Breeze Rating Stratford Day Wednesday Established 1922 Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, May 2, 1941 Volume XVIII Number 4 "Breeze" Rates "First Grade - Excellent" For Sixth Time Flohr Edits Winning Paper I Summer School In ACP; Mary Cox Was Gaines To Give First To Get Honor Rating Features Series Commencement With Julia Ann Flohr as editor, the 1940-41 Breeze received a first class honor rating of excellent in the OfWorkshops Address Here annual critical service of the Associ- ated Collegiate Press, to which it has Summer Terms To Begin Bishop Peele To Address belonged for the past six years. The June 16, July 26; To End first year that the Breeze received Seniors In Sunday Service; July 25 And August 29 thte rating was in 1935-'36 when Dr. Duke Awards Diplomas Mary Cox was editor. The first term of Madison's sum- The Breeze received a score of 720 mer quarter will begin June 16 and With Dr. Francis P. Gaines, president of Washington and Lee points, 20 points higher than the re. end July 25, with the second term university, Lexington, delivering the quirement for the first class honor extending from July 26 to August 29. commencement address to the gradu- rating of its grouping, which Includ- A aeries of three workshops for ating classes, the final commencement ed weekly publications of colleges elementary teachers, principals, and exercises will be held Monday, June and universities with an enrollment supervisors will be an outstanding 9, at ten o'clock In Wilson audi- of 1000-2499. Eight hundred and feature of college summer work dur- torium. twenty-five was the low score for the ing the first term. Each will be two All-American rating. A total of four Following Dr. Gaines' address, On. weeks in length and will furnish Julia Ann Plohr, sixth editor of hundred twelve college newspapers Samuel P. Duke, president of the three quarter hours of credit. Miss The Breeze to receive honor rating from forty-eight states, Hawaii, and college, will make the delivery of Elizabeth Henson, Mies Elizabeth of Excellent from the Associated Ool- the District of Columbia were graded diplomas to the graduating students. Davis, and members of the present legite Press. by the association. education staff will be instructors for Commencement Address On news values and sources which the course. Outstanding among vis- Bishop W. W. Peele, presiding include coverage, balance, vitality, iting consultants will be Dr. Paul bishop of the Virginia Conference of AleshireAttends originality, and treatment, the Breeze Popenoe, director*of the American the Methodist church, will give the scored a total of 150 points. The Institute of Family Relations, a well- commencement service sermon Sun- total score of 215 was given on the known writer and lecturer who will day of graduation week at eleven a. Apple Blossom news writing and editing of the speak in a week of lectures on love, m. in Wilson hall. Sunday evening at paper. The suggestion that more mafiriage, and parenthood. eight o'clock, Bishop Peele will be Festivities interpretive articles on education In addition, an arts and crafts the guest speaker at the Y.W.C.A. and more feature material be used workshop concentrating on practical vesper program, after which the an- Was Present As Member was made by the critics. handwork will be conducted for stu- nual candlelight seniority service will Of Court At Coronation The three sections of the Breeze dents in the home economics field. take place on the campus quad- Of Queen Yesterday which individually scored highest rangle. (See Summer School, Page 3) were the headlines, typography, and Leaving Wednesday afternoon for o Opening the activities of the com- inside news page make-up. The need mencement exercises will be the re- Winchester, Marine Aleshire, Madi- of a special sport section was men- ception for the graduating classes at son's princess for the Apple Blossom tioned. Va. U., Madison seven o'clock Friday evening, June 6, festival, has been attending the cele- The purpose of these scores is to at Hillcrest, the home of Dr. and bration's festivities there yesterday let each school know how its publica- Glee Clubs To Mrs. S. P. Duke. The commencement and today. At the Coronation of the tion stands in relation to other like play, written and directed by Dr. queen yesterday at Handley high (See Breeze, Page 3) Argus Tresldder of the English fac- school, Aleshire was present as a o Give Concert ulty, will be presented at 8:30 p. m. member of the court. Last Sunday Aleehire, Mrs. A. B. On Monday night the University In Wilson auditorium, and will be Cook, Miss Virginia Blaln, Mrs. Rob- Pitts Announces •♦pi of Virginia glee club will give a Joint followed at 10 o'clock by the senior concert with the Madison glee club dance, admission by card, in Reed ert E. Kuster, and D. F. Aleshire at 8:00 o'clock in Wilson auditorium. gym. were guests of Major and Mrs. Ed- May Day Plans ward M. Brown at Endless Caverns This is the exchange concert for the Saturday's Program for the crowning of the Apple Blos- Continuing plans for May day, one which Madison gave on April 8 Saturday's schedule of events will som festival queen by the Mountain which is to be held next Saturday, at Virginia. get under way at 11 a. m., at which King, Mr. Frank Wissler. Marjorie Pitts, president of the Ath- The main event on the program time the class day exercises will be letic association, announces various After the ceremony at the Caverns, will be both glee clubs singing Gallia, held in Wilson hall. Following a committees which have been named they were entertained with a num- a cantata composed by Gounod, with motion picture to be shown at to work with the A.A. in completing ber of other guests at the Farm Miss Edythe Schneider as soprano. 3 p. m. in Wilson, the faculty will arrangements for the celebration. House, the home of Major and Mrs. give an informal reception in Senior These appointments were made by Selections by the Virginia club will Brown. include: Ten Thousand Voices by J. hall for alumna? and guests. A music a general May day committee headed Queen Shenandoah XVIII who is A. Morrow, arranged by Arthur Fick- recital, presented by the Madison's by Pitts, and composed of Dorothea reigning over the fete, is Molly Lee, enseber; Ave Maria by Arcaditt; department of music at 8 p. m. in Fleischer, Jeanette Donohue, and Benedictus Qui Venit by Ficken- Wilson auditorium, will conclude the a descendant of the famous Virginia Marilee Henkel. They are Marjorie family. seber, arranged by Vernon Davis; day's program. Pitts, director; Eleanor Kash, as- Original Songs with music and ac- sistant director; Miss Louise Coving- companiment by H. Bailey and words Frosh Turmoils Look ton and Miss Helen Marbut, faculty and tenor solo by Ted Butterworth; Juniors Make Former advisers. Dear Land of Home by Sibelius; Like Pink Tea Parties; L ucky People Are Few Marjorie Pitte, chairman, Eleanor Lullaby by Brahms; and Hospodi Kash, Frances Wright, Anna Jane Pomilaol by Lvovsky. The struggles of the wily fresh- a sorority house and no roommates. Pence, book committee; Miss Edna Another group will include: Song men to get into Sheldon or Johnston Some had roommates and no so- T. Shaeffer, chairman, Varina rority house. Some had measles and of the Nineties arranged by H. Bailey or whatever was left for them to Rhodes, and Louise McNair, music and to be sung by the "Tin-Can" crowd into has made epic history in no nothing. committee; Mary J. Wright, chair- quartet composed of Lawrence years past. Girls have slid down If a junior was lucky enough to man, Betty Ames, Lois Williams, Snodder, Edward Berry, Ted Butter- drain pipes and jumped out of win- crash Senior hall, it was with two Mary Peebles, and Geraldine Jeter, worth, and Joseph Tucker; Where'er dows to make a wild dash toward cross-eyed roommates, one of whom costume committee. You Walk from Semele by Handel; Alumnae at 6:00 a. m. only to find she'd never seen before and one of Kay Coupar, chairman. Dot Wil- Water Boy arranged by Avery Robin- that the girl you can't bear had slept whom she hoped never to see again, kinson, and Jackie Turnes, program son with Albert Cocke, baritone, under a bath tub there all night and and a suitemate on the student committee; Kitty Dawson, chairman, singing the solo; "and the last number was first. They have proved their council with an eye for business. One Dot Councill, Judy Vinyard, Phyllis will be Poor Wayfaring Stranger ar- mass strength by taking the front or two rare cases fell in with people Callahan, Phyllis Partridge, and ranged by H. R. Pratt and sung by door of Alumnae off of its hinges only who use the same bridge signals and Unity Monger, staging committee. Jane Dlngledine, chairman. Lib From top to bottom—Prances Albert Cocke and the "Tin-Can" to find that the line started at the can make candy, but they were just sidewalk. enough to prove the well-known ex- Phalen, Margaret Bixler, Margaret Taylor, Mike Lyne, Dolores Phalen, quartet. Moore, Margaret Hoffman, and Jean and Lois Sloop, past editors of The This year the struggles of the ception. Harry Roger Pratt, of Virginia, Halbert, will have charge of the Breeae, whose papers received excel, juniors to get anything made frosh Seniors who have nightmares of will be conductor for the program, properties.
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