Organum, Prezfatio. VOLUME THE FORTIETH. 1884. LONDON : LONGMANS, GREEN, READER~ AND DYER. PARIS: FRIED. KLINCKSIECK, 11 RUE DE LILLE ; F. SAVY. 24 RUE HAUTEFEUILLF. LEIPZIG : T. O. WEIGEL. SOLD ALSO AT THE APARTMENTS OF TKE SOCI]ETY, MDCCCLx~IVo l.i~t O F.~ I C.E.R ,S OY ~V~I~ GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Elected February 15, 1884. Pre6i~nt. Prof. T. G. Bonney, D.Se., LL.D., F.R.S. W. Carruthcrs, Esq., F.R.S. I J. A. Phillips, Esq., F.R.S. John Evans, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. I Prof. J. Prestwich, M.A., F.R.S. ~ecr~tari~. W. T. Blanford, LL.D., F.R.S. I Prof. J. W. Judd, F.R.S. Gror~ign b~c~tar~+ Warlngton W. Smyth, Esq., M.A., F.R.S. ~rca~ur~ro Prof. T. Wiltshire, M.A., F.L.S. H. Bauerman, Esq. J. Gwyn Jeffreys, LL.D., F.R.S. W. T. Blanford, LL.D., F.R.S. Prof. T. Rupert Jones, F.R.S. Prof. T. G. Bonney, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. Prof. J. W. Judd, F.R.S. ~'. Carruthers, Esq., F.R.S. J. A. Phillips, Esq., F.R.S. John Evans, D.C.L., LL.D, F.R.S. Prof. J. Prestwich, M.A., F.R.S. Col. H. H. Godwin-Austen, F.R.S. F. W. Rudler, Esq. Henry Hicks, M.D. Warington W. Smyth, Esq., M.A~, F.R.S. Rev. Edwin Hill, M.A. J. J. H. Teall, Esq., M.A. G. J. Hinde, Ph.D. W. Topley, Esq. John Hopkinson, Esq. Prof. T. Wiltshire, M.A., F.L.S. Prof. T. McKenny Hughes, M.A. Henry Woodward, LL.D., F.R.S. J. W. Hulke, Esq., F.R.S. ~i~tant~e~tar~, Kibrarian, an~ Curator. w. s. Dallas, Esq., F.L.S. ~hdt. Mr. W. W. Leighton. ~ibrar~ an~ ;fl~u~m ~i~tal~t. -Mr. W. Rupert Jones. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ]~age B]~, Prof. J.F. On the Volcanic Group of St. David's ........ 294 BoN~Y~ Prof. T.G. On the Geology of the South-Devon Coast from Toreross to Hope Cove. (Plate I.) ..................... 1 On some Rock-specimens collected by Dr. Itic~ in Angle- sey and N.W. Caernarvonshire ............................ 200 . Notes on the Microscopic Structure of some Rocks from Guernsey .......................................... .... 420 --. Note on some Rock-specimens collected by Dr. C. Ca~la- way in Anglesey ........................................ 583 C~U~LAWAY~Dr. C. The Archman and Lower Palaeozoic Rocks of Anglesey. With an Appendix by Prof. T. G. BONN~Y .. .... 567 CHA~E~OWN~, A., Esq. On some Za~hrentoid Corals from British Devonian Beds. (Plates XXI.-AXIH.) ............ 497 COT.LINS~ J. H., Esq. On the Serpentine and Associated Rocks of Porthalla Cove ......................................... 458 CROSSKEY~ Dr. H.W. Note on the 0stracoda and Foraminifera of the Shelly Patches at Bridlington Quay .................. 823 DANES, TEo~As~ Esq. Notes On the Microscopic Structure of some Rocks from Pembrokeshlre .............................. 548 DAvis, J. W., Esq. On some Remains of Fossil Fishes from the YoredalQ Series at Leyburn in Wensleydale. (Plates XXVI., XXVII.) . ...... : ...................................... 614 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page DAWSON, Dr. ft. V~T. Observations on the Geology of the Line of the Canadian Pacific Railway .................. .......... 376 DUNCAN, Prof. P. MArtTIN. On 8treptelasma Rccmeri~ a new Coral from the Werdock Shale (:Plate VII.) .................... 167 On Cyathophyllurn JFletoheri, Ed. & H., sp., from the Wen- lock Shale, with Remarks on the Group to which it belongs .. 174 . On the Internal Structures and Classificatory Position of Micrabae& coronula~ Goldfuss~ sp ......................... 561 EVNSON, II. 5., V~q. The Range of the Palaeozoic :Rocks beneath Northampton .......................................... 482 GARDNER, J. S., Esq. British Cretaceous Nuculidte. (Plates III.- V.) .................................................. 120 GODW:N-AUSTEN, Lieut.-Col. II. H. On the new Railway-cutting at Guildford : The Pleistocene Sands and Drift-Grovels ob- served there. With Introductory .Notes on the Eocene Beds~ by W. Whitaker, Esq ................................... 599 Observations on certain Tertiary Formations at the south base of the Alps~ in North Italy .......................... 855 t~ICB:S, Dr. I-I. On the Cambrian Conglomerates resting upon and in the vicinity of some Pre-Cambrian Rocks (the so-called Intrusive Masses) in Anglesey and Caernarvonshire .......... 187 On the Pro-Cambrian Rocks of Pembrokeshire, with espe- cial reference to the St. David s District. With an Appendix by T~OMAS DAVIES, Esq. (Plate XXIV.) .................... 607 HILt., Roy. E. The Rocks of Guelmsey. With an Appendix by Prof. T. G. BONNEY. (Plate XX.) ........................ 404 HrNDE, Dr. G. J. On some Fossil Calcisponges from the Well- boring at Richmond, Surrey. (Plate XXXV.) .............. 778 On the Structure and Affinities of the Family of the ReceptaculitJdae, including therein the Genera lschad~t'es~ Mur- chison (--- Tetragonis, Eichwald) ; Sph~erospongia, Pengelly; Acanfhochonia, gen. nov. ; and l~eeeptac~,lites, Defrance. (Plates XXXVI. & XXXVII.) .................................. 796 ~O]M-EnS]~AS/~COLLETT~ Esq. Note on a Deep Boring at :Richmond, SmTey ................................................ 724 Huorr~.s, Prof. T. M~K. On some Tracks of Terrestrial and Fresh- water Animals. (Plates VIII.-XI.) ...................... 178 ------. On the so-called ~ongia 2aradoxiea, S. Woodward~ from the Red and White Chalk of Hunstanton .................. 273 TABLE OF CONTENTS. v Page IaVINO, Roy. A. On the Dyas (Permian) and Trias of Central Europe~ and the true Divisional Line of these two Systems .... 389 JEFI~R~YS, Dr. J. GWYN. Notes on Brocchi's Collection of Sub- apennino Shells ........................................ 28 List of Shells from the " Basement" Clay at Bridlington Quay. (Plate XV.) .................................... 319 JOIINSTON-LAVlS, H. J., Esq. The Geology of Monte Somma and Vesuviu% being a Study in Vulcanology. (Plate II.) ........ 85 JoN~S, T. RvPE~% Esq. Notes on the Foraminifera and 0stracoda from the Deep Boring at Richmond. (Plate XXXIV.) ...... 765 JUDD, Prof. J.W. On the Nature and Relations of the Jurassic Deposits which underlie London. With an Introductory Note on a Deep Borinz at Richmond, Surrey, by Collett IIomersham, Esq. (Plate X~XIII.) .................................. 724 JUKES-BlmW~'F, .'k. J., Esq. 0n some Postglacial Ravines in the Chalk Wolds of Lincolnshire ............................ 160 K_IDSTON, RO]~ERr, Esq. On the Fructification of Zeillzria (Spheno- pteris) d~elicGtrb~la,Sternb., sp. ; with Remarks on Ur~wZopteris ( Sphenopteris) tenella, Brongt., and Ihymenophyllites ( Sphenopte~r ~uadriduvtylites, Gutbier, sp. (Plate XXV.) ................ 590 KOTO, Dr. BUNDJIRO. Studies on some Japanese Rocks .......... 431 I~MPLUGH, G. W., Esq. On a Recent Exposure of the Shelly Patches in the Boulder-clay at Bridlington Quay. With Notes on the Fo~ils by Dr. J. Gwyn Jeffreys, E. T. Newton, Esq.~ and Dr. H. W. Crosskey. (Plate XV.) ............... ......... 312 METC~, A. T., Esq. On further Discoveries of Vertebrate Re- mains in the Triassic Strata of the South Coast of Devonshire, between Budleigh Salterton and Sidmouth .................. 257 MIALL, Prof. L.C. On a new Specimen of Megalichthys from the Yorkshire Coalfield ...................................... 847 NEWTON, E. T.~ Esq. On ~he Oceuzrence of Antelope Remains in Newer Plioceno Beds in Britain, with the Description of a new Species~ Gazella anglica. (1)late XIV.) .................... 280 ~. On Fishes from Bridlington Quay .................... 322 OW~N, Sir Rzc]zx~zl). On the Skull and Dentition of a Triassic Mammal (Tm'tylodon long~em~s, Owen) from South Africa. (Plate VI.) ............................................ 146 , . On the Cranial and VerVobral Characters of the Crocodilian Genus Plesiosuchus, Owen ................................ 153 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page OWE~, Sir RICHARD. On a Labyrinthodont Amphibian (lChytidosteus capensis) from the Trias of the Orange Free State, Cape of Good Hope. (Plates XVL & XVII.) ...................... 333 PARKINSON,C., Esq. The Droitwich Brine-springs and Saliferous Marls .................................................. 248 I~N~r~G, W. H., Esq. Sketch of the High-level Coal-fields of South A~ica .......................................... 658 R:~ADE, T. M]~LLAttD, Esq. A Delta in Miniature--Twenty-seven Years' Work .......................................... 263 --. Ripple-marks in Drift in Shropshire and Cheshire ...... 267 . FreSher Notes on Rock-fragments from the South of Scot- ]and imbedded in the Low-level Boulder-clay of Lancashire .. 270 ROBERTS, Txo~As, :Esq. On a new Species of Conoceras from the Llanvirn Beds, Ahereiddy, Pembrokeshire. (Plate XXVILL).. 636 RUTLE:r~ FRANK~ Esq. On Strain in connexion with Crystallization and the Development of Perlitic Structure. (Plate XVIIL) .. 340 SHRUBSOLE,. G. W., Esq., and G. R. VI~E, Esq.. The. Silurian Species of Glauconome, and a suggested Classificatlon of the Palmozoic P01yzoa ...................................... 329 SMITJZ, G. V., Esq. On further Discoveries of the Footprints of .... Vertebrate Animals in the Lower New Red Sandstone of Penrlth. 479 SPEARING, H. G., Esq. On the Recent Encroachment of the Sea at Westward Ho !, North Devon ............................ 474 T~.~L~ J. J. H., Esq. Petrological
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