T ['. - ^yv- T-•-•••• Date rape drug focus of law, Bl nelawn i,:"jc*U'^i<-'^Tjff^'t rfgTtr^nn' Putting you In touch Thursday with your world August 6,1998 Serving the Westland Com •o- VoiUMf-: 34 NUMBER 1,8 WESTUNO, MICHIGAN • 68 PAGES • http://observereccentriC.com Afvv-NTv Five CFNTS -•(. a iaM KtwTvn CoaunttakatioM Ftatwork, lac] How to read this chart: .v. Primary • Totata raprtaafrt how WMtiand yotaaY • Check math ImMcatta overall wtanar. UttOFF.I C I k'V. RESULTS ( •• !•'.•• *• .' \ ' r • ' * wesruwo'i i AUG; 4 PWMMTf RESULTS dies, ''•«.•' '•" ; • t. 1 • J 4'' IfWITT •.-.. 1 . I'- fiOVERNOR: .:( * Gary Artlnien-160 1 >' 2,201V • V 1 £brt4MM*0M4t 1 I REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS: ;i '< 13TH Dl$TRICT 1 Tom WeMy-1,725^ 1 • » . 1 LtOmATTVt ' 1 STATE SENATOR: . ' j . •0 •••• 8TKDISTWCT t low ML BlMitt 1,966 • • An 18-year-old pregnant ! STATE REPRESENTATIVE: woman died in a car acci- J 17TH DISTRICT , dent over the weekend in ! ! ia^^a^W ^^^^^^^W^^^^J • Jfc%^_ ^F 18TH DISTRICT . Westland. Her baby girl was! St* v CwHty-1.641 • delivered by Caesarean sec-1 coutnY tion and is in serious condi-'. COUNTY EXECUTIVE: .tion,, :';;.;•',;- ;••;•• '.'.'••'.. • • : I Etfwartf A. W»M—MUM • 876V Herbert A. Scott- 726 An 18^year-old pregnant woman was] killed Saturday in a two-car accident in) •fiMCMtlO MfttY ; Westland, police said, but doctors; *7AfE '': WhMt'^Q,yjDU tKln^?'.&0^ 'BearcJ'"c/ia^s -ii;^A "iVrtite\'SndjOi*TO:"ai .'i/rci;£cto>y -pdr^y j^^'Coun<y'JSjeec^* saved her baby girl; ; GOVERNOR; MveEdMcNam is vice chair of the Wayne County Board of Qommis' Julia Margaret Serda of Iiikster car­ Doug Ross-1,406 ried her baby for 7¼ months before she! Saaffray Baajar • 2,742 • sioners and was unopposed in Tuesday's primary. • died from internal injuries suffered in; Larry Owen - 2,328 a 6:48 p.m. accident at Middlebelt and; ©ftWW**WWl Ann Arbor Trail, police said, REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS: Westland paramedics rushed her ta 13TH' DISTRICT . Garden City Hospital, wherfr she Was Lynn Nancy Mvw» -5,100 V spiGesupraee declared dead about 45 minutes later.; uewwrrwr •'-. Doctors performed a Caesarean section to save the baby, who was placed on a STATE SENATOR: Democratic gubernatorial nominee Related stories, A5,' 'John Engler in the Nov. 3 general "8THD|$TRlCT Geoffrey Fieger stirred strong emo- election. respirator and airlifted to the Universi­ KWMMI A. WarftoM - 4,525 V . tions in Tuesday's primary election dan," Shealy said. "Every election it "The only race I'm really here for is ty of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor. as Westland voters went to the polls. seems like we get. );he same old thing the governor's race," Bowen said. "The baby is in serious condition, but STATE REPRESENTATIVE! the hospital said that's good consider­ l^TH.Ol STRICT "I think Fieger is really being hon­ from the politicians, but Fieger is "I'm not really fond of Fieger, but I T*«ma» K. Kelly -282 V est, and I'd like to see somebody like really saying stuff." am fond of (second-place finisher) ing the age of the baby and, what it has 18THOISTRM;T that in office,* Dan Shealy, a 22- Over at the Lowell Middle School Larry Owen and his support for the been through," Westland police Officer/ BtaaaDalaart 4,844V year-old Northwest Airlines atten­ poll in the city's northwest side, 20- blue-collar working class. --; Cathy Gilliam said. "They are expect­ dant, said after.voting for Fieger at year-old Nathan Bowen offered a "I don't think Fieger is a moral per- ing the baby to live, so things for the COUNTY •'• Patchin Elementary School/ sharply different perspective of the little girl are looking pretty good." .v! •• COUNTY EXECUTIVE: "Fiegerish't like the normal politic Democratic nominee, who faces Gov. • Please seei RACE, A2' Wallic* R. S*rylo - 244 Please see BABY, A2 Mvaftf M. MlHfiri - 5,052 • Shafon McPhail - 976 fcOUNTY COMM(S9IO*fR: 'DISTRICT '- • •, : . l- 4.701V City administratio..(.- n officials prema-./ the increase onto quarterly bills for .same procedure in passing on previous and no earlier. JUDGES OF THE COURT Of A^fkALS: turely sbcked WtibLlaiid water con-^ -Ap"1 through June. water rate increases. "I don't think it's proper to make the DanM P. Ryan • 2,291 V sumers with a 10 percent rate hike, say "I don't believe the general public "That has been- what we did in the rate increase retroactive," council Pres­ Myraa H. Wabla 2,988 • critics who want their money back. realizes what has been done to them," past," he said. '..'"'...-.:" ident Sandra Cicirelli said. ; Malawi H, WWU- 3,458V "I believe,that is totally wrong," resi­ Valoyick said; New water-user rates.jumped 38 Some council members suggested IMML Imni-1,408 V 1 Susan Bieke Neilson -1,736 dent Paul Valovick said Monday, He showed the Observer a $92.18 cents per 1,000 gallons, climbing from giving waterxttstomers a credit on addressing Westland City Council water bill indicating that he Would $3.81 to $4.19. City officials have said their next bills, although McCurley JUDGES OF THE CIRCUIT. COURT: members who shared his concern. have owed $83.82 under the old rate the new revenue will be used to estab­ estrmated city employees would have to Oary ttwanl Aaftfnar • 1.697 • Blaming the city administration, System. He suggested the city delayed lish a drain-problem fund, to start spend 1,400 to 2,000 hours completing JwwE. OWN-2,060 • some council members want 8,247 mailing out the latest customer bills to replacing faulty sewer lines and to pass the task. Muriel Diane Hughes • i;i-90 . Srian R. SaMvaa-2,722y water users to receive credit On their tack on higher rates. on.rate increases imposed by Detroit During a telephone interview Tues-' Annette iurkiewicz Berry -1,935 •' next quarterly bills/., "That is not true," Finance Director and Wayne Cpunty. day, Councilman Richard LeBl%anc sug-! •atrteta Saaaa Fraaartf -1,930 • Council members earlier approved a Tim McCurley said. But council members stated vehe­ gested ah across-the-board, id-percent. 10 percent water rate hike to start July Moreover, McCurley admitted pub­ mently Monday that they intended the PROPOSITION A: (Supermsjority) l; but the city administration tacked licly that the city had followed the rate hikes to become effective July 1 *- Pleas© see HIKES, A2 YES'5,655 V •.:• :•-' NO-2,474 LPROPf)SJTiON J: (Jail renewal) •.. YIS-5,070^ Toga, toga NO -3,434 PROPOSITIONS: {SMARTS YM-5,886 V NO-2,640 INDEX Steve Guile, who had a major role in "the'dowhto^vTi^stieetscape-pTOJecHn- • Obituaries ^ ; M Plyrhputh, is leaving his job to come to Westland. • Classified Index V jReal Esrtate__ _ •~'^F4 Guile, Downtown Development Crossword "" Fe] Authority director since 1992; sent a Jobs letter last week to DDA members JJjpiq^ announcing his intention to leave effec­ Home St Service 1 JG8; tive Oct. 2. Fun time: Automotive • s He is to become Cooks Tom Zig- • Opinion A12T3 AVestland's first DDA man (above, • Calendar director, B4 "I think it's excit­ right) and • Sports CI ing," said Kim JohnShakar- • Real Estate Fl Shunkwiler, Westland jian keep busy DDA chairman. "He during this brings so much to the year's Lonnie HOW TO REACH US tab'c, so much experi­ ence." Drive block Guile's announce­ party. The: Newsroom: 734-953-2104 ment cpmes just Guile event, the fifthy Newsroom Fax: 734-591-7279 weeks after Plyjnouth had a toga • E-mtil: DDA members offered theme. Jake him an 18-month contract extension. bjachmanOoe. homacomm .nat That move was seen by observers as Dudek,!! Nightline/Sports: 734-953-2104 a subtle encouragement for Guile to months old, Reader Comment Line: 734-953-2042 seek a new job. His previous contract wears the garb Classified AdYertisingmwlWiO extensions had each been for throe of the day years. Display Advertising: 734-591-2300 (right). For "My assessment is I don't need to more on the Homo Delivery: 734-5914500 Stay here any longer. It's time to find some other challenges," Guile said fun, see Page Tuesday. Swinging: Taylor Kortes, 4, swings the after­ •A3,- "Cortainly his skills are sifch that they would be very Valuable to West- noon away on the tieigfibors' tree swing at land to establish their new DDA^said the annual Lonnie Drive block party. Plymouth Mayor Don Dismuke. • •MIL1 ' 1 r' 1 . J 1 • • 11 -' 1 1 ..'-1 • 1 . i • 1 1 ' • - •"- 11 . 1 _' ' •' • • 1 • •' 6 S3i74^ toon -6 Please sop 0PA» A2 . • ! ***) The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, AUGUST 6,1998 i Race from page Al t -•J son^" Bowen said. office reported a^few problems Gubernatorial candidates • PRIMARY'98 with voters who still haven't appeared to be the big draw in mastered the city's computer­ by car Saturday Westland as 16,8 percent of the ized, touch-screen voting system. city's 57,063 registered voters Under the supermajority pro­ "But overall there were no helped decide key primary rftces. posal, the county charter ia to be major problema," Gibbons said. \ Seriously injured when she • Ntooto It OIM of 17 ', Kalousek said a small group of In raw numbers, 9,672 West- amended to require 60 percent of In other Westland election tvas hit by a car; near Franklin members of Franklin's students were roadside, waving land voters cast ballots, accord­ voters to approve a tax increase "results:' .'..•'•.: '' High Saturday, Nicole Stanczyk cars in, while the bulk of the stu­ ing to unofficial totals released before it can go into effect.
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