BETTER RATES LOWER FEES GREAT SERVICE WWW.JSCFCU.ORG Vol. 14, No. 70 Wednesday, July 19, 2017 USPS 9400 TAKE A STAND FOR SAFETY BY TRISHNA BUCH told me that they have to purchase the WCID 1 and water bill dona- four new vehicles and that they are tions, 42% comes from the City THE DICKINSON VOLUN- already in the process of purchas- Of Dickinson, 4% comes from the TEER FIRE DEPARTMENT ing one, which is costing $650,000 . Galveston County Firefighters As- NEEDS YOUR VOTE! The DVFD was established in sociation, 4% comes from Apart- In November, an election will be 1942 and, since then, has had ment Complex Water Meters and taking place . One of the items on three different operating stations . 2% comes from private donations . that election ballot is allowing the The current station is located at “What a lot of people don’t real- DVFD to charge a mandatory $5 4500 FM 517 East and has been ize is that BP once gave us their fee in order to fund Fire Protection . the volunteer fire department sta- ladder truck and that helped us What this means is that residents tion for the past 10 years . lower key rates ”. of WCID 1-Water Control Improve- When I asked Morgan if they are ment District 1—will be required to looking for new volunteers, he said pay a monthly fee of $5 . “we are always looking ”. The topic is up for election be- People who are interested in vol- If a hurricane has hit, cause, in information provided to unteering can find an application we will stay the whole me by Mark Morgan—president on Dickinsonvfd org. Interested time, to make sure that of the DVFD—the department individuals can also go to the de- was required to submit a request partment’s Wednesday meeting to everyone is safe. and a seven year plan to the pick-up an application . The volun- TCEQ—Texas Commission on teer fire department participates Environmental Quality—in order in a variety of activities—including for them to approve the fee . drill nights and real-world experi- And the DVFD recently lowered “The funds will be a for a seven ences—and every volunteer in re- its rate from a five to a three on the year capital improvement plan,” quired to attend a certain percent- Public Protection Classification ISO Morgan told me . “However, we age of meetings and fire-calls . rating, which rates a fire depart- are hoping that this could carry Morgan, who has been part of the ment and water system in regards us through the next 20 years . “We DVFD for the past 6 years, told me to what insurance companies can say seven, because we cannot re- that the department is not only re- charge . And the lowering in rate al- ally go past that limit ”. sponsible for helping people out of lowed the department to save 17% Morgan told me that the decision fire situations, but is responsible for to business and residential units lo- would come purely from citizens, ensuring the safety of citizens on an cated within the WCID . but that he really urges people to all-round basis . We’ll help people If you are interested in learning help . “I have been going around to who have been trapped in cars more about the department’s re- different meetings—such as cham- and also provide assistance dur- quest, you can call them at 281- ber luncheons and rotary clubs—in ing a hurricane,” he told me . “If a 534-3031 and receive information order to let people know exactly hurricane has hit, we will stay the on the various locations Morgan what we are asking for, and letting whole time, to make sure that every- will be visiting, and his timing for them know why they should help ”. one is safe ”. visiting them . Morgan told me that the money The funding for the DFVD comes “This is a slight increase for a received would be to fund various from various locations . According long-term benefit,” Morgan told equipment required by the Fire De- to information provided in a flyer, me . “I humbly ask the residents partment . For example, Morgan 48% of the funding comes from for their help ”. RADIO SHOW SEEKS MIDDLE GROUND THIS WEEK IN THE POST! BY LORA-MARIE the public. We don’t stopped him after he say they are now friends and admire BERNARD have to agree but we saw an unusual car the way their relationship has devel- don’t have to hate coming from Collin’s oped over the years . Take a Stand for Safety . 1 A new local ra- each other over it ”. property . It was a Localizing national topics such as dio show wants Tapings are re- car that Hamm had police relations helps to diffuse the to bridge commu- corded because not seen before, tensions that brew in the country, Pap- nication bridges the hosts said they Collins said . Radio Show seeks Middle Ground . 1. pous said after the show taping . with Galveston didn’t want to get up “I had just bought “When you hear the other side County residents . for the 8 a m. Sat- the property and in a respectful way you see things Meet in the Mid- urday time slot and was in another Let's Hit the Road . 2 different,” he said . dle, a fledgling didn’t want to ask truck he knew was talk show, began the guests to do it normally there,” on KGBC 1540- either . Instead, the Community Calendar . 2. Collins said . AM within the past shows are taped at month . Show hosts the KGBC studio, The two dis- Sam Collins of 2504 Post Office, cussed the way the Trishna's Tidbits . 3. Hitchcock and Norm on the island during encountered oc- Pappous of Galves- the afternoons . The curred during at ton have been book- show has a Face- about 1:30 a m. at Community RE . 4 ing local community book page “Meet in night . Collins said residents and lead- the Middle” and will he was respect- ers to discuss topics soon have a website ful to Hamm and Apartment Guide . 5 of interest . to keep discussions Hamm said he used Their interviews going . They hope “the seven points” focus on national to have podcasts of of discussion a law Apartment Guide . 5 news, local trends the show available SAM COLLINS and political topics as the show grows . officer should use in an effort to cre- On a recent af- when speaking to GCHD Services . 6. ate dialogue . Past ternoon, Collins led someone . In the end interviews include a discussion about Hamm said, “There District Judge Lon- Black Lives Mat- was no reason for Midweek Puzzle Party . 6 nie Cox and County ter and the national me to escalate the Judge Mark Henry tension with police situation ” . Collins in separate shows . enforcement . La said he knew he’d Shade Trees Help Cool Landscapes . 7 “I lean right and Marque police chief done nothing to he leans left but Kirk Jackson and be stopped but he we get along,” said Hitchcock police knew that “coming Classifieds . 7 Pappous, a former chief John Hamm at” Hamm another Galveston city coun- were guests . way could have cil member . “So we Collins, who is Sports . 8. meet in the middle black, discussed “made that an en- and that’s what we his first encounter tirely different en- are trying push in with Hamm, who counter ”. They each NORM PAPPOUS Get nationwide ATM withdrawal fee refunds with a HELLO SUMMER. Kasasa® checking account from Texas First Bank.* GOODBYE ATM FEES! Apply online at www.texasfirst.bank/kasasa *Up to $42 a month. Must meet monthly qualifications of Kasasa account to receive refund. Visit www.texasfirst.bank for more information. 2 Wednesday, July 19, 2017 www.thepostnewspaper.net THE POST LET'S HIT THE ROAD! BY TRISHNA BUCH The states were compared across three categories: costs, safety and ac- Now that summer is upon us, people are hitting the roads tivities . Each category was measured to the vacation destination of their choosing . While many using 22 factors, including number of people will be travelling by airplane to reach this chosen attractions, average gas prices and ve- destination, many others will be loading their suitcases into hicle miles traveled per capita . their cars and embarking on the ever-so-popular, road trip . And Texas earned a rank of six in this I adore road trips . Although I am not a fan of driving, I study, meaning that we reside in a state thoroughly enjoy the feeling of sitting in a car for hours— that is significantly friendly towards road- while someone else drives, of course—listening to mu- trippers . The state came in 9th in costs, sic, enjoying the scenery and thinking about everything 30th in safety and 10th in activities . I will do when we arrive at our destination . Therefore, although the state needs to The financial advice website WalletHub knows the im- up its safety, we can celebrate our high- portance of road trips . The website even dove into the sta- score . In terms of the different studied tistics of road trips, stating that “79 per cent of families trav- factors, our state came in 5th in number eling this summer still plan to take road trips, a 10 per cent of attractions, 6th in driving laws rating, increase since the previous year, according to the AAA ”. 10th in average gas prices and 16th in Of course, when taking a road trip, there are several vehicle miles traveled per capita .
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