'I'lie Portland Daily Press KKAJft KHTAlf'. REMOVALS. MISCELLAN EOUS. _miscellaneous. WAJVTKO PRESS la published every day (Sundays excepted) by THE DAILY DAILY press. t REMOVAL. B E M O NEW House Wanted. Portland Publishing Co., V A L. STONE CUTTING THE Portland Water Co. have removed their subscriber wishrs to rent a house, pleasant- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. PORTLAND. I office to WM. AND At 109 Exchange Street, Portland. the room over the Eastern Express H. JERRIS, THEly located near the business pirt of the city, office on Plum Street near Middle Street, with about 7 rooms, and modern conveniences. Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year in D. Beal advance. eeplcf L. SHLPLEY, See’y. Estate Ajfent, DESION LISTG- E. LEACH, We invite the attention of both City and Thursday Morning, Hov.mber 4, 1869. At of Deeds. Has removed from Registry Horse Railroad Station to undersigned having had twenty-five years' Nov 1869-tf Hair 3, to of Port- Tin- Wiiine State THEexperience as a practical mechanic flatters him- Country readers the following list Press ^REMOVAL, notice on the CAIIOON BLOCK self that he is master ot his business, and is prepar- Cutting Mr. Editor:—I fourth page ed to lutnish designs and execute all kinds ot work Boarders’Wanted. land BUSINESS which are among Is published every Thursday Morning at to Lett Next east of where he will be HOUSES, last issue an article headed And Ware-House City Hall, pleased to in his line, and refers to the work and exe- of your Monday’s $2.r»0 a if see all designed Rooms, fTFRY desirable with board can be obtain year; paid in at $2.00 a who wish to purchase Houses, L«-ts, Hire or rooms, advance, subscribers have remove.! their place ol cuted by him in this city and Evergreen Cemetery, ▼ ed at 44 State St. no3d#lw the most reliable establishments in the City. year. rpHE Loan Money on to let or hire bouses, “A wise Chieftain.” 1 to E. E. M.oitgage,or Westbrook. J. T. EMI RY. business ihe store formerly occupied by novidlw* of his wisdom as com- & Son Commercial street, Lead ot Richard- Yard on the Dump, loot of Wilmot st-, AT- This article speaks Rates of Uphill ia14 Advertising Agency. Advertising.—One inch of space, son- Wharf, where may be found a complete assort- eodly Portland. W ANTED. with that ol Solomon when 1 $3000 for a New Two Mouse ATWELL & 174 Middle Street. paring favorably Co^u^u,1t constitute.'1 a “square.” ment of the best brands of Family Flour, at prices *tory CO., cl-50 per which cannot tail to attract customers. New Store. he wished to ascertain the mother of the child square daily fir.st week. 75 cents near the foot ot \V»lmot street, con- Drug- TO LET, the Warehouse and Elevator on Central fto. o GENERAL AGFNT for an per week ttarei* or les9, $1.00; LOCATEDtains Parlor, Kitchen, and t-ii Block. old established Life Agricultural Iui|»leni4*nls A Needs. in after; insertions, Whart, occupied by them as a grain store. Dining Room, Clapp's Insurance dispute. other after first week, 50 Sleeping Rooms, with an abundance ot C oseis; pi- A Company. Apply to JOHN M FALK Exchange St. comiuuiuj' every day je24eodtt‘ CP HAM & ADAMS. at the Falmouth Hotel. SAWYER Si WOODFORD, No. 119 a case cents. ped for Ga<*, large brick Cistern and good Furn-ice, CFTAS. B. GItEEXLEAF, n »v2dlw# Some twonty-five or thirty years ago will be sold I. w—»lie owner west soon. Half three insertions or less, 75 uoing very inform his friends and the that wherein like wisdom was exhibited, occuried square, cents; to W VI. H. Real Estate public Auctioneer. one week afier. Apply JERRIS, Agent, WOULDhe lias a and store, Machine Girl Wanted week, $1 00; 50 cents per nilSCELLAX -'alioon next East ot opened drug Apothecary Mr. SHERRY has in connection with his in the little town of in thi9 CODS. Block, City Hall, on the opened, Cumberland Special one third additional. C. W. HOLMES, No. 327 Congress Street. Notices, nov3dlw* Hair Work RtMlabiinbment, separate apart- the Uudt-r head ol Amusements,” $2 00 per Corner of Brackett and Sts., county. The old house at the foot of Gray ments lor with rooms tor the insertions or less 50. HairCut'ing private A. E. 3 Free St. square per week; three $1 IJEOJY HI. And invPes attention to his iresh and Webb’s, Agencies for Sewing Machines. bill (a little this side of Cumberland Centre BOWDOlft Tht* Good Will and Furniture ot a respectlu’lv accommodation of ladies and children —This is the Adveriiseinenls inserted in the “Maine carefully selected 'tock ot medicines. Also to fancy November 2,18C‘J. dSt CHAPIN & EATON. 86 Exchange Street, (Weed.) was then used as a State Press” (which has a larsre circulation WHOLESALE Boarding: Bouse. goods, patent medicines, &c. only establishment east ot Boston devoted exclu- meeting house) public W. S. Middle over U. H. in oi the State) tor $1.00 per square to Hair Work and Hair The rooms DYER, t58, St. Hay’s. and was a Mr. Waterhouse. eveiy pari sa’e—centrally located, ami now doing a good sively Cutting. Boarders Wanted. house, kept by for first and 50 cents for Mr. Greenleaf has had ten (eight insertion, per square F^ORbusiness. The present proprietor about years experience at No. 12 Market have been V.isconMnued. for a short being with Square FEW Gentlemen boarders ran be Ods day a man stopping there each insertion. to remove »o another will sell at a low in this cry) as an apothecary. His long service accomodated, Baker*. subsequent Laces, Embroideries, Hdk’fs., State, price, o» oct8eod4w A also, a lew table boarders at 241 AdJress all communications to apply lor on-* week to E. Dana, Jr. and C. W. Gilkey & Co., in charge Congress st.eet. time discovered that bis trunk bad been ojen- LIXEX is his heat reference to oc29-lw* W. C. COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. COLLARS, AXD CUFFS, VVM H. JERRIS. Real Estate Agent, the prescription depar>mem, articles PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. the in regard to hi- skill, care and ed by false keys, and a number of nov3-lw* Cahoon Block, next East ot City llall. public capability JOHN It MASTERTON, 22 Anderson Street. GLOVES. &c. in cumpoundii g prescriptions. _oct4d4w Teacher Wanted. stolen. The landlord was informed ot the For MALE TEACHER is wanted for the school on ami Hnbher*. about BUSINESS CAKI>S who think it neoecessaiy to go to Boston Sale (heap. l this Boot*. Shoes, fact, and Inquiries made of all persons or School For Boys Opened Loog Llan Portland f^r the win*er New Day A THOSE York tor the latest and best styles of excellent lot of located on Grove Family l, H»ri»or, J. W. BOUCHER <& CJ No. 358 Street. land, Street, term. A o* Congress the house each of whom his Inno- these goods will satisfy them sc ves that such is nut plication may be made to either the protested AN120 leetlVuiit and 160 feet deep. Will sell bail AX *• the ox 2 luce undersigned, Committee on 1-land Schools,** un- case, by ming n>y s'oek. My connections in or ibe whole tor 'leu per foot. So. Sp Street, cence. J. H. LAMSnx, Neighbor- til November 1869. Teira to com- Boots and Shoes—Gents Custom Work. New York enable me to present hood verv desirable. Apply to Sacimay. 12»h, mence November 22d. Mr. Waterhouse then himself with W. H. PORTLAND. Monday, 101 Street. provided JERRIS, DH. S. C. WALTER BERRY, No. Middle PHOTOGRAPHER, Real Estate Agent, Cahoon next ea-t of 153 Biddle GORDON, little sticks all of the same in the New ta soo i ai are Out! Block, City LEWIS B. length, and From tli=y Hall. novJdlw* REV. DIMEI. F. -VI IT II, A.!»l.,Prin. SMITH. Philadeldhia, 1869. was One more care ot Portland, October 26th, dtd Booksellers and stationers. evening every member of the household LEOX tr. No A limited num- those celebrated double-warp Announces that he has just opened IiOWDOIX, Terms $40d per year. extras. landlord Brick House and Store for Sale. ber ot < ay scholar- will i-e received at £60 per year, HOYT. FOQU <» BREED, 92 Middle Street. summoned to the bar room. The I‘i5 Middle licad of Union. the term at iates. WANTED. —I., opposite ED m the western part ot the city; con- or by proportioned then to d them that he held in his hand as sep9Jlt Referes t>v to the Faculty ot B >wdoin Westminster ! A FIRST-CLASS GALLERY LOCATtains 18 ti ishel rooms, besides a large nunioer permission Alpaccas CoJege; Hon. William L. Putnam: Hon. Samuel E. A SMALL rent, ot five r six room*. centraUv lo- many little s'iuks as there were pres- in ot closets; hr ok cistern an«» gas. Plenty well water. with a assortment of other makes ot persons Portland, *au>m Lead company. Hon. Wm. W Thomas; Philip H Br wu, Together large fand'v without cbi'dren Good ref- No. G2 street. The lirst floor is used tor a Grocery, and is in a good Sp ii>g; Xicatetl.bya SMALL & SHACKFulU), Exchange ent, (bims“lf included) and shoul 1 now Comjonv riMihOUK A A I» liRIND tor basiuess E.-q; b ram is K. Swan, Etq; Geo. E. B. Jackson Esq erence given. Address “W.” Press Office.
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