886 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 11, CONFIRMATIONS. the Union Calendar, be referred back to that committee. Is there Executive nomination con.firmed by the Senate Decembe1· 20, 1.900. objection? [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. APPOINTMENT IN THE MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE. ACCOUNTS OF MARSHALS AND CLERKS OF DISTRICT COURTS IN THE TERRITORY OF UTAH. Benjamin S. Warren, of Alabama, to be an assis.tant surgeon in the Marine-Hospital Service of the United States. Mr. KING. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of the bill (S. 5231) relating to the accounts Executive nominations con.firmed by the Senate Janua1'y 11, 1901. of United States marshals and clerks of the district courts of the UNITED STA.TES ATTORNEY. Territory of Utah. William G. Wheeler, of Wisconsin, to be attorney of the United _The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Utah asks unanimous States for the western district of Wisconsin. consent for the present consideration of the bill S. 5231, which is on the Speaker's table. POSTMASTER, The Clerk read as follows: David B. Rigdon, to be postmaster at Statesboro, Bu11och Be it enacted, etc., That the United States marshals and the clerks of the County, Ga. district courtg of the Territory of Utah prior to its admission to the Union as a State shall be held accountable only for fees earned in United States cases, in accordance with a decision of the Attorney-General dated Decem· · ber 2, 1891, and all unclosed accounts of such officers shall be settled and HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. closed accordingly. Mr. DALZELL. Reserving the right to object, Mr. Speaker, FRIDAY, January 11, 1901. I would like to hear some explanation from the gentleman. The House met at 12 o'clock m. The Chaplain, Rev. HENRY Mr. KING. Mr. Speaker, during the first session of this Con­ N. COUDEN, D. D., offered the following prayer: · gress this bill, under a different number, was introduced both in 0 Lord, we approach Thee in the sacred attitude of prayer the House and Senate. lt was unanimouslyreported by the Judi­ because we believe in Thee, that Thou art a God hearing and Gou ciary Committee in the Senate and came to the House. In the answering prayer. Hear us, we beseech Thee, when we cgmmend House Judiciary Committee the Senate bill took the place of the to TheeforThycarea11 the members of this House who are sick and House bill and was unanimously reported by that committee, the affi.icted with the prevalent disease of the season; and especially, uistinguishea member from New Jersey [Mr. PARKER] submit­ Heavenly Father, we pray Thee to let Thy blessing rest upon ting the report. It went to the Presiclent of the United States the member from Nebraska who for days has been near death's for his approval. Fearing that it might not receive Executive ap­ door. We thank Thee for the hope of his recovery and we pray proval, because the Attorney-General thought the language of Thee, if it be Thy will, that he may be restored to health; that he the bill was somewhat too comprehensive, a resolution was passed may go in and out with us as before. Watch over us this day recalling it from the President. It was returned to the Senate by that we make no mistakes, and Thine be the praise through Jesus the President and referred to the Judiciary Committee. That Christ our Lord. Amen. committee then reported the bill in its present form, which, as I The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. understand. is approved by the proper department of the Govern­ ment. It eliminates the objectionable words. In its present form, MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. with a slight amendment, it was prepared in the Department of A mes age from the Senate, by Mr. CUNNINGHAM, one of its Justice. clerks announced that the Senate had passed bill of the following In brief, the facts are these: The clerks and marshals of the title; in which the concurrence of the House was requested: Territory of Utah made their reports to the Government accord­ S. 5337. An act providing for the construction of a steam r eve­ ing to the law as interpreted by the Department of Justice. In nue cutter for service in the harbor of Boston, Mass. the decisions of this Department the clerks and marshals were not The message also announced that the Senate had passed the fol­ required to make returns of fees earned in civil cases. These ac· lowing resolutions: counts so submitted were settled and approved~ and were, as Resolved, That the Senate has heard with deep sensibility the announce­ stated, conformable to the dec~ions of Attorney-General Miller ment of the death of Hon. FRANK G. CLARKE, late a Representative from the and Attorney-General Garland. State of New Hampshire. Since this the Solicitor of the Treasury has construed the law Resol-ced That a collI!littee of six Senators be appointed by the presiding officer to join the committee appointed on the part of the House of Repre­ differently, and held that the law required them to include in the sentatives to take order for superintending the funeral of the deceased. emoluments returned fees earned in civil cases. This decision is Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the House contrary to the rulings of the past and the construction of the of Representatives. Department; but, in accordance with this ruling, it is impossible . And that, in compliance with the foregoing, the Presinent pro for the Treasury officials to approve and settle certain of the ac­ tempore had appointed as said committee Mr. CHANDLER, Mr. counts of the clerks and marshals of Utah. For the purpose of GALLIN GER. Mr. DEBOE, Mr. SCOTT, Mr. McLA.URIN, and Mr. permitting the Department to close up these accounts the passage HEITFELD . of this bill is desired. The message also announced that the Senate had passed with­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The out amendment bills of the following titles: Chair hears none. H. R. 12393. An act to provide for the holding of the circuit and The biJl was ordered to be read a third time, was read the third district courts of the United States for the eastern district of time, and passed. Arkansas; and On motion of Mr. KING, a motion to reconsider the vote whereby · H. R. 3047. An act to remove charge of desertion from military the bill was passed was laid on. the table. record of John Faulds, Company G, Thirty-first Wisconsin In­ USE OF RESERV ATIO~S IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. fantry. EULOGIES ON THE LATE REPRESENTATIVE W. D. DALY. Mr. BABCOCK. Mr. Speaker, I desire to call np Senate joint resolution 145, now on the Speaker's table authorizing the Secre­ Mr. SALMON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that tary of War to grant permits to the executive committee on in­ February 9, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, be set aside for tributes augural ceremonies for use of reservations or public spaces in the of respect to the memory of the late W. D. DALY, a Representa­ city of Washington on the occasion of the inauguration of the tive from New Jersey. President-elect on March 4, 1901, etc. I ask unanimous consent The SPEAKER. The gentleman from New Jersey asks unani­ for its present consideration. mous consent that February 9, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, be set The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Wisconsin calls up Sen­ apart for eulogies on the late Representative DALY, from New ate joint resolution 145 and asks unanimous consent for its pres­ Jersey. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The Chair hears ent consideration, and the Clerk will report the resolution. none, and it is so ordered. The Clerk read as follows: LOUISIANA PURCHASE CENTENNIAL. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Uongre~s assembled, That the Secretary of War is hereby author· Mr. TAWNEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that ized to grant permits to the committee on inaugural ceremonies for the use the bill (H. R. 982~) to provide for celebrating the one hundredth of any reservations or other public spaces in the city of Washington on the occasion of the inauguration of the President-elect, on the 4th dar of March, anniversary of the purchase of the Louisiana territory by the 1901, which, in his opinion, will inflict no serious or permanent in3uries upon United States by holding an internat:onal exhibition of the arts, such r eservations or public spaces or statuary thereon; and the Commission­ industries, manufactures, and the products of the soil, mine, for­ ers of the District of Columbia may designate, for uch and other purposes on the occasion aforesaid, such streets, avenues, and sidewalks in said city of est, and sea, in the city of St. Louis. in the State of Missouri, on Washington as they may deAm proper and neces ary: Provided, however, the Union Calendar be referred back to the Special Committee on That all stands or platforms that may be erected on the public spaces afore­ the Centennial of the Louisiana Purchase. said shall be under the supervision of the said inaugural committee and in The SPEAKER. The gentieman from Minnesota, the chair­ accordance with plans and designs to be approved by the Architect of the Capitol, the commissioner of public buildings and grounds, and the building man of the Special Committee on the Celebration of the Louisiana inspector of the District of Columbia.
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