University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Socorro Chieftan, 1884-1908 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-9-1896 Socorro Chieftain, 10-09-1896 Chieftain Publishing Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/socorro_c_news Recommended Citation Chieftain Publishing Co.. "Socorro Chieftain, 10-09-1896." (1896). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/socorro_c_news/50 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Socorro Chieftan, 1884-1908 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TKIO OHIBJVT.A.IN. THE CHIEFTAIN JOB ROOMS. Mrpnlilloan at all time. DTotd to tbe bft Internes oí Socorro, Sororro eoonty and complete"íñ"every respect tb Territory In (rami. OItm all th II g nrwe UiU mineral stcUoa. FIRST-CLAS- frtit THE CHIEFTAIN. S WORK EXECUTED. VOL.' 14 SOCORRO, NEW MEXICO. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1896 NO. 32 CALL FOR NATIONAL DEMO- - OF HOME INTEREST Highest of all Leavening Power. Latest U.S. O RATIO CONVENTION. b Gov't Report BANK Are you going FIRST NATIONAL A convention of the national1 to the Territorial P S democratic party of New Mexico fair? efs. r" C" is hereby called to be held at The registration of Voters closes , ALBUQUERQUE, KEH L1EKICO. v I l 1 1 S 1 I Albuquerque, N. M., on the 12th Saturday, October i f day of October, 1896, at such 24th. Authorized Capital - . $ 500,000.00 hour and hall as may hereafter be The Territorial fair at Albu Li designeted in the public press. querque all of next week. Vanáaz Up Capital, Profits and Surplus, 175.000.00 Paid lhe object of said convention - I.200.000.C0 A. II. Hilton was up from San WS Deposits, - - s to nominate a candidate tor Antonio, Thursday evening. OFFICERS delegate to congress, to be voted tor at the ensuing election, and The democratic county conven Rev. J. B. Brun, rector of St. A. Keen, Cashier. then disappeared in the Mai Pais, Joshua S. Raynolds, President. A. and the transaction of such other tion will be held next Monday. Michael's church at Socorro spent M. W. Flouruoy, Vice President Frank McKee, Assistant Cashier. business as may come before said but they are followed by a sheriffs convention in its discretion. The The republican county conven last Sunday at Santa Fe attending party from Lincoln county tion will meet the feast of St. Francis, f --lo UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY--O several counties of the territory next Wednesday. the another one from Socorro, as well taking the basis of the total vote Round trip tickets to the Terri patron saint of the church at as by FOR A. T. & 8. F. AND A. & P. RAILROAD8.-- 0- parties from other localities, cast at the last general election, fair Santa Fe. Rev. Father Brun will be entitled torial 11.55. Tickets good and it is believed the chances are to representation preached a very impressive ser- - as follows:'- - the entire week. good for their capture. It is mon'there. 8TATEMENT OF TIIE CONDITION Delegates. Judge Warren was down from thought this is the same gang Bernalillo 6 Albuquerque on legal bussiness The presidential campaign has that held up the train on the A. -- OF- Chaves 2 now so far progressed that there & P. Ry last week. Colfax the first of the week. 3 is no sane man whether he be a Dona Ana Dr. Kittrellr the dentist, 3 up 4 republican or a Will the democrats tell us that The First National Bank Eddy 2 to Magdalena and Kelly this democrat but ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. that believes that the success of Fergusson will be elected dele- er , Grant 3 week on proefssional business. Guadalupe 2 McKinley is assured. All that gate to congress? A canvass has At the oloaeof business, Thursday. May 7, 1896. Candidates nominations to Lincoln 3 for now has to be done is to go just been made of Albuquerque Mora the different offices both repub- -- 4 -- through the formality of holding Fergusson's home which shows . .i .. RESOURCES: Rio Arriba 687,828.49 4 licans and democrats are very of are Loanedf Diseounta t San Juan 2 the election'. that the democrats that city 92.114.38 active these days. fitocka. Bowls and Seouriliee San Miguel 6 Our democratic friends are about equally divided between Buiidiue, 40,318 00 Bank Furniture and Fixtures Santa Fe 5 W. B. Childers" made the best Fergusson and Childers with the $250,000.00 having a whole lot of trouble. United States Bonds Sierra 2 speech of his life last Saturday Cash oñ hand and Exchange 386.591.56 First they were afraid they were odds in favor of Mr. Childers. Socorro 4 night, and completely demolished Cash Resources 63C.591.56 all going to be bought up, and If a candidate cannot carry the Taos 3 the free silver fallacy. Citizen. majority of his own party vote a& '.;-- Total ! ,356,852.43 Union 2 now they are raving and tearing Valencia 3 R. C. Stewart was up to Albu about fear his own home, will someone b& LIABILITIES. through that somebody querque this week attending the is going to intimidate them. What kind enough to tell us what pos Capital Stock , t 100,000.00 Total 60 Masonic grand lodge as a rep re kind of men is the democratic sible show he has of carrying the Surplus nd Undivided Prolits B,2US la It is suggested that mass meet sentative from the Socorro lodge, Circulation 90,000.00 ings be held in each county for party composed of anyhow? territory. DepoaiU... 1.107.644.23 the selection of delegates to the Hon. Elias E. Baca, candidate The Albuquerque fair will be convention, if practicle, on the for republican nomination for THE COINaQE OF SILVER DClLAXf. Total $1.356,852 43 the held next week. In spite of the 3rd day of October; if not, at The would be popocratic leaders . probate judge, made a trip hard times efforts are being made such other time as may be deemed through the southern part of the are trying to delude the people advisable. W. Ii. Childers, to make the fair of this year rival to believe that no silver is now VV. ' county this week. C. Meehan, Chairman. that of any previous year. An being coined and none has Secretary. Mrs. Anecito Abeytia,nee Mrs, that attractive program has been been coined since crime bf Hotel Don Luis Baca, was down from "the Lockhart's Armijo arranged for each day of the "73" that they harp so much about. C. L. 1IERRICK. F. G. S. A. Las Vega3 over last Sabbath look week and a large attendance is As a of fact are MRS. HENRY LOCKHART, Proprietor. ing after her property interests in matter the mints expected from all parti of the in continuous every day CiJ CONSULTING GEOLOGIST and about Socorro. operation --0 On the European plan. First Class in All Appointments o territory. and there has been coined, during, AND PETROGRAPDER Prof. W. H. Seamon, was one Jitrge and well lighted sample rooms fur use of commercial men. Hoatod by Through his manly course in the first nine months of the pres ktcsru aua ugulea oy electric nguc, uuiy two uiocks iroru iKpoi. of the representatives of the So refusing to mix up with popo- Carriages to and from all traius. Assays, Estimates and Mineral Surveys. the ent year, over thirteen and one corro Masonic lodge who attend crats, Hon. W. B. Childers be- half millions of standard silver Office with E. ed the Masonic grand lodge at . Cprner of 3rd. Street and Railroad Avenue J. Smith comes the logical leader of the dollars, as against eight minTon1 r - ' v Hocorro, New Mexico Albuquerque this week. democratic party in New Mexico, dollars all that bad been coined J . Albuquerque, H. K3. The Territorial national demo when that party reorganizes after up to 1873. Then again m threa. E. C. BURLIN GAME'S cratic convention will be held at the defeat of Bryan througout years since November 1893, fusf looiv nrnnrM chemical Albuquerque next Monday for the country, and of Fergusson in a fraction less than one hundred UÜÚAI UrriUL b LABORATORY the purpose of nominating a can this territory, which date is set and eighty millions of standard Ritabllohed In Colorado, lfltt. Samplrt ty mail or exprcHU will receive prumil anil cnrelul ihtlor.lon. didate for delegate to congress. for November 3rd next. silver dollars have been coined. Pn U 1 ( In nn BPHM,mtllr nni uüiu a giiiBi uuiiiuu Hrcd, or run hued, Gen. Miles and party passed On October 8th, Hon. T. B. And in the last month of Septem- kilmt, 1731 1731 Livnset St, Bum, Colt. D. WATTELET through the city for Magdalena Catron got the supreme court of ber alone there were coined two last Monday night from whence the United States to allow an million seven hundred thousand HENRY VINCENT they have gone out for a bear appeal and stay of execution in standard silver dollars. Ddes this XjIQTJOIR. DEALER IN hunt escorted by Montague Ste the Borrego case. This will take look much as if the silver dollar vens. the case to the supreme court of is being legislated out of ex- WHOLESALEstoreAND RETAIL DEALER IN Genera MercnanflisB The popocrats are now, like the the United States for review. Mr. istence? Do these popocrats LIQUORS-.LIQUORS- ! Finest line of pure whiskies, brandies and think the people are idiots who Wines, in the market.
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