1 Improved Shelters for Responding to Floods in Pakistan International Organization for Migration Improved Shelters for Responding to Floods in Pakistan Phase 1: Study to Develop a Phase 1: Study to Develop a Research Methodology Research Methodology July 2014 2 Acknowledgements Arup International Development would like to thank IOM and DFID for their input in preparing this report and for organising WKH¿HOGYLVLW3DUWLFXODUWKDQNVDUHGXHWR Magnus Wolfe Murray (DFID), and the 6KHOWHU&OXVWHU7HDPLQ3DNLVWDQ This report and associated publications were commissioned and produced using funding IURP'),'+RZHYHUWKHYLHZVH[SUHVVHG are those of the independent academic DXWKRUVDQGGRQRWQHFHVVDULO\UHÀHFWWKH YLHZVRI'),'DQG,20 Improved Shelters for Responding to Floods in Pakistan Phase 1: Study to Develop a Research Methodology Copyiright © Ove Arup and Partners International Ltd and ,QWHUQDWLRQDO2UJDQL]DWLRQIRU0LJUDWLRQ, 2014 3 Contents Executive Summary 7 1 Introduction 9 2 Methodology 11 6FRSH $SSURDFK 3 Literature Review 15 )ORRG5HVLOLHQW6KHOWHU 6KHOWHU$VVHVVPHQW 4 Documentation Review 19 2YHUYLHZ 6KHOWHU7\SRORJLHV )ORRG5HVLOLHQW)HDWXUHV Improved Shelters for Responding to Floods in Pakistan 5 Fieldwork 23 )ORRG5HVLOLHQFH $FFHSWDELOLW\DQG&XOWXUDO9DOXH 6RFLR(FRQRPLFDQG(QYLURQPHQWDO,PSDFW 6 Analysis 25 3UHOLPLQDU\&ULWHULD 5HYLVHG&ULWHULDDQG,QGLFDWRUV 7HVWLQJ )LQDO&ULWHULDDQG,QGLFDWRUV 9DULDEOHVDQG0HWULFV 7 Conclusions & Recommendations 29 Phase 1: Study to Develop a Research Methodology 8 Way Forward 31 3KDVH,,$LPVDQG2EMHFWLYHV $SSURDFK $FWLYLWLHV References 35 'HVN6WXG\ 'RFXPHQWDWLRQUHYLHZ 4 Contents Tables 7DEOH )ORRG5HVLVWDQW)HDWXUHVLGHQWL¿HG Table 2 One Roof Shelter Typologies built in Southern Pakistan 7DEOH )ORRG5HVLVWDQW)HDWXUHVLGHQWL¿HGWKRXJKGHVNVWXG\ Table 4 Key Criteria and Indicators 7DEOH $FWLYLWLHVWREHXQGHUWDNHQIRUHDFK5HVHDUFK0HWKRG 7DEOH 'HWDLOHGUHVHDUFK$FWLYLWLHV 7DEOH 5H¿QHGOLVWRI,QGLFDWRUV Figures )LJXUH$ 7KHH[WHQWRIÀRRGZDWHUVLQDQG )LJXUH% 0DSRI¿HOGZRUNVKRZLQJFRPPXQLWLHVYLVLWHGLQ1RYHPEHU Improved Shelters for Responding to Floods in Pakistan Appendices $SSHQGL[$ +D]DUG0DSV $SSHQGL[% 6KHOWHU5HVSRQVH $SSHQGL[& )LHOGZRUN $SSHQGL[' .H\&ULWHULDDQG,QGLFDWRUV $SSHQGL[( 'RFXPHQW5HJLVWHU Phase 1: Study to Develop a Research Methodology Acronyms $&7(' $JHQF\IRU7HFKQLFDO&RRSHUDWLRQDQG'HYHORSPHQW CRS Catholic Relief Services &(69, &RRSHUD]LRQHH6YLOXSSR &RRSHUDWLRQDQG'HYHORSPHQW DFID Department for International Development (UK) DRR Disaster Risk Reduction +$1'6 +HDOWKDQG1XWULWLRQ'HYHORSPHQW6RFLHW\ IGO Intergovernmental Organization IOM International Organization for Migration ,1*2 ,QWHUQDWLRQDO1RQ*RYHUQPHQWDO2UJDQL]DWLRQ 1'0$ 1DWLRQDO'LVDVWHU0DQDJHPHQW$XWKRULW\ 1), 1RQ)RRG,WHPV HJFORWKLQJEODQNHWVEHGGLQJPDWHULDOVHWF 1*2 1RQ*RYHUQPHQWDO2UJDQL]DWLRQ ORS One Room Shelter PDMA Provincial Disaster Management Authority Improved Shelters for Responding to Floods in Pakistan 7.) 7DPHHUH.KDODT)RXQGDWLRQ 76KHOWHU 7UDQVLWLRQDO6KHOWHU 81+DELWDW 8QLWHG1DWLRQV+XPDQ6HWWOHPHQWV3URJUDPPH 81+&5 8QLWHG1DWLRQV+LJK&RPPLVVLRQHUIRU5HIXJHHV Phase 1: Study to Develop a Research Methodology Improved Shelters for Responding to Floods in Pakistan Phase 1: Study to Develop a Research Methodology ([HFXWLYH6XPPDU\ )RUWKUHH\HDUVLQDURZH[WUHPH GRFXPHQWDWLRQDQGJXLGHOLQHVDQG¿HOGZRUN ÀRRGLQJRFFXUUHGLQVRXWKHUQ3DNLVWDQZKLFK which included visiting 20 communities caused widespread devastation and resulted that received shelter assistance, as well as LQPRUHWKDQPLOOLRQKRXVHVEHLQJ FRQVXOWDWLRQZLWKNH\VWDNHKROGHUV GHVWUR\HG7KHPDJQLWXGHDQGIUHTXHQF\ RIWKHVHÀRRGHYHQWVDQGWKHODUJHQXPEHUV There is limited academic literature on of people affected, has highlighted the ÀRRGUHVLOLHQWVKHOWHUVZKLFKUHLQIRUFHV limitations in the capacity and resources of WKHQHHGIRUIXUWKHUUHVHDUFKLQWKLVDUHD KXPDQLWDULDQDJHQFLHVWRVXSSRUWUHFRYHU\ Several sources of literature supported action *LYHQWKHOLNHOLKRRGRILQFUHDVHGÀRRGULVN DWDKRXVHKROGOHYHOWRHQKDQFHWKHÀRRG and limited humanitarian funding in the UHVLOLHQFHRILQGLYLGXDOVKHOWHUVWRVPDOO future, it is imperative to focus on building PHGLXPÀRRGHYHQWVDQGWKHUHLVSUHFHGHQW WKHFDSDFLW\RIFRPPXQLWLHVOLYLQJLQÀRRG in Bangladesh for adapting vernacular SURQHDUHDVWREXLOGÀRRGUHVLOLHQWVKHOWHUV FRQVWUXFWLRQWRHQKDQFHÀRRGUHVLOLHQFH ([LVWLQJVKHOWHUDVVHVVPHQWIUDPHZRUNV 7KLVVWXG\GUDZVWRJHWKHUH[LVWLQJ DQGWRROVGRQRWFRQVLGHUÀRRGUHVLOLHQFH LQIRUPDWLRQRQÀRRGUHVLOLHQWVKHOWHUVLQ DVWKH\DUHHLWKHUWRRJHQHULFRUVSHFL¿F Improved Shelters for Responding to Floods in Pakistan order to identify key criteria that shelter Damage assessments and case studies of partners and government can use to inform VKHOWHUVFRQVWUXFWHGIROORZLQJÀRRGHYHQWV DQGDVVHVVWKHGHVLJQRIÀRRGUHVLOLHQW are used to inform best practice and identify KRXVLQJLQVRXWKHUQ3DNLVWDQ,WKDV LQFUHPHQWDOLPSURYHPHQWV JHQHUDWHGIRXURXWSXWVDQ([FHOGDWDEDVH and maps which provide an overview of the Five different types of shelter have been VKHOWHUUHVSRQVH RXWSXWDQG constructed in southern Pakistan since 2); valid and reliable metrics for assessing 2010: mud, adobe, lok kaat, burnt brick shelter designs (output 3); and a proposal DQGFHPHQWEORFN)ROORZLQJWKH for further research to be undertaken in ÀRRGVKXPDQLWDULDQDJHQFLHVW\SLFDOO\ 3KDVH,, RXWSXW 3KDVH,,ZLOOSURYLGH UHFRQVWUXFWHGKRXVHVLQFRQFUHWHEORFN DVFLHQWL¿FDOO\DQGDFDGHPLFDOO\UREXVW or burnt brick as it was considered more basis for assessing and comparing shelters GXUDEOH6XEVHTXHQWO\DZDUHQHVVWKDW constructed in southern Pakistan, resulting ÀRRGLQJZDVEHFRPLQJDQDQQXDOHYHQW Phase 1: Study to Develop a Research Methodology LQDQHYLGHQFHEDVHGFRQVWUXFWLRQJXLGH and limitations in funding, have led to informed by best practice that can be used LQFUHDVLQJHPSKDVLVEHLQJSODFHGRQORZ by policy makers, operational agencies and cost vernacular solutions that incorporate ORFDOEXLOGHUV ÀRRGUHVLVWDQWIHDWXUHV The approach follows a standard research The desk study generated a preliminary list methodology comprising a literature RILQGLFDWRUVUHOHYDQWWRÀRRGUHVLOLHQW review; a review of shelter programme VKHOWHU7KHVHKDYHEHHQSURJUHVVLYHO\ 8 UHYLHZHGDQGUH¿QHGEDVHGRQWKH¿QGLQJV IURPWKH¿HOGZRUNDQGIHHGEDFNIURP IOM and the Shelter Cluster, resulting in LQGLFDWRUVWKDWUHODWHVSHFL¿FDOO\WRWKH VKHOWHUGHVLJQLQVRXWKHUQ3DNLVWDQ7KHVH relate to three key performance criteria: Safety and Resilience:WRZKDWH[WHQWD VKHOWHUUHGXFHVYXOQHUDELOLW\WRIXWXUHÀRRG hazards and contributes to community resilience; Acceptability:WRZKDWH[WHQWDVKHOWHU design is culturally appropriate and suitable for day to day living; SustainabilityWRZKDWH[WHQWWKHFKRLFH of construction method has a wider positive Improved Shelters for Responding to Floods in Pakistan and negative impact (socio/economic and HQYLURQPHQWDO 9DOLGDQGUHOLDEOHPHWULFVKDYHEHHQ LGHQWL¿HGIRUHDFKLQGLFDWRUWRWKHH[WHQW that it is possible to do so based on this LQLWLDOVWXG\7KHUHDUHRQO\DIHZFDVHV ZKHUHVFLHQWL¿FDFDGHPLFHYLGHQFHH[LVWV elsewhere further substantiation will be UHTXLUHG$UHVHDUFKPHWKRGRORJ\IRU3KDVH II is proposed, which aims to validate the PHWULFVEDVHGRQDFDGHPLFDQGVFLHQWL¿F evidence, and then use these to carry out a FRPSDUDWLYHDVVHVVPHQWRIWKH¿YHVKHOWHU Phase 1: Study to Develop a Research Methodology GHVLJQVLGHQWL¿HGLQWKLVVWXG\UHVXOWLQJLQDQ HYLGHQFHEDVHGFRQVWUXFWLRQJXLGHIRUÀRRG UHVLOLHQWVKHOWHUGHVLJQLQVRXWKHUQ3DNLVWDQ Finally, it is recommended that local SDUWQHU V SDUWLFLSDWHLQWKHQH[WSKDVH of research, and consideration is given to broadening the scope of research to include RWKHUKD]DUGV 1 Introduction )RUWKUHH\HDUVLQDURZH[WUHPH purpose has been to inform a methodology ÀRRGLQJKDVRFFXUUHGLQVRXWKHUQ3DNLVWDQ for further research that will provide a which caused widespread devastation and VFLHQWL¿FDOO\DQGDFDGHPLFDOO\UREXVW UHVXOWHGLQPRUHWKDQPLOOLRQKRXVHV basis for assessing and comparing shelters EHLQJGHVWUR\HG+XPDQLWDULDQDJHQFLHVDQG FRQVWUXFWHGLQVRXWKHUQ3DNLVWDQ8OWLPDWHO\ donors carried out shelter programmes in WKLVVWXG\ZLOOFRQWULEXWHWRDQHYLGHQFH response to these events which assisted in the based construction guide informed by best UHFRQVWUXFWLRQRIKRXVHV+RZHYHU practice that can be used by policy makers, their capacity is dwarfed by the magnitude RSHUDWLRQDODJHQFLHVDQGORFDOEXLOGHUV DQGIUHTXHQF\RIWKHVHÀRRGHYHQWVOHDYLQJ PDQ\IDPLOLHVZLWKRXWDVVLVWDQFH*LYHQ The overall approach to this study is WKHOLNHOLKRRGRILQFUHDVHGÀRRGULVNDQG GHVFULEHGLQVHFWLRQ7KHNH\¿QGLQJVIURP limited humanitarian funding in the future, it WKHGHVNVWXG\DQG¿HOGZRUNDUHVXPPDULVHG is therefore imperative to focus on enabling LQVHFWLRQV6HFWLRQGLVFXVVHVKRZWKH FRPPXQLWLHVOLYLQJLQÀRRGSURQHDUHDVWR criteria, indicators and metrics for assessing EXLOGÀRRGUHVLOLHQWVKHOWHUV shelter solutions have evolved in the course RIWKLVVWXG\$UHVHDUFKPHWKRGRORJ\WR 7KLVVWXG\GUDZVWRJHWKHUH[LVWLQJ substantiate these metrics, and carry out a LQIRUPDWLRQRQÀRRGUHVLOLHQWVKHOWHUVLQ comparative assessment of shelter designs to Improved Shelters for Responding to Floods in Pakistan order to identify key criteria that shelter inform construction guidelines is provided partners and government can use to inform LQVHFWLRQ7KHUHSRUWFRQFOXGHVLQVHFWLRQ DQGDVVHVVWKHGHVLJQRIÀRRGUHVLOLHQW 8 with observations and recommendations KRXVLQJLQVRXWKHUQ3DNLVWDQ,WVSULPDU\ UHOHYDQWWRIXUWKHUZRUNRQWKLVWRSLF Afghanistan Figure A 7KHH[WHQWRIÀRRGZDWHUVLQ 2010, 2011 and 2012 Phase 1: Study to Develop a Research Methodology Punjab Balochistan Sindh Legend India Flood extent 2012 Flood extent 2011 Flood extent 2010 10 Improved Shelters for Responding to Floods in Pakistan Phase 1: Study to Develop a Research Methodology 11 2 Methodology 6FRSH This study
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