E1092 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 4, 2020 dollars and his constant focus on improving more and more with pandemic-related emer- MARTHA GRACE FIELDS, CON- the lives of every resident of Tuolumne Coun- gency calls In Kansas City, more than 200 GRESSIONAL AWARD SILVER ty. members of the fire department have tested MEDALIST Supervisor John Gray has truly been an positive and seventy-three are currently in- asset to Tuolumne County in making it a more fected. Captain Rocha likely came into contact HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL prosperous place for small businesses and a with ten to fifteen COVID–19 each and every OF TEXAS more desirable community for residents and day while in uniform. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES visitors. It is my privilege to rise today in rec- And then, the worst happened. In early No- Friday, December 4, 2020 ognition of his distinguished public service. vember, Captain Rocha went into quarantine f and was eventually hospitalized. He fought the Mr. MCCAUL. Madam Speaker, I rise today disease valiantly, with the same vigor and to recognize the outstanding work of Martha RECOGNIZING MAJOR BRETT verve with which he fought fires and saved Grace Fields. Martha is an exceptional young KUHRT lives for nearly three decades. But as Captain woman who was recently announced as a Sil- Rocha no doubt taught the young firefighters ver Medalist for the Congressional Award, one HON. JACK BERGMAN he trained, not all battles can be won; and on of the highest honors presented to America’s OF MICHIGAN November 21th, Captain Rocha made his way youth. The Congressional Award Foundation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES toward eternal peace. He was sixty years old. was created to recognize initiative, service, and achievement in young people. Martha has Friday, December 4, 2020 Captain Rocha will be remembered in the community as a courageous public servant demonstrated the core components of this Mr. BERGMAN. Madam Speaker, it is my and a generous leader. We will never forget award through her servant heart and un- honor to recognize the tremendous work of his selflessness, his humility, or the twenty- matched work ethic. She gave back to her Major Brett Kuhrt during his time as my of- nine years he dedicated to our safety and local community by completing over two-hun- fice’s legislative fellow. Major Kuhrt’s leader- peace of mind. His team will remember him as dred hours of public service. Beyond her serv- ship, work ethic, and commitment to public a mentor who trained and prepared them for ice to others, she put in hundreds of hours of service have made him an integral part of our the risks that they faced every day on the job. personal development by competing on her team. His family and friends remember him as loving high school swim team and enrolling in numer- In a year of unprecedented challenges, Brett man with a good sense of humor and an in- ous leadership courses and seminars. Addi- has helped countless constituents in Michi- credible ability to inspire those around him. tionally, Martha was one of the first females to gan’s First District with everything from navi- They remember Captain Rocha as man who receive the highest honor in Boy Scouts, the gating federal agencies to answering in-depth would do anything for anybody. They say peo- rank of Eagle Scout. Simultaneously, she re- policy questions. He has shown a keen ability ple looked up to him ‘‘like he was Hercules.’’ ceived the highest rank in the Sea Scouts, to tackle complex issues ranging from national And throughout his life, Captain Rocha always Quartermaster. Martha’s continued hard work security and defense to veterans and labor proved to be a decent, dependable man—a has not gone unnoticed, and I am proud to policy, crafting legislative policy and providing man who loved to ride his motorcycle, sing sec her receive the recognition she deserves. technical support to staff. Brett has also dis- karaoke, and spend time with friends at the I would like to congratulate Martha for her im- played a true willingness to serve in multiple Outpost Bar and Grill. pressive achievements at such a young age capacities, always lending a hand when need- and I look forward to seeing her continued ed, no questions asked. He has set a high ‘‘For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as success and leadership. standard for future fellows and is an out- f standing example of the best of the U.S. Air a ransom for many,’’ scripture tells us This Force. has been a year of loss, a year of painful HONORING PRESIDENT JERRY Madam Speaker, on behalf of myself and goodbyes, and a year of empty seats at the RAWLINGS OF GHANA my staff, I thank Major Kuhrt for his excep- dinner table. But it also a year of heroes. The tional work on behalf of Michigan’s First Con- doctors, nurses, medical students, nursing stu- dents, EMTs, firefighters, and ordinary Ameri- HON. BARBARA LEE gressional District, and I wish him all the best OF CALIFORNIA in his future endeavors. cans who have placed their health in the hands of God to save others. Heroes who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f have come to serve the wellbeing of complete Friday, December 4, 2020 IN RECOGNITION OF THE LIFE strangers. And, all too often, heroes who have Ms. LEE of California. Madam Speaker, AND MEMORY OF CAPTAIN ROB- given their lives as ransom for untold millions. today we honor the extraordinary life and ca- ERT ‘‘BOBBY’’ ROCHA Heroes like Captain Rocha. reer of Jerry Rawlings, the former President of Today, my prayers are with Captain’s Ghana. HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER Rocha’s family, his friends, and all his brothers He was born on June 22, 1947 in Accra, OF MISSOURI and sisters at Station 18. Let it be preserved Ghana to his loving mother Victoria Agbotuni. in this timeless Record that his loss leaves us IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He received his education from the Achimota with a grief that cannot be weighed and debt Secondary School, graduating in 1966 with his Friday, December 4, 2020 that cannot be paid. His legacy lives on in the general education certification. While in school Mr. CLEAVER. Madam Speaker, I rise countless lives he touched and saved. So, he became well known for his love of Polo today with a heavy and tired heart to honor Madam Speaker, let us honor Captain Rocha. and his willingness to speak out about injus- the life of fire Captain Robert Joseph ‘‘Bobby’’ Let us remember the light he brought with him tice. Rocha. Captain Rocha was a beloved, giving, everywhere he went. And, whatever we do in In 1967 he enlisted in the Ghanaian Air vibrant soul, who lost his life last week after Congress today, tomorrow, next week, next Force and became a flight cadet. Shortly after- battling a COVID–19 infection he caught in the year let the story of Captain Rocha sit at my ward, he was selected to attend the Ghana line of duty. Captain Rocha gave twenty-nine chair in this Chamber. Let the stories of his Military Academy and Training School. Upon years of honorable service to the Kansas City fallen brothers, Billy Birmingham and Scott completing his training in 1969 he was award- Fire Department, and while his life was cut Davidson, walk with me through these halls. ed the ‘‘Speed Bird Trophy’’ acknowledging short, we must ensure that his memory is Let those stories remind us all that we have a his top ranking status in flying and airmanship. never forgotten. part to play. Let them remind us of our duty Nine years later he earned the rank Flight- Captain Rocha began at the fire department to serve. Lieutenant. back in 1991, the same year I was sworn in In the coming days, flags across my state During his career in the military, he began as Mayor of Kansas City. Since then, I have will fly at half-staff to honor Captain Rocha, to observe how corruption, privilege, and injus- watched from afar as he rose to the rank of dutiful Americans will wear masks and adhere tice impact soldiers and the people they are Captain while earning the respect and admira- to social distancing, and first responders will sworn to protect. tion of his fellow firefighters and the city he wake up again and again to walk into a weary His concerns about Ghana’s future led him protected. When the coronavirus hit, Captain nightmare that we have the power to make to become an outspoken critic of the corrup- Rocha knew the fire department was in for a less dark. Captain Rocha gave his life to save tion and mismanagement he saw from the long haul. During this past year, firefighters others. We can never repay that debt. But it country’s military leaders and called for more around the country have been assisting EMTs is our duty to try. attention to the plight of Ghana’s poor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:42 Dec 07, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04DE8.020 E04DEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS December 4, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1093 Eventually, he led an effort to remove the FAREWELL REMARKS EXPRESSING family. She always went above and beyond for existing military government and convened GRATITUDE FOR THE HONOR OF me and I am forever grateful.
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