June 3, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6087 this amazing collection. The Remington Muse- be a reference to the ‘‘Carl B. Smith Post Of- member of the State’s Joint Standing um’s importance to the residents of my Con- fice’’. Committee on Inland Fisheries and gressional District can be attributed to both its The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Wildlife, Agriculture, and State and cultural and historical significance, as well as ant to the rule, the gentleman from Local Government. its economic impact on the surrounding com- Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) and the Throughout his tenure in the Maine munity. gentleman from Arizona (Mr. FLAKE) State House, Mr. Smith was widely Frederic Remington was, indeed, one of each will control 20 minutes. noted for his efforts on behalf of envi- Northern New York’s most famous residents The Chair recognizes the gentleman ronmental causes, as well as his devo- and it is fitting we honor his artistic contribu- from Massachusetts. tion to social issues such as poverty, tions to the world. It is also fitting that GENERAL LEAVE health, and aging. Ogdensburg, one of America’s most historic Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, I ask In 1987, Mr. Smith received statewide destinations, be the home of such an equally unanimous consent that all Members recognition when he was selected by historic figure. Located along the strategic St. may have 5 legislative days within House Speaker John L. Martin to serve Lawrence River, Ogdensburg was the site of which to revise and extend their re- on the Maine Commission on Outdoor key battles during the French and Indian War marks. Recreation. Upon announcing Rep- as well the War of 1812. In fact, the city was The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there resentative Smith’s appointment to captured by British forces during the famed objection to the request of the gen- the commission, Speaker Martin de- Battle of Ogdensburg in the War of 1812. tleman from Massachusetts? scribed Smith as an ‘‘extremely hard- Ogdensburg was also the site of the appro- There was no objection. working legislator who has devoted a priately titled Ogdensburg Agreement of 1940. Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, I yield great amount of time and energy to en- This was a joint defense pact signed between myself as much time as I may con- vironmental issues.’’ Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King and sume. Regrettably, Carl B. Smith passed President Franklin Roosevelt. Madam Speaker, I am pleased to away on October 4, 2000, at the age of It is also fitting that such a storied city has present H.R. 2173 for consideration. 78. a duly historic post office. In fact, the This legislation will designate the Madam Speaker, let us honor this Ogdensburg Post Office was listed in the Na- United States postal facility located at dedicated public servant through the tional Historic Register in 1977. The building 1009 Crystal Roads in Island Falls, passage of this legislation to designate serves as the oldest active post office in New Maine, as the ‘‘Carl B. Smith Post Of- the Island Falls post office in Carl B. York State and among the oldest in the United fice.’’ Smith’s honor. States. It was constructed between 1867 and This bill, introduced by my colleague I urge my colleagues to join me in 1870, and is truly a building befitting of this and friend, Representative MIKE supporting H.R. 2173. honor. Of note, on August 7, 1872, President MICHAUD of Maine, on April 29, 2009, I reserve the balance of our time. Ulysses S. Grant visited the building for a pub- was reported out of the Oversight Com- Mr. FLAKE. Madam Speaker, I thank lic reception. It is also very likely Frederic mittee by unanimous consent on May the gentleman for introducing this. I Remington himself would have sent some of 6, 2009, and enjoys the support of both think it’s appropriate that the Con- his correspondence from the very post office members of Maine’s House delegation. gress at times names post offices, but I that will be dedicated in his name. A lifelong resident of the town of Is- don’t think that it is appropriate that Accordingly, I ask my colleagues to support land Falls, Maine, Carl B. Smith dedi- we spend hours and hours doing it. this legislation to designate the Ogdensburg, cated over half of his life to public I think that if we ask our constitu- New York Post Office as the Frederic Rem- service and local and State govern- ents at home if they want us to spend ington Post Office Building. ment, the United States military, and more time naming post offices or talk- Mr. LYNCH. I yield back the balance the United States Postal Service. ing about post offices that have been of our time. Born on March 30, 1922, Carl B. Smith named or talking about something im- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The graduated from Sherman High School portant that will really affect them question is on the motion offered by in 1940 and 2 years later joined the like cap-and-trade or cap-and-tax com- the gentleman from Massachusetts United States Army Corps. Representa- ing down the road, I think they’d say (Mr. LYNCH) that the House suspend tive Smith’s subsequent 10-year tenure the latter. And I plan to vote for this the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2090. in the United States Army included post office naming, and I think it’s ap- The question was taken; and (two- service in Europe during World War II, propriate that Carl B. Smith have a thirds being in the affirmative) the as well as service in Japan and Korea post office named after him in Maine. rules were suspended and the bill was during the Korean conflict. He would Now, I think it’s important that peo- passed. go on to become a lifelong member of ple across the country know what we’re A motion to reconsider was laid on the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7529 going to be debating this summer. It’s the table. out of Island Falls as well. going to affect them and affect them Following his discharge from the deeply, and if I was convinced that f service, Representative Smith attended we’re going to have adequate debate CARL B. SMITH POST OFFICE barber school and proceeded to serve time on the floor for cap-and-trade, Mr. LYNCH. Madam Speaker, I move his beloved community of Island Falls then I might feel more inclined to talk to suspend the rules and pass the bill as a barber for 30 years. In addition, he about post offices. But my guess is, (H.R. 2173) to designate the facility of also worked as a rural letter carrier when it comes to this, we’re going to the United States Postal Service lo- with the United States Postal Service be having a very small amount of time cated at 1009 Crystal Road in Island and, of course, was a proud member of actually on the floor. Very few amend- Falls, Maine, as the ‘‘Carl B. Smith the Maine Rural Letter Carriers Union. ments, if history is any guide, will be Post Office’’. Representative Smith would subse- allowed on this cap-and-trade legisla- The Clerk read the title of the bill. quently embark on a distinguished ca- tion, and there will be a truncated time The text of the bill is as follows: reer in local and State government. and space that we actually have to talk Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- First, he served as the town clerk of about what is going to affect people all resentatives of the United States of America in Island Falls for 13 years and later across the country. Congress assembled, served on the Island Falls Board of Se- Now, if I were supporting this cap- SECTION 1. CARL B. SMITH POST OFFICE. lectmen. and-trade legislation that’s coming (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the In 1980, Mr. Smith was elected to the down the pike, believe me, I wouldn’t United States Postal Service located at 1009 Maine State Legislature as the rep- want to talk about it much here either Crystal Road in Island Falls, Maine, shall be resentative serving house district 140, because I think the more people learn known and designated as the ‘‘Carl B. Smith which includes Island Falls, Ludlow, about it, the more they fear about Post Office’’. (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Oakfield, Sherman, and other areas. what is coming down the road here. map, regulation, document, paper, or other His admirable career in the Maine What is coming down the road are record of the United States to the facility re- House of Representatives would span 10 higher energy taxes. Let’s be real here. ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to years, during which time he was a And I think some on the other side of VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:02 Jun 04, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03JN7.009 H03JNPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE H6088 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 3, 2009 the aisle have been honest enough to about this rather than simply talk He had a deep belief in local input on admit that. The Representative from about post offices being named because legislation and local control of devel- Michigan said it best: I think nobody this will affect the average American opment issues.
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